I think a lot of us can agree, that when looking back upon something you are passionate about, you learn from your mistakes, and if you still have that passion, you strive to perfect it...
So recently when I looked back in my 'sewing' files on my computer, I have realized something...
(a dress made with an antique dresser scarf front and buttoned shoulders)
that I love creating things... unique items to wear...
(pillow case dress)
~this outfit for when she was 3 is one of my favorites~

I also love taking pictures of the girls after making them these creations...

(... these below are some of my favorite photos with her in this dress)

Over time... my designs spun to more hand sewing... in the quiet of the outdoors...
under the oak tree or ancient white pine
Sewing to me, is like how I view food... taking things slow... paying attention to details...

(ruffled pants)
Prices of fabric used to be around $3 — $7 when I first started sewing independently...
patterns were around $2.75 (generally)
~Prices have gone triple that now~
Linen for example (like the pictures below here) is $14.99 per yard
and patterns are up in the $10 — $13 range for good patterns
(this purple dress here was without a pattern)

for the good stuff — made in USA — high quality
I started not using patterns because of the prices... but could NOT sacrifice the fabric quality...
and when not using a pattern, my creativity seems much freer to express the mood of the dress with such things as French seams... mini pleats... more puff... less poof... a gather here... and a gather there...

(see this dress in it's entirety here)
When my daughter started competing in Irish dance, the dresses are literally over $1,000
yes, you read that right... thousands... we saw one at a competition and the mother proudly explained it was made in Ireland and was over $3,500.
good heavens.
"I can do that" was my first thought
and this is what I came up with — an almost replica of that $3,000 dress

however, mine is made out of an old red sparkly (cheap looking) dress I cut up for the red, but the rest is all hand done to my daughter's exact measurements with new fabrics (just in case you were wondering... she won 1st place medals with this dress)
Due to prices increasing with linen, I did have to raise my price of "Elizabeth" and her "companions" (that all sold out right away)

go here to see what Elizabeth is all about
go here for the full post on "pure miss E":
~have a wonderful Tuesday!!~