i am sure most of you can relate to striving for that 'hold on' moment... that moment when you can sink into a pillow with a good book, or take that cup of iced tea and stir the honey slowly and watch it blend and think of nothing but where to sit and enjoy the shade on a sunny day
it's a wonder

this time... this last bit of time before summer's heat is all but gone, and that sun tea is no longer... those lazy days outdoors watching the children play... this time is so short...
it's a wonder

it is as though i am feeling just now settled into summer, when it's being taken away by the cooler nights and less hot days...
there are so many times when i can correlate myself to my surroundings... the lightness in my step when spring comes... the sauntering flip flops during summer... the shuffle of leaves in autumn and the crunch during winter... but i do have to admit, that lately, i am being drawn into a connection i cannot explain with our oldest son...
it's a wonder

his piano compilations make me stop in my tracks and almost drink the sound into my soul... the heartache of childhood leaving while the maturity of his heart growing
it's a wonder at all that anything gets done during the summer...
so much to organize and plan for school, the upcoming sale as well
the importance of being with my family supersedes anything right now... our bond is growing daily the more time we spend together, and I thank the Lord for allowing me to teach them at home... so very blessed to not have to shuffle them off every morning after packing their lunches...
a lot of our peace comes from a schedule and routine of sorts... even if the routine for the day is them sleepy eyed coming down the stairs to greet me for the first time of the day with a hug and groggy "good morning"... I love those times and savor every hug... it never gets old

it's a wonder... these kids... this place... this life...
like my cup of coffee losing it's steaming hotness, the summer is fading, and though I cannot go fill my cup back up with more summer time, I can take what I have learned this summer and and a bit more just to keep me going
peace + blessings,