We know how hard it is to get to the store... or want to go to the store
let alone find something unique... hand crafted... USA made...
so starting now, Jason and I have decided to host a big sale in the shop!!!!
here's a peek at what you'll find on sale... as well as other items we still have available
If you would like your items shipped and arrived before Christmas... you have to order by Monday...
**click on images to see them in the shop **
journals the sacred prairie collection...
the cutest little vintage candy canes (limited quantity left!!)
the sweet life...
spoons (hand carved from start to finish)
the ebook: simply Christmas... with farm is able to be emailed to anywhere!! so make sure when you purchase the ebook, you ignore the shop's policy of only orders in USA... Fra in Italy has enjoyed it as much as my friend Julia in USA...
it is only $2.99... and makes a great virtual stocking stuffer!!!
available by clicking the cover here...
and again... and huge thank you to all of you emailing me and telling me you like the book... thank you so much!!! we are SO glad! and it was so much fun doing... that I am in the works on another...
on a decorating note... (fun fun) I totally redid the house today, no money spent — just lots of muscles!! am up late in so much excitement that Christmas is coming so soon... I can hardly wait! the kids and I have some really fun things to share with you...
(and I'm sure I'll pop back in here to journal some more thoughts... no doubt about that)
The Boho-Ball at the farm is only a few months away... it happens Friday night, May 20th from 5-8pm... here's what you have to look forward to at the Boho-Ball: (there is more to come later on this oh-so-fun event) champagne! treats! an AWESOME giveaway at the door for anyone who comes dressed for the event!
MEET FIFI O'NEILL!!! and let her sign her new book!!!! shopping! inspiration! (can you tell I'm excited??) it gets better...
my sweet friend Tracy Porter can't make it to the event, but she said how much she was bummed she was missing out on so much fun! So we decided to do a giveaway for ANYONE reading this post!! no need to become my follower — or post about it - no obligations this is FOR FUN! in honor of celebrating life with creativity!! if you want to add it to your sidebar to tell your friends about it (feel free) you get one chance... one comment... that's all!! are you ready?? Tracy is giving ONE BLESSED WINNER A $250 GIFT CARD TO HER ONLINE SHOP!
I know!
ISN'T SHE THE BEST?? here's some of what her shop has to offer:
here's the rules again: -only ONE comment that's all! *STARTS TODAY, APRIL 1st AND GOES UNTIL NEXT FRIDAY APRIL 8th — midnight-*
All the best to you! Tracy and I simply can't wait to see who wins!!!! xo+blessings,
remember... ONLY ONE COMMENT PER PERSON... winner will be chosen per random.org *GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED*
the feeling of Christmas has started early here...
it started as soon as that wonderful smell of gingerbread was baking in my oven
what is it about these little guys that makes me chuckle? they are funny to me... little gingerbread people
i adapted an old recipe i had and am super happy with the way they came out... fluffy/thick/delicious!
i will be selling them all bagged up and ready for you at Christmas in the Alley this weekend in Sycamore
If you haven't been to Sherrie's store, A Ruffled Nest, it is completely all decked out for Christmas... as I have been over there helping her get things ready... all I can say is it is SO fun in there and having other dealers participate next door amongst the twinkly lights and live sounds of Christmas... going in and out of the old brick buildings while meandering through all the Christmas decorations... well... it's going to be so much fun I cannot wait!
My daughter has made the most delicious homemade hot cocoa mixes she has nestled inside vintage mugs that will be there for sale at Christmas in the Alley...
each mug with 2 generous helpings of cocoa for those chilly evenings (with mini marshmallows and a candy cane:) are $10 each
she has also made some snow globes from vintage mason jars! (I'll be sharing that tomorrow)
Jason has also been working on some terrific handmade/ hand carved gifts...
there are knives, baby spoons, honey dippers, serving spoons, buttons, lunch boards, cutting boards, rolling pins... We are so very excited to share these with you!!
more information on all of Jason's hand carved items and the other items, will be all up this week...
everyone is feeling creative... and getting back to crocheting and knitting in the early mornings before we start school...
there is always a hearty breakfast... and to see the kids work together like this every morning warms my heart more than any cup of coffee...
on a personal note, a new fitness regime has started... and it's due to how baby Daniel isn't snuggling up to his Mama to nurse any longer... it's always such a sad time for me... I already miss him warm in my arms... his independence is surfacing... as is his personality!! He has this laugh that is hilarious... like a sneaky laugh "hah hah"... if I can catch him, I'll record it, because it cracks me up...
he'll sit there in my bedroom and hide from me... I'll say "where's Daniel... I don't see him anywhere??" and I hear in the closet a slight "hah hah"...
I don't know what is going to be more time consuming for me this week; preparing for Advent or baking for Christmas in the Alley
I have been changing up the decorating around here too... it's been a lot of fun putting up new curtains... moving furniture... totally changing up my bedroom too...
sharing all of it in good time...
hope you all had wonderful Thanksgiving weekend... we all needed that break around here!!!!
a "little project" my daughter and I worked on this week for her new very first line of products... I'm so excited for her... and absolutely LOVE encouraging her, working with her, and of course had to give you a peek at what it is Have a fun weekend everyone! 8-10" of snow in store for us... yeah! The kids' Christmas gift was going snowboarding and if we get this powder they are saying, then it'll make their fun time in the snow that much more fun... Stay Warm! and Happy!! my Grandma once told me: "if you have a problem with someone, it's you that has the problem" xo+blessings,
I recently read an article about homeschooling that I thought was pertinent... The writer said that she would love to remove her kids from public school due to the quality of education... and she went on to say 'but I don't want to end up in a denim jumper'... laughter was not what followed after I read that, but a true sense of understanding... (and I personally don't think there is anything wrong with a denim jumper... they hide many bodily flaws and are very modest)... Contrary to the "stereotype" this lady was trying to get a point across that the face of homeschooling is changing... more and more parents are removing their children from the public schools to educate at home for many reasons... We are very happy with the educational material we use with our children, however, I plan on taking even more time for more fun... more creative fun I love me a schedule, and I'm not changing that, but I also love spontaneity... When our son comes up to me during lunch break while I'm crocheting and wants to learn how to do the treble crochet, I do it When my youngest daughter starts singing, I set my guitar down to listen to her open up her lungs and heart to song When my oldest daughter has questions on life/friends/horses, I set down my own crochet and listen carefully and we talk
my new little favorite corner of the world when you are going with the groove of homeschooling, that means you embrace the day and thus will embrace your children... their dreams... embrace the day peace + blessings,
Here's some games that suit a wide range of kids for a fun summer day...
THE SUITCASE GAME... — we used baskets — variety of grandpa's clothes (hat, tie, t-shirt, button shirt, socks, boots) — divide kids in two teams — half of the team on each end of the "playing field" — kids have to dress into everything (don't have to button or tie the tie) and then run to the other side where their team mates are waiting... they undress... put it back into the basket... their team mate dresses... runs to the other side... etc etc... the firs team to finish first wins!!
the suitcase winners:)
THE EGG AND SPOON RACE... — it's supposed to be an egg on the spoon, but we thought otherwise:) — divide children in half, put ping pong ball or golf ball onto small spoon... they have to run to the other side of the playing field, around the obstacle, back to the their team-mates (relay style)... first team to finish wins!!
THE CLASSIC THREE BUCKET GAME — We used 3 pots, and 3 stuffed animals... they were timed by my son's stop watch... — you have to first throw it into the small pot, then the middle one, then the larger one — have one of the kids stand by the pots to throw it back to the player — the fastest player to get all three is the winner!!
There were no prizes given, just shouts of laughter and having fun!
how to give more to my family in the garden and less from the store and even farmer's market
how to make a wood fired pizza oven and start cooking by fire more
how to congeal my thoughts into something substantial for you...
how to simplify
being happy with who I am = simplifying staying home and making do = simplifying not being swayed by what the world find to be valuable = simplifying not worrying about the future = simplifying eating out of my garden = simplifying
many people who I talk to about simplifying their lives start with something organic, like eating or supporting local farmer's markets
truthfully, the only way we, as individuals, can live simply is an individual decision... find out what is clouding your mind...
is it from the television? the computer? the shopping at "big box" stores??
Television is a waste of time for us... kids included
when looking out the window the other day, I noticed my oldest son walking around the grounds... alone...
not discontent or melancholy, but rather, just walking... he is a big thinker (I have no idea where he gets that...)
so I asked him what he'd like to do this week, now that we are done with studies... a bike ride... camping... bowling...
I was all ears and rather eager to grab my keys and his water bottle and take him wherever he wanted to go...
'Mama... that all sounds like fun... but I like it here... (insert brother's name here) and I are planning on making a movie today in the woods... '
okay I thought... he'll change his mind... now that I planted this seed of inspiration and fun thoughts, he'll want me to take him later
My parents recently took a trip to Italy... they "forgot" to bring me but they did take lots of pictures, which aren't digital, so I can't share them, but let's just say my Mom's photography skills are rather close to a professional..and some of what she has shown me were almost hard to believe! Visiting Tuscany... Venice... having a coffee on the balcony overlooking Venice like I said... they "forgot" to bring me... and the children... and even my husband
the above picture is not my Mom's painting, however, she paints rather well and I don't know the source of that painting above, but it did spark the idea behind the sale's theme
source unknown the rich colors of Italy's flowers and buildings are so amazing! who said you can't mix orange and blue?? nature sure didn't say you can't... and Italy screams it at you in such an iconic way
As soon as Mom and Dad returned and showed me their 1,465 photos on a warm summer day on the deck, the inspiration ignited like those colors I have always admired in rich Italian oil paintings (as you know, I collect colorful oil paintings) Being that I have a historically traveling family heritage, there sure isn't an ounce of Italian in me, but I'm sure my gypsy aunts and uncles stopped by the roadside grotto and had a cuppa on their travels
when Jenn and I were shopping at a local vintage clothing shop right after the October sale, I saw the coolest boho-dress (which I really hope fits me still) and I said I was going to buy it for the May ball, and our two heads combined to come up with the Boho-Ball! It's all about creativity... color... inspiration... and not caring what the styles are but being yourself... HAVING FUN!! That's what this May event is all about... HAVING FUN... and enjoying buying local... shopping... eating... while enjoying the fresh air kind of what I suppose my Mom and Dad experienced when they shopped the Italian markets without me
Half of the space that my husband Jason and I have designated the sale area of the barn, is what we like to call the "Market"
a dream market... photo by Finn Lyngensen in the market you will find these AWESOME dealers... and just like the gypsies they are, they are traveling from all over!! ~ Traci and Mark (from Morris, IL and Geneva, IL) ~ Denise and Janice (from Geneva, IL) ~ Jeanine Burkhardt... CHippY ShaBbY!! (from Wisconsin) ~ Laura... Verbena Tested Treasures (from Florida) These dealers will be selling their wares in the "Market" area of the barn and will be separate from the other space designated as "the Shop" (but that's for another post... soon!)
ever since last October, I have been planning this "Market"... with flowers, herbs, & baked goods made by me... and we'll be serving lunch as well for a nominal fee... and no, I won't be selling my cured hams from the barn rafters... not this year at least...
market in san lorenzo if the weather is nice, there will be blankets available for you to borrow and take out to the prairie for a picnic... anywhere you want in the prairie... to soak up the sunshine... time with friends and enjoy your afternoon out at the farm... (sir Charles the rooster won't mind a bit if you share your crackers with him and his gal)...
My Mom is out here today and she has the best ideas... and we are going out to the "Market" and "the Shop" so she can help me feel left out she went to Italy with my Dad and "forgot" to bring me
and to help decorate
Hope you can make it to the "Market" to see the amazing finds they are bringing!! Jason and I won't buy all of the awesomeness we'll save some for you:) enjoy the day! xo+farm blessings,
if coming to Avenues of an Artful Business, you will learn more about owning your own business (this class is taught by Jeanne Oliver and Jennifer Rizzo) -you have to pre-register for ANY class here on the farm, so make sure you do that today! — if coming to Jill's jewelry class, you will be given your own treasure trove and create some amazing pieces of your very own jewelry
but wait!! Jill is now having a class on Saturday too!!! 9-11 am HOW wonderful... register HERE
Let's take a look at my blog: Jill is coming from New Jersey just for you Jeanne is traveling over the mountains from Colorado just for you yes, that Jeanne Oliver of Jeanne Oliver Designs THIS IS YOUR LAST DAY TO REGISTER SWEETIE!!! don't miss out on her coming here this time... register by emailing her: JEANNE OLIVER DO YOU HAVE A DREAM? you may just find it here on the farm while taking an art class! DO YOU HAVE A VERY BEST FRIEND YOU WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH? you may just have some awesome memories made while creating here on the farm
Whatever your schedule says for this weekend... make sure that it has time aside for your creativity, whether on the farm or not... take that time...
trust me
I know all too well the pressures of life & family
but you know what?? I'm just peachy! literally
these are for us
these are for you! peach jelly!!!! I made apple jelly AND peach jelly for the sale... may I say... that is one heck of a good fruit...
even while preparing for this event that now the one and only Heather Graham might attend (thanks to this sweet and supportive soul, who has a MUST SEE SHOP just 15 minutes from the farm) and possibly CBS Chicago and a few others, every morning and tell myself: "we are going to have fun"
seriously... life is way to short to get all hung up on yourself... let it evolve like this nature that surrounds us...
and btw... if you are taking a drive out here from Chicago... it's glorious with the seasonal color right now!!! no doubt about it... nature's treasure trove is exploding! and with all these other awesome shops near the farm, it's a super fun day for everyone involved!!
I will have a little visitor center (so to speak) for all of you coming from out of town. See you soon!!!
I'm sure you are familiar with Jennifer at the Painted Cottage... but she posted this today and I love! this picture!! how creative and fun (not to mention the rest of her house looks gorgeous)
She's got great style and always has unique DIY ideas... thanks for the inspiration Jennifer!!
I'm even going to post again today — a little later — our Christmas card we sent out... xo+Christmas Blessings,
living within the seasons doesn't require anyone to celebrate a made up holiday surely you aren't surprised that we don't "celebrate" Halloween yes... the pressure is there from family... friends... loved ones to include the children in activities that are in essence... fun however
we'd rather gather together to celebrate all the people who gave their life for Someone... Something... more important than a bag full of candy... the day after is much more spiritually enhancing
it seems today's "holiday" has overshadowed the essence of this time of harvest + saints + souls even though racing around a neighborhood and getting all six of your children in and out of the car to run up to beg for candy from strangers while inundating them with sights and sounds of the demonic may sound like fun to some... it doesn't to us... however dressing up and enjoying the seasons does... as does raising our children to always think of what He wants from us... what we can do for Him... to be strong... to be faithful
raising four boys, we do so in the spirit of this idea, being open to their ideas and activities they want to do on the farm with their friends it is not uncommon to see at any given day an "army man" ducking down into his man-made foxhole (seriously... the oldest two boys dug a 3' deep x 12' foxhole in the back prairie) recently the two oldest boys had a few friends over (as did our oldest daughter last year at this time) to play be free be boys
a surprise meal of "mush" and a slice of bread for the soldiers (the mush was browned sausage with a homemade white sauce) the meal was served from a cast iron pot and an old ladle that was used to plop it onto the tin plates
it was hilarious... when I came out of the house and rang the bell... they all came running as I yelled "chow time!!" an order of "line up!" was issued as a plate and metal spoon was thrust into their chests the dish was plopped on and one kid just stood there... so I said "move along soldier!!" he looked at our son and said "what is this? " I responded "slop!... now move along... " the grin on my face told him I was not feeding him something rotten:) that boy's brother then said... "I don't care what it is... I'm starving" our kids... our boys are starving for their imaginations to be fed... they need the necessary food to help them grow in strength upon temptations... there is no denying that the world can influence your thinking and try to coerce you to do things you don't really want to do ("but everyone else is doing it") grow together as a family... starts by praying together as a family... and listening to their hopes and dreams whether you choose to celebrate this day or not: stay safe in both spirit and self peace + blessings,
The Master Bedroom Design Q(uestions) & A(nswers) was a BLAST! Wouldn't being a decorating reporter be so fun? I think so So many of you wonderful readers haven't asked me "why" I am re-decorating my bedroom with Jo and Lulu as design stylists... because it's obvious why! They both have great talent... What's my decorating motto for this bedroom: "un-decorate" Today's Q&A is with Jo, from the Secret Garden Cottage. Her and I have talked back and forth, because of the blogs, for quite some time, and as soon I saw her kitchen/dining area, even though it's a kitchen, it inspired me for my bedroom... and here's why:
All of Jo's Answers are in italicized print, and all pictures in this post are from Jo's beautifully inspiring blog. Here's the Q&A with one of the nicest women, Jo:
1) When you design your rooms, do you have a focal point? something that anchors the room? If so, it is usually art or architecture
A: Yes. I definitely always try to have a focal point in each of my rooms, usually architectural pieces. I don't use much art in my home, mostly because I have a hard time finding something I like 100%.
2) How do you achieve an understated feminine approach to your style? A: Well... I try to keep in mind that this is my husband's home, too, and wouldn't want to overwhelm him with too many floral prints, ruffles, or super feminine colors. I try to add a feminine touch to my decor with some of the furniture pieces I use, such as the table I recently bought and placed in my kitchen. It has some decorative scroll work and pretty, curvy legs. I also use flowers and herbs from the garden to add a little bit of romance to my home, as well as the slipcovered furniture and accessories, such as glass cloches, white ironstone pitchers, and candles.
3) what would you classify your style as? A: I think my style is very eclectic. I love French farmhouse, Scandinavian, and American country cottage styles, and I think I have a little bit of each style in my home.
4) how do you achieve an overall cohesive look to your home? A: Sometimes I fell like I struggle with this myself. I try to give my home an overall cohesive feeling by using the same color scheme throughout my home. I generally only use different shades of white in my decor, including my wall paint. I also try to purchase furniture pieces that work well together... have similar architectural lines and so forth.
5) If you were to design my bedroom, by knowing me personally, and seeing my style on my blog, while incorporating your style techniques, how would design my bedroom? what elements would you include in your design plan? A: Keeping in mind your personal style... I think that the one thing you like about mine and Lulu's style is the use of white in our decor, so I would give you an all white bedroom. I would use an architectural piece with white, chippy paint such as a vintage door(s) or fireplace mantle for your headboard. I've also noticed that you like warm wood tones in your home, so I would incorporate warm wood pieces of furniture, such as your night stands and maybe a vintage chest or bench (if room allows) at the foot of your bed. The bed linens you have would look beautiful in the room, but I would add a bed skirt to make it a bit more femine. I also noticed that you love vintage silver, which I think would look gorgeous in the bedroom in the use of accessories. I would dress the windows with sheer linen or cotton curtain panels that puddle on the floor just slightly and use tree branches for the curtain rods. Since your room is small, you would want to keep accessories to a minimum to give it a serene, peaceful feeling.
Anything else you would like to say?? I just want to thank you again for including me in your bedroom makeover, Anne Marie. I feel so honored that you would consider my ideas alongside Lulu's to inspire a room makeover in your beautiful home. You have such an amazingly beautiful style and creative mind, so I know this room will turn out to be the beautiful haven you desire, and I can't wait to see it when it's done!
Isn't she the sweetest?? I wish she lived closer to actually help me! How much fun we'd have... After I saw THIS POST she did, and she had quite a few of the same inspiration photos that I have in my design collection, I knew I would beg her to do this for me:) Tomorrow is my friend Lulu's Q&A with me... stay tuned! Hope you are all enjoying your week thus far!! peace and blessings,
an abundance to reflect on this past year of many feathers, cupcakes, spoons, and a new soul
sometimes being so far from home yet not leaving anywhere
learning trying finding
seeking a new life within me through untangling the brambles i have caught myself in
i cannot go back
i must follow the star
seeking my soul finding what He wants from me trying desperately to always please Him
learning my failings and the strength that comes from this knowledge
gathering memories and losing the moments in time to once again clear the way to seek the star
finding the laughter... (never too far to look)
my star
not of fame or fortune or greed or something of this world
my star
peace + new year blessings,
{1} sisters {2} together as a family is all we want {3} reflecting, admiring {4} hair by oldest daughter — that is so fun! {5} cinnamon rolls — enought to feed the county {6} Christmas morning table at the farm {7} brothers {8} "rabbit man" (a.k.a. our comedian son) {9} little "lumberdanny"
How do you battle pride? with humility... so let's take a look...
Looking upon people with my heart, and not my mind…
The one thing I really cannot fathom is ridiculing others for their appearance…whether it is clothing, facial hair, tattoos, hair style, etc… This has nothing to do with race or nationality…seriously…can we get pass that racism already? It’s 2011…….
At times, it is awfully difficult to look past this fault in others. Some people (always women – never my male friends) tend to do this ridicule of appearance…like they are perfect or something? That is something we should all keep in mind: they aren’t perfect either…NONE of us are…. (and personally... I learn more from my husband, or men sometimes, than women- when's the last time you heard your husband or male friend ridicule others about appearance? or downgrade someone?) So instead of looking upon someone who might be “out of style” or has age spots on her face (heaven forbid) look at them with your heart…all of us are special in God’s eyes…no matter what we look like on the outside… Pride is the biggest drawback to becoming a better person…it’s the hardest to get over… You aren’t so special Anne Marie…no matter who tells you this *you aren’t so special... not yet*
Today’s society has really drilled this into us when someone is good looking, successful, creative, or even a good baker: that when you are successful at something you are so special Really?
Do you really think that you are so special because you can do these things? then everyone else who doesn't have your good of a talent... what are they?? If you consider yourself special because you have these talents/gifts, then you might possibly be looking upon others as ‘not special’ and will put them down, even mentally this will not be a good thing…..we should always look upon others for who they are — regardless of talent or creativity Yes, this talent you have, or worked at enhancing is unique, but who gave you this gift? but beware... "A man is never so proud as when striking an attitude of humility" — C.S. Lewis this means that you can't just act like you are humble... you have to actually live it Until you start thanking the One who gave it to you, you aren’t special….
SO: Take 5 minutes today and tell God ‘thank you’ a deep sincere thank you for life... for this opportunity to grow... for me to let go of pride...
*now you are special* in the One's eyes that really matters
that's one step closer to true happiness
(picture via Beth Quinn designs... I love wearing those earrings) (fun tidbit on the peacock... it's both a symbol of pride & God's eye)
My eldest daughter and I created a new product line (it was all her brilliant idea) called "the sweet life"
here's a peek at what we've been creating for the May event together:
adorable hand-stitched stuffed little birdies to perch on top of your cake and colorful — striped bunting *made by daughter* cupcake toppers...
*made by daughter* a few items I have been working on...
hand embroidered kitchen towels (made from antique linen from Scotland)
let me just say, she has inspired me... *thank you sweet daughter*
We have had so much fun with this new product line... and there is so much more I didn't share here... I have SO broken out of my box with working with only linen products, and now have embraced recycled felt (like on the cake I made for her display) and vintage trims I have had accumulating... always loved the colors, and now have a use for them! a great way to brighten up your days! is working with color!! xo + "sweet life" blessings,
When you think of celebrating the birth of your own child, preperations are sometimes extensive... invitations sent out... fun and games planned... and of course, the cake SO I ASKED MYSELF THIS: "what if I was to prepare a birthday party for Jesus... God's only son" first off the pressure would be insurmountable... but knowing only He is perfect sure helps me... I had this whole photo shoot set out in my mind to have a white cake in the barn... with the animals around... and sort of "re-create" the manger idea but then I awoke this morning to this:
It was as if God Himself whispered His sweetness on the farm a dense fog surrounded our property, and beyond the woods you couldn't see... beyond the prairie was mystery beyond anything any one of us could ever do I quickly baked the cake, but had an idea to put it in the winter-storybook-like woods with silver... crystals... white... and the cake for Him How did I set about doing this? I thought for a moment... and came up with this: Jesus is filled with awe and wonder (like the woods that surrounded this)... He is masculine and bold(like the heavy metal table and strong branches) He is sweet (like the cake) and pure (as the snow that inspired this photo shoot)
Happy Birthday Sweet Jesus and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you!!! xo+Christmas Blessings,
how will we ever be able to attend to the spiritual enhancement of ourselves when there is so much to do of this world ?? There are meals, laundry, work, kids...
to be organized within these tasks we can then find time to devote in prayer and /or meditation
meal planning... a huge responsibility in our lives, no matter how many children you have at home — and besides breathing, meal planning is the most often misused area of organization (hence fast food chains)
It may take some time, but trust me when I tell you it is worth it
So, we are going to start today... what do you have planned for supper? you should know... if you do not know, then let's find out... let's plan
On the net, there are so many wonderful places to find recipes, but let's start in your recipe box... you know, those good, great or delicious recipes tucked away in that cute box you have in the pantry from Grandma or Mom, or a good friend, or a neighbor down the road... and don't forget those cookbooks and magazines
Where Women Cook is a magazine you can find online or in the bookstore... and is really more like a cookbook than a magazine... very well put together. This past Spring, 2011, right after Daniel was born, I had the privilege to cook and style and write for Where Women Cook...
I also had the honor to work together again with my very good friend and amazing food photographer, Traci Thorson.
it was a 'Family Pizza Night'...
Gathering together for meals is certainly nothing new... and pizza is such a fun and easy way to bring the whole family together with ingredients fresh from the market, your pantry, or a quick trip to the store if it's winter...
You can find 'Family Pizza Night' on the farm in the March issue... I grabbed this from the website...
To see more about Where Women Cook, and the issue my family and I are in, you can visit their website here: WWCook
So let's get a pen... print out these below documents I put together to share with you, and make some great family meals... get organized... and have some more time! imagine that!! more time to devote to your spirit
here's an easy to follow Menu Planner... (and later this week I will put up a grocery list)... let's start this Sunday... you have the whole week to think of all those great recipes you want to share with your family...
Here's a quick recipe: Chicken and Peaches with Sweet Potatoes... Take one package of hormone free + organic chicken thighs... put them in your crock pot with a can of (home-preserved preferably) peaches with the juice... slice 3 sweet potatoes and put them on top... then slice 1 small onion and put that on top of the sweet potatoes... let simmer 7 hours and it's time to ring that dinner bell
tulips from the garden and a new pillow in fun colorful stripes
I just don't know which I like more... the tulips with the leaves or just stems... ( I recently read they last longer in vases when stripped of their leaves)
Easter preparations are now in full swing for some basket inspiration, you can see what I've done here & here & here have a blessed and Holy Thursday and a very Good Friday peace + blessings,
the great thing about this May Barn Sale is that I am doing all these things 'solo' well, my daughter (who's now 13) is crafting/sewing/throwing ideas along with me
but how fun it has been gathering vintage fabrics/sheets/linens and re-purposing them I made the sign above for over my bakery I am giving myself the whole section where the feathers are drawn — lots and lots of space - — lots and lots of delicious cupcakes/pies/pie pops/cakes/cookies - tested and tried on friends and family, these sweet treats are yum yum
so are these pom poms! and the garland I made with them
I am doing what I please with this sale my sister and good friend will be helping me in the bakery too... I couldn't be more excited really excited I'm heading out there now (to the barn) to measure up something and get things ready it's all so relaxed this time... what a blessing that has been... I'm working on a post, that will show a list of all the dealers — nearly 20 people selling here this time - 20
speaking of items... I went into Hobby Lobby yesterday with my oldest son — he looking for modeling brushes, and me looking for a certain frosting tip that has mysteriously disappeared all I have to say is that yes, you can purchase a $12 pillow that is all cute... but made in China — massed produced — not original in this day and age with so much of that everywhere... it's easy to just plunk down your debit card and purchase that pillow — it even will be cute on your sofa — but what about supporting our country supporting our women and men who are trying to be at home with their kids what about the amount of petroleum spent on hauling that mass produced stuff here? it seems awfully strange that anyone would purchase that stuff still would you rather have a burger that is locally grown meat with a homemade fresh bun? or would you like a frozen pattie made with 'pink slime' slapped on a mushy bun with unripened tomatoes and ketchup with artificial dyes, that was all imported from another country I say the first option sounds not only tastier, but more fulfilling don't you agree?? don't we want to help others locally?? don't we want to show our children quality items? that helping others is one of this great nation's qualities? yes we do {and beware of those who have sales with neat looking stuff} {{reproductions are really hard to spot these days}} what looks like something from France may not be and unfortunately, I do think some people are pulling the wool over your eyes... they have pulled it up over mine too... (and did you know it is perfectly acceptable to ask the seller "is this made in China") anyone with a tax id can purchase wholesale from many different companies who sell neat looking stuff but that is all it is "neat looking" meanwhile, you have that mom down the street from you who wants to be home with her kids, is super creative, but her items are not selling because you already bought something similar from China because it was a bit cheaper (do you know why it was cheaper? because the men and women making those items are getting paid practically nothing) why? why are people still doing this?? Jason and I have requested to all dealers not to sell things like that here what is the creativeness in that? how is that art? how is that unique? I don't have a problem with some items made in China, but if you can get the same thing from someone local then it is a no brainer to me don't you agree???
God bless Hobby Lobby for staying a Christian company, and showing that they are thank you for that (I appreciate it so much, and that is exactly why I shopped there yesterday)