when we first bought this old farmhouse, one of the features we loved, and love now, are two "nooks" as we like to call them...
this one in the kitchen is by far my favorite

I have quite a bit of wire holders for spices and such in the kitchen, and while organizing the basement last week (there seriously is not a place untouched by organizing lately... the "nesting instinct") this wire hat rack with hooks was snatched and put up in our kitchen nook...
this 1950 chef's hat sits on top, as well as a few of my red & white French kitchen towels I have collected over the years... and of course, my favorite rolling pin that I use almost every day

In case you are interested in the details of the room... *here's what we did to this nook when we moved in* — removed the vinyl flooring, and refinished the original douglas fir floorboards -removed the butlers pantry that was in major disrepair — which we repurposed as our large vanity in our bathroom downstairs -new Marvin casement windows — new trim and beadboard (in lemon chiffon — but you can't see a hint of yellow) -new douglas fir tongue and groove ceiling ceiling -installed chandelier (it's been with us ever since we have been married) -I refinished this table top, painted the legs and did the same to the chairs -chair pads were purchased via Country Living

it's a place I sit with friends over coffee or tea and always a piece of pie or a homemade cookie...
it's an area for silence... views... and morning cheer!!