Souvenirs [Search results for Sewing

  • looking back...

    looking back...

    I think a lot of us can agree, that when looking back upon something you are passionate about, you learn from your mistakes, and if you still have that passion, you strive to perfect it...

    So recently when I looked back in my 'sewing' files on my computer, I have realized something...

    (a dress made with an antique dresser scarf front and buttoned shoulders)

    that I love creating things... unique items to wear...

    (pillow case dress)

    ~this outfit for when she was 3 is one of my favorites~

    I also love taking pictures of the girls after making them these creations...

    (... these below are some of my favorite photos with her in this dress)

    Over time... my designs spun to more hand sewing... in the quiet of the outdoors...
    under the oak tree or ancient white pine
    Sewing to me, is like how I view food... taking things slow... paying attention to details...

    (ruffled pants)

    Prices of fabric used to be around $3 — $7 when I first started sewing independently...
    patterns were around $2.75 (generally)

    ~Prices have gone triple that now~

    Linen for example (like the pictures below here) is $14.99 per yard

    and patterns are up in the $10 — $13 range for good patterns

    (this purple dress here was without a pattern)

    for the good stuff — made in USA — high quality


    I started not using patterns because of the prices... but could NOT sacrifice the fabric quality...

    and when not using a pattern, my creativity seems much freer to express the mood of the dress with such things as French seams... mini pleats... more puff... less poof... a gather here... and a gather there...

    (see this dress in it's entirety here)

    When my daughter started competing in Irish dance, the dresses are literally over $1,000
    yes, you read that right... thousands... we saw one at a competition and the mother proudly explained it was made in Ireland and was over $3,500.

    good heavens.

    "I can do that" was my first thought

    and this is what I came up with — an almost replica of that $3,000 dress

    however, mine is made out of an old red sparkly (cheap looking) dress I cut up for the red, but the rest is all hand done to my daughter's exact measurements with new fabrics (just in case you were wondering... she won 1st place medals with this dress)
    Due to prices increasing with linen, I did have to raise my price of "Elizabeth" and her "companions" (that all sold out right away)

    go here to see what Elizabeth is all about

    go here for the full post on "pure miss E":

    ~have a wonderful Tuesday!!~

  • on guard...

    on guard...

    Being completely able to load, hold, aim and shoot accurately at anything in life takes discipline

    and the willingness to not be afraid of trying new things
    but always being on guard, from not only evil, but allowing yourself to stop caring... of even the little things...

    what I'm guarding...
    = my individuality (making sure I'm not becoming too familiar with myself)
    = my children
    = the last of the tomatoes from the chickens (who btw, are still not laying eggs)
    = baby Daniel from getting any bigger (at six months of age, there is seriously nothing cuter than his chubby thighs and little giggles)
    = my sanity (due to the impounding ideas surging through my brain for the upcoming event... I have to keep calm!! — emphasizing even more of the need to relax due to the double exclamation marks)
    = my oldest son's desires
    = my oldest daughter's modesty
    = my sewing needles (my oldest son is sewing patches onto his clothing — and in which, has sewn his arm closed twice, and knotted the thread so tightly we could zip line from it)
    = my sugar (the bees need to fed some of my coveted raw sugar... they have been bred with another queen... it's a long story... but let's say, there was a mighty battle and the queen is dead!

    don't become too familiar with yourself... but be on guard it's for His glory, not your own

  • Souvenirs

    always searching for more

    we climb and reach
    looking to a new horizon
    under rocks

    through the cracks... if only just for a little peak
    why is this?? why do we knock ourselves out like that??
    is it making us better? or is it just a waste of time and energy?? why are we like this???

    what it boils down to is that hard work is in our essence of life and along with this hard work is also structure... organization
    think about it in terms of 'creation'... our Creator made heaven and the earth, reflected upon it, saw it was good, and moved on... then He made light, reflected upon it, saw it was good, and moved on... and so on...

    so yes, God is the first example to us of the "how" to do this thing we are living: this life
    what projects are you working on? installing new book cases? starting a new online business? writing a novel? making dinner? sewing pillows?
    whatever the task may be remember three things: (the perfect number to me) 1) it is a gift that has been given to you 2) make the plans + stop to reflect + give thanks for this gift and your talents 3) move on
    don't dwell on whatever it is you are doing... follow the three steps above and you are sure to succeed

    keep it simple...
    if God can relate how He created the world, heaven, the universe, the light, the animals, the plants, the flowers, the seas, the air, and the human person with a soul that reproduces and grows from a tiny little embrio into what you look into the mirror at in a few simple words, I think we can too... (it's okay to stand outdoors in the park with your jaw dropped to the forest's floor in awe and wonder)

    take it from someone who over-thinks practically every breathing moment of her existence (ehem)

    keep it simple
    (trust me)

    peaceful blessings,

  • my tuesday...

    my tuesday...

    cleaning out the barn, schooling the kids, making a pumpkin latte, sewing a project for a friend as a canopy, and looking online for a jersey cow for sale in the area has now ended up with burnt slices of eggplant under the broiler for the pizza I thought we were going to eat an hour ago

    thank the Lord it is warm outdoors because (so far) the kids still are playing with papa and not begging for dinner from their neglectful mama (ah-hem)

    the day was still productive, learning of the Nile and how the Hebrews differed from the Babalonians and how to make tomato sauce using the crock pot! who knew!!

    the tidbits of the day...

    saved and savored... just at the right time

    funny... cooking again... beef soup from scratch... flowers from a barter from a friend:)

    soup a simmer

    full of thankgiving

    full of love,

  • to be...

    to be...

    whenever I come across fabric that speaks to me, for whatever reason, I purchase it...
    whether it's vintage... antique from France... or new...

    this fabric is so luxurious... silky... so feminine... I had to play around and take it's picture up my stairway to show you it's glory...

    it will be transformed into a few gowns... which you could wear to the Boho-Ball that I'm hosting here at the farm May 20th — the Friday night event -
    being no stranger to creating gowns, this is one sewing project that I'm so excited to get started on
    more on the Boho-Ball coming soon...
    and another giveaway tomorrow to kick of February' Farm theme: "romantic spring"

  • Boho-style top and custom jewelry...

    Boho-style top and custom jewelry...

    Our oldest daughter celebrated a birthday recently, but I had planned long before her celebration...

    Tracy from Tied-Up-Memories had made this custom necklace just for her! ~white horse locket (she loves our white horse Jordan... and lockets) ~ keys (she has something for old keys... I wonder where she gets that? lol) ~ A few beautiful religious medals ~ old glass beads surrounded by wonderful chains and craftsmanship

    I have bought a number of Tracy's beautiful jewelry
    she's such a good friend to make a custom piece of jewelry isn't she?
    We once did a barter for her jewelry... for one of my long skirts I designed just for her:
    her sweet post on it

    The necklace she made for our daughter, goes quite well with this new feminine/satin/watercolor design top I just finished sewing...

    the feel of this top is so feminine-boho...

    it's part of my new line of clothing... for the sale!

    *a special thank you again Tracy* she loves it!!

    If you are interested in purchasing a similar necklace, visit Tracy at her Etsy Shop:

    Hope you are all enjoying the week... if not... start now!

  • summer nook...

    summer nook...

    this table was noticed by me the moment it came out of Amy's car for the barn sale here...

    I have to admit, it's kind of nice having a flea market come right to the farm...

    the natural wax she put on it prevents it from chipping anymore, and the French hand towel made from flax is what i am using like a little table runner

    the "curtain" is just fabric I strung up on a birch branch... just temporarily, to keep the heat out
    if it was up to me, I wouldn't have any curtains

    but our big windows face the south... the heat pours in... good in winter... not so good in summer

    we don't have air conditioning by choice, so everything is oriented in the rooms now for best light/views/heat control

    this nook is so nice and cool in the crisp mornings, and watching the sunsets at night...

    here's a closeup of the fabric... a nubby linen with a faded turquoise stripe

    i grew up sailing with my Dad, and those memories are treasured and seem to be creeping out more and more in my sort of red, white, blue decor
    you might already know how much I like Ralph Lauren's style, and seeing he's producing more of his quality goods right her in the USA, makes me like him even more
    if only more of the big names did that... think of the jobs!

    one of our old corn crib doors fell off awhile ago, and I recently used it for some food styling I was hired for by Jo Packham for a new book she hired me for (more on that later)
    after bringing that in for a few shots, i really enjoyed it inside, and it is now very happy being in our nook

    I am adding that same stripe fabric in my living room... not done yet sewing those

    shopping at JoAnn Fabrics, at a 50% home decor is not so easy finding USA made fabric, but you can still find made in USA fabric, such as Waverly

    it is a classic rose pattern I have always liked... and am very happy to work with it finally in our farmhouse

    there is nothing like classic pattern and texture

    there is a road trip I have planned with a good friend this weekend... if you follow me on Pinterest, you can see what's inspiring me in my pinboard entitled "road trip"
    I'll be helping decorate a new shop in Indiana, and doing a photoshoot... but more on that later too

  • Some more sewing...

    Some more sewing...

    A super light cotton material with a natural wrinkle and stretchy nature was paired with vintage trim and some ruffles...

    with most of my tops, a matching hair accessory will come with it...

    available at the May Event here at the farm

    for more information visit: Farm Events
    Don't forget to book your hotel stay... see the post below for more details...


  • be yourself... be creative (part II)

    be yourself... be creative (part II)

    my workspace is rather cluttered right now... especially since that hutch was moved to the kitchen... but I rather like it right now...

    it's dripping with lace, textures, color, and the scent of a rose...

    For every Event on the farm, or any huge sewing project for a client, I always do an inspiration board
    it keeps me focused and I'm surprised at how often things turn out how I envisioned them in my head onto the board
    all messy and random (yup, that's pretty much sums me up)
    i put on there: vintage trim, buttons, inspiring pictures...

    it's the lace and textures that are inspiring me for the May Event... and pretty much my life in general

    Where I sit...

    I'm even enjoying making some mixed media art, with this as inspiration...

    The image was given to me by my good friend Tracey at Christmas... I love it Tracey is having a FANTASTIC giveaway right now!!!
    here's one of the items!

    I also wanted to make sure you know about how another good friend Maria opened her new online shop this past week

    and it's gorgeously photographed and styled (later this week I'll show you what she sent me in the mail...)


  • a look into my studio...

    a look into my studio...

    the great thing about this May Barn Sale is that I am doing all these things 'solo'
    well, my daughter (who's now 13) is crafting/sewing/throwing ideas along with me

    but how fun it has been gathering vintage fabrics/sheets/linens and re-purposing them
    I made the sign above for over my bakery
    I am giving myself the whole section where the feathers are drawn
    — lots and lots of space -
    — lots and lots of delicious cupcakes/pies/pie pops/cakes/cookies -
    tested and tried on friends and family, these sweet treats are yum yum

    so are these pom poms! and the garland I made with them

    I am doing what I please with this sale
    my sister and good friend will be helping me in the bakery too... I couldn't be more excited
    really excited
    I'm heading out there now (to the barn) to measure up something and get things ready
    it's all so relaxed this time... what a blessing that has been...
    I'm working on a post, that will show a list of all the dealers — nearly 20 people selling here this time -

    speaking of items... I went into Hobby Lobby yesterday with my oldest son — he looking for modeling brushes, and me looking for a certain frosting tip that has mysteriously disappeared
    all I have to say is that yes, you can purchase a $12 pillow that is all cute... but made in China — massed produced — not original
    in this day and age with so much of that everywhere... it's easy to just plunk down your debit card and purchase that pillow — it even will be cute on your sofa — but what about supporting our country supporting our women and men who are trying to be at home with their kids what about the amount of petroleum spent on hauling that mass produced stuff here?
    it seems awfully strange that anyone would purchase that stuff still
    would you rather have a burger that is locally grown meat with a homemade fresh bun? or would you like a frozen pattie made with 'pink slime' slapped on a mushy bun with unripened tomatoes and ketchup with artificial dyes, that was all imported from another country
    I say the first option sounds not only tastier, but more fulfilling
    don't you agree??
    don't we want to help others locally?? don't we want to show our children quality items? that helping others is one of this great nation's qualities?
    yes we do
    {and beware of those who have sales with neat looking stuff} {{reproductions are really hard to spot these days}} what looks like something from France may not be
    and unfortunately, I do think some people are pulling the wool over your eyes ... they have pulled it up over mine too... (and did you know it is perfectly acceptable to ask the seller "is this made in China")
    anyone with a tax id can purchase wholesale from many different companies who sell neat looking stuff but that is all it is "neat looking"
    meanwhile, you have that mom down the street from you who wants to be home with her kids, is super creative, but her items are not selling because you already bought something similar from China because it was a bit cheaper (do you know why it was cheaper? because the men and women making those items are getting paid practically nothing)
    why are people still doing this??
    Jason and I have requested to all dealers not to sell things like that here what is the creativeness in that? how is that art? how is that unique?
    I don't have a problem with some items made in China, but if you can get the same thing from someone local then it is a no brainer to me
    don't you agree???

    God bless Hobby Lobby for staying a Christian company, and showing that they are thank you for that (I appreciate it so much, and that is exactly why I shopped there yesterday)

  • feeling full...

    feeling full...

    no... not from that puffed oven pancake, or the homemade sugar cookies and cupcakes we're testing for the sale (had no clue what 'flooding' was until recently — but my oh my is that fun)

    an overwhelming sense of being full hit me tonight when at church

    my mind literally screamed at me to shut up

    all these ideas, pictures, styling, sewing, baking, planning, etc on top of all other 'normal' aspects of my life builds and builds until I felt almost pregnant... and on my last few weeks (no I'm not expecting... as far as I know)

    If I'm not creating or doing I'm reading... I just don't sit still

    that doesn't mean I'm super organized and can accomplish a whole bunch, but it does mean I've got my interests scattered... for crying out loud I got inspired while shopping the ethnic isle at Woodman's...
    that is the super great thing about our human ability to absorb every ounce of our surroundings

    every ounce of it

    some might not want to, and stick with the routine, take their daily to dos get them done, and package everything neatly

    others might not have any schedule and totally flow with life like floating on a raft with a beer in one hand (that doesn't sound so bad really...)

    but I find myself in between those two... and I'm sure a lot of you can relate to that

    What an awesome feeling to know that we are ever expanding in our minds... that the possibilities are endless and absolutely God's doing

    I can see a deeper need and desire for each of us to slow down and enjoy the simplicity in life more, especially with all the iphones/ipads/computer games/x-box's/TV/movies...

    {{connecting with nature
    {{meditating on the glorious nature of our very existence
    {{sitting quietly still in the presence of Our Lord for at least an hour a week
    {{hugging your spouse... at least an hour a week

    and so many more ideas that would be beautifully captured in your life

    capturing that fullness in your life is simply stopping quietly to hear Him

    ... what is He saying to you

    eat a cupcake... that is what He's saying to me right now... how about you?

  • little roo...

    little roo...

    plenty of attention and soft as can be
    a welcome new addition to the farm
    little roo

    I'm working on our master bedroom this week: — painting — sewing — moving furniture
    I hope you don't mind me sharing the process! have a great day

  • such inspiration!

    such inspiration!

    After the event/sale is over... yes, I'm tired, no doubt about that, but during this down time it gives me a chance to think, be calm, and dream
    during this whole process, I was surrounded by amazingly talented women that came from New Jersey, Arizona, Colorado, and local towns in Illinois... I am truly inspired!!
    What was inspiring??
    Their focus
    and passion for what they do
    their confidence in that fact
    I dabble in just about everything from covering candles in burlap and sewing linen dresses to hand embroidering tea towels and setting up this whole event
    I can already see my focus changing... defining... and it is all because of those men and women that took the time to come to our farm and be a part here's just a few of the pictures that I took... (if you came to the event and are posting pictures, let me know... I'd love to see them!! and I'll post your link on my sidebar) 

    checkout counter... with a linen dress/jacket combo I made and one of Jill Harris' bags that rock my world 


    again... 'the rock my world' bag that sold before I could get it, and an original art piece by Jeanne Oliver

    a barn wood bench with a metal base that Jason made for the event, and items from both Jennifer Rizzo and Polly Hood

    My daughter's and I new line "The Sweet Life"... it was a success for her!! I'm so happy for my sweet daughter!!!!

    'the peasant dress' from Jeanne Oliver and hand made crochet tops from Jill Harris — just gorgeously made things
    I'm hoping to see more pictures from a few friends that came... I didn't get to take many photographs...
    Midwest Living Magazine came out to the event, wrote a story on it, took some fantastic pictures of both the sale and the Art on the Farm with Jeanne Oliver that was taking place in the horse barn... they were so nice and Jason & I are honored they came to our farm...

    I took some video with our new video camera during the event... but am having difficulty getting it uploaded — as soon as that is smoothed out I can't wait to share it with you who weren't able to come...
    I was asked by a SUPER sweetie named Lauren (hi girl!) what my favorite part of this whole process of the event/barn sale was...

    truly it was the togetherness that is felt in the barn

    it is the common interests and desires all of us have

    how we are all connected

    (insert kumbyah here)

    so I asked myself when everyone was asleep after braving (and photographing) tornado clouds while sipping red wine and eating a chocolate... okay... so maybe 3 chocolates...
    "what can I do to help others be inspired??"

    continue my journey in life with my heart

    my passion

    my faith

    so many of you came up to me and said "thank you for doing this"... and honestly... I don't know how to respond to that...

    'thank you' would be obvious — and I did say that — but this is just my life, my way of thinking and doing... and you all have no idea how very very special it is for all of us at the event that you came and met us and was a part of this togetherness...

    we really are here to help support one another

    to encourage

    to grow in happiness and holiness

    not to be favored, but accepted for who we are, and striving to always be better people

    okay, so I got caught up in theology of "Anne's mind on the farm" and all, but it is from my heart that I tell you

    it was a wonderful experience having you come here
    either in person, or via blog

    with much love and blessings,

  • summer sewing...

    summer sewing...

    working with a light denim in pin tucks

    and little Roo

    if you live in and around Geneva, Antiques on State is having a big Anniversary Sale that starts today! go here for directions

    xo+sewed up blessings,

  • cucumbers and sailboats...

    cucumbers and sailboats...

    the heat makes us pick super early in the morning and late at night
    as soon as they come in, they get washed and kept in the cellar, while we wash and prepare the jars and lids

    the next morning, it's time to dice/slice and start the brine

    we went a bit "overboard" with planting cucumbers we enjoyed them so much while gazing out at the frozen tundra during the harsh winter

    since we went overboard, we are able to share so much with friends and family... and I'm so glad
    the garden is doing quite well considering the heat and due to planting so close together in most places, I am able to not weed so much (imagine that)
    so I did some more sewing using a striped sheet and appliqued a sailboat on it for our daughter

    I didn't perfectly line the stripes up... without a care I made this skirt...
    she doesn't mind and neither do I
    we had lost power from a terribly windy storm... the weather up here is quite peculiar lately and I almost caved and got an air conditioner almost
    but once again, we chose not to it's almost a game now... letting it cool off inside the house and run around and closing the windows at just the right time... funny really... but with heavy drapes and quick feet, we are able to keep this old farmhouse cool enough... but we aren't using the oven, instead the grill and the side burner outdoors which I am hysterically calling my 'outdoor kitchen'... someday... someday!
    I am however, taking a break from pickles, and am blending and juicing them galore quite versatile
    anyone know of uses for cucumbers? I would love to hear how you use them in and out of the kitchen

    xo+pickled blessings,

  • hand stitched bunnies and kitties...

    hand stitched bunnies and kitties...

    the winter months don't usually keep us in, but these frigid temps in the 4* — 7* range are

    a needle and thread has made it's way to our daughter's hand and our little Daniel's heart...

    made from plaid and denim and other bits and bobs of fabrics we've been finding... each having a charm of their own, and just big enough to give a big bunny hug with

    xo + sewing blessings,

  • raising our girls like a princess...

    raising our girls like a princess...

    the fancy pomp and aire isn't "us"

    picture courtesy of the boys... and Jason's vintage G.I. Joe collection from childhood I have tried wearing silky type clothes, but end up wearing the cotton and linen... the more handmade the better... and I generally do not wear purple with black combat boots

    Looking back at this post, I'm so glad I had the lace hanging by hemp twine (now I can take it down with no problems)

    heck, I didn't even want a diamond ring for our wedding... just a simple turquoise on silver...
    my husband's wedding band was something I had a artisan jeweler create with silver and white gold blended to create a one of a kind artistic sentiment of my love (which fell off his blessed finger while skiing the Illinois river... so if anyone ever finds it, let me know)... I would have settled with him tying a piece of hemp twine around my finger...

    ~Those "things" just aren't important to us~

    we don't get caught up or over anxious about being self-sustainable... but strive to be (it is HARD work)... what is more important right now is that we focus on raising our children with us... not separate... they are an intregal part of who we are (there is a saying that 'you are who your kids are')

    Our marriage is sometimes rough, but mostly smooth... and I truly attest that to Jason's patience... and though I chose an understated white gold band with a tiny diamond (it wasn't about the money) for my wedding ring (a vintage 1927 Vintage ring we both found the week before the wedding), we are pretty simplistic people.

    no tv... we have one to watch the occasional movie... the kids (and there are 6 of them) only watch a movie maybe once a week if that...

    no video games... which includes hand held objects of complete wastes of time

    we work... we work alot... but to us, work is prayer

    We are entering into our 16th year of marriage and only just beginning to get to know each other...

    but we both have always been nature lovers... outdoors hiking and mountain biking (Jason used to race mountain bikes — but that is a whole other story in itself)... I used to repel and introduced him to the sport as well... (going to college for a degree in Environmental Science back when only two schools even offered it helped finding the best outdoor spots)

    Our love has grown from nature... with nature... and now we raise our children that way... a seasonal way of raising our children...

    Our meals are based on the seasons for the most part... Our lives are definitely shaped by the seasons with chores changing monthly by the change in climates here in the midwest (and they sure do change here in the midwest)

    unplug yourself... just for a day

    There are no princesses here... or princes for that matter...

    no pomp... no aires... just a bit of dirt, sunshine, rain and always a breeze
    Life is dirty... but the bright light of faith shines upon us every day regardless if it's hidden behind an obstacle... there even are tears somedays but they cleanse us and keep us honest... and the breeze seems to always blow something else into our lives here on the farm

    Our two girls' are precious to us, just as much as the boys are... but there is no way we are raising them to believe that they aren't going to be getting their hands dirty in life... that work is the way to grace... that working hard at whatever you want to achieve in life is THE only way you reach your goals

    Sewing dresses and skirt with them... even embroidering details upon their clothing... this is my opportunity to comfort them with something I have worked at just for them... from my hands to them...

    It's the same with cooking... we comfort those around us by preparing a good healthy meal that will help support them through the day... as is for anything we do with our children...
    life is messy, and we certainly aren't raising any princesses here

    all the love and support for this day, xo+blessings,

  • "3 steps... "

    "3 steps... "

    Starting Monday...
    I will be posting another Lenten series entitled "3 steps... to a better me"

    These posts entitled "3 steps... to a better me" are written with a particular purpose, a special meaning, and a deliberate spirit to help enhance who I am.

    These posts will not, by any means, create a "someone" I want to be. Why? Because I don't want to be first lady, or some famous writer, or a tv show host. Who I want to become is a better version of who I already am. There are so many faults I have. So many failings. So very many...
    so who do I want to be? just plain ol' me
    embracing who I am and using the gifts God gave me

    I have made extremely bad choices... and that is exactly what they were... choices... and what they still are
    There is this thing that I absolutely love about life: freedom.

    This freedom is within each and every one of us. This is how even Christ Himself was able to be enslaved in this flesh and blood while living here upon this Earth. He knew He had to suffer as He did... and this time during Lent I am always reminded of this... and I fight it...

    I fight this flesh and blood... sometimes I don't want it... I want to soar bodiless with Him in heaven... in only spirit

    and then I realize I can do that now... that all I have to do is let myself go of this world and soar

    Feeling a bit ill this week, and only wanting solitude because of it, I was very much grounded right where I am... all I want to do is sew that ottoman I made, but there was this totally cute, severely needed to nurse all day for some reason baby in my arms... I just wanted to be in that studio and sew and listen to the birds, and make my tea, and just well: be me. Truthfully, it was a 'fake me' that I wanted. Seriously... can you hear the whining?

    The purpose of these posts is to bring solace, healing and hope to hearts... enlightenment to minds... strength to wills.

    Yes, it will be focused on me, not individuals who read these posts... I cannot address anyone else... that's the person I know the most;)

    So what will be in these posts?? This '3 steps... to a better me'? ??

    • First we will discover how to reclaim that self respect.
    • Second, we will learn how to accept what is given to us... and call it a blessing.
    • Thirdly, we will understand what our calling is and learn how to fulfill that purpose.
    I did this last Lent as well. Now, I don't know if many of you will follow along with me... and I am not by any means asking you to do so. There may be times where I post about a pie I made... or maybe another sewing project... or this cute mug:

    I have a lot at stake making this place we call "Farm" a place to treasure
    like a tabernacle I want to empty myself and fill only Him with His love and accept
    accept me
    accept all the blessings both in sacrifice and joy
    but first... the sacrifice
    like the quickly passing days upon this Earth, I only have a short amount of time to live life to the fullest I could easily fill myself with "me" but that would be selfish
    so I'm going to fill myself with Him, through sacrificing myself completely see you Monday...
    (well, maybe Sunday too... with a b/w photo:) xo+spiritual blessings,

  • happy weekend photos...

    happy weekend photos...

    =Twenty-two children =no whining =no "major" injuries (unless you ask the 3yr. old directly... he needs surgery according to him) =we've knicknamed the baby "wide awake Daniel" =giving up coffee is NOT an option =nursing while sewing is actually more easy than I thought =nursing while trying to braid my hair into this is not such a good idea =having people out to the farm and entertaining on our new pergola covered deck was even better when I threw some tarps over the top to block the sun (and now have the want to put a roof on it which Jason will be so excited to hear I'm sure) =still knowing the little touches you do for people are appreciated... even 'big bad Bill' =finding out also that listening to Bach concertos played on the violin by a semi-professional violin player (aka our cousin) helps soothe your ability to slam the volleyball to your opponents and releases even more stress =relishing in the following day after 3 days of partying and the children are still sleeping which is glorious in itself

    I stitched the adults names onto seam binding and tacked them onto these crochet drink holders

    the little kids spot

    here's to our independence and freedom of speech, religion, and all the liberties we receive each day from God to live and care for those around us and the land we love