Hi! I hope this Christmas house walk finds you all well!! come on in to our little farm house on the prairie...
more than half my day is spent in this little corner of the world... the kitchen my kitchen = my expression = my love for my family = and oh such good and tasty dishes... we ALL get involved in the kitchen! it's my favorite room of the house
these little candy canes are being bagged up for sale in the shop today! check back later!!!
collecting those little tins, I have made a lot of little treats for the kids cakes and tiny pies one of the things I really have enjoyed, is collecting small things like that — after all... I AM surrounded by six little sets of feet scampering about the farmhouse all day:) totally not complaining
thos candy canes are vintage wire ones and the coolest quick decorating thus far this year
this may not look like a Christmas kitchen... but simmering on the stove is some raw milk I'm heating up for baby Daniel, with my cup of tea steaping in the background, and the chalkboard proclaiming I need to slow down and enjoy these last few days of Advent
nature inspires this family of mine... this farmhouse... this soul
yes, that is the mini-conservatory Jason made for me to use in the potager... it's sitting next to and apple ladder... which is all resting peacefully on top of a table Jason also made using reclaimed barn wood
we've "freaked" out a few people with letting our Percheron horse Jordan roam the property free and eat the cool grass... and this picture simbolizes so much to me freedom
instead of taking all the pine trimmings and making thick swags, I am leaving them raw extending their life from outdoors right into our home unpolluted
a bunch of lavender grens as well as pine branches surround Mary especially since it's the feast day of the Immaculate Conception! Dear blessed Mother... so gentle and kind... may I always give my all to others through sacrificeMary... help me to be closer to your Son
the girl's room... all vintagey turquoise + red and simply so fun & cute!
this house most certainly is never 'totally tidy'... especially when you give your daughter the freedom to create in her 'vintage horse room'
back downstairs, in our once dining room (now turned living room) pinecones, dried oranges and an eskewed lamp;)... things are not perfect here
Daniel even got some new stuffed toys I hand stitched this holiday season... I couldn't resist letting him have them before Christmas day! he also loves playing with my yarn balls like a little kitty
he sure does love his sister... what a blessing a big family is!!
that's the end of the house tour for me... in case you missed stop #8, it is my very good personal friend, who literally lives just 30 minutes from the farm: Traci Thorson... she's our official photographer for the farm events and certain other publications... as well as stop #10: blondienc who has a great blog! --------------------------------- I'm so excited to present to you the very special project all of us here on the farm have been working on together... especially Jason and I
We've compiled some simple and traditional holiday recipes and easy to make gifts in this E-BOOK
AVAILABLE THIS FRIDAY!December 9th!! it is an online e-book!!! We are so very excited to share this with you! (more on the book tomorrow) We also have something else to share!!
the winter 2011 collection of hand carved spoons from NA.DA.FARM Jason has been hand carving spoons they are so beautiful and special each spoon is one of a kind made from his own two hands truly beautiful 100% made by hand from reclaimed timber from the farm and other local wood organic in nature... organically finish each piece is sealed with organic olive oil... the safest sealant for wood used in the kitchen
We are opening up shop once again for some very wonderful hand crafted items from both Jason and myself... tomorrow!!!
From all of us here at the farm... peace + blessings,
The Master Bedroom Design Q(uestions) & A(nswers) was a BLAST! Wouldn't being a decorating reporter be so fun? I think so So many of you wonderful readers haven't asked me "why" I am re-decorating my bedroom with Jo and Lulu as design stylists... because it's obvious why! They both have great talent... What's my decorating motto for this bedroom: "un-decorate" Today's Q&A is with Jo, from the Secret Garden Cottage. Her and I have talked back and forth, because of the blogs, for quite some time, and as soon I saw her kitchen/dining area, even though it's a kitchen, it inspired me for my bedroom... and here's why:
All of Jo's Answers are in italicized print, and all pictures in this post are from Jo's beautifully inspiring blog. Here's the Q&A with one of the nicest women, Jo:
1) When you design your rooms, do you have a focal point? something that anchors the room? If so, it is usually art or architecture
A: Yes. I definitely always try to have a focal point in each of my rooms, usually architectural pieces. I don't use much art in my home, mostly because I have a hard time finding something I like 100%.
2) How do you achieve an understated feminine approach to your style? A: Well... I try to keep in mind that this is my husband's home, too, and wouldn't want to overwhelm him with too many floral prints, ruffles, or super feminine colors. I try to add a feminine touch to my decor with some of the furniture pieces I use, such as the table I recently bought and placed in my kitchen. It has some decorative scroll work and pretty, curvy legs. I also use flowers and herbs from the garden to add a little bit of romance to my home, as well as the slipcovered furniture and accessories, such as glass cloches, white ironstone pitchers, and candles.
3) what would you classify your style as? A: I think my style is very eclectic. I love French farmhouse, Scandinavian, and American country cottage styles, and I think I have a little bit of each style in my home.
4) how do you achieve an overall cohesive look to your home? A: Sometimes I fell like I struggle with this myself. I try to give my home an overall cohesive feeling by using the same color scheme throughout my home. I generally only use different shades of white in my decor, including my wall paint. I also try to purchase furniture pieces that work well together... have similar architectural lines and so forth.
5) If you were to design my bedroom, by knowing me personally, and seeing my style on my blog, while incorporating your style techniques, how would design my bedroom? what elements would you include in your design plan? A: Keeping in mind your personal style... I think that the one thing you like about mine and Lulu's style is the use of white in our decor, so I would give you an all white bedroom. I would use an architectural piece with white, chippy paint such as a vintage door(s) or fireplace mantle for your headboard. I've also noticed that you like warm wood tones in your home, so I would incorporate warm wood pieces of furniture, such as your night stands and maybe a vintage chest or bench (if room allows) at the foot of your bed. The bed linens you have would look beautiful in the room, but I would add a bed skirt to make it a bit more femine. I also noticed that you love vintage silver, which I think would look gorgeous in the bedroom in the use of accessories. I would dress the windows with sheer linen or cotton curtain panels that puddle on the floor just slightly and use tree branches for the curtain rods. Since your room is small, you would want to keep accessories to a minimum to give it a serene, peaceful feeling.
Anything else you would like to say?? I just want to thank you again for including me in your bedroom makeover, Anne Marie. I feel so honored that you would consider my ideas alongside Lulu's to inspire a room makeover in your beautiful home. You have such an amazingly beautiful style and creative mind, so I know this room will turn out to be the beautiful haven you desire, and I can't wait to see it when it's done!
Isn't she the sweetest?? I wish she lived closer to actually help me! How much fun we'd have... After I saw THIS POST she did, and she had quite a few of the same inspiration photos that I have in my design collection, I knew I would beg her to do this for me:) Tomorrow is my friend Lulu's Q&A with me... stay tuned! Hope you are all enjoying your week thus far!! peace and blessings,
when we first bought this old farmhouse, one of the features we loved, and love now, are two "nooks" as we like to call them... this one in the kitchen is by far my favorite
I have quite a bit of wire holders for spices and such in the kitchen, and while organizing the basement last week (there seriously is not a place untouched by organizing lately... the "nesting instinct") this wire hat rack with hooks was snatched and put up in our kitchen nook... this 1950 chef's hat sits on top, as well as a few of my red & white French kitchen towels I have collected over the years... and of course, my favorite rolling pin that I use almost every day
In case you are interested in the details of the room... *here's what we did to this nook when we moved in* — removed the vinyl flooring, and refinished the original douglas fir floorboards -removed the butlers pantry that was in major disrepair — which we repurposed as our large vanity in our bathroom downstairs -new Marvin casement windows — new trim and beadboard (in lemon chiffon — but you can't see a hint of yellow) -new douglas fir tongue and groove ceiling ceiling -installed chandelier (it's been with us ever since we have been married) -I refinished this table top, painted the legs and did the same to the chairs -chair pads were purchased via Country Living
it's a place I sit with friends over coffee or tea and always a piece of pie or a homemade cookie... it's an area for silence... views... and morning cheer!! xo+blessings,
It's a bit after 6:00 am Sunday morning and here I am
instead of making coffee I heated some up from yesterday's second brew
for my mind was awake and my eyes were still shut
My younger sister came for a few days... we don't see eachother much... we don't see eachother enough!!
All this time I am devoting to making "prairie swags" and prairie this and that — all that wasn't going to be for sale... it got me thinking how much I am just making for fun... made for you...
when you enter onto our humble farm... don't expect grandeur... there's no 'fancy' here
there aren't playsets for children or a bin full of corn for the kiddies...
it's a place of peace...
resting your eyes upon the horizon of soon to be harvested golden soybeans... fiery red grasses and golden rod reaching towards the sky... geese flying overhead to usher in winter's call...
A small little farm
A humble little place
What you'll find here is your choice... you may not find peace walking in the prairie... you may walk for the heck of it and see only weeds, and look at the horses and chickens in disgust of their "smells"
You may just come to shop and find nothing while shopping and think it was a big waste of time
or maybe you choose... choose to really see with your heart...
In anticipation of spending time with your girlfriends, husband, or even alone, you wear your favorite worn in jeans and comfy jersey top (and a few accessories that express "you") and you make plans for a country drive... finding parking 1/4 mile down the road you grab your shopping bag, sling it over your shoulder and enjoy the walk up to the farm's gates... upon entering the farm, you walk past the kitchen garden coming to an end and glance at one of the perennial beds that surround the house... you look out and see the horizon... up is the very clean and clear blue sky... and if it rains, your umbrella pops up to keep you dry, or your unabashed childhood rings in and you enjoy the fresh rain upon you... the crispness of the day invigorates you... you don't know or care what is for sale... no expectations...
Browsing the wares under the tents... you find those perfect unique gifts for your niece and mother... you know you won't be able to purchase these things again, so you seize the chance. Talking with new people, or keeping quiet to yourself, being on the farm is energetic yet calming. You see the white pillar/posts swagged with autumn prairie... it leads you to the barn while your tummy starts to grumble with scents of pie and coffee, soup and whole wheat rolls... and music... the guitar playing is stunning... you order a cup of coffee and vow to eat a cupcake before the night's end... taking it all in, you listen while your eyes browse the shop... being inspired... no regrets coming
The cupcake was delicious, and with your hands cupping your homemade soup bowl, you venture under the trees in the prairie to sip your soup and feel the warmth of the peace within your soul... a deeper connection with nature... within yourself... thanking God for giving you this opportunity to be outdoors with a warm bowl of soup. Your heart warms even more as your sweet friend and you laugh and talk as you walk the prairie... hearing the hum of the bees and picking a tuft of grass as it twirls in your fingers... memories
Your life is utterly unique to anyone else's... your experience here on earth can be that of thanksgiving and connection
the more and more time I spend on this farm, the more I realize how we become who we are by simply just working with what we have, and listening to our surroundings... opening our eyes
that is the great thing about life it is constantly changing... with new ideas... and right now, with advent season upon me and the farm, a new perspective on quite a few things have entered into my life here and yes, even in my farm kitchen...
this cabinet was in my craft room... it's a small nook off the living room which I use to sew and create in but when Fifi was here, she made a comment that this white hutch, was out of place... that it didn't fit into the rest of the house except for the kitchen (where we have white cabinets)
I didn't get upset... not in the slightest!... but it got me thinking on that ever since she brought it to my attention I just thought it looked good where it was... but who am I? certainly no decorator!! so this past week, I moved that hutch into the kitchen, where the chippy paint/jelly cupboard was...
make sure you stop and smell the roses wherever you are... these are still from my birthday! within the hutch, I tucked a few treasures...
a few ornaments here and there...
it brightened up this space even more... in all areas of the kitchen
sometimes friends and family make fun of me moving furniture around like this, but call me silly, but doing so, changes the physical and mental atmosphere here... decorating therapy so to speak possibly *************** i know my little "Christmas Cowboy" is in this photo... he had a birthday this past week... and he looooves being a cowboy (i love it too)
I recently had some girl friends over... I encourage them to bring a friend... and I'm so glad some of them did... it's so nice to meet new people...
the night of Cupcakes & Cocktails was so nice...
I got to showcase some new recipes for some cupcakes I want to sell in October here at the event... = lemon and lavendar with a white chocolate/buttercream frosting = apple pie cupcake with buttercream frosting = gluten free chocolate cupcake with whipped cream mint frosting (the total favorite with the ladies) = carrot cupcake with classic cream cheese frosting = my classic (favorite) chocolate cupcake with white buttercream frosting (the other favorite)
i made these simple flags and inserted them into the cupcakes to let the ladies know what was what
I rearranged the rooms (more on this new look later this week) which was so fun to decorate for the get together
the table Jason made is perfect in the corner of the room for a buffet...
and of course... the cocktail...
when I have the 'hub' in the kitchen, I put my large cutting board on top of my stove, and use it for extra counter space... it works out great... here's the cocktail I made up (yumoramma... but after 4 o'clock only:) -for one drink — 2 oz. gin 2 T. na.da.farm pure prairie honey 4 oz. freshly squeezed orange juice 4 oz. freshly squeezed lemon juice -put all together in your cocktail shaker and shake it up good... serve over ice-
A hit with old and new friends alike! I would like to thank Midwest Living Magazine for such a nice article on me and the event/barn sale my husband and I do twice a year... thank you!! (there was a 'typo'... we are 80 miles WEST of Chicago, not East:)
The article is in the Out and About Section...
there really was no need for my picture!! for more information on the upcoming events, you can follow our homestead website: na.da.farm What to expect this October here? -ART on the Farm is back again... so very excited about the diversity we are presenting to you — BARN SALE... theme this October?? Prairie Holiday Jason and I are presenting a new area to the event... I'm working hard in the kitchen to offer my very best cupcakes and baked items for sale... enjoy the day! xo+blessings,
Hello!! I hope you all had a very blessed day with your family and friends
A special thank you for everyone who takes the time to stop here and say hello, leave comments, and read... thank you
We were unexpectedly blessed with having our Christmas here at the farm... alone... so peaceful and quiet
it was wonderful
here's an inside look all around the house... and a bit outdoors too
the mudroom...
the kitchen...
the three oldest when they were little in front of our old barn as "the nativity" scene... a treasure for us
can you tell I love the shelves Jason made for that wall?
my little snowman that our 11 yr. old son hand carved and made for me... i love him so so much! he even made the little mittens out of felt! the tree...
the living room...
I set up a little wine bar on the bookshelves in the living room
we added shutters in the bathroom, and i hung a jar my younger sister made with some lavender and spruce
upstairs in the kids rooms...
the boys' tree and decorations (they love to do it themselves)
and the girls' room... much different than the boys:)
and in the master...
a very special birthday gift from some good friends:)
my dresser was temporarily a wrapping station
made in Germany... these little angels lull me to sleep with their beauty
a view out the master... the first snow...
little Daniel's blue woolen coat hanging in his room
going back indoors, we are baking and feasting and loving this wonderful life...
Hope you are all celebrating all 12 days of Christmas...
One of THE biggest influences for this upcoming May Event here at our organic farm has been TRACY PORTER
she sent me these collages she made just for us to see!! A mother of four A successful entreprenuer A midwestern girl at heart, but lives sea-side now A true love for life... family... gardening... nature... and following her instincts
If you are saying "who's Tracy Porter" then go HERE and think Macy's... Bloomingdales... HGTV... Better Homes and Gardens... E! and countelss other places this girl doesn't mess around... she's 100% pure "her" not conforming to anyone's standards, but rather setting her own
I had the priviledge to interview my new friend... it seriously has got to be the one of the coolest things that has happened to me this year... getting inspired by Tracy her answers are in turquoise: 1) When you moved to S.Barbara, did you bring everything? Or did you edit your items to suit your new home? a. Our move to Santa Barbara was one filled with many choices, and huge emotion…including a major crazy edit. So crazy that we hired an auction company to sell a lot of our stuff…I am the original magpie. I throw away nothing. Sick, and wonderful. I did not go to the auction, it went on once we moved, I would have been a wreck to watch it….to weird…..I had to really separate, and it was just stuff…..plus we brought what we needed and it was a good edit, and most importantly I was moving across the country with what I treasure more than anything in my world…my family. 2) Where is your favorite place to shop? a. I love old things so I get pretty amped in vintage shops, flea markets, thrift stores, goodwill anything second hand is good to me….I fill my pockets with sour patch kids, put on a backpack and off I go…I need to be free to touch and smell everything, and the candy helps me just not get too wound up …I am a really excited person when I get around old stuff. Well…I am really excited most of the time anyway.
3) Do you gather the most inspiration from? Nature? Visiting other countries? a. I gather from anything and everything. I look at stuff non-stop….I am a very curious bird, always wanting to explore. I adore travel…so much. I find it to be really freeing…but I am a girl that can sit on my bed with a glass of wine late at night and a stack of books or magazines and I will write down a notebook full of thoughts in an hour. I don’t have to go across the pond to get inspired I can find it quickly and I think that helps me in my process. I work very quickly, and I move onto to new things fast, which is good based on the range of stuff we get our fingers into.
4) How often do you rearrange your furniture? And when you do this…do you clear out the whole room and start from scratch? Or just ‘edit’? a. I tend not to do major overhauls, I am more of a vignetter….life gets so busy with kids and our company…but I find it really inspiring and relaxing to move stuff around. Once a week ( maybe twice) for sure I am moving things….in little ways here and there…If I repaint ( which I want to soon) then I really go all out and move stuff. Always after holidays. .big changes too….oddly.
5) What advice can you give, on how to decorate using your passion? a. I get that decorating can be really intimidating. I always encourage following your gut on choices. Make a list of what you love, what makes you giddy…knuckle biters…why do you love them… tear magazines apart, look through books, or websites and look at what you’ve gathered. You really do know what you love, and what you are passionate about. Find a way to inspire yourself…movies, songs, scents, imagery, something must stir you deep inside…ask yourself questions and you are on your way…little steps, a vignette a powder room…always start small.
6) Do you have a place of your very own in your home that you like to snuggle up to with a good book and a glass of wine? a. My bed. Always.
7) Your clothing style and your home décor items blend so well together, and I can tell it’s from your heart and soul (that’s one of the reason I like your style)…timeless really…but do you ever feel like going with the trends? a. I look at everything that’s going on of course in stores, magazines, online, sometimes I am sucked in. Mostly not….I just do what I do….and that’s what feels right to our company, and I am pretty sure to our customers. I want everything to feel really special, very soulful, layered…I want what we create to feel timeless and unique, feel good stuff. I am grateful that we have had the good fortune of people buying our things for nearly 20 years, ….we have done our fair share of learning along the way…skinned knees, etc. You try things, and you look back and cringe, but you have to try things….I mostly look at what we have created with a full heart..that we are still here…. working harder than ever…and for sure more humbled than ever. Being in business can really be superb for perspective….it’s an endurance game…I always compare it to running cross-country back in high school.
8) What’s next for ‘Tracy Porter’…another book perhaps? A TV show?? a. YES!!! Working towards so many things….in this day you really have to keep a lot of irons in the fire, so we do. We don’t take anything for granted, we just keep moving along, moving forward, making new plans, setting new goals…..we are happy to be able to do what we do every day. We will always evolve and try new things, and re-try things…..that’s the interesting piece in all of this..you really have to put yourself out there. So we do!
9) What’s your favorite kind of food? And do you cook? a. Food is huge in our home. My husband is an amazing cook, and I love to cook as well. We love everything…ethnic especially. ( but we don’t cook a lot of ethnic, that’s more like date-night!) We eat a lot of fresh fish, love Sunday roasts, all veggies…yes, yes…homemade pasta….we like preparing food…we eat late (8pm-ish) which our kids are fine with. The kitchen and dinner table are so important to us and to the way we are raising our four boys. We want them to appreciate how to grow, shop for, make and appreciate good food. I want the smell of food from our home to sit deep in their souls….I am a big believer that the kitchen table is a very healing, healthy and nurturing place for families.
10) What advice do you have for those who have children and that are trying to open up a business? Whether online or brick and mortar? a. If you are able to work from home, then try it. You may find it easier with children. We used to go into our studio, but since we moved we are trying a work from home situation, and for our family it works really well. Flexibility is key, because owning and running a business never stops. Even though we make it a point to not “talk shop” at night…it can sit on my brain….and I work so hard to be in the moment with my family. Online is great as you may have more options with kids and their oddball schedules. Sometimes you need to try things one way then change them, don’t get too rigid about following a perfectly created plan, as you need to know business is about change and being able to change with it. I have heard far too many people straight out of business school with brand new business’ tell me all about their plan and how it is all going to work as they have it all thought through and then they flip when something didn’t go as perfectly planned. Business is a lot like life, planning, goal setting….but more than anything flexibility will get you through anything.
11) What kind of music do you listen to? a. I have Pandora on all the time and my mix is all over the board….from Feist, to Bread, to Cat Stevens, Brazilian music, Melody Gardot, Beth Orton, Bebel Gilberto, Seals and Croft…..I am a child of the 70’s so it’s deep inside of me but my French Grand’Mere lived with us…so Edith Piaf was always playing, Billie holiday was as well, Nina Simone …..I still love it all. I have an awful voice ( totally tone deaf, and never remember any words) but I love to sing….so I really crank it in the car and just go for it!
she's goregous inside and out Thank you so much for your lovely thoughtful questions. Oceans full of kisses to you all!!! xxx Tracy
SHOP Tracy Porter HERE
Read Tracy's SO fun blog HERE She has made numerous videos on everything from decorating advice... fashion... to beauty tips I literally spent an entire evening in awe... what an inspiration she is to me and to anyone! to be true to yourself and follow your heart If she only lived back in Wisconsin... then she'd be able to attend the events here! ~and come over for a glass of wine and a homemade dinner~ Tracy and I have a HUGE surprise for you soon HUGE xo+blessings,
(yes, now I have 3 Tracy's as friends... one with and "i"... one with a "ey" and one that is just "y") hilarious
how will we ever be able to attend to the spiritual enhancement of ourselves when there is so much to do of this world ?? There are meals, laundry, work, kids...
to be organized within these tasks we can then find time to devote in prayer and /or meditation
meal planning... a huge responsibility in our lives, no matter how many children you have at home — and besides breathing, meal planning is the most often misused area of organization (hence fast food chains)
It may take some time, but trust me when I tell you it is worth it
So, we are going to start today... what do you have planned for supper? you should know... if you do not know, then let's find out... let's plan
On the net, there are so many wonderful places to find recipes, but let's start in your recipe box... you know, those good, great or delicious recipes tucked away in that cute box you have in the pantry from Grandma or Mom, or a good friend, or a neighbor down the road... and don't forget those cookbooks and magazines
Where Women Cook is a magazine you can find online or in the bookstore... and is really more like a cookbook than a magazine... very well put together. This past Spring, 2011, right after Daniel was born, I had the privilege to cook and style and write for Where Women Cook...
I also had the honor to work together again with my very good friend and amazing food photographer, Traci Thorson.
it was a 'Family Pizza Night'...
Gathering together for meals is certainly nothing new... and pizza is such a fun and easy way to bring the whole family together with ingredients fresh from the market, your pantry, or a quick trip to the store if it's winter...
You can find 'Family Pizza Night' on the farm in the March issue... I grabbed this from the website...
To see more about Where Women Cook, and the issue my family and I are in, you can visit their website here: WWCook
So let's get a pen... print out these below documents I put together to share with you, and make some great family meals... get organized... and have some more time! imagine that!! more time to devote to your spirit
here's an easy to follow Menu Planner... (and later this week I will put up a grocery list)... let's start this Sunday... you have the whole week to think of all those great recipes you want to share with your family...
Here's a quick recipe: Chicken and Peaches with Sweet Potatoes... Take one package of hormone free + organic chicken thighs... put them in your crock pot with a can of (home-preserved preferably) peaches with the juice... slice 3 sweet potatoes and put them on top... then slice 1 small onion and put that on top of the sweet potatoes... let simmer 7 hours and it's time to ring that dinner bell
thousands of years man has cooked on the open flame thinking of that is surely humbling isn't it? we have so many modern conveniences that sometimes we wrap ourselves up and then get caught up in that wrapping and don't remember how things "used to be" for our fellow brethren before the late 18th century if you count wood burning ovens, then you're still not that far away think about that for a minute wood fired cooking was the predominate source of cooking up until about 160 years ago that's it... 160 years is all my grandfather is 95, so it was just 65 years before him (roughly speaking of course)
this is not the type of cooking for everyone, and I understand that, but doing it once and awhile is an extremely eye opening 'event'
and I mean event! The children and Jason all heard of me reading to them aloud some passages of books like psalms or something about wood fired cooking... recipes that were found in this awesome 1970's camping/cookbook... and some much needed modern day inspiration for using foods in healthy ways. Our oldest son is always willing to please my culinary challenges, so he went out there with me to 'start the fire' at about 5pm...
We eat late in the summer to avoid cooking in the heat, and this area is shaded by the mature pine trees on the north side of the kitchen garden... After a tree fell from a storm we have used the thick pieces of the trunk for our seats -
by 5:45 the fire was ready
a tripod with a grill is all I have used thus far just make sure you set it up before you start the fire, or it will make your job alot harder:) also a point of note... wearing long skirts without a thicker apron on front to hold it down is not a smart idea... thus I would highly recommend if wearing a skirt, wear your thicker denim one, not the light airy one that could quite possibly get very very close to setting your skirt on fire... though this would help flame the fire, burns are nothing to joke about! the wood was started with using pine needles and some twigs once it got going, we added some smaller logs he had split and some left whole another point of note... he did all the splitting with an axe he looked about 24 when splitting that wood it wasn't hard because the wood was very dry and the axe sharp this was another way for children to be a part of the cooking even back before stoves
cooking with your children doesn't always mean they are slicing the produce, but it goes back farther than that with the gardening, the preparation, the setting of the table, the hand picked posies from the gardens... all this week I will be featuring open fire cooking and different techniques all by trial and error... xo+fired up blessings,
lately when I think of freedom my arms want to burst from the sides of my apron as I look out my kitchen window to almost claim that moment's right upon me for freedom
even in the most oppressed nations, you can still feel the freedom inside you, but your arms are tied behind your backs to proclaim it... the country's leaders forbid such independence
when I used to work behind a desk, in a cubicle (that job only lasted a short time... my sense of self was being squashed between those stuffy desks and intensely stressful vibes surging through my veins to complete 'the job') I could not wait until that noon lunch time hit — to the second, I would grab my car keys and b-line to my tiny little car... hit the sunroof open, pretty much peel out of the parking lot and head to a local forest preserve... I would sit in the sun, even in dead of winter... it was freedom from everything
freedom for me is that direct connection between the land and myself
that is why so many people are claiming this word "farm" into everything they are doing... from style inside their homes... to their blog titles... their names...
The word 'farm' and 'freedom' harmonize...
people don't go into the city to feel freedom (well, at least no one I know)... but the country...
the farm
the wide open spaces...
like my arms out wide exclaiming my freedom... the sky that we gaze at and the wide horizons I dream of and that inspire me so much...
you don't have to be living on the farm to throw your arms up and proclaim your freedom...
you don't have to be a mom of six children to let others know how much you value life...
you don't have to wear the flag and carry a gun...
freedom comes from within...
you can see freedom grow by planting a garden... being able to plant those seeds you saved, and nourished and weeded and harvested and preserved... watching that little seed flourish...
that seed is planted in us
that seed is planted from our forefathers who loved God first and that is exactly why they came to this great country... to plant freedom here... to plant freedom to reseed itself and flourish...
to throw their arms out and breathe in that sense of awe and wonder
let go of all the complications and burst your arms into the air wherever you are and proclaim your freedom
the heat makes us pick super early in the morning and late at night as soon as they come in, they get washed and kept in the cellar, while we wash and prepare the jars and lids
the next morning, it's time to dice/slice and start the brine
we went a bit "overboard" with planting cucumbers we enjoyed them so much while gazing out at the frozen tundra during the harsh winter
since we went overboard, we are able to share so much with friends and family... and I'm so glad the garden is doing quite well considering the heat and due to planting so close together in most places, I am able to not weed so much (imagine that) so I did some more sewing using a striped sheet and appliqued a sailboat on it for our daughter
I didn't perfectly line the stripes up... without a care I made this skirt... she doesn't mind and neither do I we had lost power from a terribly windy storm... the weather up here is quite peculiar lately and I almost caved and got an air conditioner almost but once again, we chose not to it's almost a game now... letting it cool off inside the house and run around and closing the windows at just the right time... funny really... but with heavy drapes and quick feet, we are able to keep this old farmhouse cool enough... but we aren't using the oven, instead the grill and the side burner outdoors which I am hysterically calling my 'outdoor kitchen'... someday... someday! I am however, taking a break from pickles, and am blending and juicing them galore quite versatile anyone know of uses for cucumbers? I would love to hear how you use them in and out of the kitchen
When we were children we were grateful to those who filled our stockings at Christmas time. Why are we not grateful to God for filling our stockings with legs? ~G.K. Chesterton
what G.K.Chesterton told me through this quote was that gratitude is simple and comes from the most basic needs of this life... how I need to remind myself of this fact daily... that the most basic needs are what we need to thank God for even legs or in my kitchen... peppers
As I am stringing up the last of the peppers that we covered under our makeshift frost protector, I can't help but look at all the colors and variety now hanging down like jewels from our kitchen windows... out the window it certainly looks like winter with branches bare, but as the trees loose their leaves and fall to the ground to blanket and help protect the flower beds below with their natural mulch: gratitude is there gratitude is there in the morning with cutting boards waiting at the ready
gratitude is there with a clean kitchen and my tea kettle whistling
as Chesterton again had said: "Gratitude is the mother of all the virtues." from gratitude... it all starts... all other things flow... and all this week will be a self-enhancing inward journey for myself to find more and more gratitude amongst my life here on the farm...
in order to say 'thank you' properly, we have to first slow down and figure out how we would like to thank our Creator... for our life... let's start with a thank you letter... there is too much going on in my head at most times, but if I slow down and take out some writing paper (nothing fancy), I can begin to open up my mind to take in all that is going on... start the process of gratitude today I will be starting that letter to Him advent is right around the corner and I want to be fully prepared for the feast!! a lot to plan, yes, but if I break it up into small bits (starting with a thank you letter), more grace... more joy will follow peace + blessings,
Want a few fresh touches to your kitchen without spending anything?
thought so
I'm all about "using what you have" and being HAPPY with what you have... and I'm not a frivolous shopper... on the contrary... I'm so very picky with what I buy for our home... a lot of what we have was given to us from either gifts or they are hand me downs... just like Francesca (but I call her Fra:)
so when I saw my good friend Fra's (who lives in Italy) kitchen window the other day, I had to share it here... because just a simple window treatment brought a totally understated yet feminine look to her home
but I love her home — it's not filled with new items, but well loved pieces from family — even her house was her grandmothers! (I do hope you take a look into her beautiful world) We both had our babies around the same time... hers being the first, mine was the sixth... but now we share a common bond of motherhood beyond our friendship of womanhood...
and then there's my friend Stacey... she also posted her kitchen recently and like Fra, it's filled with her own style... and the colors and fun touches are just perfectly placed... she and her adorable little family just moved into this new house and she has big plans... I know how difficult it is to find the money to do the things you want, but in time it all works out... but I say she is doing a fabulous job with what she has (just the way I like it!) I had the privilege to meet Stacey at the past May sale and that meeting wasn't surely long enough!!! We're hoping to meet up and do some vintage shopping soon...
I write a lot like I'm just writing in my journal... for which I am... this is my online journal... but may I just say a big hello to all my readers... you are so welcome here on my farm... here in my journal...
I often get emails that ask me so many personal questions... and though I may not divulge in that too often, most of my posts are actually hand written with a pen in my bedside journal and then re-typed the next morning onto this journal... sometimes with revisions but most often times it's from that leather bound book and black pen that await me in the evenings... so my blog is really an "open book"
and though I may not respond to every comment, I do read every one
recently moved up from North Carolina, his hands have been busy all his life outdoors...
he lived in a one bedroom cabin in the mountains of Colorado for almost 10 years
he was a river rafter guide down the Colorado river
he was a chef
he hiked the Colorado trail... the whole thing
he is close to the Earth
he is close to God
I know!! doesn't he sound like the coolest guy?? we think so... we love him...
I only had sisters growing up, so having a brother is awesome... he is my brother by marriage... such an amazing person... he teaches me a lot about life (I've told him many times I can't wait to read the book he will write about his life... hee)
brothers he's done so much in his life... & that character comes out in his hand carved spoons he's been doing with Jason
they sit out there in the barn and carve, talk, and mold a log into a utilitarian beautiful creation
he made this baby spoon...
I cannot tell you how excited I was to see he had done that!! If you have a baby that is starting to eat solids, or a toddler using a utensil for the first time, you understand how it just doesn't seem right to use plastic!! I have been using silver spoons — which I like — but they are hard... metal... so this soft yet hard wooden spoon is perfect... in every way If you are coming to the barn sale, not only is he going to be grilling some local meats for your supper or lunch, he'll be selling a few of his spoons too he also hand carved this amazing spoon... "the serving scoop" scoop anything you like... ice cream... risotto... fresh cobbler...
it's so interesting to see the different shapes and finishes the spoons get turned into... it really does mimic their personalities... just like any artistic endeavor
whenever you create something by hand, the character comes out
hope you are all enjoying this beautiful spring day... I have more planting to do, and I can't wait to share with you all the improvements to my kitchen garden...
= fans working overtime to cool down our brows = kids in and out of swimsuits more than the ice cubes in the freezer making their way to the glass of suntea = trips back and forth to the potager get better every time = no "in the kitchen" meals, just fresh from the garden and grill = little hands coming inside with green tomatoes to slice up and add to salad
summer means no worries... no schedule...
this summer is a busy place full of memories...
spending the late afternoon on our farm with 4 Seminarians = go kart rides = swinging from the tree swings = chasing after chickens = walking the prairie = ping pong games = TONS of laughter = lots of hungry appetites!! ~menu~ — Blue cheese filled burgers (served with a homemade roasted red-pepper sauce + sauteed mushrooms w/onions) -grilled zucchini (drizzled with olive oil and rosemary+thyme) -grilled sliced potatoes w/red onions and cheese drizzled with olive oil (wrapped tightly in recycled foil) -and my (almost) famous chocolate cake
These amazingly joyful group of men filled our hearts and souls with more joy in the Lord, but also made us ache with laughter...
you have heard me say this before, but a nice comfy vintage sofa in my kitchen would be perfect, if only i had the room...
thermos's at the ready (the small new one from Jen Rippenger's booth at Past & Present Shops)
a vintage clay mug from the Open Air Market... it's holding all of Jason's newly carved spoons, knives and honey dipper we'll be selling in the shop online soon
there's always room in my kitchen for Her
I also bought this little dust broom at Open Air Market hosted by Cheryl Hunt in Sycamore
a little treasure by a bird that once resided in my grandmother's home and a shelf from someplace along the flea market path from years ago... it is the simplest room of the house... and has to be... it's where all the baking happens... the baking nook i like to say
I am so very pleased with this color entering my life... I do have to say, I think it is from a recent friendship developing... this woman is so very cheerful and vibrant... when Jason and I first met, he remarked to me one day "I have never met anyone so positive... how are you like that?" I will never forget how he said that... but I am just not like that anymore yes, some could say it's motherhood... caring for the six children... but truly, it's me... all me there are those days (and trust me when i tell you that there are many) when all seems so heavy to carry upon my own cross, that weight pushes me down face first into the earth... but truly, no one does it to me i do it to myself no one puts me in those situations i do it to myself, for myself, by myself every single day though, there are those sparks of joy... happiness... and sometimes yes, it comes from seeing an image that is amazing — inspiring — beautiful — online, or in a magazine but most often those times are when I least expect it — like when Daniel put that orange slice in his mouth — that was hilarious — or when my daughter looses her tooth and then talks with a lisp — or in church, when I tell the four year old son to 'sit still' rather sternly and he most piously kneels down with hands folded like an angel and looks up and tells God he loves Him and 'I pray for my Mama'... those moments are both so joyful and reassuring that the cross is my fault for the most part that is... I do understand how we are given certain burdens in life we didn't ask for... but we still have to look at the joy in it all
picture drawn by my seven year old daughter of me and baby Daniel;) like that drawing my daughter drew for me... colorful, full of life, full of love... you don't see pictures draw in black and white by children... granted, they don't have the heavy cross like us adults, but they see the joy!
which brings me to my current topic of color
that is exactly why the color is showing up in my kitchen again... not only am I a little tired of all the white decor and tans, etc, in this house, but that joy is all around me thanks to good friends but mostly because I love this man... my very best friend... who honestly saved my soul from the forever abyss of not truly knowing Him
whomever you know that brings joy in their life... let them know... do not delay...
delicious & easy, this recipe, if made in this quantity, feeds our family of 8 comfortably, with enough leftover chicken to chop up and add to a salad mix for lunch the following day...
Even if it is only for you and your husband, it freezes extremely well and heats up nicely in the oven (I recommend freezing any leftovers in casserole dishes covered in foil, that way all you have to do it pop it in the oven, turn it up to 350 degrees and warm for 30 minutes) full recipe after photos...
making sure pouring cream around chicken
freshly grated Romano is my favorite in this dish, but Parmesan may be substituted
after baked, the result will look like this:
Donna's Chicken Ingredients: 2 cups all purpose flour 9 chicken breasts, washed + fat cut off + patted dry 16 cups of freshly picked spinach (or one large bag of fresh spinach) — washed + dried 2 cups heavy whipping cream 2 cups Romano cheese sea salt + freshly cracked pepper Directions: Place all washed and dried spinach into a 15" x 9" baking dish. In a shallow dish, add flour, and coat each chicken breast lightly and place on top of chicken. Pour whipping cream onto spinach, trying to avoid pouring it onto the chicken. Sprinkle Romano cheese on top of chicken breasts and season with sea salt and freshly cracked pepper to your desired taste. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes, or until chicken is light golden brown. Serving recommendations: freshly baked sourdough bread, whole strawberries & a cordial glass of Moscato wine (if age appropriate) — the sweetness of the wine goes so well with the Romano cheese and strawberries (you can also have fresh strawberries with a glass of Moscato for dessert!)
So how did you all do editing your homes over the weekend?? If you started making progress... that's good... but don't let it stay that way... seriously... get rid of anything that doesn't mean something to you... the thing about styling your own home, is to have it reflect you... how do you achieve this??
buy what you loveput odd characteristics together I don't shop at Home Goods or Hobby Lobby for decor items... that just isn't me I just sort of do whatever feels organic... like when Gilberta started laying her eggs this past month, it seemed only right to put them out for display...
but it doesn't have that 'punch' maybe it's because I have five kids and STILL expecting the sixth but whatever the reason... the eggs under the cloches just isn't what I'm thinking...
this is more of what I'm thinking:
via: trine thorson
via: Andres Schonnemann I'm no professional... and my idea of 'style' is evolving it seems into an area that I didn't know existed!
via: living inside I used to be all about antiques, but now, it seems, that I would like to add more eclecticism into the decor... some bold colors... just pops — keeping the background neutral — in white and tan... just as life evolves, so can your style LET IT HAPPEN! the worst thing you can do is get in a rut... and not try adding a new look if you like that large glass turquoise vase at the thrift store for $5 — buy it - if you want to add an old school blackboard to your living room wall — do it if you like all your kitchen utensils packed away for a change and nothing on your counters — super! TRY a NEW style... by just editing what you have...
though my hands may be calloused from working around this farm in the summer, winter time they are inside tending more towards the interior once spring really comes, that fresh bouquet of flowers are just the right accent (like in this photo — with the peonies on the coffee table)
via: amelia1 let's see where this will go... xo+blessings,