I am so very pleased with this color entering my life...
I do have to say, I think it is from a recent friendship developing... this woman is so very cheerful and vibrant...
when Jason and I first met, he remarked to me one day "I have never met anyone so positive... how are you like that?"
I will never forget how he said that... but I am just not like that anymore yes, some could say it's motherhood... caring for the six children...
but truly, it's me... all me
there are those days (and trust me when i tell you that there are many) when all seems so heavy to carry upon my own cross, that weight pushes me down face first into the earth... but truly, no one does it to me
i do it to myself
no one puts me in those situations
i do it to myself, for myself, by myself
every single day though, there are those sparks of joy... happiness... and sometimes yes, it comes from seeing an image that is amazing — inspiring — beautiful — online, or in a magazine
but most often those times are when I least expect it — like when Daniel put that orange slice in his mouth — that was hilarious — or when my daughter looses her tooth and then talks with a lisp — or in church, when I tell the four year old son to 'sit still' rather sternly and he most piously kneels down with hands folded like an angel and looks up and tells God he loves Him and 'I pray for my Mama'... those moments are both so joyful and reassuring that the cross is my fault
for the most part that is...
I do understand how we are given certain burdens in life we didn't ask for... but we still have to look at the joy in it all

picture drawn by my seven year old daughter of me and baby Daniel;)
like that drawing my daughter drew for me... colorful, full of life, full of love... you don't see pictures draw in black and white by children... granted, they don't have the heavy cross like us adults, but they see the joy!
which brings me to my current topic of color

that is exactly why the color is showing up in my kitchen again... not only am I a little tired of all the white decor and tans, etc, in this house, but that joy is all around me thanks to good friends but mostly because I love this man... my very best friend... who honestly saved my soul from the forever abyss of not truly knowing Him

whomever you know that brings joy in their life... let them know... do not delay...
joyful blessings,