Being able to homeschool our children has been one of the hardest yet rewarding things in our lives
If you homeschool, then you understand
If you don't homeschool, but have children, then you still understand how every life experience is a learning one... or at least it should be...
The family has been cut up this week, with two of our oldest away helping doing outdoor chores for their grandparents
which has given us an opportunity to just be with the smallest ones
Lots of playtime the past few days!! Which quite frankly, I had forgotten about with all the nursing and writing I have been doing
Jason and the younger ones were outdoors yesterday, as per typical of a hot afternoon on the prairie, I chose to sit inside by the fan to cool myself off while nursing... and then it started to rain...
The children had their swimsuits on already from playing in the cowboy tub, so they stayed outdoors to play
so I swept up Daniel to play...

lovin the mohawk

how fun it is to play!!!

xo+farm blessings,