A rest already. Step 1 took a lot out of me, and I now must rest. I warned myself in advance that I would be resting along the way. There is only a tad over 7 days left until Easter... the end of Lent...

To partly battle with this rest, I have started walking and running. Doing my workouts in the basement has stopped because of the warmer weather...
so has laundry... it's now outside as well...

If you don't exercise: start... trust me on this... Getting outdoors to exercise not only refreshes your body but also your mind. Walk down the block — start there — and if you can't do this alone because you have little ones; so be it; just get out there and start. Think of it as a spiritual helper, not a weight loss! I am not about weight loss... I am about being healthy within... that is more important than your appearance... no matter what you see on the television or magazines... (I better stop now, or I'd do a whole post on exercising)

resting is essential to a healthy soul
A tired soul makes a tired body... it usually is not the other way around.
True rest comes not from ceasing to work, but from the freedom from anxieties. Just as in music, the rhythm of life must have silence as well as sound.
Just as in step 1, knowing when to go quiet is linked with this rest... all steps to a 'better me'

True rest... the world cannot give it or take it away. It is an inward state of being, within your heart.

Find a place you can dwell alone.
In Rest.
In Quiet.
Start with 5 minutes today... tomorrow... the next day... and on Monday increase your time to 10 minutes... next Wednesay make it 15 minutes. Taking just 15 minutes out of your day to reconnect with yourself. (kind of sounds like a soul workout doesn't it... it is)
You have to balance your spiritual life with your material life... this bodily life we live taking care of the children, working at our jobs... don't let one over power the other.
Keep your exercise time separated from your Rest... If possible, start your day with those 5 minutes of Rest.
Rest + Exercise = Quietness of mind, soul, and body

xo+ rested blessings,