Souvenirs [Search results for summer

  • it's a wonder at all...

    it's a wonder at all...

    i am sure most of you can relate to striving for that 'hold on' moment... that moment when you can sink into a pillow with a good book, or take that cup of iced tea and stir the honey slowly and watch it blend and think of nothing but where to sit and enjoy the shade on a sunny day

    it's a wonder

    this time... this last bit of time before summer's heat is all but gone, and that sun tea is no longer... those lazy days outdoors watching the children play... this time is so short...

    it's a wonder

    it is as though i am feeling just now settled into summer, when it's being taken away by the cooler nights and less hot days...

    there are so many times when i can correlate myself to my surroundings... the lightness in my step when spring comes... the sauntering flip flops during summer... the shuffle of leaves in autumn and the crunch during winter... but i do have to admit, that lately, i am being drawn into a connection i cannot explain with our oldest son...

    it's a wonder

    his piano compilations make me stop in my tracks and almost drink the sound into my soul... the heartache of childhood leaving while the maturity of his heart growing

    it's a wonder at all that anything gets done during the summer...

    so much to organize and plan for school, the upcoming sale as well

    the importance of being with my family supersedes anything right now... our bond is growing daily the more time we spend together, and I thank the Lord for allowing me to teach them at home... so very blessed to not have to shuffle them off every morning after packing their lunches...
    a lot of our peace comes from a schedule and routine of sorts... even if the routine for the day is them sleepy eyed coming down the stairs to greet me for the first time of the day with a hug and groggy "good morning"... I love those times and savor every hug... it never gets old

    it's a wonder... these kids... this place... this life...

    like my cup of coffee losing it's steaming hotness, the summer is fading, and though I cannot go fill my cup back up with more summer time, I can take what I have learned this summer and and a bit more just to keep me going

    peace + blessings,

  • Jeanne Oliver at the Farm...

    Jeanne Oliver at the Farm...

    I followed Jeanne's blog for awhile... and thought her art and perspective on life co-existed and were portrayed beautifully on her blog
    we started talking through the e-mails once and awhile
    I sent her a link to a farm just West of mine... (I am always looking for a replacement farm with an old barn)... and lo and behold it was her Dad's listing!!
    No idea she grew up nearly 20 minutes from Farm until that day
    We were able to meet last summer... our daughters are pen pals... our sons are pen pals too...

    and I'm so blessed to call her my friend
    she really is that special... always listening... never needing anything... so very caring... when my son had a severe accident this past summer, Jeanne and her son were more caring than even most of our family members
    sending books and prayers, calling to see how he was doing... (it really meant so much to my son and I... she is truly a genuine person!!) and THAT is the reason her art and items she creates are so special... because she is a true artist... letting her life and self be expressed through her art 

    her original art work
    I'm just so amazed she wants to be a part of my sale here... but she is!

    She's debuting her NEW product line in my barn... I can. not. wait.
    Her and I are totally doing karaoke that night... laughing... dancing... laughing at ourselves... she cracks me up
    Jeanne will also be TEACHING a class on mixed media art in our summer house, the second day of the Farm Event... May 21st
    What a great vacation with your girlfriends!!!! Come to the Event... shop... drink champagne at the Boho-Ball... meet other bloggers... get inspired... eat... laugh... (swim at the hotel pool!)... and take Jeanne's Mixed Media Art Class!!
    Seats will be limited for this... and details will be given out soon

    and I really hope she understands how special I think she is and how I can't wait to see her again
    in the meantime...

    let's SHOP for her items HERE and read more about her life HERE


  • bedroom details...

    bedroom details...

    trying to marry the two ideas was getting so complicated... when, as life, it shouldn't be

    I stuck to that good ol' advice "buy what you love"

    the pink satin throw is vintage... bought at one of my most favorite stores: Cracker Jax, in DeKalb, IL.
    I was the recipient to a most generous gift certificate from a very good friend, so with that gift, I bought the satin throw and the bark cloth

    The barkcloth is a vintage piece — and when I purchased it, it was a wide valance. With a quick cut of the scissors, I sewed up the side I cut, and because it was lined, all I had to do is slip my king size pillows in it and walla: 2 pillow covers for our king size bed!

    I am not sure yet what to do over the bed... I have oil paintings... an old sign... a shelf... and old window... I just don't know yet... time will tell!
    The blue French desk and love seat was purchased at another great little shop with tremendously inexpensive prices on furniture: Sweet Blessings in Rochelle, IL. I am not one to divulge pricing... but let me just tell you that both pieces together were under $150
    the desk's flip down front was already off, but I propped it up in back, and added a collection of icons that Jason's sister has given to us over the years...

    the couch is (I'm guessing) from the 1920's and in very good shape — with vintage blue chenille fabric and heavy springs... the small little round table was just given to me by my mom and dad... it was my grandmother's... just perfect to hold an ironstone platter with two cordial glasses and a bottle of locally made brandy:)

    the mirror was bartered years ago for work Jason did at someone's house, and the dresser was bought just before Daniel was born — and had been in the girl's room up until a few days ago...
    the vintage satin bright blue little organizer was previously used in "it's day" for holding stockings, but now holds my jewelry I love to see and use daily...

    english tin from goodwill — hair pick from Cracker Jax

    yellow and full of happy memories, the vintage travel case sitting atop my dresser was purchased on that recent road trip to Indiana to a fantastic! shop: Hot House Market... Carrie is one of my favorite display artists, and she had this idea of using the travel case as a jewelry box... as do i... and now it holds my summer jewelry as well as my most treasured vintage scarves I grab to throw on my head during the summer (small bowtie necklace also from Hot House Market)... earrings on far left, the ones with the little bees in middle and far right are from Tracy... i love her jewelry!! — and her:)


  • summer nook...

    summer nook...

    this table was noticed by me the moment it came out of Amy's car for the barn sale here...

    I have to admit, it's kind of nice having a flea market come right to the farm...

    the natural wax she put on it prevents it from chipping anymore, and the French hand towel made from flax is what i am using like a little table runner

    the "curtain" is just fabric I strung up on a birch branch... just temporarily, to keep the heat out
    if it was up to me, I wouldn't have any curtains

    but our big windows face the south... the heat pours in... good in winter... not so good in summer

    we don't have air conditioning by choice, so everything is oriented in the rooms now for best light/views/heat control

    this nook is so nice and cool in the crisp mornings, and watching the sunsets at night...

    here's a closeup of the fabric... a nubby linen with a faded turquoise stripe

    i grew up sailing with my Dad, and those memories are treasured and seem to be creeping out more and more in my sort of red, white, blue decor
    you might already know how much I like Ralph Lauren's style, and seeing he's producing more of his quality goods right her in the USA, makes me like him even more
    if only more of the big names did that... think of the jobs!

    one of our old corn crib doors fell off awhile ago, and I recently used it for some food styling I was hired for by Jo Packham for a new book she hired me for (more on that later)
    after bringing that in for a few shots, i really enjoyed it inside, and it is now very happy being in our nook

    I am adding that same stripe fabric in my living room... not done yet sewing those

    shopping at JoAnn Fabrics, at a 50% home decor is not so easy finding USA made fabric, but you can still find made in USA fabric, such as Waverly

    it is a classic rose pattern I have always liked... and am very happy to work with it finally in our farmhouse

    there is nothing like classic pattern and texture

    there is a road trip I have planned with a good friend this weekend... if you follow me on Pinterest, you can see what's inspiring me in my pinboard entitled "road trip"
    I'll be helping decorate a new shop in Indiana, and doing a photoshoot... but more on that later too

  • summer...


    my feet are more comfortable rocking on a boat than standing solidly in the grass...

    Ezekiel bread sandwiches with fresh arugula and provolone and a bit of ham...

    first time in the big water for "big D"

    we had so much fun
    xo+summer blessings,

  • the games...

    the games...

    Here's some games that suit a wide range of kids for a fun summer day...

    THE SUITCASE GAME... — we used baskets — variety of grandpa's clothes (hat, tie, t-shirt, button shirt, socks, boots) — divide kids in two teams — half of the team on each end of the "playing field" — kids have to dress into everything (don't have to button or tie the tie) and then run to the other side where their team mates are waiting... they undress... put it back into the basket... their team mate dresses... runs to the other side... etc etc... the firs team to finish first wins!!

    the suitcase winners:)

    THE EGG AND SPOON RACE... — it's supposed to be an egg on the spoon, but we thought otherwise:) — divide children in half, put ping pong ball or golf ball onto small spoon... they have to run to the other side of the playing field, around the obstacle, back to the their team-mates (relay style)... first team to finish wins!!

    THE CLASSIC THREE BUCKET GAME — We used 3 pots, and 3 stuffed animals... they were timed by my son's stop watch... — you have to first throw it into the small pot, then the middle one, then the larger one — have one of the kids stand by the pots to throw it back to the player — the fastest player to get all three is the winner!!

    There were no prizes given, just shouts of laughter and having fun!

    Hope you are enjoying the summer!!!

  • it's a busy place...

    it's a busy place...

    = fans working overtime to cool down our brows
    = kids in and out of swimsuits more than the ice cubes in the freezer making their way to the glass of suntea
    = trips back and forth to the potager get better every time
    = no "in the kitchen" meals, just fresh from the garden and grill
    = little hands coming inside with green tomatoes to slice up and add to salad

    summer means no worries... no schedule...

    this summer is a busy place full of memories...

    spending the late afternoon on our farm with 4 Seminarians = go kart rides = swinging from the tree swings = chasing after chickens = walking the prairie = ping pong games = TONS of laughter = lots of hungry appetites!!
    ~menu~ — Blue cheese filled burgers (served with a homemade roasted red-pepper sauce + sauteed mushrooms w/onions) -grilled zucchini (drizzled with olive oil and rosemary+thyme) -grilled sliced potatoes w/red onions and cheese drizzled with olive oil (wrapped tightly in recycled foil) -and my (almost) famous chocolate cake

    These amazingly joyful group of men filled our hearts and souls with more joy in the Lord, but also made us ache with laughter...

  • Souvenirs

    sinking deeply into the summer's cool foggy evening

    noticing that life is very much like a summer's eve... that the stars would not be so brilliant if set against a bright sun... that contrast is needed for our eyes to see the beauty that is oftentimes hidden from our sight

    to think of going through life at a steadfast pace with no ups and downs, no hardships or delights would be so dull and uninteresting... to think of the birds all brown with the same song...

    diversity is supposed to be seen within nature in order for their uniqueness to distinguish 'it' against 'the others' — such as each of us... such as life...

    within the tasks of our daily lives — the laundry and cooking, the weeding the prayers, there is a beauty in the contemplation of those tasks... that we cannot shirk our duties but embrace the work all the while to meditate upon the beauty, stained beets' hands and all

    the diamond on my finger is a rock, such as my faith the encircles my life every waking moment in undying devotion to my husband and the bond we share like no other, that lasts through many moons and under many starry skies, sunny days and stormy ones
    there was once a time when I had a severe stomach ache and cramping that lasted for many days... many days... and I did think the child within me was coming to the end of his life, for it most certainly felt like the end of mine... and after I recovered, someone near to my heart that can only talk severely candidly with me said "at least you have a stomach"... and as absurd as it may sound, he was right, and he always ceases not to complain, even amongst pain which makes him not be able to walk... never... not a single word of complain... a most courageous man
    those pains are long gone and almost forgotten — especially when I am able to hold his chubby 1 year old hands as he falls asleep upon my shoulder...
    how often times we cannot see past the pain and sorrow
    how many moments in life that are as dull as a gravel drive leading to nowhere
    but we must get it through our heads that the pain is passing by us like a fog... that will soon loose it's dampness and disappear... and as long as we equip ourselves with the right spiritual preparation and fuel, that gravel road will eventually lead us somewhere we are supposed to be... and if you feel as though you are running out of fuel, stop... take a deep breathe... and listen to your heart and soul... and if nothing comes back to you, then stay where you are and call for help
    for now, I am putting my hands up and allowing Someone else to drive, while I put my head out the window and feel the cool breeze as I gaze up to the never ending sparkling stars in the sky

  • a quick meal and some shopping picks...

    a quick meal and some shopping picks...

    definitely one of my favorite meals during this hot summer
    sliced avocado, Havarti cheese, a sprinkle of sea salt and freshly chopped basil on whole wheat bread served with fresh cucumber slices
    if you have multi-grain bread or a sourdough, this dish is even better
    this meal I will sorely miss in just a very short time

    all this time shuffling around the house preparing for school and the activities that follow the ending of the summer such as filling up the cellar with the preserved goodness from the garden, makes these quick and satisfying meals essential
    but truth be told... I cannot wait to simmer a pot of soup and slow roast a chicken (besides, I am losing my touch around the kitchen without all the daily cooking! it's been raw foods or grilled meals... I think my family is ready for it too)
    many of the women I know are purging the unused and unloved items within their homes' cracks and crevices... dusting off things that they don't use and donating them to charities
    such as I am
    there are so many things I do not use, or really like, that we have taken in from friends or purchased ourselves, and I think this time of year is so exciting because there are so many wonderful sales out there
    my advice: buy what you really like
    see what's out there
    help support those local businesses
    original art at the art shows... that antique dresser from a local shop...
    whatever your tastes are, here are my picks for this weekend:
    ************************************************************* Room 363 (one of the most talented display artists I know owns this shop)

    if you live around Chicago, then you are familiar with Naperville a new shop, called Room363 is opening the doors this weekend for the very first time
    and if traveling (or living) West, A Ruffled Nest in Sycamore is open this weekend too (I would definitely recommend trying to get here at 5pm Friday... she sells out quickly) I will be there before 5:) I have my eye on a neat old dresser

    In DeKalb: a ribbon cutting ceremony at Carter's Cottage
    (Christie carries Annie Sloan Chalk Paint... and even has a new classroom for this very purpose... I have used that paint and love it!!!)
    looks like this avocado/Havarti meal will be my 'go to' sustenance for a quick meal before heading off to shop
    peace + blessings,

  • a day...

    a day...


    coffee in hand, it's my favorite summer chore 

    a safely caped popsicle explorer

    our new grape vines for farm wine


    an angel in my potager


    a sip here and a saute there

    shitake (pronounced "shit — AH — key")

    hope you are enjoying the summer...
    ~et cum spiritu tuo~

  • Summer Fete — via McMaster and Storm -

    a good friend and a kindrid spirit, she blends the simplicity of life with God's love and spills that beauty into everything she does... whether it's in her home or through a summer fete that graced her guests on her front lawn

    in collaboration with Kara and her beautiful idea, I am also doing a dinner — albeit a bit later — but looking forward to sharing that with you all soon my dinner was supposed to happen on our anniversary (the same day of Kara's) but because I was unexpectedly a 'fishing widdow' that has been moved to another time... (her most lovely home was recently featured on Stacey's site here) — and yes, I swooned over her blue velvet chair! xo+fete blessings,

  • if


    if only I could spend the last days of summer like this


  • in the sink...

    in the sink...

    a wonderful thing occurs at the end of the growing season

    picking and washing and preserving... it all comes together to savor the summer

    a mass of cherry tomatoes are turning into red rubies for stews in the winter and sauce for the pasta
    it's about 6:02 am and the stove is about to be fired up already

    i spent the day yesterday glued to the computer... well, most of the day, reserving spaces for the upcoming sale in october... just about 40 people where/are invited, but it works as a first come/first serve basis for dealer spaces... one dealer cracked me up saying it was like purchasing Justin Beiber concert tickets... meaning, it was done in less than 3 hours for all practical purposes... an exhausting 3 hours of coordinating all the emails and phone calls... but we are happy to say that this sale is going to be so fantastic — with returning people and new people! Unfortunately, our barn is not big enough for all who were invited, if it was, we would have been able to fill that too! and I so wish we could!! and a few of my very favorite dealers are not able to make it due to family and life...
    here's a sneak peek into my head right now: there is talk of a fashion show, live music both days, new windows and tables and chairs to gaze out into the prairie while eating your cupcakes and other baked goods while sipping your complimentary wine... yes, maybe wine instead of champagne... you just never know!

    i will contemplate all of this while i am stuffing little red tomatoes and romas into my mason jars this morning

    while thinking and dreaming of doing this someday with all of us here

  • Kurt the rooster...

    Kurt the rooster...

    Kurt has been around for a little while now
    Sir Charles died this winter from natural causes... and well... I miss him
    I never thought I'd miss a rooster
    now, don't you go thinking I'm making chicken diapers and letting them sleep indoors (seriously)
    but I do miss my Sir Charles... he was so nice and treated 'the girls' nice too... dare I even say "respectable"
    Kurt came to us last summer as a chick... Sir Charles raised him like a son... taught him what to do, how to care for the girls and the ins and outs of the farmlife here
    some of you might think I'm exaggerating... but truthfully... he really did teach Kurt those things — they do that


    is that a smile I see??

    he sure is a handsome beauty
    he is very protective... and brave
    his crow is regal and loud... but I still miss Sir Charles
    as long as Kurt keeps the girls out of my mulch in the perennial beds, he'll quickly become my favorite

  • Souvenirs

    = the garden beckons
    my hair grows longer and I put it in braids
    the cucumbers wind around the beans
    sun bursts through the fence and my boots squeak
    daughter rides bareback amongst the prairie grasses with little sister holding on tight
    baby coos on the sun dappled blanket beneath the giant pine

    a morning kiss to a little one and my coffee mug is filled
    a basket full of scones to take out to Jason sways over the crook of my arm
    the garden beckons
    my hat that was hung on the hook inside this old farmhouse now rests on my head
    more fabric and cupcakes thoughts and prayers

    I will be taking a short break here, but will be checking e-mails. Enjoy your life amongst the heat of the summer and hold onto yourself from the depth of your souls by journeying your life by sacrificing for others and constantly giving to them while thanking Him...

    be back soon


  • Our Farm/Italian/Boho Market...

    Our Farm/Italian/Boho Market...

    My parents recently took a trip to Italy...
    they "forgot" to bring me
    but they did take lots of pictures, which aren't digital, so I can't share them, but let's just say my Mom's photography skills are rather close to a professional..and some of what she has shown me were almost hard to believe! Visiting Tuscany... Venice... having a coffee on the balcony overlooking Venice
    like I said... they "forgot" to bring me... and the children... and even my husband

    the above picture is not my Mom's painting, however, she paints rather well and I don't know the source of that painting above, but it did spark the idea behind the sale's theme

    source unknown
    the rich colors of Italy's flowers and buildings are so amazing! who said you can't mix orange and blue?? nature sure didn't say you can't... and Italy screams it at you in such an iconic way

    As soon as Mom and Dad returned and showed me their 1,465 photos on a warm summer day on the deck, the inspiration ignited like those colors I have always admired in rich Italian oil paintings (as you know, I collect colorful oil paintings)
    Being that I have a historically traveling family heritage, there sure isn't an ounce of Italian in me, but I'm sure my gypsy aunts and uncles stopped by the roadside grotto and had a cuppa on their travels

    when Jenn and I were shopping at a local vintage clothing shop right after the October sale, I saw the coolest boho-dress (which I really hope fits me still) and I said I was going to buy it for the May ball, and our two heads combined to come up with the Boho-Ball!
    It's all about creativity... color... inspiration...
    and not caring what the styles are but being yourself... HAVING FUN!!
    That's what this May event is all about... HAVING FUN... and enjoying buying local... shopping... eating... while enjoying the fresh air
    kind of what I suppose my Mom and Dad experienced when they shopped the Italian markets without me

    Half of the space that my husband Jason and I have designated the sale area of the barn, is what we like to call the "Market" 

    a dream market... photo by Finn Lyngensen
    in the market you will find these AWESOME dealers... and just like the gypsies they are, they are traveling from all over!!
    ~ Traci and Mark (from Morris, IL and Geneva, IL)
    ~ Denise and Janice (from Geneva, IL)
    ~ Jeanine Burkhardt... CHippY ShaBbY!! (from Wisconsin)
    ~ Laura... Verbena Tested Treasures (from Florida)
    These dealers will be selling their wares in the "Market" area of the barn and will be separate from the other space designated as "the Shop" (but that's for another post... soon!)

    ever since last October, I have been planning this "Market"... with flowers, herbs, & baked goods made by me... and we'll be serving lunch as well for a nominal fee...
    and no, I won't be selling my cured hams from the barn rafters... not this year at least...

    market in san lorenzo
    if the weather is nice, there will be blankets available for you to borrow and take out to the prairie for a picnic... anywhere you want in the prairie... to soak up the sunshine... time with friends and enjoy your afternoon out at the farm... (sir Charles the rooster won't mind a bit if you share your crackers with him and his gal)...

    My Mom is out here today and she has the best ideas... and we are going out to the "Market" and "the Shop" so she can help me feel left out she went to Italy with my Dad and "forgot" to bring me

    and to help decorate

    Hope you can make it to the "Market" to see the amazing finds they are bringing!! Jason and I won't buy all of the awesomeness
    we'll save some for you:)
    enjoy the day!
    xo+farm blessings,

  • FOOD on the farm!

    We will have food on the farm for anyone who has an appetite this Friday and Saturday... locally raised meat and some other goodies as well...

    just so you know!

    Steve will be cookin' up his farm food in the summer house — just follow the smell of the grill!!

  • summer sewing...

    summer sewing...

    working with a light denim in pin tucks

    and little Roo

    if you live in and around Geneva, Antiques on State is having a big Anniversary Sale that starts today! go here for directions

    xo+sewed up blessings,

  • movement


    here's to a great summer weekend!

  • guests...


    welcomed with hydrangeas cut from the garden in a vintage blue vase
    set upon a garage sale find nightstand that sits next to a lamp from my grandmother (an old marble one!)

    nestled in the nook for whomever happens to stop by, eat a meal, and stay up late talking on the deck with wine, laughter, debates, opinions, and the summer breeze...
    they get to nestle into vintage sheets hung outdoors on the line, and if blessed by a cool breeze, a small collection of quilts neatly folded nearby to grab and snuggle under

    a dream of mine is to open up the corn crib (restored of course) to have guests stay here and just 'be' on the farm with all it's sights, doings, peace and inspiration wouldn't that be grand?
    i think so
    like seeing a bee swarm just steps away from the hives (that means another hive is born!!) speaking of bees... we are soon to "spin out" the 2nd batch of 'pure prairie honey' (which in case you didn't see, was in the latest issue of Romantic Prairie Magazine — with Fifi O'Neill) she is so very sweet... as sweet as our honey I think...
    a good day and night to all