The weight of life is not set upon a child's fragile shoulders — their burdens are noticed by the all of a sudden long legs, crooked smiles and voice changes...
They may not be ready for marriage, but they are ready for life, and it will be upon them in a few long steps — their bodies are almost completely ready, but their minds are wondering, learning... being a teenager
I was surprised to see these young adults engage in Camp of the Setting Sun...
I wasn't going to be upset or convince (at least my son) them to go if they didn't want to...

yet — they participated in all the games I came up with, wore the silly t-shirts I made, and were a part of the group of 13 children that were in camp...
The history of this camp started when the oldest cousin was 5... I happened to be at "grammy's" when she was watching him for an overnight stay... he was with a play bow and arrow walking around outdoors... and a talk from his "Aunt Anne" explained how Native Americans used to hunt for food upon this land near the 'great river' (etc etc)
We talked all about being outdoors — the moment is captured forever in my mind
I ran indoors, grabbed a few hot dogs, wrapped them in aluminum foil tightly, placed them in the tall grass prairie and the little hunter of 5 years old went into the wild of the land and the wild imagination of his creative mind, and hunted for his food... he found them all, unwrapped them and relished in his mighty victory
He asked us if this was camp... "yes... it sure is"
He now sits behind a desk in the Navy studying to be on a nuclear submarine — still holding protection — and learning... a gentleman at 20
Seeing the eyes of his ten month old brother, in his mother's arms, this week brought back memories of those carefree days of no children — just dating Jason — and so many memories of camp
I relayed this story of Camp of the Setting Sun, to another brother of his, 5 years old, to his delight, while his eyes opened wide and listened to this true tale -
I don't know this little 5 year old brother well — since they live in South Carolina and were only visiting for two weeks... plans for camp emerged... per Grammy's request... it was time again... after a 5 year break for this camp leader,Aunt Anne, it was almost a necessity
=gone for the day hiking
=a jaunt to the park
=tents and sleepy children the next morning
=hot dogs
3 teenage boys were dubbed camp counselors this year... instead of holding hand held games they embraced life and left the nearby steps to manhood behind and captured their childhood one last time
tears upon this journal
one day I will be able to talk to the teenage boy of mine... not today... tears prevent my clarity of speech
did I help them upon their journey? to embrace their connection with eachother... embrace the love that out pours from their Grammy?? heaven only knows how much she loves them
no amount of smores could express this... but the sweetness of camp was anything but boring

"the alumni"

these young women are now officially out of camp, but hiked down to 'the great river' with all the kids =the perfect ending= (p.s... thanks girls)
the word boring never came up
like Grammy says... "only boring people are bored"