always searching for more

we climb and reach
looking to a new horizon
under rocks

through the cracks... if only just for a little peak
why is this?? why do we knock ourselves out like that??
is it making us better? or is it just a waste of time and energy?? why are we like this???
what it boils down to is that hard work is in our essence of life and along with this hard work is also structure... organization
think about it in terms of 'creation'... our Creator made heaven and the earth, reflected upon it, saw it was good, and moved on... then He made light, reflected upon it, saw it was good, and moved on... and so on...

so yes, God is the first example to us of the "how" to do this thing we are living: this life
what projects are you working on? installing new book cases? starting a new online business? writing a novel? making dinner? sewing pillows?
whatever the task may be remember three things: (the perfect number to me) 1) it is a gift that has been given to you 2) make the plans + stop to reflect + give thanks for this gift and your talents 3) move on
don't dwell on whatever it is you are doing... follow the three steps above and you are sure to succeed

keep it simple...
if God can relate how He created the world, heaven, the universe, the light, the animals, the plants, the flowers, the seas, the air, and the human person with a soul that reproduces and grows from a tiny little embrio into what you look into the mirror at in a few simple words, I think we can too... (it's okay to stand outdoors in the park with your jaw dropped to the forest's floor in awe and wonder)

take it from someone who over-thinks practically every breathing moment of her existence (ehem)
keep it simple
(trust me)
peaceful blessings,