Starting Monday...
I will be posting another Lenten series entitled "3 steps... to a better me"
These posts entitled "3 steps... to a better me" are written with a particular purpose, a special meaning, and a deliberate spirit to help enhance who I am.
These posts will not, by any means, create a "someone" I want to be. Why? Because I don't want to be first lady, or some famous writer, or a tv show host. Who I want to become is a better version of who I already am. There are so many faults I have. So many failings. So very many...
so who do I want to be? just plain ol' me
embracing who I am and using the gifts God gave me
I have made extremely bad choices... and that is exactly what they were... choices... and what they still are
There is this thing that I absolutely love about life: freedom.
This freedom is within each and every one of us. This is how even Christ Himself was able to be enslaved in this flesh and blood while living here upon this Earth. He knew He had to suffer as He did... and this time during Lent I am always reminded of this... and I fight it...
I fight this flesh and blood... sometimes I don't want it... I want to soar bodiless with Him in heaven... in only spirit
and then I realize I can do that now... that all I have to do is let myself go of this world and soar
Feeling a bit ill this week, and only wanting solitude because of it, I was very much grounded right where I am... all I want to do is sew that ottoman I made, but there was this totally cute, severely needed to nurse all day for some reason baby in my arms... I just wanted to be in that studio and sew and listen to the birds, and make my tea, and just well: be me. Truthfully, it was a 'fake me' that I wanted. Seriously... can you hear the whining?
The purpose of these posts is to bring solace, healing and hope to hearts... enlightenment to minds... strength to wills.
Yes, it will be focused on me, not individuals who read these posts... I cannot address anyone else... that's the person I know the most;)
So what will be in these posts?? This '3 steps... to a better me'? ??
- First we will discover how to reclaim that self respect.
- Second, we will learn how to accept what is given to us... and call it a blessing.
- Thirdly, we will understand what our calling is and learn how to fulfill that purpose.

I have a lot at stake making this place we call "Farm" a place to treasure
like a tabernacle I want to empty myself and fill only Him with His love and accept
accept me
accept all the blessings both in sacrifice and joy
but first... the sacrifice
like the quickly passing days upon this Earth, I only have a short amount of time to live life to the fullest I could easily fill myself with "me" but that would be selfish
so I'm going to fill myself with Him, through sacrificing myself completely see you Monday...
(well, maybe Sunday too... with a b/w photo:) xo+spiritual blessings,