my workspace is rather cluttered right now... especially since that hutch was moved to the kitchen... but I rather like it right now...

it's dripping with lace, textures, color, and the scent of a rose...

For every Event on the farm, or any huge sewing project for a client, I always do an inspiration board
it keeps me focused and I'm surprised at how often things turn out how I envisioned them in my head onto the board
all messy and random (yup, that's pretty much sums me up)
i put on there: vintage trim, buttons, inspiring pictures...

it's the lace and textures that are inspiring me for the May Event... and pretty much my life in general

Where I sit...

I'm even enjoying making some mixed media art, with this as inspiration...

The image was given to me by my good friend Tracey at Christmas... I love it Tracey is having a FANTASTIC giveaway right now!!!
here's one of the items!
I also wanted to make sure you know about how another good friend Maria opened her new online shop this past week

and it's gorgeously photographed and styled (later this week I'll show you what she sent me in the mail...)