a wonderful thing occurs at the end of the growing season
picking and washing and preserving... it all comes together to savor the summer
a mass of cherry tomatoes are turning into red rubies for stews in the winter and sauce for the pasta
it's about 6:02 am and the stove is about to be fired up already
i spent the day yesterday glued to the computer... well, most of the day, reserving spaces for the upcoming sale in october... just about 40 people where/are invited, but it works as a first come/first serve basis for dealer spaces... one dealer cracked me up saying it was like purchasing Justin Beiber concert tickets... meaning, it was done in less than 3 hours for all practical purposes... an exhausting 3 hours of coordinating all the emails and phone calls... but we are happy to say that this sale is going to be so fantastic — with returning people and new people! Unfortunately, our barn is not big enough for all who were invited, if it was, we would have been able to fill that too! and I so wish we could!! and a few of my very favorite dealers are not able to make it due to family and life...
here's a sneak peek into my head right now: there is talk of a fashion show, live music both days, new windows and tables and chairs to gaze out into the prairie while eating your cupcakes and other baked goods while sipping your complimentary wine... yes, maybe wine instead of champagne... you just never know!
i will contemplate all of this while i am stuffing little red tomatoes and romas into my mason jars this morning
while thinking and dreaming of doing this someday with all of us here