welcomed with hydrangeas cut from the garden in a vintage blue vase
set upon a garage sale find nightstand that sits next to a lamp from my grandmother (an old marble one!)

nestled in the nook for whomever happens to stop by, eat a meal, and stay up late talking on the deck with wine, laughter, debates, opinions, and the summer breeze...
they get to nestle into vintage sheets hung outdoors on the line, and if blessed by a cool breeze, a small collection of quilts neatly folded nearby to grab and snuggle under

a dream of mine is to open up the corn crib (restored of course) to have guests stay here and just 'be' on the farm with all it's sights, doings, peace and inspiration wouldn't that be grand?
i think so
like seeing a bee swarm just steps away from the hives (that means another hive is born!!) speaking of bees... we are soon to "spin out" the 2nd batch of 'pure prairie honey' (which in case you didn't see, was in the latest issue of Romantic Prairie Magazine — with Fifi O'Neill) she is so very sweet... as sweet as our honey I think...
a good day and night to all