Souvenirs [Search results for creative

  • vintage... blossom... bunting... market

    vintage... blossom... bunting... market

    vintage fabrics are stirring my creative energy lately... and when a friend and I went shopping the other day at Salvation Army, a vintage pinched pleat taffeta floral drape was the first step to what became this:

    it wasn't like that in the store... oh no... but with a good friend with me, and our minds working together, we picked out the polka dot fabric that matched the vintage fabric at the fabric shop, and of course, pom-pom trim was a must (it was so weird how everything came together like it did)
    here's the $10 before... 

    "eeew to the double eeew"
     everything is better with pom pom fringe!!

    when I got home, I started immediately on this project and was done in no time... (I couldn't stand looking at that 3' in diameter 'ew' much more than 10 minutes after I got home)
    I just stuck to the pattern that was on the original — with 8 triangles adjoined like a quilt top, cut the sides of the vintage drape to make the bottom (there was no measuring involved... and believe me when I tell you that it all worked out because of the grace of God)... added what I had left of the polka dot fabric and then the pom-pom fringe

    I kept the top of the drape as is... I have plans to set that up for the sale in May in the bakery... to tell you that I am excited is an understatement
    the other bits of scraps I used for a super cute scalloped bunting...

    HOW TO MAKE: large scallop bunting (as seen in top of above photo) 1) use an embroidery hoop to make a desired shape of half circle, cut it out of paper for template (I used a small bunting piece on each end as well) 2) cut out as many as you can from your fabric using that template 3) along your now half-circle fabric pieces, sew a zig zag stitch around the raw edges 4) using a 1" or more seam binding, pin your scalloped edged pieces into seam binding, meeting edge up to the inside of the binding 5) using a decorative stitch (or a zig zag), sew the scalloped edges onto seam binding 6) add a button hole on each end for easy hanging 7) press and enjoy!!
    small scallop bunting the small one (as seen in the middle of above photo) is made like this: 1) use a small circle to make desired half circle shape, cut it out of paper for template 2) along raw edge of semi-circle, use a zig zag stitch around raw edges 3) press + press down a 1/4" on straight edge 4) nestle string inside that folded edge of the scallops, and sew a zig zag stitch as you go along (I used a contrasted stitching — top thread green, bottom thread teal — fun) make sure you leave enough string on both ends to hand your new garland!
    I am seeing vintage sheets used in such creative ways... I love it!!!
    Jennifer Rizzo used vintage sheets in some really cool ways in her new look book too.
    I love this one:

    the flower pin was hand crocheted by Jenn... so super cute
    she made these journals that I am thinking would be perfect for a personal garden journal (or maybe an inspiration journal for how to use vintage sheets in creative ways!!)

    go HERE to see the whole lookbook & a chance to win $500 worth of merchandise from her new Spring line!! That is so generous I think... very very!
    If you live near Rockford, Illinois, Jennifer and so many other talented women will be at Polly Hood's house this weekend... To find our more about Polly's sale that she is clearing her whole 1st floor out for, go here.

    (I am listed to sell, but unexpectant hazards may be preventing me from doing it)

  • the theme...

    the theme...

    *it's been such a pleasure reading all of your comments on the GIVEAWAY* (you still have time to enter if you haven't yet!) go HERE
    The past year of the sales/events here at our farm, I have decided to make that transition from just 'barn sale' to an event
    it gives me the opportunity to really get creative with the events...
    May 2010 was the Patisserie (to see more pictures visit my good friend Tracey)
    October 2010 was all about the story of Bridgette (she encapsulated my spirit, and I'm still working on the ending to the book)
    This May, has been in the works ever since last fall, and I'm so excited to share it with you...

    __________________________________________________________________ (further this February, I will be feauturing each of the amazing/creative men and women participating in this event)

    I know a lot of you cannot make it to the event... and I so wish you could...
    so I came up with an idea!
    One of the displays I'm erecting for the event is a huge inspiration board

    photo credit: Canadian House and Home
    So I thought it would be fun if you want to be a part of the event, that you could send me your business card... no bigger than a 5"x8", to the farm, and I'll put it up on the board... the more the merrier!!
    and when people come to visit the event, they'll see "so and so" from "that blog I love!" up there on the board...
    If you are interested in participating in this idea, then take the flyer picture and put it up on your blog's sidebar, and feel free to tell people YOU are a part of the Farm Event!
    I do hope to meet some of you... and if you do come... make sure that you introduce yourself okay? I'll be the one with the newborn snugly wrapped around me...
    email me at: in order for you to get the address to send your business card to add to the inspiration board!

  • be yourself... be creative (part I)

    be yourself... be creative (part I)

    I had a conversation yesterday with a dear friend...

    and what concerned me is that she thinks that being married, with children, that she couldn't do "the things she wants to do"
    she didn't even know what that "thing" was
    but like she had lost herself amongst the diapers and laundry 

    Being that I can relate, she turned to me to seek advice... a shoulder... a friend
    I told her "turn off the TV"
    it really is that simple
    The internet is there, I told her, and at any given time, you can watch your fav. programs or read blogs, etc...
    but do it when your husband isn't home and the kids are busy with their activities
    Watching TV takes up so much of people's time... energy... brain power...
    but most of all: CREATIVITY

    I seriously do not know how I would be able to sew and help my kids do their art and projects and help my son build a castle out of blocks (and so much more) if I watched tv
    My basic advice extended into a conversation based on finding her creativity...
    all of us have it... and none of us are perfect... but we all have special talents

    Be Yourself... Be Creative


  • B&W Sunday and thought 4...

    B&W Sunday and thought 4...

    thought 4... dedicated thinking...

    we are all thinking all the time
    pouring our coffee we are thinking... putting on our shoes we are thinking...
    combing our hair... cooking breakfast...
    spending the afternoon when visiting with our sweet Mom and Dad...
    when you tucked your child to bed tonight... you were thinking...
    we are constantly thinking...

    what are you thinking about??
    thinking is creative... you think about something and your actions will follow
    these actions are directly a result of the thoughts we are thinking
    what we think = who we are

    believe + think you will do good
    you will do good

    spend the rest of this week of Advent dedicated to creative thinking

    spend each day this week in a bit of silence within yourself
    keep it simple
    think good

    and you will do good

  • Good morning! Winner!!!

    Good morning! Winner!!!

    Congratulations Amy!!! you won the ART on the Farm Giveaway!!

    here's Amy's comment: {Amy} said...
    This sounds like the coolest thing ever, what a generous give-away. And I am in Illinois... I could actually do this. This is just what my creative soul is looking for right about now!

    -visit Amy's totally cute blog by clicking on the above picture-

    (I love meeting new people!)

    Here's what you'll be getting... ~ 2 seats (so bring a friend!) to all the art classes here on the farm + a ~ FREE night's stay in the 4star Holiday Inn Express just minutes from the farm!! (and you'll get some little goodies from me too) ~Greg Wheaton (palying here Friday night at 5-8pm) wanted to participate in this giveaway as well, and he is giving you one of his CD's Amy!!! This man is playing at the Hard Rock Cafe this next week in Chicago... he's no ordinary guitar player — he's extraordinary -

    This was so much fun hosting this giveaway — and it was all from the generosity of Jeanne, Jill, and Jennifer
    there are a few seats available still in all classes (at least, last time I checked!) so please make sure you sign up today if you are thinking of coming... and OH! good news!! The hotel is allowing the special pricing of $97.75 still apply up until next Friday!

    What's so amazing about these art classes, is that you are amongst nature when you are here
    it's so peaceful, and it allows your creative side to flourish under the direction of your teacher
    All three of those women teaching are amazing artists! and are so willing to open up this opportunity for you to come and create/shop/listen/eat:)
    If you are 'on the fence' for coming to take a class, just remember how important it is to allow God's gifts to you come through... and sometimes that might just mean learning a new technique... it might just be exactly what you need to get you going in a new artistic direction,
    You could be like me, and pick up a paintbrush and draw giant feathers on the wall, to which I don't paint, don't draw, just sketch garden plans and hog houses or a simple skirt or dress on paper... but it was the most unexplainable time being in "that mode"
    Jill is making that weekend even MORE special! take a look:

    click on image to sign up for one of Jill's classes  we all have a busy life, let's take some time out of that life to enjoy it

    peace + blessings,

    I so wish I could give you all a giveaway like this... thanks to everyone who entered...

  • ART on the farm

    ART on the farm

    The October event is right around the corner...
    Jason and I are working hard to make the event special and unique for everyone visiting
    (October 7th and 8th)
    Part of the uniqueness to this past spring's event was hosting an art class with teacher/artist Jeanne Oliver. The class filled up quickly and a creative fun time was had by all who attended. (you can visit here to see photos of the past art class)
    Creating... within an atmosphere of farm life... sharing... inspiration... memories together... on the prairie
    under the skylights in the horse barn, and the sounds of the horses and chickens in the background, you will be able to learn from her artistic abilities with
    and these lovely ladies will be here on the farm to guide you in this process... teach you how to create

    ~Jeanne Oliver ~
    if you have met Jeanne, you will automatically have a smile on your face... Jeanne is not only creative, but such a peaceful soul — so joyful — and it's one of the qualities I admire and aspire to be myself...
    and having her back to the farm to teach 3 classes this October 7th and 8th is so exciting...

    Vintage Art Journal Class (12-2:30pm) Saturday, October 8th

    You will take a variety of vintage elements and create a beautiful and usable art/writing journal. You will start with a vintage book and alter it to include vintage elements that make it reflect your own personal style. Each journal will be full of vintage papers and watercolor paper. All supplies will be provided but you are free to bring anything personal you would like to add. You will learn how to stamp onto metals and leathers, different photo transfer processes and mixed media techniques. You will also learn beginning art journaling techniques so you can start filling your journal with your own art. All of my classes give clear step by step directions. Even if you have never created art before you will leave with not only a new piece of art but the knowledge to continue your own art at home.
    $58 ($50 if taken with the vintage mixed media art class)

    Vintage Mixed Media Art Class (3-5pm) Saturday, October 8th
    You will take a canvas and vintage elements to create a finished mixed media art piece. Each piece will include vintage papers, charcoal, pencil, paint and vintage hardware. You will learn different photo transfer processes, mixed media techniques and how to use water soluble pencils to create beautiful art. All supplies will be provided. You will leave with a completed vintage mixed media art piece on a door plate (escutcheon) stand. All of my classes give clear step by step directions. Even if you have never created art before you will leave with not only a new piece of art but the knowledge to continue your own art at home.

    $58 ($50 if taken with the vintage art journal class)

    To sign up for any of Jeanne's classes, send her an email at with subject line: NaDa Farm Art Class


    ~ Jennifer Rizzo ~
    Most of you already know that I love this girl... and how much she has been a part of the last events...

    I'm so excited to have her coming to teach 2 very unique classes!

    Reflections of the prairie mixed media art class (9-11am) Saturday, October 8th

    Bring your coffee and join in on a two hour class where we will create a mixed media mirrored art piece made from a magnifying glass using paper, decoupage medium and the inspiration of the peaceful surroundings. It starts with the 15 minute prairie walk/meditation to gather inspiration. Suitable for all skill levels, Each student will leave with a completed, unique art piece.


    To sign up for any of Jenifer's classes, send her an email at with subject line: NaDa Farm Art Class


    ~ Jeanne and Jen are teaching another class together ~
    (1.5 hours 7:30 — 9 pm Friday, October 7th) There is such joy in simply creating, but there is something so fulfilling about being able share it with others as well. Have you always wanted to find ways to let your artwork shine or create paths to promote your unique creations?
    This mini-class will cover ways to: -Remove the fear and take the steps you need towards being published in national magazines -Learn about the ease and tricks for opening an on-line Etsy or Web store -Get hints and information about what you need to open a booth in a co-op space or antique store -Sell or consign your items wholesale to retailers And more…..
    $18 It includes 1 hour of pure information and ½ hour of Q and A time. Hosted by Jeanne Oliver and Jennifer Rizzo to sign up for this class, you can contact either Jennifer or Jeanne

    ~ Jill Harris ~
    Traveling from the shorses of Jersey to the farm!! This super talented lady is coming back to the farm to not only sell her one of a kind wares, but also teaching a jewelry class

    Jill's class will be Friday, October 7th from 4-7pm

    To sign up for Jill's class, you can contact her at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    -Hotel discount information is coming soon!-

    Can't wait to see you all again!!! and meeting some new people too...

     You can visit our online homestead anytime


  • Souvenirs

    that picture is from a very talented and creative and SUPER sweet friend of mine: Julia
    please pop over to see her wonderful ideas for wrapping and I am so going to do this
    (and she herself has a great blog)
    HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! can you believe it's only a few days away???
    how very exciting!!!!!!!!!!

  • catching a glimpse...

    catching a glimpse...

    I recently read an article about homeschooling that I thought was pertinent... The writer said that she would love to remove her kids from public school due to the quality of education... and she went on to say 'but I don't want to end up in a denim jumper'... laughter was not what followed after I read that, but a true sense of understanding... (and I personally don't think there is anything wrong with a denim jumper... they hide many bodily flaws and are very modest)... Contrary to the "stereotype" this lady was trying to get a point across that the face of homeschooling is changing... more and more parents are removing their children from the public schools to educate at home for many reasons... We are very happy with the educational material we use with our children, however, I plan on taking even more time for more fun... more creative fun I love me a schedule, and I'm not changing that, but I also love spontaneity... When our son comes up to me during lunch break while I'm crocheting and wants to learn how to do the treble crochet, I do it When my youngest daughter starts singing, I set my guitar down to listen to her open up her lungs and heart to song When my oldest daughter has questions on life/friends/horses, I set down my own crochet and listen carefully and we talk 

    my new little favorite corner of the world when you are going with the groove of homeschooling, that means you embrace the day and thus will embrace your children... their dreams...
    embrace the day peace + blessings,

  • 7 Days to a better Me... DAY 1

    7 Days to a better Me... DAY 1

    DAY 1: Pride

    How do you battle pride? with humility... so let's take a look...

    Looking upon people with my heart, and not my mind…

    The one thing I really cannot fathom is ridiculing others for their appearance…whether it is clothing, facial hair, tattoos, hair style, etc…
    This has nothing to do with race or nationality…seriously…can we get pass that racism already? It’s 2011…….

    At times, it is awfully difficult to look past this fault in others. Some people (always women – never my male friends) tend to do this ridicule of appearance…like they are perfect or something? That is something we should all keep in mind: they aren’t perfect either…NONE of us are….
    (and personally... I learn more from my husband, or men sometimes, than women-
    when's the last time you heard your husband or male friend ridicule
    others about appearance? or downgrade someone?) So instead of looking upon someone who might be “out of style” or has age spots on her face (heaven forbid) look at them with your heart…all of us are special in God’s eyes…no matter what we look like on the outside… Pride is the biggest drawback to becoming a better person…it’s the hardest to get over…
    You aren’t so special Anne Marie…no matter who tells you this
    *you aren’t so special... not yet*

    Today’s society has really drilled this into us when someone is good looking, successful, creative, or even a good baker: that when you are successful at something you are so special

    Do you really think that you are so special because you can do these things?
    then everyone else who doesn't have your good of a talent... what are they??
    If you consider yourself special because you have these talents/gifts, then you might possibly be looking upon others as ‘not special’ and will put them down, even mentally this will not be a good thing…..we should always look upon others for who they are — regardless of talent or creativity
    Yes, this talent you have, or worked at enhancing is unique, but who gave you this gift?
    but beware...
    "A man is never so proud as when striking an attitude of humility" — C.S. Lewis
    this means that you can't just act like you are humble... you have to actually live it
    Until you start thanking the One who gave it to you, you aren’t special….

    Take 5 minutes today and tell God ‘thank you’ a deep sincere thank you for life... for this opportunity to grow... for me to let go of pride...

    *now you are special* in the One's eyes that really matters

    that's one step closer to true happiness


    (picture via Beth Quinn designs... I love wearing those earrings)
    (fun tidbit on the peacock... it's both a symbol of pride & God's eye)

  • a wonderful gift...

    a wonderful gift...

    my daughter had the priviledge to attend Jeanne's art class here on the farm this past October
    she loved it
    LOVED it!!

    and SSSHHHH... because her birthday present is taking Jeane's wonderful E-Course
    I know she will be thrilled

    thank you Jeanne for helping her be creative... it means so much
    peace + blessings,

  • heavy... yet fragile and beautiful

    heavy... yet fragile and beautiful

    burdened with life's cares cripples not only your mind but your soul

    I'm sure you have seen pictures of and art (especially recently) of birds being released from a cage, or your hands cupping something sacred or fragile

    that is because life is so very fragile

    the more I "Get Back into Life" the more fragile it seems...
    more special...
    more sacred...
    more beautiful...

    beneath the piles of "to-do's" there is a joy... I don't always have the best way of showing that towards others the way I perceive it would be shown

    I have this pre-conceived idea of frolicking in the field while jumping... the sun's rays streaming through and hitting and capturing the moment as I am suspended in time of complete and utter joy with no thoughts of anything bad

    yes, fairy tale like... or I should say, heaven like

    I think this is why so many of us can relate to the current trend of creativity being shown by so many creative women across the world... with their linens hooped tight in their wooden embroidery circle as the needle punches through and makes that satisfying "pop" to their centuries old embellishment technique or modern day free form applique...

    relating to the artist with her music of Adele playing just loud enough to hear the kids if need be, her coffee steaming in her favorite mug on that rustic art table she picked up at the flea as her desk is strewn with mixed media... creating

    finding the relationship between the beautiful blossoms of the pear grove near their home and capturing a surreal and pretty moment in time by styling a pretty picnic to share with others by publishing a post on their blog...

    even if we don't possess these qualities of creativity, we appreciate them

    even when we don't have a lick of talent except how to order a 'cafe mocha' and peruse the flea with friends, we appreciate them

    appreciating others talents and seeing that brief moment of spark and exclaiming to ourselves or the good friend we're with "oh! I love that!"

    that's why

    we "love that" because it resonates with something we all share... beauty...

    instead of letting this become heavy upon our shoulders that we don't have that person's talent, we snatch their creativity up, and enjoy setting in our home or give it as a gift

    this is absolutely the reason why I love doing what I am doing at present...

    I may not possess much talent, but I have this ability here on our farm to allow others to bring their beauty to you

    this all sounds like a big info-mercial now, and go ahead and take it that way if you are cynical or jealous

    but I love this sale and bringing joy to you through inspiration and beauty

    I am so very pleased to tell you all that over 20 different people will be here at the sale in May selling their beauty and creativity...

    what started as something out of my garage with one neighbor and a few family members the week after the barn burned, to a talked about event from coast to coast in magazines and on the net is a living testimony of the power of positivity, creativity, and the overall community support for local art and products

    Wherever you live, visit a local barn sale or flea market... grab that friend or sister or loved one and enjoy the inspiration, beauty and love for amazing local talent.

    *part of the proceeds benefits a local charity*

    xo+ blessings,

  • be yourself... be creative (part II)

    be yourself... be creative (part II)

    my workspace is rather cluttered right now... especially since that hutch was moved to the kitchen... but I rather like it right now...

    it's dripping with lace, textures, color, and the scent of a rose...

    For every Event on the farm, or any huge sewing project for a client, I always do an inspiration board
    it keeps me focused and I'm surprised at how often things turn out how I envisioned them in my head onto the board
    all messy and random (yup, that's pretty much sums me up)
    i put on there: vintage trim, buttons, inspiring pictures...

    it's the lace and textures that are inspiring me for the May Event... and pretty much my life in general

    Where I sit...

    I'm even enjoying making some mixed media art, with this as inspiration...

    The image was given to me by my good friend Tracey at Christmas... I love it Tracey is having a FANTASTIC giveaway right now!!!
    here's one of the items!

    I also wanted to make sure you know about how another good friend Maria opened her new online shop this past week

    and it's gorgeously photographed and styled (later this week I'll show you what she sent me in the mail...)


  • a look into my studio...

    a look into my studio...

    the great thing about this May Barn Sale is that I am doing all these things 'solo'
    well, my daughter (who's now 13) is crafting/sewing/throwing ideas along with me

    but how fun it has been gathering vintage fabrics/sheets/linens and re-purposing them
    I made the sign above for over my bakery
    I am giving myself the whole section where the feathers are drawn
    — lots and lots of space -
    — lots and lots of delicious cupcakes/pies/pie pops/cakes/cookies -
    tested and tried on friends and family, these sweet treats are yum yum

    so are these pom poms! and the garland I made with them

    I am doing what I please with this sale
    my sister and good friend will be helping me in the bakery too... I couldn't be more excited
    really excited
    I'm heading out there now (to the barn) to measure up something and get things ready
    it's all so relaxed this time... what a blessing that has been...
    I'm working on a post, that will show a list of all the dealers — nearly 20 people selling here this time -

    speaking of items... I went into Hobby Lobby yesterday with my oldest son — he looking for modeling brushes, and me looking for a certain frosting tip that has mysteriously disappeared
    all I have to say is that yes, you can purchase a $12 pillow that is all cute... but made in China — massed produced — not original
    in this day and age with so much of that everywhere... it's easy to just plunk down your debit card and purchase that pillow — it even will be cute on your sofa — but what about supporting our country supporting our women and men who are trying to be at home with their kids what about the amount of petroleum spent on hauling that mass produced stuff here?
    it seems awfully strange that anyone would purchase that stuff still
    would you rather have a burger that is locally grown meat with a homemade fresh bun? or would you like a frozen pattie made with 'pink slime' slapped on a mushy bun with unripened tomatoes and ketchup with artificial dyes, that was all imported from another country
    I say the first option sounds not only tastier, but more fulfilling
    don't you agree??
    don't we want to help others locally?? don't we want to show our children quality items? that helping others is one of this great nation's qualities?
    yes we do
    {and beware of those who have sales with neat looking stuff} {{reproductions are really hard to spot these days}} what looks like something from France may not be
    and unfortunately, I do think some people are pulling the wool over your eyes ... they have pulled it up over mine too... (and did you know it is perfectly acceptable to ask the seller "is this made in China")
    anyone with a tax id can purchase wholesale from many different companies who sell neat looking stuff but that is all it is "neat looking"
    meanwhile, you have that mom down the street from you who wants to be home with her kids, is super creative, but her items are not selling because you already bought something similar from China because it was a bit cheaper (do you know why it was cheaper? because the men and women making those items are getting paid practically nothing)
    why are people still doing this??
    Jason and I have requested to all dealers not to sell things like that here what is the creativeness in that? how is that art? how is that unique?
    I don't have a problem with some items made in China, but if you can get the same thing from someone local then it is a no brainer to me
    don't you agree???

    God bless Hobby Lobby for staying a Christian company, and showing that they are thank you for that (I appreciate it so much, and that is exactly why I shopped there yesterday)

  • A GIVEAWAY!... but first a bit about Jo Packham

    A GIVEAWAY!... but first a bit about Jo Packham

    yes, there will be a giveaway, from myself and Jo Packham but I think it's vital for others to know a bit about who she is

    Jo is the amazing woman behind some beautiful publications such as Where Women Cook magazine.
    Together, Jo and I (and my very talented friend & photographer Traci Thorson) have now completed a few projects...
    Working with Jo, I couldn't help but be encouraged by her enthusiasm and entrepreneur spirit... it really got me wondering more about her
    Finding more about her has only increased my opinion of her strength and versatility and confident creativity this woman possess... very wonderful traits to aspire to have.
    To tell you all how prfoundly amazed I am that she has chosen me to work with her on a few projects, is quite frankly not only an understatement, but has given me the confidence to keep doing what I am doing: just being me

    so here's a little Q & A... with Jo Packham...
    1) You have helped so many women attain their dreams. What prompted you to start doing that? It is something that I have always done — for as long as I can remember. I believe that when we help each other we are all so much stronger. And I don't believe in competition because there is more than enough for everyone and we need to inspire and be inspired by each other.

    2) Out of all the women you have met along this journey of your life, whom would you like to thank the most? My mother. She was wiser than her education and taught me to have confidence in myself and how to find the answers that I needed.

    3) What kind of art/creativity do you like to do in your spare time? I make jewelry and paint walls with tiny brushes in lots of different colors.

    4) What is the hardest thing you have ever had to do? Lay-off an employee due to circumstances that were beyond our control

    5) Due to your business and life experience, what advice do you have for someone who is stuck and wants to break into being published? Do your homework and don't give up. Try a different angle. Wait a month and try again.

    6) You are a wife, mother, friend and business woman... some of us know you professionally, but tell us about what you like to do on a day off... if I am not with my grandchildren or my children I really do like to work. It is what I do even when I don't get paid.

    7) What projects are you currently working on? Anything you can reveal to us??Magazine #3 and new licensing agreements under WWCook.

    8) What is your favorite kind of cupcake? red velvet

    9) What is your favorite color? green — bright chanteuse green

    10) If you could pin down your style, what would you name it? bohemian — eclectic

    Thank you Jo... for everything... it is always such a pleasure working with you.
    it was an honor having my name on the cover of the latest issue and being inside your beautiful quarterly magazine (which is really like a mini cookbook!)

    click on cover to peek inside...

    *stay tuned for the giveaway*

    xo + creative blessings,

  • a little bit of Christmas...

    a little bit of Christmas...

    the feeling of Christmas has started early here...

    it started as soon as that wonderful smell of gingerbread was baking in my oven

    what is it about these little guys that makes me chuckle? they are funny to me... little gingerbread people

    i adapted an old recipe i had and am super happy with the way they came out... fluffy/thick/delicious!

    i will be selling them all bagged up and ready for you at Christmas in the Alley this weekend in Sycamore

    If you haven't been to Sherrie's store, A Ruffled Nest, it is completely all decked out for Christmas... as I have been over there helping her get things ready... all I can say is it is SO fun in there and having other dealers participate next door amongst the twinkly lights and live sounds of Christmas... going in and out of the old brick buildings while meandering through all the Christmas decorations... well... it's going to be so much fun I cannot wait!

    My daughter has made the most delicious homemade hot cocoa mixes she has nestled inside vintage mugs that will be there for sale at Christmas in the Alley...

    each mug with 2 generous helpings of cocoa for those chilly evenings (with mini marshmallows and a candy cane:) are $10 each

    she has also made some snow globes from vintage mason jars! (I'll be sharing that tomorrow)

    Jason has also been working on some terrific handmade/ hand carved gifts...

    there are knives, baby spoons, honey dippers, serving spoons, buttons, lunch boards, cutting boards, rolling pins... We are so very excited to share these with you!!

    more information on all of Jason's hand carved items and the other items, will be all up this week...

    everyone is feeling creative... and getting back to crocheting and knitting in the early mornings before we start school...

    there is always a hearty breakfast... and to see the kids work together like this every morning warms my heart more than any cup of coffee...

    on a personal note, a new fitness regime has started... and it's due to how baby Daniel isn't snuggling up to his Mama to nurse any longer... it's always such a sad time for me... I already miss him warm in my arms... his independence is surfacing... as is his personality!! He has this laugh that is hilarious... like a sneaky laugh "hah hah"... if I can catch him, I'll record it, because it cracks me up...

    he'll sit there in my bedroom and hide from me... I'll say "where's Daniel... I don't see him anywhere??" and I hear in the closet a slight "hah hah"...

    I don't know what is going to be more time consuming for me this week;
    preparing for Advent
    or baking for Christmas in the Alley

    I have been changing up the decorating around here too... it's been a lot of fun putting up new curtains... moving furniture... totally changing up my bedroom too...

    sharing all of it in good time...

    hope you all had wonderful Thanksgiving weekend... we all needed that break around here!!!!

    xo+ a bit of Christmas blessings,

  • vintage tea...

    never before have I given a whole area to a dealer "in the shop" at the event...
    but this time I did
    to Jennifer Rizzo... this has been her third sale here... and her most successful!! She had the space with the vintage tea cups hanging from branches... that created this whimsical perspective on vintage tea...
    her new line is a reflection of vintage iron stone... patinae silver trays... funky coffee mugs...
    she had this throw for sale that was a crocheted afghan with hand crocheted flowers bunched and adorned everywhere (sold right away)

    actually, most of what she had for sale sold... she had THE COOLEST funky orange tufted couch (with sold right away)... like an antrho catalog it was... she had hats, fingerless gloves, these super cute tea towels with pom pom fringe and hand embellished prints of birds...
    let's just say she's a busy girl trying to re-stock her shop right now...
    she has some new items listed and will be doing so all week and I for one, cannot wait to get my hands on a hat and some jewelry...
    if you know Jen, you know her funky vintage side and creative soul and how they come together on this new line... oh! she has a giveaway... I almost forgot!! Go here to enter...
    thank you to you all who have taken the time out to email me about your experiences here on the farm at the sale... I have had such a good time this week reading them... it means so much to me!!!
    peace + blessings,

  • check this out...

    check this out...

    click on picture above to see what Jenn has been creating... through her heart and creative spirit
    i LOVE it... that look book... i think it's one of her best accomplishments... it truly is inspirational
    you can also SHOP HERE


  • Bird silhouettes...

    Bird silhouettes...

    I took down an old rabbit hutch I had on top of this cabinet, and started putting out all the nests we have collected here made from the horses hair and even our dog's long fur... mostly wrens' nests... with some of our favorite feathers... it needed something... some color... creativity...

    inspiration via Country Living magazine...

    we unearthed this plate while digging up the first perennial bed here...

    and this plate is from my late grandmother...

    instead of painting on the pumpkin like CLiving did, we chose to paint on the glass to create a 3-D art effect (when I say "we " I really mean my oldest daughter... she did a great job!)

    a small collection of old glass bottles hold feathers and nests...

    my youngest daughter painted this hurricane... it's a bird with a top hat... and I think it is super creative and super cute!
    the old silk top hat I traded with Polly at the 2010 October sale...

    the best thing about this craft is that the glow of the candle illuminates the bird silhouettes and it is painted on with acrylic paint... so it washes right off with warm water...
    go HERE for the bird silhouettes — we cut out the birds we liked, taped them onto the glass, used a small brush to paint the outline around the bird, and then filled it in with the black paint — just use a regular old black acrylic paint
    The black birds are migrating right now, and their stop over at the farm has been noisy, but welcome.

    peace + blessings,

  • Sale Information (and a cutie)

    Sale Information (and a cutie)

    The event this year is coming together so nicely... meant to be on so many levels...

    totally random photo... he's just too cute not to post today...

    There is so much more I wanted to include in the flyer, but there simply wasn't enough room!!

    the entry fee on Friday night is waived when you bring your ticket (handed to you Friday night) back Saturday (if you plan on attending the event both days)

    part of the proceeds both days benefit a local charity — Hope Haven -

    there are more and more homeless individuals... but not enough room at their building... but we can help them
    (to make a more substantial donation, visit their website here)

    Making a difference in other people's lives is so important on so many levels... and community needs to stick together

    that's the primary reason why Jason and I host this event on our farm

    to help support many different local artists, antique dealers, musicians, etc.

    My focus for the sale is baking from scratch and selling those yummies in my little 'farm bakery' in the barn...

    ART on the Farm classes have begun registration and you can see more about those classes here (or on my sidebar)... seats are limited, so please register soon

    If coming from out of town, I am so thrilled that the Holiday Inn Express has created a room block and ALL rooms are the same price for you!! even the King Executive Suites!! to see more go here

    This is a lot of information I know, but so much needs to be said when it comes to this event... there is much more to it than just stuff on tables or haystacks... it's all our creative efforts joined together to both inspire you and to give you the opportunity to purchase all HANDMADE and USA made items crafted by our hands — all of us involved...

    Here's an idea: Gather a few of your friends that you haven't seen in awhile, or that you see all the time and love being around... create a closer connection to them by planning a trip to the farm... here's even a little something for you to send them in your e-mail...

    If you gathered the "three of you"... split the hotel room ($97.50) three ways... it's only: $32.50 per person!
    This is an event I don't want you to miss!
    Take Jill's jewelry class Friday night, go shopping afterwards, go back to your plush hotel room, have a few cocktails, laugh and giggle, tell stories and eat some snacks while watching a movie... the next morning, grab a cup of coffee (and their famous cinnamon rolls at the hotel) and head back to the farm just after the sun rises to walk the prairie (rain or shine) to Jen's class to learn how to create a unique art under glass creation with the inspiration you will find on our farm and in the back 3 acre prairie... shop some more and enjoy a class by the famous artists Jeanne Oliver from Colorado... she is teaching two classes that are both unique and beautiful to create under the skylights in the horse barn...
    don't forget to grab a few cupcakes and sit under the trees and enjoy the farm!!
    (that sounds like a great weekend if you ask me)
    bringing your blankets to picnic or relax out in the prairie is highly encouraged:)

  • how fun!

    how fun!

    I'm sure you are familiar with Jennifer at the Painted Cottage...
    but she posted this today and I love! this picture!! how creative and fun (not to mention the rest of her house looks gorgeous)

    She's got great style and always has unique DIY ideas... thanks for the inspiration Jennifer!!

    I'm even going to post again today — a little later — our Christmas card we sent out...
    xo+Christmas Blessings,