a choice
a blessing
a star-spangled flag...
lately when I think of freedom my arms want to burst from the sides of my apron as I look out my kitchen window to almost claim that moment's right upon me for freedom
even in the most oppressed nations, you can still feel the freedom inside you, but your arms are tied behind your backs to proclaim it... the country's leaders forbid such independence
when I used to work behind a desk, in a cubicle (that job only lasted a short time... my sense of self was being squashed between those stuffy desks and intensely stressful vibes surging through my veins to complete 'the job') I could not wait until that noon lunch time hit — to the second, I would grab my car keys and b-line to my tiny little car... hit the sunroof open, pretty much peel out of the parking lot and head to a local forest preserve...
I would sit in the sun, even in dead of winter...
it was freedom from everything
freedom for me is that direct connection between the land and myself
that is why so many people are claiming this word "farm" into everything they are doing... from style inside their homes... to their blog titles... their names...
The word 'farm' and 'freedom' harmonize...
people don't go into the city to feel freedom (well, at least no one I know)... but the country...
the farm
the wide open spaces...

like my arms out wide exclaiming my freedom... the sky that we gaze at and the wide horizons I dream of and that inspire me so much...
you don't have to be living on the farm to throw your arms up and proclaim your freedom...
you don't have to be a mom of six children to let others know how much you value life...
you don't have to wear the flag and carry a gun...
freedom comes from within...
you can see freedom grow by planting a garden... being able to plant those seeds you saved, and nourished and weeded and harvested and preserved... watching that little seed flourish...
that seed is planted in us
that seed is planted from our forefathers who loved God first and that is exactly why they came to this great country... to plant freedom here... to plant freedom to reseed itself and flourish...
to throw their arms out and breathe in that sense of awe and wonder
let go of all the complications and burst your arms into the air wherever you are and proclaim your freedom
peace + blessings,