the Christmas season is truly ending tomorrow evening...

until then, I am relishing in
{the warmth of the unseasonably warm sun
{my husband home and making coffee and letting me sleep in (well, just sleep)
{knitting needles Jason gave me with thoughts of sweaters, socks and scarves
{a plan to make 'the three wise men cake' tomorrow
{new reading by our seven year old and her writing to great grandmother
{watching 'miss potter' and loving everything about that story
{plans for the future garden (bigger... bigger...)
{the sounds of Jason carving spoons
{shouts from the children they are heading outdoors to run with Bella (the dog)
{holding my Daniel... these days are the closest I will be to him in this life
{sleep (did I mention that already? — worth noting again)
{the scratch of newly sharpened pencils for which I am doodling lately
{flipping through new cookbooks from the library and a gift from Jason
peaceful new year blessings,