Souvenirs [Search results for outdoors

  • greener pastures

    greener pastures

    sometimes we can get stuck in a rut
    sometimes it is because we are put there... made to stay there... either because we tried to escape into greener pastures when we weren't supposed to or because the boss knows what's best for our well being
    or maybe a little of both

    wherever we are made to stay... we still can make friends...

    sometimes some really great friends... that take care of us... know that we are where we are in life for whatever reasons, but still love us anyway

    I live and breathe this farm... this life... watching her is like watching my memories when I was a girl
    not on a farm, but the constant joy I felt within my heart when I was outdoors
    that joy has not gone away
    especially with her around...

    I wanted to always touch and feel... explore and be quiet outdoors...
    It's not like God was surprised when she was born... He knew... He knew what I needed and because I was open to life, He gave her to me... I was able to see this at this very moment with my fourth child not the first... not the sixth... the fourth
    He knew...
    there is no way I could have planned that... no matter how hard I tried

  • seeking happiness... through borscht

    seeking happiness... through borscht

    every last thing we do in our lives is to reach happiness

    what governs our decisions, is for this reason

    whether it is food, clothing, projects, friendships, how we worship, etc.

    happiness isn't merely a state of emotion, but how we are

    that doesn't mean we are able to frolic in the fields of the prairie while eating cake and hugging and

    happiness is a state of being, just like peace

    when the children are ill and school work is difficult so everyone needs your special attention, it's cleaning day, and an extremely challenging day for the almost two year old because he's cutting teeth, it's so bitter cold outdoors that you don't dare send the ill children outdoors, the only places you go out is the grocery store and Church, your skirts don't seem to be fitting the same lately... a bit snug... and you are cooking Borscht all day in the mix is when you will find happiness

    no... I'm not smiling through all that... and we are not holding hands... most oftentimes my hands are either holding a school book, Daniel, or some sort of vegetable to chop or dough to knead

    just like the Borscht, it keeps getting better and better each day that passes

    you see... putting so much effort into the daily duties takes... well... effort!

    there are a ton of steps involved... the chopping... the straining... the sauteing, the etc.etc... it's a commitment

    even though you don't want to chop those beets and thinly slice that garlic, you do it because you know it will be good...

    it will make those around you happy...

    it will make you happy and when you sit down to enjoy that bowl of Borscht, there quite possibly could be a moment of happiness as a satisfaction... a glimpse of happiness...

    we all have to go through so much in our lives... some more than others... but knowing that you are doing what is good/virtuous will lead to happiness

    whatever you do, don't get bogged down with all those 'mother things' we have to do

    know that all that disciplining, instruction, talks and prayer are leading them to happiness too... you can see it in their wide eyes, hear it in their silly speech and lisps... feel it in their hugs and kisses... feel it through the inner connectedness you are working at all day...

    tonight, before they go to bed, tell your child 'i love you'... say the words... give them a hug and even say 'thank you for being such a good son/daughter' (don't forget to tell your husband too...)

    none of us have it all figured out... we are all working at it... step by step... bit by bit... to reach that happiness we all crave

    and i just happened to find it in Borscht

    xo + blessings,

  • unseasonable...


    any way you look at it, I could say "it's unseasonable"
    however I put it, however you take it, the weather has been quite unseasonable

    bulbs peeking their heads up, children playing outdoors without snowpants and heavy snowgear
    the snowshoes are still in the basement
    the hot cocoa stays on the shelf

    where is our winter? where is the bitter cold even my almanac had said would be??

    taking each day as it comes
    blessing the good Lord for allowing the children to play outdoors without getting frost bite
    being able to leave on a whim out of the drive without having to shovel this first:

    and this:

    our driveway this time last year
    even though the toughest of us still enjoys the snowstorms...

    "it is unseasonable"
    and it's allright by me

    hope you are all enjoying this day!!
    peace + blessings,

  • play...


    Being able to homeschool our children has been one of the hardest yet rewarding things in our lives
    If you homeschool, then you understand
    If you don't homeschool, but have children, then you still understand how every life experience is a learning one... or at least it should be...
    The family has been cut up this week, with two of our oldest away helping doing outdoor chores for their grandparents
    which has given us an opportunity to just be with the smallest ones
    Lots of playtime the past few days!! Which quite frankly, I had forgotten about with all the nursing and writing I have been doing
    Jason and the younger ones were outdoors yesterday, as per typical of a hot afternoon on the prairie, I chose to sit inside by the fan to cool myself off while nursing... and then it started to rain...

    The children had their swimsuits on already from playing in the cowboy tub, so they stayed outdoors to play
    so I swept up Daniel to play...

    lovin the mohawk

    how fun it is to play!!! 

    xo+farm blessings,

  • only boring people are bored...

    only boring people are bored...

    The weight of life is not set upon a child's fragile shoulders — their burdens are noticed by the all of a sudden long legs, crooked smiles and voice changes...

    They may not be ready for marriage, but they are ready for life, and it will be upon them in a few long steps — their bodies are almost completely ready, but their minds are wondering, learning... being a teenager
    I was surprised to see these young adults engage in Camp of the Setting Sun...

    I wasn't going to be upset or convince (at least my son) them to go if they didn't want to...

    yet — they participated in all the games I came up with, wore the silly t-shirts I made, and were a part of the group of 13 children that were in camp...
    The history of this camp started when the oldest cousin was 5... I happened to be at "grammy's" when she was watching him for an overnight stay... he was with a play bow and arrow walking around outdoors... and a talk from his "Aunt Anne" explained how Native Americans used to hunt for food upon this land near the 'great river' (etc etc)
    We talked all about being outdoors — the moment is captured forever in my mind

    I ran indoors, grabbed a few hot dogs, wrapped them in aluminum foil tightly, placed them in the tall grass prairie and the little hunter of 5 years old went into the wild of the land and the wild imagination of his creative mind, and hunted for his food... he found them all, unwrapped them and relished in his mighty victory

    He asked us if this was camp... "yes... it sure is"

    He now sits behind a desk in the Navy studying to be on a nuclear submarine — still holding protection — and learning... a gentleman at 20

    Seeing the eyes of his ten month old brother, in his mother's arms, this week brought back memories of those carefree days of no children — just dating Jason — and so many memories of camp

    I relayed this story of Camp of the Setting Sun, to another brother of his, 5 years old, to his delight, while his eyes opened wide and listened to this true tale -

    I don't know this little 5 year old brother well — since they live in South Carolina and were only visiting for two weeks... plans for camp emerged... per Grammy's request... it was time again... after a 5 year break for this camp leader,Aunt Anne, it was almost a necessity

    =gone for the day hiking
    =a jaunt to the park
    =tents and sleepy children the next morning
    =hot dogs

    3 teenage boys were dubbed camp counselors this year... instead of holding hand held games they embraced life and left the nearby steps to manhood behind and captured their childhood one last time

    tears upon this journal

    one day I will be able to talk to the teenage boy of mine... not today... tears prevent my clarity of speech

    did I help them upon their journey? to embrace their connection with eachother... embrace the love that out pours from their Grammy?? heaven only knows how much she loves them
    no amount of smores could express this... but the sweetness of camp was anything but boring

    "the alumni"

    these young women are now officially out of camp, but hiked down to 'the great river' with all the kids =the perfect ending= (p.s... thanks girls)

    the word boring never came up
    like Grammy says... "only boring people are bored"

  • Souvenirs

    always searching for more

    we climb and reach
    looking to a new horizon
    under rocks

    through the cracks... if only just for a little peak
    why is this?? why do we knock ourselves out like that??
    is it making us better? or is it just a waste of time and energy?? why are we like this???

    what it boils down to is that hard work is in our essence of life and along with this hard work is also structure... organization
    think about it in terms of 'creation'... our Creator made heaven and the earth, reflected upon it, saw it was good, and moved on... then He made light, reflected upon it, saw it was good, and moved on... and so on...

    so yes, God is the first example to us of the "how" to do this thing we are living: this life
    what projects are you working on? installing new book cases? starting a new online business? writing a novel? making dinner? sewing pillows?
    whatever the task may be remember three things: (the perfect number to me) 1) it is a gift that has been given to you 2) make the plans + stop to reflect + give thanks for this gift and your talents 3) move on
    don't dwell on whatever it is you are doing... follow the three steps above and you are sure to succeed

    keep it simple...
    if God can relate how He created the world, heaven, the universe, the light, the animals, the plants, the flowers, the seas, the air, and the human person with a soul that reproduces and grows from a tiny little embrio into what you look into the mirror at in a few simple words, I think we can too... (it's okay to stand outdoors in the park with your jaw dropped to the forest's floor in awe and wonder)

    take it from someone who over-thinks practically every breathing moment of her existence (ehem)

    keep it simple
    (trust me)

    peaceful blessings,

  • my tuesday...

    my tuesday...

    cleaning out the barn, schooling the kids, making a pumpkin latte, sewing a project for a friend as a canopy, and looking online for a jersey cow for sale in the area has now ended up with burnt slices of eggplant under the broiler for the pizza I thought we were going to eat an hour ago

    thank the Lord it is warm outdoors because (so far) the kids still are playing with papa and not begging for dinner from their neglectful mama (ah-hem)

    the day was still productive, learning of the Nile and how the Hebrews differed from the Babalonians and how to make tomato sauce using the crock pot! who knew!!

    the tidbits of the day...

    saved and savored... just at the right time

    funny... cooking again... beef soup from scratch... flowers from a barter from a friend:)

    soup a simmer

    full of thankgiving

    full of love,

  • early rise...

    early rise...

    a sense of disorientation as the first morning approached... a million different birds were chirping at the park we camped in the first night

    albeit, the tents were set up at 12midnight and a scurry of sleeping bags and pj's flying everywhere

    an owl called in the tree above us at to say "ssshhh" — a wonderful distraction for the four year old excited with loud voice (per usual) as I sat there and held onto his shoulders while nursing Daniel and said "listen to mother owl... she's talking... shhh"

    as the sun rose and the birds chatter started, we too started chattering and making that beloved hot cocoa and coffee and took a walk amongst the tall trees and the chattering birds... down at the water there were fish bones and shells and a stillness to the water

    being still sounded appealing to me instead of packing up the gear and into the "unknown wilderness"

    i felt on this trip like 1/2 pioneer and 1/2 gypsy...

    i wouldn't change the views we had for anything... but neither would i have changed the experience...

    the trip wasn't perfect... such as life... it was like God knew what I needed... what Jason needed... what all the kids needed...

    all eight of us had a different experience but interconnected from living outdoors... working together with meal preparation, camp setups, calming the young ones in the car, listening to stories...

    a very real experience that was so life changing it's quite difficult for me to even share it the way I would like...
    besides, all the photographs I took would constitute a large coffee table book that you could literally use as a table due to the thickness it would be

    i felt like the 'nature paparazzi' — and at times, 'mother moose' got her fair share of the limelight

    so much is still sinking in

    and as much as I would like to just write and sit and contemplate, I have school books neatly arranged on the dining room table and am very anxiously awaiting the school bell to ring "officially" (though, I would say the children learned more from our spelunking guide in the caverns then they possibly did the last two years of studying rock/natural formations in science with me)

    with the barn sale fast approaching (one month away) that is a whole other set of distractions from the camping experience/journey

    the early rise in the mountains will hopefully stick with me for some time... as will the giving of my whole self to my children and husband, even when 8,564 feet above sea level while kayaking on the lake in the Big Horn Mountains...

    peace + early rise blessings,

  • Merry Christmas! come on in...

    Merry Christmas! come on in...

    Hello!! I hope you all had a very blessed day with your family and friends

    A special thank you for everyone who takes the time to stop here and say hello, leave comments, and read... thank you

    We were unexpectedly blessed with having our Christmas here at the farm... alone... so peaceful and quiet

    it was wonderful

    here's an inside look all around the house... and a bit outdoors too

    the mudroom...

    the kitchen...

    the three oldest when they were little in front of our old barn as "the nativity" scene... a treasure for us

    can you tell I love the shelves Jason made for that wall?

    my little snowman that our 11 yr. old son hand carved and made for me... i love him so so much! he even made the little mittens out of felt!
    the tree...

    the living room...

    I set up a little wine bar on the bookshelves in the living room

    we added shutters in the bathroom, and i hung a jar my younger sister made with some lavender and spruce

    upstairs in the kids rooms...

    the boys' tree and decorations (they love to do it themselves)

    and the girls' room... much different than the boys:)

    and in the master...

    a very special birthday gift from some good friends:)

    my dresser was temporarily a wrapping station

    made in Germany... these little angels lull me to sleep with their beauty

    a view out the master... the first snow...

    little Daniel's blue woolen coat hanging in his room

    going back indoors, we are baking and feasting and loving this wonderful life...

    Hope you are all celebrating all 12 days of Christmas...

    with love and blessings,

    Jason, Anne Marie, and all of the children

  • finding my culture...

    finding my culture...

    redefining who you are is exhausting

    comes at a time when you are least expecting it... like conceiving a baby or falling love (preferably falling in love first)

    so many of us are removed from our heritage — well, i am -

    i don't live in Hungary or Ireland, and cannot step outdoors and run my hands against the ancient stones that were laid upon the church's walls hundreds of years ago


    photograph taken on our travels to Idaho
    here where I live, on our little farmette... if felt as though there was more of a history when the barn was still standing... we do have a corn crib that is quite old... which i am certainly not complaining about to have instead
    all of that is physical history... things you can touch and feel...
    what i am talking about is finding my culture within

    within who i am... all of me

    it's kind of exhilarating thinking of that... the foods that i both create and crave... the clothes i both make and wear... the faith i both live and breathe
    i could dedicate a whole book written on finding my culture within...
    i do think so many of us who like to journal our lives onto the net for anyone to read should not be scared... we shouldn't hold back ourselves...

    there is strength within all of us to just embrace who we are and the culture we have made for ourselves why? because it's exposing ourselves
    why also? because we are able to look at whatever images we wish and read whatever we'd like to form this culture

    it's not our ethnicity, that will never change... that's in our blood

    it's our own personal workings in our daily lives that makes up our culture and it's intellectual activities

  • a colorful b&w sunday... & Fifi...

    a colorful b&w sunday... & Fifi...

    my world is full of color...

    the perennial gardens are just starting to pop

    recently I went out shopping & found a turquoise table that I had EVERY intention of putting in our "Sweet Life" display at the event

    but after I cleaned it up inside I noticed how much it reminded me of the gardens just steps away from my living room...

    it's created a whole new look in here now!


    i love Jenn's pillow i purchased from her new line
    (she's bringing similar pieces to the sale)
    adding some apple blossomed branches and the feel of the house is so much more of an extension of our gardens... our farm...


    I have never seen my French linen look so complementary

    adding more branches to the other rooms helps connect them

    i brought out items i had tucked away...
    there was something missing...
    so I added my sail boat oil painting collection... it gave me just the right amount of color & texture i was inspired by

    now my home is a true reflection of the outdoors... the natural wood trim and dark lines of the furniture are like the tree branches... colors are the flowers... lace is the rugged fence surrounding the potager & gravel paths
    nature inspired me once again... but in a totally colorful way!!
    Fifi has put together the coolest outfit for the Boho-Ball... hope you are coming to meet her & dressing up yourself!!!
    click on picture to go see a "Fifi-styleBoho-outfit"

    xo+colorful farm blessings,

  • really the end

    really the end

    the Christmas season is truly ending tomorrow evening...

    until then, I am relishing in
    {the warmth of the unseasonably warm sun
    {my husband home and making coffee and letting me sleep in (well, just sleep)
    {knitting needles Jason gave me with thoughts of sweaters, socks and scarves
    {a plan to make 'the three wise men cake' tomorrow
    {new reading by our seven year old and her writing to great grandmother
    {watching 'miss potter' and loving everything about that story
    {plans for the future garden (bigger... bigger...)
    {the sounds of Jason carving spoons
    {shouts from the children they are heading outdoors to run with Bella (the dog)
    {holding my Daniel... these days are the closest I will be to him in this life
    {sleep (did I mention that already? — worth noting again)
    {the scratch of newly sharpened pencils for which I am doodling lately
    {flipping through new cookbooks from the library and a gift from Jason

    peaceful new year blessings,

  • A front porch for me and baby...

    A front porch for me and baby...

    This front room used to be the old front porch of this house (to read more about it's history — and some divine intervention — go here)
    Since Jill is doing a Porch Party every Monday, I thought I'd join in on the fun with pictures of my thrown together front room/porch/baby and I room...

    only things that were bought was a dresser and the two glass lamps
    everything else was literally thrown together to make a comfortable and feminine room for me and the baby to cuddle... dream... and enjoy our first few months together

    the couch is vintage (our first purchase as a married couple)
    my collection of mirrors I used in here as well as some of my favorite trim to add some texture and interest to some pretty boring lampshades...

    my grandmother's antique egg cup adds a bit of color

    this bed was a gift for my daughter a number of years ago...
    I really like the dark wood tones against the pink! This pink fabric was originally purchased for the Patisserie I designed...
    and never... NEVER thought it would be made into a coverlet for a bed I would sleep in... (didn't I tell you I was totally into pink lately?)

    the fabric is taffeta... and feels like I am slipping into a ball gown when I get into bed...


    when I first started this room it was minimal bare... and I just couldn't help putting some of my favorite items in our home in that room
    there is no 'rhyme or reason'... golds... metal... dark wood... painted items...
    I let my gypsy soul go

    a crocheted caplet my sweet grandmother made for me!

    this is one of the items I purchased for the room...
    a $60 dresser bought locally — and all it needed was a scrubbing
    now it is perfect for a changing area

    As the weather warms up... I'm looking forward to opening all of these wonderful casement windows and hearing the birds awaken in the morning and smell the flowers outdoors
    it has a terrifc view of the potager as well

    Do you have an area of your home you want just for you?
    Just start bringing some of your favorite items into that space and you'll be surprised at how much you love it...

    To see what this room has looked like before go: HERE or HERE or HERE or what until you see Romantic Prairie Style (book by Fifi O'Neill)

  • open fired chicken...

    open fired chicken...

    I must confess, I played it safe with my first open fire meal to show you, by cooking chicken

    There are a number of reasons why... the first being expense

    I am appalled at how the chicken farming industry (even organic) has chosen to charge such an insanely expensive amount for chicken breasts — de boned -

    appalled I say!

    $17 was the most expensive for a large family pack — but the average while shopping around was $15...


    Being that our freezer did not have any more chicken (which will soon be remedied) I don't just shop around for the cheapest meat... I just can't... not after seeing so many video accounts of the conditions they treat chickens or what they feed them... If I am in a 'pickle' and can't find organic (which is exactly what happened to me when shopping for this dish) then all natural — no added hormone meat/etc, is what I end up with.

    I am sorry to say, that I wasn't pleased with the chicken... but if I hadn't raised our own heritage birds and primarily only eat that humanely treated truly free range chicken I wouldn't have 'scoffed' at the store bought.

    You could just say I just made an extremely long excuse for not preparing one of our own chickens instead of going to the store... eh hem...

    At any rate, this open fire chicken recipe was a huge hit and we had enough to add to salad the following day with that homemade ranch dressing... I even threw in a few strawberries, hard boiled eggs, some sunflower seeds, and chopped green onions from the garden.

    To prepare your chicken — even if it is from your own farmyard — make sure you rinse and pat dry...

    Make sure you have your grill set up before starting the fire.

    For the fire:
    1) start with putting your logs in place... leaning the tops together (to form a tepee of sorts)
    2) gather some kindling (twigs and pine needles) and put those under the logs
    3) light the kindling (blocking the wind with your body if need be) and gently blow onto the kindling to keep the fire burning
    4) add more kindling if necessary in order to catch the logs on fire as well
    5) once the logs are burning well, let them be on fire for at least 30 minutes until you start seeing that lovely gray ash form on the logs
    6) start moving the logs under your grate to disperse the heat as evenly as you can

    when putting the chicken onto the grill, put the center one on first... now, I'm not just saying this to make it look nice, or cook the middle... I am saying this because it is quite possible that if you lay one on the edge of the grill, well, it could flip off and land into the hot ashes as you yourself flip out that you just were so stupid... it's possible you know...
    Start your grill about 12" from the fire.

    open fire chicken

    drizzle olive oil onto (bone in) chicken breasts — pick some thyme and rosemary, rub it over the chicken and then leave it on the top of the chicken to add flavor — sprinkle with sea salt and pepper if desired

    let cook on bone side down for 20 minutes — keeping an eye on that underside -

    flip the chicken over when a golden brown and continue cooking the skin side down until golden also

    (if you are using de-boned chicken breasts, the cooking time will decrease, but so will your wallet)

    keep an eye on the fire, and move around your logs in order to try and get the heat consistent under all the chicken... if need be, use a pair of tongs to move the chicken around if one is browning too much in one spot... you may also have to raise your grill or lower your grill depending on the intensity of the heat

    the chicken is done when it is golden brown on both sides — to double check, remove from the heat, and slice through the thickest part of the biggest chicken breast and if no longer pink, it's done

    so good
    and worth every last moment soaking up the time outdoors... having the children around me... under the trees overlooking the fields... thankful for the hardworking husband to bring home the money to purchase this chicken... for the storm that took down the tree in order to fuel this meal... for the herbs growing abundantly in the garden to enhance this dish...
    so good

    To go along with this chicken dish, my home made fresh herb focaccia bread was a must. Over the fire, it made the most delicious flavor... sharing that recipe this week too.

    I am also wanting to share something with you that has been very near to my soul... a project I am working on internally that seems to have crept out... I just can't hold it in any longer, and am working on writing more about that... no, it's nothing for the world... but for me... for you... for others...
    A spiritual enhancement that is a life altering way of being.

    xo+fired up blessings,

  • cabin fever...

    cabin fever...

    if you live in an area where the winters are cold and icy, you know what I mean

    the wind has been blowing so hard the past 12 hours, you'd think spring was here... but the wind chill is about 14* they say right now

    we are thick with school, and everything else that comes with being indoors for a few months... the sounds of cards being shuffled, book pages turnings, and the kettle whistle blow to a serenade of the piano are most often heard on the weekends to pass the time

    this cabin fever makes or breaks a family

    though the children would much rather be outdoors building snowmen, the rain the follows the snowstorms prevents that from happening... but we are grateful for the moisture any way we can get it (even though it does make for a slippery gravel driveway with all that ice!)

    Ah, the wind blows like she has a temper, like she too is tired of being cold

    soon enough the warm air will blow... so I better start planning my garden and starting seed indoors like my mom has started I'm sure...

    this week is broken up a bit, and the blessings of the ashes are on Wednesday to mark our eternal reminder that we are but ashes, that we come from the earth

    what a beautiful thing

    what a beautiful thing this cabin fever does to my soul, giving it rest, and those around me more rest

    the toil we will endure soon enough will need all the strength we can gather

  • stop number 9... an e-book from the farm and hand carved spoons from Jason's hands

    stop number 9... an e-book from the farm and hand carved spoons from Jason's hands

    Hi! I hope this Christmas house walk finds you all well!! come on in to our little farm house on the prairie...

    more than half my day is spent in this little corner of the world... the kitchen
    my kitchen = my expression = my love for my family = and oh such good and tasty dishes...
    we ALL get involved in the kitchen! it's my favorite room of the house


    these little candy canes are being bagged up for sale in the shop today! check back later!!!

    collecting those little tins, I have made a lot of little treats for the kids
    cakes and tiny pies
    one of the things I really have enjoyed, is collecting small things like that — after all... I AM surrounded by six little sets of feet scampering about the farmhouse all day:)
    totally not complaining

    thos candy canes are vintage wire ones and the coolest quick decorating thus far this year

    this may not look like a Christmas kitchen... but simmering on the stove is some raw milk I'm heating up for baby Daniel, with my cup of tea steaping in the background, and the chalkboard proclaiming I need to slow down and enjoy these last few days of Advent

    nature inspires this family of mine... this farmhouse... this soul

    yes, that is the mini-conservatory Jason made for me to use in the potager... it's sitting next to and apple ladder... which is all resting peacefully on top of a table Jason also made using reclaimed barn wood

    we've "freaked" out a few people with letting our Percheron horse Jordan roam the property free and eat the cool grass... and this picture simbolizes so much to me

    instead of taking all the pine trimmings and making thick swags, I am leaving them raw
    extending their life from outdoors right into our home

    a bunch of lavender grens as well as pine branches surround Mary especially since it's the feast day of the Immaculate Conception! Dear blessed Mother... so gentle and kind... may I always give my all to others through sacrifice Mary... help me to be closer to your Son

    the girl's room...
    all vintagey turquoise + red and simply so fun & cute!

    this house most certainly is never 'totally tidy'... especially when you give your daughter the freedom to create in her 'vintage horse room'

    back downstairs, in our once dining room (now turned living room) pinecones, dried oranges and an eskewed lamp;)... things are not perfect here

    Daniel even got some new stuffed toys I hand stitched this holiday season... I couldn't resist letting him have them before Christmas day! he also loves playing with my yarn balls like a little kitty

    he sure does love his sister... what a blessing a big family is!!

    that's the end of the house tour for me...
    in case you missed stop #8, it is my very good personal friend, who literally lives just 30 minutes from the farm: Traci Thorson... she's our official photographer for the farm events and certain other publications...
    as well as stop #10: blondienc who has a great blog!
    I'm so excited to present to you the very special project all of us here on the farm have been working on together... especially Jason and I

    We've compiled some simple and traditional holiday recipes and easy to make gifts in this

    AVAILABLE THIS FRIDAY! December 9th!!
    it is an online e-book!!! We are so very excited to share this with you! (more on the book tomorrow)
    We also have something else to share!!

    the winter 2011 collection of hand carved spoons from NA.DA.FARM
    Jason has been hand carving spoons they are so beautiful and special each spoon is one of a kind made from his own two hands truly beautiful
    100% made by hand from reclaimed timber from the farm and other local wood
    organic in nature... organically finish
    each piece is sealed with organic olive oil... the safest sealant for wood used in the kitchen

    We are opening up shop once again for some very wonderful hand crafted items from both Jason and myself... tomorrow!!!

    From all of us here at the farm... peace + blessings,

  • my brother... and his spoons

    my brother... and his spoons

    recently moved up from North Carolina, his hands have been busy all his life outdoors...

    he lived in a one bedroom cabin in the mountains of Colorado for almost 10 years

    he was a river rafter guide down the Colorado river

    he was a chef

    he hiked the Colorado trail... the whole thing

    he is close to the Earth

    he is close to God

    I know!! doesn't he sound like the coolest guy?? we think so... we love him...

    I only had sisters growing up, so having a brother is awesome... he is my brother by marriage... such an amazing person... he teaches me a lot about life (I've told him many times I can't wait to read the book he will write about his life... hee)

    he's done so much in his life... & that character comes out in his hand carved spoons he's been doing with Jason

    they sit out there in the barn and carve, talk, and mold a log into a utilitarian beautiful creation

    he made this baby spoon...

    I cannot tell you how excited I was to see he had done that!! If you have a baby that is starting to eat solids, or a toddler using a utensil for the first time, you understand how it just doesn't seem right to use plastic!!
    I have been using silver spoons — which I like — but they are hard... metal... so this soft yet hard wooden spoon is perfect... in every way
    If you are coming to the barn sale, not only is he going to be grilling some local meats for your supper or lunch, he'll be selling a few of his spoons too
    he also hand carved this amazing spoon... "the serving scoop" scoop anything you like... ice cream... risotto... fresh cobbler...

    it's so interesting to see the different shapes and finishes the spoons get turned into... it really does mimic their personalities... just like any artistic endeavor

    whenever you create something by hand, the character comes out

    hope you are all enjoying this beautiful spring day... I have more planting to do, and I can't wait to share with you all the improvements to my kitchen garden...


  • Step 2: rest

    Step 2: rest

    A rest already. Step 1 took a lot out of me, and I now must rest. I warned myself in advance that I would be resting along the way. There is only a tad over 7 days left until Easter... the end of Lent...

    To partly battle with this rest, I have started walking and running. Doing my workouts in the basement has stopped because of the warmer weather...
    so has laundry... it's now outside as well...

    If you don't exercise: start... trust me on this... Getting outdoors to exercise not only refreshes your body but also your mind. Walk down the block — start there — and if you can't do this alone because you have little ones; so be it; just get out there and start. Think of it as a spiritual helper, not a weight loss! I am not about weight loss... I am about being healthy within... that is more important than your appearance... no matter what you see on the television or magazines... (I better stop now, or I'd do a whole post on exercising)

    resting is essential to a healthy soul
    A tired soul makes a tired body... it usually is not the other way around.
    True rest comes not from ceasing to work, but from the freedom from anxieties. Just as in music, the rhythm of life must have silence as well as sound.
    Just as in step 1, knowing when to go quiet is linked with this rest... all steps to a 'better me'

    True rest... the world cannot give it or take it away. It is an inward state of being, within your heart.

    Find a place you can dwell alone.
    In Rest.
    In Quiet.
    Start with 5 minutes today... tomorrow... the next day... and on Monday increase your time to 10 minutes... next Wednesay make it 15 minutes. Taking just 15 minutes out of your day to reconnect with yourself. (kind of sounds like a soul workout doesn't it... it is)
    You have to balance your spiritual life with your material life... this bodily life we live taking care of the children, working at our jobs... don't let one over power the other.
    Keep your exercise time separated from your Rest... If possible, start your day with those 5 minutes of Rest.
    Rest + Exercise = Quietness of mind, soul, and body

    xo+ rested blessings,

  • "getting it"

    "getting it"

    Leaving yourself open and free to feel in the moment... that is what will cause your self to grow
    I'm not saying abandon your morals and beliefs... on the contrary... you need those to keep yourself standing upright and better society and those around you

    I'm talking about being in the moment
    not judging others
    seeing the beauty around you
    it will change your life!!
    This past weekend's sale/event confirmed that with not only me but my kids and my husband
    Not everyone who came here is the same religion
    Not everyone who shopped here had the same income
    Not everyone who came here had the same background
    But everyone who did come here chose to take the time to come here and be a part of the farm, for just a few hours up to a few days!!

    If you are reading this, and the last post, and saying to your computer screen under your breathe (or even out loud to others or yourself) "Pah! What the heck is she talking about?? It was just a sale! buying stuff!!"
    Well you are free to think what you want, but you aren't letting yourself "get it"
    Why don't you get it?? Because you aren't listening to me and the other women and men who came here and feel the same why I do...
    When you surround yourself with other people that are positive thinkers... who want to be a part of something good and happy... when you are outdoors looking at all the creativity and inspiration... watching people meet for the first time... being able to meet and tell people how much you read their blogs... now THAT is inspiring and is humbling to say the least to see that happen on our little ol' farm
    If you have a blog, and in that blog you write about your life... your feelings... then you know what I mean
    Blogging has really made a connection between people who wouldn't normally be able to connect... and considering I am the way I am, I attest what I have experienced ONLY by the grace of God.
    ("oh man... now anne marie is bringing God into this... oh brother")
    Oh Brother is right!! There is no way I could experience what I am going through right now without the God's intervention... and I thank Him daily for allowing Jason and I to be able to have this opportunity and ability to share that with others...

    xo+positive farm blessings,

  • Souvenirs

    It's a bit after 6:00 am Sunday morning and here I am

    instead of making coffee I heated some up from yesterday's second brew

    for my mind was awake and my eyes were still shut

    My younger sister came for a few days... we don't see eachother much... we don't see eachother enough!!

    All this time I am devoting to making "prairie swags" and prairie this and that — all that wasn't going to be for sale... it got me thinking how much I am just making for fun... made for you...

    when you enter onto our humble farm... don't expect grandeur... there's no 'fancy' here

    there aren't playsets for children or a bin full of corn for the kiddies...

    it's a place of peace...

    resting your eyes upon the horizon of soon to be harvested golden soybeans... fiery red grasses and golden rod reaching towards the sky... geese flying overhead to usher in winter's call...

    A small little farm

    A humble little place

    What you'll find here is your choice... you may not find peace walking in the prairie... you may walk for the heck of it and see only weeds, and look at the horses and chickens in disgust of their "smells"

    You may just come to shop and find nothing while shopping and think it was a big waste of time

    or maybe you choose... choose to really see with your heart...

    In anticipation of spending time with your girlfriends, husband, or even alone, you wear your favorite worn in jeans and comfy jersey top (and a few accessories that express "you") and you make plans for a country drive... finding parking 1/4 mile down the road you grab your shopping bag, sling it over your shoulder and enjoy the walk up to the farm's gates... upon entering the farm, you walk past the kitchen garden coming to an end and glance at one of the perennial beds that surround the house... you look out and see the horizon... up is the very clean and clear blue sky... and if it rains, your umbrella pops up to keep you dry, or your unabashed childhood rings in and you enjoy the fresh rain upon you... the crispness of the day invigorates you... you don't know or care what is for sale... no expectations...

    Browsing the wares under the tents... you find those perfect unique gifts for your niece and mother... you know you won't be able to purchase these things again, so you seize the chance. Talking with new people, or keeping quiet to yourself, being on the farm is energetic yet calming. You see the white pillar/posts swagged with autumn prairie... it leads you to the barn while your tummy starts to grumble with scents of pie and coffee, soup and whole wheat rolls... and music... the guitar playing is stunning... you order a cup of coffee and vow to eat a cupcake before the night's end... taking it all in, you listen while your eyes browse the shop... being inspired...
    no regrets coming

    The cupcake was delicious, and with your hands cupping your homemade soup bowl, you venture under the trees in the prairie to sip your soup and feel the warmth of the peace within your soul... a deeper connection with nature... within yourself... thanking God for giving you this opportunity to be outdoors with a warm bowl of soup. Your heart warms even more as your sweet friend and you laugh and talk as you walk the prairie... hearing the hum of the bees and picking a tuft of grass as it twirls in your fingers...

    Your life is utterly unique to anyone else's... your experience here on earth can be that of thanksgiving and connection

    Don't disconnect with the good in life...
