one of my biggest material treasures... a French postal bag... love the texture! I have it hanging on an old apple ladder — I thought the postal idea would fit right into the 'scene' of giving!
decorations via my ebook: simply Christmas!
I am really liking this new corner of my world...
(thank you so much Kalah and Dave... you truly have no idea how much the tree means to us) peace and blessings! more tomorrow:)
for reasons unknown, i like my breakfast warm and rather late... if it was up to me, we would eat breakfast around 10 am
like starting a pot of oatmeal... and letting that simmer and bubble until creamy and so delicious
i do not like to rush things
when i do have to rush with the family in the morning, it is though we are all constantly turning in circles and elbowing each other
being though i have now chopped all my hair off once again, the vanity in front of the mirror happens no longer (what a relief to be done with having it curled or 'done'...) even though my daughter is brilliant when it comes to hair styles with braids and fishtails and pins and curls, it was just not me
all this expands my idea to eat breakfast at 10am... i don't particularly think that my younger children will appreciate this new idea, so i might just have to make a personal choice
for a time there, i was getting up early every single day (except the rest day of Sunday) and running down the road... i hate running... never have liked it... never have liked running around
so on the table one day, ham and cheese scones were at the ready instead of my conditioned muscles, as were sliced fresh cantaloupe that was the sweetest
When you think of celebrating the birth of your own child, preperations are sometimes extensive... invitations sent out... fun and games planned... and of course, the cake SO I ASKED MYSELF THIS: "what if I was to prepare a birthday party for Jesus... God's only son" first off the pressure would be insurmountable... but knowing only He is perfect sure helps me... I had this whole photo shoot set out in my mind to have a white cake in the barn... with the animals around... and sort of "re-create" the manger idea but then I awoke this morning to this:
It was as if God Himself whispered His sweetness on the farm a dense fog surrounded our property, and beyond the woods you couldn't see... beyond the prairie was mystery beyond anything any one of us could ever do I quickly baked the cake, but had an idea to put it in the winter-storybook-like woods with silver... crystals... white... and the cake for Him How did I set about doing this? I thought for a moment... and came up with this: Jesus is filled with awe and wonder (like the woods that surrounded this)... He is masculine and bold(like the heavy metal table and strong branches) He is sweet (like the cake) and pure (as the snow that inspired this photo shoot)
Happy Birthday Sweet Jesus and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you!!! xo+Christmas Blessings,
*it's been such a pleasure reading all of your comments on the GIVEAWAY* (you still have time to enter if you haven't yet!) go HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The past year of the sales/events here at our farm, I have decided to make that transition from just 'barn sale' to an event it gives me the opportunity to really get creative with the events... May 2010 was the Patisserie (to see more pictures visit my good friend Tracey) October 2010 was all about the story of Bridgette (she encapsulated my spirit, and I'm still working on the ending to the book) _________________________________________________________________ This May, has been in the works ever since last fall, and I'm so excited to share it with you...
__________________________________________________________________ (further this February, I will be feauturing each of the amazing/creative men and womenparticipating in this event)
I know a lot of you cannot make it to the event... and I so wish you could... so I came up with an idea! One of the displays I'm erecting for the event is a huge inspiration board
photo credit: Canadian House and Home So I thought it would be fun if you want to be a part of the event, that you could send me your business card... no bigger than a 5"x8", to the farm, and I'll put it up on the board... the more the merrier!! and when people come to visit the event, they'll see "so and so" from "that blog I love!" up there on the board... If you are interested in participating in this idea, then take the flyer picture and put it up on your blog's sidebar, and feel free to tell people YOU are a part of the Farm Event! I do hope to meet some of you... and if you do come... make sure that you introduce yourself okay? I'll be the one with the newborn snugly wrapped around me... email me at: in order for you to get the address to send your business card to add to the inspiration board! xo+blessings,
preserving the last of the herbs... photo taken by daughteri would like to say
i have a lot
there is so much
both spiritually and materially that i am changing... doing... being
my days have been consumed with this life/vocation/existence but still i change
my mind starts to wander and think... of me...
never... ever... is this a good idea
it's like i put this self made cross (which is quite heavy) upon myself and absolutely refuse to have help in carrying it
that's not a cross from Him, but of my own design...
my father has been in the hospital now for 21 days... his cross is real... and he is letting others help him carry it... he doesn't have the strength to carry it himself...
this all has happened not only for my father, but for all involved in his life...
isn't it always the case... where you are more than willing to help others carry their cross, but when you start to feel the weight, you bear it yourself, because you think you can do it
i don't know about others, but, i can't do it alone
so so much i am working on... trying to listen and be obedient... giving in to the circumstances of life
so much on my mind that i can't even journal it all... my journal has been neglected bedside for weeks
the trivial things of worry and concern are nothing compared to what my mother has been going through seeing her husband... my dad... go through such a trying time...
this all has happened not only for my father, but for all involved in his life...
those socks still need mending, the meals done, the last of the herbs harvested, math lessons completed, prayers of thanks to be earnestly said
the worry and the mind wander and the thoughts can 'hang out' for awhile in my mind, but ultimately it is not necessary or needed...
the best way to put my thoughts coherently is by none other than C.S. Lewis... “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”
(I will be discussing this all through this week...)
I'm so thrilled to tell you that I am expanding on this conceptual journey of 'beauty'
putting together a room, with all it's rearranging of furniture and the play of light on a certain chair, or the way the bookcase it now highlighted by your side lamp all invokes a story of how you visual your space
yes, I am rearranging again
this room is awesome with the archway... and I keep trying to incorporate that space into the living room space (as you see, it's the living room again:) however, the coziness keeps telling me to embrace that beauty of coziness!!
it's high time that the blue floral couch from 1940 gets moved out... it just doesn't fit my decor anymore
and the hutch... it has housed crafts, silver, everyday dishes, bowls, and now is in the living room waiting... poor thing
baby Daniel is thoroughly confused and delighted to have a plethora of crawling space (notice the 'moving men' under the couch) my current (material) desires are to achieve an earthy easy elegance into this farmhouse with softness
here's some of my inspiration:
I've always been a great 'lover' of things black and white, and would love to add some more of that into the house...
this photo has it (almost) all of what I'm thinking: natural wood, black, white, texture, a bit of industrial, clean + simple (what it is lacking is more color)
skema this entry has the red I really like, the antique piece, the natural wood around doorway, the pops of color... and though paisley might be "out" I still think this looks great
Canadian house to home as soon as I saw this, I instantly wanted to put up some more of my oil paintings... good thing I didn't put them out to sell them at the barn sale!
country living the open shelving idea is really striking a chord with me, there's talk of using remaining wood from the sunroom remodel (douglas fir) for the shelves
~have a great rest of the day~ peace + blessings,
My eldest daughter and I created a new product line (it was all her brilliant idea) called "the sweet life"
here's a peek at what we've been creating for the May event together:
adorable hand-stitched stuffed little birdies to perch on top of your cake and colorful — striped bunting *made by daughter* cupcake toppers...
*made by daughter* a few items I have been working on...
hand embroidered kitchen towels (made from antique linen from Scotland)
let me just say, she has inspired me... *thank you sweet daughter*
We have had so much fun with this new product line... and there is so much more I didn't share here... I have SO broken out of my box with working with only linen products, and now have embraced recycled felt (like on the cake I made for her display) and vintage trims I have had accumulating... always loved the colors, and now have a use for them! a great way to brighten up your days! is working with color!! xo + "sweet life" blessings,
trying to marry the two ideas was getting so complicated... when, as life, it shouldn't be
I stuck to that good ol' advice "buy what you love"
the pink satin throw is vintage... bought at one of my most favorite stores: Cracker Jax, in DeKalb, IL. I was the recipient to a most generous gift certificate from a very good friend, so with that gift, I bought the satin throw and the bark cloth
The barkcloth is a vintage piece — and when I purchased it, it was a wide valance. With a quick cut of the scissors, I sewed up the side I cut, and because it was lined, all I had to do is slip my king size pillows in it and walla: 2 pillow covers for our king size bed!
I am not sure yet what to do over the bed... I have oil paintings... an old sign... a shelf... and old window... I just don't know yet... time will tell! The blue French desk and love seat was purchased at another great little shop with tremendously inexpensive prices on furniture: Sweet Blessings in Rochelle, IL. I am not one to divulge pricing... but let me just tell you that both pieces together were under $150 the desk's flip down front was already off, but I propped it up in back, and added a collection of icons that Jason's sister has given to us over the years...
the couch is (I'm guessing) from the 1920's and in very good shape — with vintage blue chenille fabric and heavy springs... the small little round table was just given to me by my mom and dad... it was my grandmother's... just perfect to hold an ironstone platter with two cordial glasses and a bottle of locally made brandy:)
the mirror was bartered years ago for work Jason did at someone's house, and the dresser was bought just before Daniel was born — and had been in the girl's room up until a few days ago... the vintage satin bright blue little organizer was previously used in "it's day" for holding stockings, but now holds my jewelry I love to see and use daily...
english tin from goodwill — hair pick from Cracker Jax
yellow and full of happy memories, the vintage travel case sitting atop my dresser was purchased on that recent road trip to Indiana to a fantastic! shop: Hot House Market... Carrie is one of my favorite display artists, and she had this idea of using the travel case as a jewelry box... as do i... and now it holds my summer jewelry as well as my most treasured vintage scarves I grab to throw on my head during the summer (small bowtie necklace also from Hot House Market)... earrings on far left, the ones with the little bees in middle and far right are from Tracy... i love her jewelry!! — and her:)
yes, about the baby due in a few short weeks... but honestly, this May Event is really the best thing that could be for me right now... a blessing if you will...
My Hungarian roots are colorized by the true gypsy blood that runs through my veins...
photo credit: gypsy purplestories of dirt floor huts, and brushing the dirt with a special rake to make patterns in the floor when company comes to visit... seriously... no joke!! I am from Gypsy Blood (I know what you are thinking... "oooohhhh... that explains it!) lol you have no idea how badly I want to make a gypsy hut of my own... or at least bring in more textures and colors into my home decor... so I'm trying... I just bought 2 pink chairs for my living room — PINK! (do you think my gypsy soul is telling me it's a girl?) Our home is pretty 'prairie farmhouse', but I came up with a new one that I really like: "PRAIRIE GYPSY" that's me!
photo credit: Tobias Harvey
but I tend to crave solitude colors as well... and would love to spruce up the corn crib like this:
photo credit: Virginia McDonald see? didn't I tell you I was random? thoughts are like that when you just had a braxton/hicks contraction and some sugared treats with milk (craving) I tend to dress the same way... sometimes pure linen with simple drop earrings... or a classic long denim skirt with a t-shirt top and funky hat or head scarf it never is the same and neither should my "decorating" I am no decorator... not one bit do I think so, but I do like expressing myself around my home with sometimes new furniture, new drapes I made, or a simple throw
and don't you worry! I am still focused on that master bedroom!! inspiration via linenandlavender.blogspot
burdened with life's cares cripples not only your mind but your soul
I'm sure you have seen pictures of and art (especially recently) of birds being released from a cage, or your hands cupping something sacred or fragile
that is because life is so very fragile
the more I "Get Back into Life" the more fragile it seems... more special... more sacred... more beautiful...
beneath the piles of "to-do's" there is a joy... I don't always have the best way of showing that towards others the way I perceive it would be shown
I have this pre-conceived idea of frolicking in the field while jumping... the sun's rays streaming through and hitting and capturing the moment as I am suspended in time of complete and utter joy with no thoughts of anything bad
yes, fairy tale like... or I should say, heaven like
I think this is why so many of us can relate to the current trend of creativity being shown by so many creative women across the world... with their linens hooped tight in their wooden embroidery circle as the needle punches through and makes that satisfying "pop" to their centuries old embellishment technique or modern day free form applique...
relating to the artist with her music of Adele playing just loud enough to hear the kids if need be, her coffee steaming in her favorite mug on that rustic art table she picked up at the flea as her desk is strewn with mixed media... creating
finding the relationship between the beautiful blossoms of the pear grove near their home and capturing a surreal and pretty moment in time by styling a pretty picnic to share with others by publishing a post on their blog...
even if we don't possess these qualities of creativity, we appreciate them
even when we don't have a lick of talent except how to order a 'cafe mocha' and peruse the flea with friends, we appreciate them
appreciating others talents and seeing that brief moment of spark and exclaiming to ourselves or the good friend we're with "oh! I love that!"
that's why
we "love that" because it resonates with something we all share... beauty...
instead of letting this become heavy upon our shoulders that we don't have that person's talent, we snatch their creativity up, and enjoy setting in our home or give it as a gift
this is absolutely the reason why I love doing what I am doing at present...
I may not possess much talent, but I have this ability here on our farm to allow others to bring their beauty to you
this all sounds like a big info-mercial now, and go ahead and take it that way if you are cynical or jealous
but I love this sale and bringing joy to you through inspiration and beauty
I am so very pleased to tell you all that over 20 different people will be here at the sale in May selling their beauty and creativity...
what started as something out of my garage with one neighbor and a few family members the week after the barn burned, to a talked about event from coast to coast in magazines and on the net is a living testimony of the power of positivity, creativity, and the overall community support for local art and products
Wherever you live, visit a local barn sale or flea market... grab that friend or sister or loved one and enjoy the inspiration, beauty and love for amazing local talent.
what kind of conversations are you guys having with your spouses about this past Christmas? is it every any wonder why we keep trying to make this life more simple? more in tune with the natural progression of the year?
this time of year, the new year, we seem to want to make new resolutions/etc... and doing so during the Christmas season... as might be a good idea, it is quite possible that instead of making resolutions on this day, a deeper sense of the reality of who you are and where you are should be determined
what if instead of putting that pressure upon ourselves, just because others are doing so, we accepted who we are, how we look, and where we live with honor, respect, love and thanksgiving
don't get me wrong... I am the first one to set a goal, do it, and then go on to the next one (especially when it comes to cleaning... like my forgotten pantry which took over four hours the other day)
how about the peace of self
not only will this give you the confidence to go out into the world and be who you want to be, but the pressure is off
i tend to like pressure a bit... sometimes i need it to help me along
but there are times, when all i need to do is step back, and see the situation and just accept it... honor the people involved in it... respect myself... love whatever and whomever is involved... and give thanks for the joy it is bringing me
i don't know about you all, but i'm ready to work at this more and more each... to create an environment that is peaceful and joyful for those near and dear to me
but it will take work
maybe a few tools too... and a lot of patience, fortitude and faith
this past weekend we had a gathering at our home after the baby's baptism and with the weather still in the 30's it's just what we needed roses in old blue mason jars and the scent of hyacinths in small silver vessels...
to make this flower napkin shape: fold the napkin in a triangle, then roll it up from the pointed end & then from one of the ends, start rolling into a rose shape
(make sure you cover the stem inserted into cake with plastic wrap)
I had this whimsical idea of making paper flowers within the mix... and added them to this simple spray wreath and to the table
Another "on the cheap" way to decorate this gathering was with handmade paper doves:
to make these: simply sketch out a dove shape, and paste two together & bend the wings down slightly — use clear thread (or fishing line) and thread through the wings and tie to branches (or in our case pussy willow branches and our chandelier)
while the open fired chicken is still cooking, we raked the coals under the grill to be able to put the pan ontop of them while nice and hot
the chicken was still blazin' while the focaccia was cooking slow
when the chicken was nice and golden brown, we removed it from the fire and kept it warm indoors by just placing it in the oven... but next time, I will make sure I start the bread sooner
you can see from the above photograph that it is rising from the baking happening underneath I knew if I added aluminum foil it would cook quicker on top, but I was avoiding using it for this dish
here the bread is cooked almost on the bottom — you can see the golden crust forming yum just make sure you keep turning it and move the logs near the bread in order to capture the most heat
Focaccia alla Farm Style Mix 3 and 1/2 cups unbleached flour + 1 teaspoon instant yeast + 1 tablespoon salt in a large bowl add 3/4 warm (110 degrees F) water a bit at a time + 2 tablespoons of olive oil -mix thoroughly Add enough warm water (about 1/2 cup) to make a soft dough that forms into a ball (use your muscles and a wooden spoon) Turn out onto a floured surface and knead... If the dough is too dry, add a bit of warm water by the teaspoon If the dough is too sticky, add a bit of flour by the teaspoon Knead for just about 4 minutes is all — just until it forms into a ball that is held together nicely, not smooth and elastic like most bread recipes Place dough ball into an oiled bowl, place dry towel over the top of bowl and let rise at room temperature until doubled (about an hour) *you may also place this dough into the refrigerator overnight and return to room temperature before proceeding the next day* After bread has risen, transfer it to an oiled 18" pizza stone or 2 — 9" round pans (may use pie pan if that is only thing you've got) In a small bowl, whisk together 2 tablespoons of olive oil + 1 teaspoon sea salt + 3 tablespoons of room temperature water and pour mixture over the focaccia... spreading to the edges of the dough Dimple the dough with your fingers Let rise for 45 minutes Sprinkle with sea salt, if desired, fresh rosemary and thyme if using the open fire... Place pan(s) onto hot raked out coals for 30 minutes -making sure to rotate pan every 10 minutes- Place pan(s) on its side of the campfire ring -rotating every 10 minutes until cooked on top-
if using the oven... Bake in a 425*F oven for 20 minutes or until golden on top
Don't be surprised if the bottom gets a bit crisp when cooking on the fire it's still delicious and makes a great leftover bread to use for a breakfast idea I'll share another time... as far as the spiritual activity... there is more time I am devoting to this and will most definitely share this with you soon but thank you for all your emails regarding this... I have not forgotten to share my heart and soul with you xo+fired up blessings,
When you stop worrying about other people's thoughts of how you are living, a deeper appreciation for the gifts you are given starts to emerge...
Take for example the degree I studied in college: Environmental Science
At that time, there were only two universities that offered a degree in that area of study... that was just over 10 years ago even... University of Montana, and a minor only at Southern Illinois University.
Being that I was absolutely in love with my best friend, I still pursued that degree... Contrary to what SIU even wanted, I pursued that dream... I actually had to talk the Administration Office at SIU into letting me study for Environmental Science as a major... with projection charts and an essay! My focus was not on engineering, but the social science behind the human relationship and their perceptions of the environment and how I could change the world!!! Currently, almost every University provides a degree in Environmental Science... it's one of the fastest growing areas of education.
My "plan" was to become a guide for Sierra Club in the mountains — sharing my passion for nature while inspiring others to embrace their passions... their dreams... no matter what other people are telling you.
Dreams are essential to a happy life...
I'm not telling you to go and forget your obligations... believe me when I tell you that my first priority is my vocation as wife... then mother.
but that doesn't make me stop dreaming
who doesn't like that exhilarating feeling of a new idea!! or reading something and saying almost out loud "yes!! I want to do that!!!"
being a dreamer doesn't mean you have your head in the clouds with your rose colored glasses on...
No one can escape the hardships of life... no one
but why do you see some people succeed? and you don't?? why is it that you work so hard and then your efforts don't get noticed???
First of all know this... every single thing you do effects others
If you have to lock yourself in your room with that bar of sea-salted chocolate and warm cup of milk at night so you can read your new Joel Salatin book to escape the stress of the day... you are effecting others
When you pick your elderly neighbors apples and share your making of homemade jelly and delicious pie... you are effecting others
As you sit here are read this and wonder what you can do to help others while pursuing your dreams... you are effecting others
Here's a start:
Get a piece of paper (or print out what I have below)
Write down one dream you have always wanted to do
Look at what you wrote
Study what you wrote
Say what you wrote out loud
Start telling other people your dream
Stop any negativity that comes into your thoughts in doubt pursuing that dream
Every action you perform is working toward that dream.
The people who achieve their dreams do not talk negatively or sarcastic, and ruin everyone else's lives in the process... think of what your priorities are, make sure you are fulfilling those... but do not forget your dream.
I may not be an Environmental Scientist like I thought or am a Sierra Club guide in the mountains, but my dream of changing the world is happening... with every word... every thought... every action I do.
here's something for you to print out and use in your pursuit of your dream:
Instead of guiding others in the mountains, I guide at least six others daily to acheive their dreams too and as far as my husband??. .he still has dreams... big dreams actually but together, we are helping persue one another's dreams peace + blessings,
how to give more to my family in the garden and less from the store and even farmer's market
how to make a wood fired pizza oven and start cooking by fire more
how to congeal my thoughts into something substantial for you...
how to simplify
being happy with who I am = simplifying staying home and making do = simplifying not being swayed by what the world find to be valuable = simplifying not worrying about the future = simplifying eating out of my garden = simplifying
many people who I talk to about simplifying their lives start with something organic, like eating or supporting local farmer's markets
truthfully, the only way we, as individuals, can live simply is an individual decision... find out what is clouding your mind...
is it from the television? the computer? the shopping at "big box" stores??
Television is a waste of time for us... kids included
when looking out the window the other day, I noticed my oldest son walking around the grounds... alone...
not discontent or melancholy, but rather, just walking... he is a big thinker (I have no idea where he gets that...)
so I asked him what he'd like to do this week, now that we are done with studies... a bike ride... camping... bowling...
I was all ears and rather eager to grab my keys and his water bottle and take him wherever he wanted to go...
'Mama... that all sounds like fun... but I like it here... (insert brother's name here) and I are planning on making a movie today in the woods... '
okay I thought... he'll change his mind... now that I planted this seed of inspiration and fun thoughts, he'll want me to take him later
when your eyes are open to a new idea... a new way of looking at things that are out of your control, you start to see the world differently... in a new way
in a wondrous way
there is mystery and intrigue into this new world
when you get yourself caught in the 'rut' of life and nothing is new and you are doing the same thing day in and day out... that is exactly the time when instead of closing yourself off, you should listen to another
listen with your whole self
your whole being
completely with your whole soul
we are intricately connected with this blessed Earth... it can show us so much... we can feel so much from it...
quite honestly, it's an organic way of thinking... natural life... natural world... supernatural soul
connecting the two — the supernatural with the natural is hard to do when stuck in the 'rut'
we cannot figure things out on our own... it takes a lot of listening...
'project positive' urged me out of a rut... but when you take the same road, it's easy to fall back into that rut... the same potholes caught up in me everytime...
that's when I knew I had to let Him take over watching the world pass me by was calming at first... a relief of sorts... but then after He listened to me whine and complain talk of my concerns in life, I started just listening and gaining more trust in Him... I liked the world He was showing me... I like what I saw...
I liked it so much I started thinking maybe it was time to take the wheel again... so I asked Him... and He said He was going to always be there with me, but for now, He's letting someone I love dearly show me too... but He's confident that this person will sometimes give me the wheel and I'll teach him...
love is a lot of listening
whomever you love in your life, listen more than give your opinion... you might be missing out on helping them
it's quite possible that they are the ones who are trying to show you more joy and happiness...
love is a lot of listening and trust, but hope for a better you
After the event/sale is over... yes, I'm tired, no doubt about that, but during this down time it gives me a chance to think, be calm, and dream during this whole process, I was surrounded by amazingly talented women that came from New Jersey, Arizona, Colorado, and local towns in Illinois... I am truly inspired!! What was inspiring?? Their focus organization and passion for what they do their confidence in that fact I dabble in just about everything from covering candles in burlap and sewing linen dresses to hand embroidering tea towels and setting up this whole event I can already see my focus changing... defining... and it is all because of those men and women that took the time to come to our farm and be a part here's just a few of the pictures that I took... (if you came to the event and are posting pictures, let me know... I'd love to see them!! and I'll post your link on my sidebar)
checkout counter... with a linen dress/jacket combo I made and one of Jill Harris' bags that rock my world
again... 'the rock my world' bag that sold before I could get it, and an original art piece by Jeanne Oliver
a barn wood bench with a metal base that Jason made for the event, and items from both Jennifer Rizzo and Polly Hood
My daughter's and I new line "The Sweet Life"... it was a success for her!! I'm so happy for my sweet daughter!!!!
'the peasant dress' from Jeanne Oliver and hand made crochet tops from Jill Harris — just gorgeously made things I'm hoping to see more pictures from a few friends that came... I didn't get to take many photographs... Midwest Living Magazine came out to the event, wrote a story on it, took some fantastic pictures of both the sale and the Art on the Farm with Jeanne Oliver that was taking place in the horse barn... they were so nice and Jason & I are honored they came to our farm...
I took some video with our new video camera during the event... but am having difficulty getting it uploaded — as soon as that is smoothed out I can't wait to share it with you who weren't able to come... I was asked by a SUPER sweetie named Lauren (hi girl!) what my favorite part of this whole process of the event/barn sale was...
truly it was the togetherness that is felt in the barn
it is the common interests and desires all of us have
how we are all connected
(insert kumbyah here)
so I asked myself when everyone was asleep after braving (and photographing) tornado clouds while sipping red wine and eating a chocolate... okay... so maybe 3 chocolates... "what can I do to help others be inspired??"
continue my journey in life with my heart
my passion
my faith
so many of you came up to me and said "thank you for doing this"... and honestly... I don't know how to respond to that...
'thank you' would be obvious — and I did say that — but this is just my life, my way of thinking and doing... and you all have no idea how very very special it is for all of us at the event that you came and met us and was a part of this togetherness...
we really are here to help support one another
to encourage
to grow in happiness and holiness
not to be favored, but accepted for who we are, and striving to always be better people
okay, so I got caught up in theology of "Anne's mind on the farm" and all, but it is from my heart that I tell you
it was a wonderful experience having you come here either in person, or via blog
When I was proposed to by Jason (that's a whole other story) and we went looking for rings, I didn't want any diamond... I just wanted that union... that bond... and a simple turquoise vintage ring was what I thought I would get
His mother owns an antiques store in Geneva, IL (it is rated the #1 antiques store in the Fox Valley area) — it really is quite a nice store! (I even do the window displays) — and Karen — Jason's mom — has a beautiful selection of turquoise... nothing was quite what I was thinking... and while shopping with her and Jason, she said "Oh Anne Marie... just look at a diamond... just for fun... "
so I did
through a special eyeglass (forgot the name)...
I was blown away at this rock... so amazingly beautiful... from the 1920's and in perfect condition... set in white gold — almost like silver...
She went on to explain to me how diamonds of this beauty are so rare and... well... she said a lot and I'm sorry to say that I don't remember everything she said... my heart was swelling inside thinking of why this ring was in the store... why someone brought it in and sold it... or was it found... was it someones grandmother's and they needed the money... a family heirloom... was it a ring that was given back to a man who loved that woman and was rejected by her love and she thrust the ring back at him never to speak to him again... the inscription says 1920 and has the couple's initials...
of course, I envisioned her with her cloche hate and smart skirt suit on and him dapper with a fedora and trench coat and pinstripe suit... they were out to dinner and he proposed — she threw her arms around him and... well, you get the idea... this ring was more to me than a diamond — it is like making a new life to this rock... giving it that sparkle that was lost sitting there in the store...
we are so much like a diamond... we start out in life so raw and rugged... and with the constant pressures to do good to ourselves and others we are crushed on all sides... sometimes so stressed we just want to hide away with a lemon meringue pie and a pot of coffee (hypothetically speaking of course;)
let those pressures crush us — it will make us spectacular in the eyes of others and God...
to me, there is nothing in this life more important than being beautiful in the eyes of God
but immediately, we show our beauty to others by our acts towards them...
when things don't go smoothly, on whatever project you are working on, know that is just part of this life process of crushing you further and further until that pressure makes you beautiful in the eyes of God, to others, and yourself...
it's all part of this process... just have patience... we all go through pressure...
many of you have emailed me about diamonds since I posted this... and I wanted to share with you more on how a diamond is made... you can go here.
peaceful Lenten blessings,
btw: you can find an amazingly clear diamond for a fraction of the cost in antique stores!!
My parents recently took a trip to Italy... they "forgot" to bring me but they did take lots of pictures, which aren't digital, so I can't share them, but let's just say my Mom's photography skills are rather close to a professional..and some of what she has shown me were almost hard to believe! Visiting Tuscany... Venice... having a coffee on the balcony overlooking Venice like I said... they "forgot" to bring me... and the children... and even my husband
the above picture is not my Mom's painting, however, she paints rather well and I don't know the source of that painting above, but it did spark the idea behind the sale's theme
source unknown the rich colors of Italy's flowers and buildings are so amazing! who said you can't mix orange and blue?? nature sure didn't say you can't... and Italy screams it at you in such an iconic way
As soon as Mom and Dad returned and showed me their 1,465 photos on a warm summer day on the deck, the inspiration ignited like those colors I have always admired in rich Italian oil paintings (as you know, I collect colorful oil paintings) Being that I have a historically traveling family heritage, there sure isn't an ounce of Italian in me, but I'm sure my gypsy aunts and uncles stopped by the roadside grotto and had a cuppa on their travels
when Jenn and I were shopping at a local vintage clothing shop right after the October sale, I saw the coolest boho-dress (which I really hope fits me still) and I said I was going to buy it for the May ball, and our two heads combined to come up with the Boho-Ball! It's all about creativity... color... inspiration... and not caring what the styles are but being yourself... HAVING FUN!! That's what this May event is all about... HAVING FUN... and enjoying buying local... shopping... eating... while enjoying the fresh air kind of what I suppose my Mom and Dad experienced when they shopped the Italian markets without me
Half of the space that my husband Jason and I have designated the sale area of the barn, is what we like to call the "Market"
a dream market... photo by Finn Lyngensen in the market you will find these AWESOME dealers... and just like the gypsies they are, they are traveling from all over!! ~ Traci and Mark (from Morris, IL and Geneva, IL) ~ Denise and Janice (from Geneva, IL) ~ Jeanine Burkhardt... CHippY ShaBbY!! (from Wisconsin) ~ Laura... Verbena Tested Treasures (from Florida) These dealers will be selling their wares in the "Market" area of the barn and will be separate from the other space designated as "the Shop" (but that's for another post... soon!)
ever since last October, I have been planning this "Market"... with flowers, herbs, & baked goods made by me... and we'll be serving lunch as well for a nominal fee... and no, I won't be selling my cured hams from the barn rafters... not this year at least...
market in san lorenzo if the weather is nice, there will be blankets available for you to borrow and take out to the prairie for a picnic... anywhere you want in the prairie... to soak up the sunshine... time with friends and enjoy your afternoon out at the farm... (sir Charles the rooster won't mind a bit if you share your crackers with him and his gal)...
My Mom is out here today and she has the best ideas... and we are going out to the "Market" and "the Shop" so she can help me feel left out she went to Italy with my Dad and "forgot" to bring me
and to help decorate
Hope you can make it to the "Market" to see the amazing finds they are bringing!! Jason and I won't buy all of the awesomeness we'll save some for you:) enjoy the day! xo+farm blessings,
passionate about organics... art... making connections... Jennifer Rizzo is a very unique and treasured friend
photo taken by Tracey from French Larkspurshe's so pretty as a farmgirl... don't you think? she lives over an hour from the farm, has three little kids, yet, took time out of her busy schedule... went out of her way, to help me decorate for the October sale
and made me smile what I received in return was a genuine friend not caring of the hours of drive time and hustle and bustle... the most astounding thing is that I come up with an 'idea' and the next time we talk, she has either done it already or had just thought of it too I have seen her creativity organically blossom her new art, and the collection she is bringing to the farm is really... well... awesome... She, of course, is coming to the sale... and bringing one of a kind art with her How great is that??
you cannot find items like this anywhere else... except for at my Farm Event... and I so appreciate... beyond words... Jenn and her constant support
I can't forget to mention that she never... and I seriously mean NEVER stops decorating... painting... creating... inspiring us all with her understated organic elegance
for constant inspiration, you can read her blog HERE to shop for Jenn's items, you can go HERE