any way you look at it, I could say "it's unseasonable"
however I put it, however you take it, the weather has been quite unseasonable

bulbs peeking their heads up, children playing outdoors without snowpants and heavy snowgear
the snowshoes are still in the basement
the hot cocoa stays on the shelf
where is our winter? where is the bitter cold even my almanac had said would be??

taking each day as it comes
blessing the good Lord for allowing the children to play outdoors without getting frost bite
being able to leave on a whim out of the drive without having to shovel this first:

and this:

our driveway this time last year
even though the toughest of us still enjoys the snowstorms...

"it is unseasonable"
and it's allright by me
hope you are all enjoying this day!!
peace + blessings,