My parents recently took a trip to Italy...
they "forgot" to bring me
but they did take lots of pictures, which aren't digital, so I can't share them, but let's just say my Mom's photography skills are rather close to a professional..and some of what she has shown me were almost hard to believe! Visiting Tuscany... Venice... having a coffee on the balcony overlooking Venice
like I said... they "forgot" to bring me... and the children... and even my husband

the above picture is not my Mom's painting, however, she paints rather well and I don't know the source of that painting above, but it did spark the idea behind the sale's theme

source unknown
the rich colors of Italy's flowers and buildings are so amazing! who said you can't mix orange and blue?? nature sure didn't say you can't... and Italy screams it at you in such an iconic way
As soon as Mom and Dad returned and showed me their 1,465 photos on a warm summer day on the deck, the inspiration ignited like those colors I have always admired in rich Italian oil paintings (as you know, I collect colorful oil paintings)
Being that I have a historically traveling family heritage, there sure isn't an ounce of Italian in me, but I'm sure my gypsy aunts and uncles stopped by the roadside grotto and had a cuppa on their travels
when Jenn and I were shopping at a local vintage clothing shop right after the October sale, I saw the coolest boho-dress (which I really hope fits me still) and I said I was going to buy it for the May ball, and our two heads combined to come up with the Boho-Ball!
It's all about creativity... color... inspiration...
and not caring what the styles are but being yourself... HAVING FUN!!
That's what this May event is all about... HAVING FUN... and enjoying buying local... shopping... eating... while enjoying the fresh air
kind of what I suppose my Mom and Dad experienced when they shopped the Italian markets without me
Half of the space that my husband Jason and I have designated the sale area of the barn, is what we like to call the "Market"

a dream market... photo by Finn Lyngensen
in the market you will find these AWESOME dealers... and just like the gypsies they are, they are traveling from all over!!
~ Traci and Mark (from Morris, IL and Geneva, IL)
~ Denise and Janice (from Geneva, IL)
~ Jeanine Burkhardt... CHippY ShaBbY!! (from Wisconsin)
~ Laura... Verbena Tested Treasures (from Florida)
These dealers will be selling their wares in the "Market" area of the barn and will be separate from the other space designated as "the Shop" (but that's for another post... soon!)
ever since last October, I have been planning this "Market"... with flowers, herbs, & baked goods made by me... and we'll be serving lunch as well for a nominal fee...
and no, I won't be selling my cured hams from the barn rafters... not this year at least...

market in san lorenzo
if the weather is nice, there will be blankets available for you to borrow and take out to the prairie for a picnic... anywhere you want in the prairie... to soak up the sunshine... time with friends and enjoy your afternoon out at the farm... (sir Charles the rooster won't mind a bit if you share your crackers with him and his gal)...

My Mom is out here today and she has the best ideas... and we are going out to the "Market" and "the Shop" so she can help me feel left out she went to Italy with my Dad and "forgot" to bring me
and to help decorate
Hope you can make it to the "Market" to see the amazing finds they are bringing!! Jason and I won't buy all of the awesomeness
we'll save some for you:)
enjoy the day!
xo+farm blessings,