no... not from that puffed oven pancake, or the homemade sugar cookies and cupcakes we're testing for the sale (had no clue what 'flooding' was until recently — but my oh my is that fun)
an overwhelming sense of being full hit me tonight when at church
my mind literally screamed at me to shut up
all these ideas, pictures, styling, sewing, baking, planning, etc on top of all other 'normal' aspects of my life builds and builds until I felt almost pregnant... and on my last few weeks (no I'm not expecting... as far as I know)
If I'm not creating or doing I'm reading... I just don't sit still
that doesn't mean I'm super organized and can accomplish a whole bunch, but it does mean I've got my interests scattered... for crying out loud I got inspired while shopping the ethnic isle at Woodman's...
that is the super great thing about our human ability to absorb every ounce of our surroundings

every ounce of it
some might not want to, and stick with the routine, take their daily to dos get them done, and package everything neatly
others might not have any schedule and totally flow with life like floating on a raft with a beer in one hand (that doesn't sound so bad really...)
but I find myself in between those two... and I'm sure a lot of you can relate to that

What an awesome feeling to know that we are ever expanding in our minds... that the possibilities are endless and absolutely God's doing
I can see a deeper need and desire for each of us to slow down and enjoy the simplicity in life more, especially with all the iphones/ipads/computer games/x-box's/TV/movies...
{{connecting with nature
{{meditating on the glorious nature of our very existence
{{sitting quietly still in the presence of Our Lord for at least an hour a week
{{hugging your spouse... at least an hour a week
and so many more ideas that would be beautifully captured in your life

capturing that fullness in your life is simply stopping quietly to hear Him
... what is He saying to you
eat a cupcake... that is what He's saying to me right now... how about you?