burdened with life's cares cripples not only your mind but your soul
I'm sure you have seen pictures of and art (especially recently) of birds being released from a cage, or your hands cupping something sacred or fragile
that is because life is so very fragile
the more I "Get Back into Life" the more fragile it seems...
more special...
more sacred...
more beautiful...
beneath the piles of "to-do's" there is a joy... I don't always have the best way of showing that towards others the way I perceive it would be shown
I have this pre-conceived idea of frolicking in the field while jumping... the sun's rays streaming through and hitting and capturing the moment as I am suspended in time of complete and utter joy with no thoughts of anything bad
yes, fairy tale like... or I should say, heaven like
I think this is why so many of us can relate to the current trend of creativity being shown by so many creative women across the world... with their linens hooped tight in their wooden embroidery circle as the needle punches through and makes that satisfying "pop" to their centuries old embellishment technique or modern day free form applique...
relating to the artist with her music of Adele playing just loud enough to hear the kids if need be, her coffee steaming in her favorite mug on that rustic art table she picked up at the flea as her desk is strewn with mixed media... creating
finding the relationship between the beautiful blossoms of the pear grove near their home and capturing a surreal and pretty moment in time by styling a pretty picnic to share with others by publishing a post on their blog...
even if we don't possess these qualities of creativity, we appreciate them
even when we don't have a lick of talent except how to order a 'cafe mocha' and peruse the flea with friends, we appreciate them
appreciating others talents and seeing that brief moment of spark and exclaiming to ourselves or the good friend we're with "oh! I love that!"
that's why
we "love that" because it resonates with something we all share... beauty...
instead of letting this become heavy upon our shoulders that we don't have that person's talent, we snatch their creativity up, and enjoy setting in our home or give it as a gift
this is absolutely the reason why I love doing what I am doing at present...
I may not possess much talent, but I have this ability here on our farm to allow others to bring their beauty to you
this all sounds like a big info-mercial now, and go ahead and take it that way if you are cynical or jealous
but I love this sale and bringing joy to you through inspiration and beauty
I am so very pleased to tell you all that over 20 different people will be here at the sale in May selling their beauty and creativity...
what started as something out of my garage with one neighbor and a few family members the week after the barn burned, to a talked about event from coast to coast in magazines and on the net is a living testimony of the power of positivity, creativity, and the overall community support for local art and products
Wherever you live, visit a local barn sale or flea market... grab that friend or sister or loved one and enjoy the inspiration, beauty and love for amazing local talent.

*part of the proceeds benefits a local charity*
xo+ blessings,