photograph by Traci Thorson in may of 2011, Jeanne Oliver's bag was hanging on the door for sale, as well as a flower I made from brown recycled paper and newspaper... this image is now in the pages of Where Women Cook magazine those flowers were noticed by Carrie Rosen, from hot house market, who sold her wares of all sorts at that same sale... in may of 2011
traci thorson photography
i am so sorry to say i didn't shop in carrie's booth, or anyone else's booth
here's another shot of the flowers, but I put them on cattle fencing I rolled, added lace to the outside, and the flowers underneath...
traci thorson photography
i was so busy with a newborn and hosting that large farm to table dinner with Fifi, that there just was not any time... but today, I'm in Indiana on a photoshoot with Traci Thorson at Carrie's new shop! an amazing shop in LaFayette Indiana hot house market Carrie and Todd hired me to make those flowers and a few other things... but it's mostly a fun mini-road trip with a good friend we thought we'd squeeze in a photoshoot while we're at it:)
... on another topic...
I'm also linking up with Jennifer Rizzo for her garden walk...
flag bunting on the vegetablr garden fence
the wonderful scent of privet in bloom
lastly but not least a bird house my mom & dad made for us
have a fantastic rest of your day... a wonderful weekend... and may you be an inspiration for others in virtue with grace
no, i did not put those flowers in her hair a spontaneously loving older brother three years her senior, picked them for her and then adorned his little sister in "nature's finest" though he avoids the camera like the plague, she was quite happy to have me take a few photographs of her smelling the peony blooms which rest in the shade and bloom later in the season due to this
don't get me wrong, this doesn't happen often, with an older brother placing flowers in her hair... but his kindness is evident in this family... a caring nature...
my life is full full of life and love and kids there is always some 'mucking' I'm doing, but truthfully, this "mucking" around is always my own fault... my life is most definitely a 'bed of roses'... there's thorns amongst the roses and I seem to get caught in those roses from time to time perfectly normal if any of you may be going through a 'rough patch' or are "mucking" through something perfectly normal there is nothing on this Earth that has not been suffered or dealt with ask yourself this: are you complaining about it?
stop let that thorn pierce you through and penetrate a feeling deep within that stings for a bit... you are learning each day we might just step in the "muck" to smell the roses and get pierced by the thorns as we do
just like her older brother taking the time to pick each flower and place it in her long braid... just because... may we all learn from an 11 year old boy's philosophy in life shying away from any recognition while creating beauty around us and making someone feel special, not ourself
as we go about our day as a mother, and the possible crying baby for mama as the four year old is reminding his mother every 20 minutes he's hungry, and the 15 year old wants a trip back to the library while shooting off a firecracker, and the 11 year old younger brother decides to make a bazooka for his older brother's firecrackers to launch from pvc piping he found in the barn, and the 13 year old daughter wants to make brownies and plant gladiolas with her mama all the while the mother really just wants to make those curtains out of the fabric that has been hanging on the rod just draped over for nearly 2 weeks now with an actually hot cup of coffee... let us make sure we take time to make their life beautiful put flowers in their hair make them some brownies put that band aid on the skinned knee of your little boy sew those curtains for your home embrace the day whichever way it comes... muck, thorns and all
it's perfectly normal no complaints today... accept it all... muck & thorns
When I saw this above picture, I knew choosing the Friday night event as the Boho-Ball would be just what I needed... not to party like a rock star but to express creativity... explore ideas... create texture and depth... to combine organic elements with history...
because I like rules... traditions... being conventional but in my daily life of taking care of the children and the farm
but inside me, is still that little girl who vividly remembers imaging living in the woods behind my house while eating wild mushrooms and weaving flowers in my hair
when I was a child, I disliked rules and conventions, but somehow was able to live life like a wild playful child... but now... as a wife and mother, I have a quite peace I still get inspired by many colors, and like combining different styles, rugged materials and sweet but delicate colors that evoke a cheerful mood
When I sat inside that hollowed out tree between my home and where my grandparent's lived (it was a short walk through the woods) the ambiance was always fun, relaxing and warm... splendid
I decorated that hollowed out tree with anything I had or found
now?? I decorate our barn
I know that the barn's styling isn't exactly what I have in my head... just like that tree was never exactly what I wanted it to look like but it's an expression of a part of me... just like the Boho-Ball will be... with working with whatever I have or find
it is what's inside that counts... and it's okay to dream
there will be lots of surprises that night, but one thing is for certain... I WILL be weaving flowers in my hair (even though I know I won't be as beautiful as her:)
via bohemian bride there's only one life... and I am living mine... but always remembering my dreams... who's with me!?!!
I know Fifi is... she just sent me this picture...
Boho-Ball: May 20th from 5pm-8pm xo+farm blessings,
My parents recently took a trip to Italy... they "forgot" to bring me but they did take lots of pictures, which aren't digital, so I can't share them, but let's just say my Mom's photography skills are rather close to a professional..and some of what she has shown me were almost hard to believe! Visiting Tuscany... Venice... having a coffee on the balcony overlooking Venice like I said... they "forgot" to bring me... and the children... and even my husband
the above picture is not my Mom's painting, however, she paints rather well and I don't know the source of that painting above, but it did spark the idea behind the sale's theme
source unknown the rich colors of Italy's flowers and buildings are so amazing! who said you can't mix orange and blue?? nature sure didn't say you can't... and Italy screams it at you in such an iconic way
As soon as Mom and Dad returned and showed me their 1,465 photos on a warm summer day on the deck, the inspiration ignited like those colors I have always admired in rich Italian oil paintings (as you know, I collect colorful oil paintings) Being that I have a historically traveling family heritage, there sure isn't an ounce of Italian in me, but I'm sure my gypsy aunts and uncles stopped by the roadside grotto and had a cuppa on their travels
when Jenn and I were shopping at a local vintage clothing shop right after the October sale, I saw the coolest boho-dress (which I really hope fits me still) and I said I was going to buy it for the May ball, and our two heads combined to come up with the Boho-Ball! It's all about creativity... color... inspiration... and not caring what the styles are but being yourself... HAVING FUN!! That's what this May event is all about... HAVING FUN... and enjoying buying local... shopping... eating... while enjoying the fresh air kind of what I suppose my Mom and Dad experienced when they shopped the Italian markets without me
Half of the space that my husband Jason and I have designated the sale area of the barn, is what we like to call the "Market"
a dream market... photo by Finn Lyngensen in the market you will find these AWESOME dealers... and just like the gypsies they are, they are traveling from all over!! ~ Traci and Mark (from Morris, IL and Geneva, IL) ~ Denise and Janice (from Geneva, IL) ~ Jeanine Burkhardt... CHippY ShaBbY!! (from Wisconsin) ~ Laura... Verbena Tested Treasures (from Florida) These dealers will be selling their wares in the "Market" area of the barn and will be separate from the other space designated as "the Shop" (but that's for another post... soon!)
ever since last October, I have been planning this "Market"... with flowers, herbs, & baked goods made by me... and we'll be serving lunch as well for a nominal fee... and no, I won't be selling my cured hams from the barn rafters... not this year at least...
market in san lorenzo if the weather is nice, there will be blankets available for you to borrow and take out to the prairie for a picnic... anywhere you want in the prairie... to soak up the sunshine... time with friends and enjoy your afternoon out at the farm... (sir Charles the rooster won't mind a bit if you share your crackers with him and his gal)...
My Mom is out here today and she has the best ideas... and we are going out to the "Market" and "the Shop" so she can help me feel left out she went to Italy with my Dad and "forgot" to bring me
and to help decorate
Hope you can make it to the "Market" to see the amazing finds they are bringing!! Jason and I won't buy all of the awesomeness we'll save some for you:) enjoy the day! xo+farm blessings,
the warmer months here in Illinois have brought so many flowers in bloom — even though they fade as fast as the moisture after a rain storm
we have had a very interesting last few weeks :: a bee swarm :: a new hive :: thistle control
on a calm day you can hear the relief from the heat when the bees zoom around up and under the cucumber plants, inside the lettuce plants or taking refuge beneath the large towers of broccoli
when my fingers around the tomato plants pinching off the suckers, i keep hearing the bees just happy as can be walking around the blooms... busy busy...
they are never lonely while they are in the garden
as i am out there tending the plants, i wonder how it is gathering the pollen from warm plants — rather than cool and wet from a morning dew... are they more content? do they get agitated with the heat?
after countless days now living amongst these amazing creatures, I would have to come to the unscientific conclusion that yes indeed they get agitated with the heat... they are protecting the hive even more (I can vouch for this, for I am the recipient of their eagerness to protect their hives from 'danger' — my sore neck is testimony)... the prairie clover was not in as full abundant glory as it was last year (most likely because of the heat and the timing of the burn we did)... we even have foreign bees — visitors mind you — that struggle between the many zooms from our bees
it sounds as though we are out there amongst a swarm of bees doesn't it?
honey frame waiting to be uncapped well, at times it is like that... talking a stroll from the back door to the potager is a journey (albeit a short one) that is surrounded by blooming catmint, roses, primroses, hydrangeas, foxgloves, snapdragons, iris, peonies, daylilys, monarda, daisy, lavender (yes, we sure do cram it all in a small space!) these little black bottom 'visitors' (not our bees) compete for the pollen, but ours win in the end... they have a home here — even though the 'visitors' are welcome (they are pollinating) — however, our bees are well loved and cared for... there is so much to learn... I don't think anyone will ever truly understand and figure out the bees' life, even though many have tried, and I would love to count myself as one of those individuals some day... I would love it someday for Jason and I to have more hives, and study them, grow more flowers for them, and aid in the development and awareness of the honey bee... how fragile they are!
shaving off the caps...
we are so happy to share our 'pure prairie honey' once again... it will be ready for purchase soon, and I will make sure to post on it when the bees' honey is bottled and ready to ship
thank you all for your support from last year's harvest... it is vital for our planet Earth to have the honey bee thrive...
xo+pure prairie blessings,
all photographs taken 2 days ago during our honey harvest
we climb and reach looking to a new horizon under rocks
through the cracks... if only just for a little peak why is this?? why do we knock ourselves out like that?? is it making us better? or is it just a waste of time and energy?? why are we like this???
what it boils down to is that hard work is in our essence of life and along with this hard work is also structure... organization think about it in terms of 'creation'... our Creator made heaven and the earth, reflected upon it, saw it was good, and moved on... then He made light, reflected upon it, saw it was good, and moved on... and so on...
so yes, God is the first example to us of the "how" to do this thing we are living: this life what projects are you working on? installing new book cases? starting a new online business? writing a novel? making dinner? sewing pillows? whatever the task may be remember three things: (the perfect number to me) 1) it is a gift that has been given to you 2) make the plans + stop to reflect + give thanks for this gift and your talents 3) move on don't dwell on whatever it is you are doing... follow the three steps above and you are sure to succeed
keep it simple... if God can relate how He created the world, heaven, the universe, the light, the animals, the plants, the flowers, the seas, the air, and the human person with a soul that reproduces and grows from a tiny little embrio into what you look into the mirror at in a few simple words, I think we can too... (it's okay to stand outdoors in the park with your jaw dropped to the forest's floor in awe and wonder)
take it from someone who over-thinks practically every breathing moment of her existence (ehem)
cleaning out the barn, schooling the kids, making a pumpkin latte, sewing a project for a friend as a canopy, and looking online for a jersey cow for sale in the area has now ended up with burnt slices of eggplant under the broiler for the pizza I thought we were going to eat an hour ago
thank the Lord it is warm outdoors because (so far) the kids still are playing with papa and not begging for dinner from their neglectful mama (ah-hem)
the day was still productive, learning of the Nile and how the Hebrews differed from the Babalonians and how to make tomato sauce using the crock pot! who knew!!
the tidbits of the day...
saved and savored... just at the right time
funny... cooking again... beef soup from scratch... flowers from a barter from a friend:)
recently I went out shopping & found a turquoise table that I had EVERY intention of putting in our "Sweet Life" display at the event
but after I cleaned it up inside I noticed how much it reminded me of the gardens just steps away from my living room...
it's created a whole new look in here now!
i love Jenn's pillow i purchased from her new line (she's bringing similar pieces to the sale) adding some apple blossomed branches and the feel of the house is so much more of an extension of our gardens... our farm...
I have never seen my French linen look so complementary
adding more branches to the other rooms helps connect them
i brought out items i had tucked away... there was something missing... so I added my sail boat oil painting collection... it gave me just the right amount of color & texture i was inspired by
now my home is a true reflection of the outdoors... the natural wood trim and dark lines of the furniture are like the tree branches... colors are the flowers... lace is the rugged fence surrounding the potager & gravel paths nature inspired me once again... but in a totally colorful way!! Fifi has put together the coolest outfit for the Boho-Ball... hope you are coming to meet her & dressing up yourself!!! click on picture to go see a "Fifi-styleBoho-outfit"
little children they run by the dozen around my skirt's hem
i carry on all day long
little children they run by the dozen it seems around my skirt's hem
it's true so true
have you heard the sound of six children playing in the prairie have they danced within the garden in your sight have they shown you their pockets filled with rocks and treasures have you smelled the flowers she picks for you daily have you seen the fridge filled with drawings and fingerprints on the handle
oh yes you can you can see
little children they run by the dozen around my skirt's hem
i carry on all day long
wiping chins and kissing hurts talking of world affairs with the oldest while nursing my youngest
it's all that i am made of
there are times when I see the men in my life and how strong the connection isfrom my skirt's hem to my wedding ring
within your home... do you feel comfortable? or a little dry on the decorating??
i feel it all around blogland lately I think some more thought needs to go into you your style your decorating (I'm totally joining you by the way) this room, for example, looks comfortable... lived in... a little white... a little color... not fancy/expensive... but "that person's style" (click on any image to go to source)
now, this shouldn't be complicating... ... using OVERKILL on vignettes (my hand is up and I'm totally guilty of this one... can anyone say eggs under cloche??) the only way to find out your 'style' is to sometimes imitate that other person's style... and there certainly is NOTHING wrong with that!! it always leads to something gorgeous like this:
or taking a "normal" bookshelf and doing this
image: tracy porter the wonderful thing about this above photo from Tracy Porter is that it looks lived in... that's because it IS lived in... most of Tracy's styling for her photographs are taken right within her home... that's why they are so great! SO WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS DRYNESS?? we are going to take a non-hard edged approach to design... by dusting off the shelves and combine old with new... take a look at this picture again:
here's what I notice... what's old in this picture? * rustic barnwood table *blue bottle on bookshelf *vintage mirror over mantle *the fireplace itself what's new in this picture? *new upholstered chairs *chandelier possibly (could be old, but is neutral that way) *blue candles which pop the chairs *family photographs *fresh flowers and *bold new pattern on white end chair *new sisal rug there's nothing... and I repeat NOTHING in this picture that you couldn't do to achieve this look did you notice not a single vignette in that picture? only bright colors, a bit of boldness with the table and the pattern on the chair but sophisticated textures the best part of this is: there is NO book or NO person that decides what YOU surround yourself with you want those goose eggs under the cloche?... go for it you want that gorgeous Golden Bamboo side table from Tracy Porter?... totally!
and wallpaper your room in antique paper! Most of us have children right? or grandchildren visiting?? well, at least I do, so that's what I know best and letting fragile things sit out sometimes is a good thing — it teaches the children to behave and "please don't touch sweetie" is said a lot, but I'm not doing that so much anymore I have gotten rid of that pretty look and am going more "me"... my style... instead I have been using sumptuous fabrics for that "elegant" feel I like... but ALWAYS with the contrast of "rustic prairie"... (like the original dark wood on the bed)
our sunroom... bed draped in coverlet I made out of pink taffeta... it's like slipping into a ball gown! Wednesday is the start of a new journey for me into a time of reflection and inner personal growth... and I will be in the desert... but certainly not dead! I feel so alive during Lent... it's a very empowering time for me (but let's just hope I'm totally exhausted because I have a new baby) apparently: ~patience is a virtue~ xo+blessings,
Back in May of 2007... our littlest daughter (at age 3) riding our Shetland pony, Lady, with flowers in her hair
time goes by so fast... hold onto each moment the best way you know how... show your children how to experience life with whatever means you have but do it now... don't wait! xo+farm blessings,
This front room used to be the old front porch of this house (to read more about it's history — and some divine intervention — go here) Since Jill is doing a Porch Party every Monday, I thought I'd join in on the fun with pictures of my thrown together front room/porch/baby and I room...
only things that were bought was a dresser and the two glass lamps everything else was literally thrown together to make a comfortable and feminine room for me and the baby to cuddle... dream... and enjoy our first few months together
the couch is vintage (our first purchase as a married couple) my collection of mirrors I used in here as well as some of my favorite trim to add some texture and interest to some pretty boring lampshades...
my grandmother's antique egg cup adds a bit of color
this bed was a gift for my daughter a number of years ago... I really like the dark wood tones against the pink! This pink fabric was originally purchased for the Patisserie I designed... and never... NEVER thought it would be made into a coverlet for a bed I would sleep in... (didn't I tell you I was totally into pink lately?)
the fabric is taffeta... and feels like I am slipping into a ball gown when I get into bed...
when I first started this room it was minimal bare... and I just couldn't help putting some of my favorite items in our home in that room there is no 'rhyme or reason'... golds... metal... dark wood... painted items... I let my gypsy soul go
a crocheted caplet my sweet grandmother made for me!
this is one of the items I purchased for the room... a $60 dresser bought locally — and all it needed was a scrubbing now it is perfect for a changing area
As the weather warms up... I'm looking forward to opening all of these wonderful casement windows and hearing the birds awaken in the morning and smell the flowers outdoors it has a terrifc view of the potager as well
Do you have an area of your home you want just for you? Just start bringing some of your favorite items into that space and you'll be surprised at how much you love it... xo+blessings,
To see what this room has looked like before go: HERE or HERE or HERE or what until you see Romantic Prairie Style (book by Fifi O'Neill)
this past weekend we had a gathering at our home after the baby's baptism and with the weather still in the 30's it's just what we needed roses in old blue mason jars and the scent of hyacinths in small silver vessels...
to make this flower napkin shape: fold the napkin in a triangle, then roll it up from the pointed end & then from one of the ends, start rolling into a rose shape
(make sure you cover the stem inserted into cake with plastic wrap)
I had this whimsical idea of making paper flowers within the mix... and added them to this simple spray wreath and to the table
Another "on the cheap" way to decorate this gathering was with handmade paper doves:
to make these: simply sketch out a dove shape, and paste two together & bend the wings down slightly — use clear thread (or fishing line) and thread through the wings and tie to branches (or in our case pussy willow branches and our chandelier)
LUST One could say I lust after having a nicely decorated home One could say that I lust for good food One could say that I lust at having every inch of my grass flowers and meadows, with a pond in the prairie and a pergola, and a little dock just perfect for a bit of fishing (because the pond is stocked)
and they would be right this is something that holds me back sometimes to actually being "happy" Happy to me is not an emotion but a state of mind and when I think of all the possibilities here on our little farm... well... there's only one thing I can say it is: LUST How to overcome this vice? this weight upon my shoulders?? (I put it there... no one forced it upon me) Enjoying what I DO have... which is so much... and I don't mean I don't appreciate all of it, or thank God for it, but sometimes, these thoughts and dreams in my head of what "could be" cloud the reality I am in so here's how I am going to battle this by shutting my eyes
Now I have my eyes shut and I can see with my heart
I just got back from dropping some flyers at Blumen Gardens Today and Tomorrow they are hosting an an antique/vintage sale at an outdoor flower and plant market... Worth the trip!! This building above featured and the other industrial building is filled to the brim with plants, flowers, antiques, vegetables... and my oh my the inspiration!! My sister Laura works there:)... if you see her say hello! xo+blumen blessings,
never before have I given a whole area to a dealer "in the shop" at the event... but this time I did to Jennifer Rizzo... this has been her third sale here... and her most successful!! She had the space with the vintage tea cups hanging from branches... that created this whimsical perspective on vintage tea... her new line is a reflection of vintage iron stone... patinae silver trays... funky coffee mugs... she had this throw for sale that was a crocheted afghan with hand crocheted flowers bunched and adorned everywhere (sold right away)
actually, most of what she had for sale sold... she had THE COOLEST funky orange tufted couch (with sold right away)... like an antrho catalog it was... she had hats, fingerless gloves, these super cute tea towels with pom pom fringe and hand embellished prints of birds... let's just say she's a busy girl trying to re-stock her shop right now... she has some new items listed and will be doing so all week and I for one, cannot wait to get my hands on a hat and some jewelry... if you know Jen, you know her funky vintage side and creative soul and how they come together on this new line... oh! she has a giveaway... I almost forgot!! Go here to enter... thank you to you all who have taken the time out to email me about your experiences here on the farm at the sale... I have had such a good time this week reading them... it means so much to me!!! peace + blessings,
The Master Bedroom Design Q(uestions) & A(nswers) was a BLAST! Wouldn't being a decorating reporter be so fun? I think so So many of you wonderful readers haven't asked me "why" I am re-decorating my bedroom with Jo and Lulu as design stylists... because it's obvious why! They both have great talent... What's my decorating motto for this bedroom: "un-decorate" Today's Q&A is with Jo, from the Secret Garden Cottage. Her and I have talked back and forth, because of the blogs, for quite some time, and as soon I saw her kitchen/dining area, even though it's a kitchen, it inspired me for my bedroom... and here's why:
All of Jo's Answers are in italicized print, and all pictures in this post are from Jo's beautifully inspiring blog. Here's the Q&A with one of the nicest women, Jo:
1) When you design your rooms, do you have a focal point? something that anchors the room? If so, it is usually art or architecture
A: Yes. I definitely always try to have a focal point in each of my rooms, usually architectural pieces. I don't use much art in my home, mostly because I have a hard time finding something I like 100%.
2) How do you achieve an understated feminine approach to your style? A: Well... I try to keep in mind that this is my husband's home, too, and wouldn't want to overwhelm him with too many floral prints, ruffles, or super feminine colors. I try to add a feminine touch to my decor with some of the furniture pieces I use, such as the table I recently bought and placed in my kitchen. It has some decorative scroll work and pretty, curvy legs. I also use flowers and herbs from the garden to add a little bit of romance to my home, as well as the slipcovered furniture and accessories, such as glass cloches, white ironstone pitchers, and candles.
3) what would you classify your style as? A: I think my style is very eclectic. I love French farmhouse, Scandinavian, and American country cottage styles, and I think I have a little bit of each style in my home.
4) how do you achieve an overall cohesive look to your home? A: Sometimes I fell like I struggle with this myself. I try to give my home an overall cohesive feeling by using the same color scheme throughout my home. I generally only use different shades of white in my decor, including my wall paint. I also try to purchase furniture pieces that work well together... have similar architectural lines and so forth.
5) If you were to design my bedroom, by knowing me personally, and seeing my style on my blog, while incorporating your style techniques, how would design my bedroom? what elements would you include in your design plan? A: Keeping in mind your personal style... I think that the one thing you like about mine and Lulu's style is the use of white in our decor, so I would give you an all white bedroom. I would use an architectural piece with white, chippy paint such as a vintage door(s) or fireplace mantle for your headboard. I've also noticed that you like warm wood tones in your home, so I would incorporate warm wood pieces of furniture, such as your night stands and maybe a vintage chest or bench (if room allows) at the foot of your bed. The bed linens you have would look beautiful in the room, but I would add a bed skirt to make it a bit more femine. I also noticed that you love vintage silver, which I think would look gorgeous in the bedroom in the use of accessories. I would dress the windows with sheer linen or cotton curtain panels that puddle on the floor just slightly and use tree branches for the curtain rods. Since your room is small, you would want to keep accessories to a minimum to give it a serene, peaceful feeling.
Anything else you would like to say?? I just want to thank you again for including me in your bedroom makeover, Anne Marie. I feel so honored that you would consider my ideas alongside Lulu's to inspire a room makeover in your beautiful home. You have such an amazingly beautiful style and creative mind, so I know this room will turn out to be the beautiful haven you desire, and I can't wait to see it when it's done!
Isn't she the sweetest?? I wish she lived closer to actually help me! How much fun we'd have... After I saw THIS POST she did, and she had quite a few of the same inspiration photos that I have in my design collection, I knew I would beg her to do this for me:) Tomorrow is my friend Lulu's Q&A with me... stay tuned! Hope you are all enjoying your week thus far!! peace and blessings,
over the weekend, my inspiration has only grown for color pops in my own home, and for items I'm hand — stitching and creating for the May event... here's some pictures that I thought I'd share about (kind of) what I'm thinking about... this one, is one of my favorites... look at that couch fabric... and oil painting — totally different styles — but with the white walls and the elegant chandie it is perfect
photo: House Beautiful oh man — this one is bold — but as you may know, I collect oil paintings, take off the frames, and put them up that way... this room/corner, looks like THE best spot to get more inspiration...
photo: Elaine Griffin this one actually surprised me with the pink check (see?? all that pink — I am just all over that lately) the hand painted flowers and color combinations are all scaled up just right... besides, my oldest daughter loves this picture...
photo: Marie Claire last, but certainly not least, is this picnic scene I fell across while perusing the net — I am not sure exactly if it's for a couture shoot, or for a fabric company (there was no photo credit available) but I'm so pleased to share with you that for the Friday night of the May event here, it very much will have this 'vibe' about it... color... relax... a bit of whimsy... and of course: nature...
here's Anne Marie's definition of Boho: "a free relaxed style, with a bit of whimsical color within nature" Who's with me and some color!!??!!! xo+blessing,
I received an email this morning that got me thinking about my Bohemia roots...
the rich colors of Hungarian needlework at a market... picture source unknown as 'family legend' has it: some of my ancestors were so poor that they had dirt floors and when someone would come to visit, a design was drawn into the freshly combed dirt floor with a special type of broom
My family isn't a big family on that Hungarian/Transylvania/Bohemia side, but I do know that some of them were in fact gypsies...
my Hungarian grandfather with his team of work horses he plowed the fields with
my Grandfather today... he just turned 94 on Easter Sunday... and still in the garden Bohemia style to me is a free expression of the wild and rugged countryside of Europe cuddled with gentle touches from exotic travelers that passed through that region
my Hungarian grandmother with flowers in her hair... both are more absolute FAVORITE pictures of them (of course, the family doesn't have any pictures of the gypsies... I wish!) I chose Bohemian Italy — which could be hard to figure out — for the event, because to me, both Italy and Bohemia are so rich with culture and surprise and texture and intrigue... and I do like a challenge... Blending Italy and Bohemian style has been so much fun!! Muted colors with blasts of color here and there I am so excited for the event, and to see all of you again who came before and meet new people too... and in the true gypsy style, ALL bloggers are welcome to come to the new BLOGGER TENT!!
image via tumblr (please forgive me for not knowing the source... if you know, let me know)... I love this image! It will be a special place just for all you bloggers... to meet... mingle... have some champagne... and have a great time meeting new BLOGGERS If you are coming, let me know and I'll add you to my sidebar of 'who's coming' for those of you not coming, I so wish you could... and as you can just imagine, but life is pretty much consumed with my sweet baby Daniel and this upcoming event... Have a great day!! xo+blessings,
thought I was going to write about how ranunculas are one of my favorite flowers...
however... the girl's and their horses are capturing my complete attention this morning
I'm also researching herb gardens planted on or in concrete and am very intrigued by this idea... because as you know we have the old barn foundation...
my oldest daughter took this above photo of Gilberta, and I haven't ever looked at it from this angle I have been wanting to plant in the cracks or do something with this foundation ever since the fire, but there are so many other important things to do here, it would be frivolity to do it now... but... that would be such a good use of the heat from the concrete... so we will see... By the way... Gilberta is laying so many eggs, I might even put a few out for sale at the barn sale! Isn't she so pretty?? xo+ blessings,