Souvenirs [Search results for house

  • stop number 9... an e-book from the farm and hand carved spoons from Jason's hands

    stop number 9... an e-book from the farm and hand carved spoons from Jason's hands

    Hi! I hope this Christmas house walk finds you all well!! come on in to our little farm house on the prairie...

    more than half my day is spent in this little corner of the world... the kitchen
    my kitchen = my expression = my love for my family = and oh such good and tasty dishes...
    we ALL get involved in the kitchen! it's my favorite room of the house


    these little candy canes are being bagged up for sale in the shop today! check back later!!!

    collecting those little tins, I have made a lot of little treats for the kids
    cakes and tiny pies
    one of the things I really have enjoyed, is collecting small things like that — after all... I AM surrounded by six little sets of feet scampering about the farmhouse all day:)
    totally not complaining

    thos candy canes are vintage wire ones and the coolest quick decorating thus far this year

    this may not look like a Christmas kitchen... but simmering on the stove is some raw milk I'm heating up for baby Daniel, with my cup of tea steaping in the background, and the chalkboard proclaiming I need to slow down and enjoy these last few days of Advent

    nature inspires this family of mine... this farmhouse... this soul

    yes, that is the mini-conservatory Jason made for me to use in the potager... it's sitting next to and apple ladder... which is all resting peacefully on top of a table Jason also made using reclaimed barn wood

    we've "freaked" out a few people with letting our Percheron horse Jordan roam the property free and eat the cool grass... and this picture simbolizes so much to me

    instead of taking all the pine trimmings and making thick swags, I am leaving them raw
    extending their life from outdoors right into our home

    a bunch of lavender grens as well as pine branches surround Mary especially since it's the feast day of the Immaculate Conception! Dear blessed Mother... so gentle and kind... may I always give my all to others through sacrifice Mary... help me to be closer to your Son

    the girl's room...
    all vintagey turquoise + red and simply so fun & cute!

    this house most certainly is never 'totally tidy'... especially when you give your daughter the freedom to create in her 'vintage horse room'

    back downstairs, in our once dining room (now turned living room) pinecones, dried oranges and an eskewed lamp;)... things are not perfect here

    Daniel even got some new stuffed toys I hand stitched this holiday season... I couldn't resist letting him have them before Christmas day! he also loves playing with my yarn balls like a little kitty

    he sure does love his sister... what a blessing a big family is!!

    that's the end of the house tour for me...
    in case you missed stop #8, it is my very good personal friend, who literally lives just 30 minutes from the farm: Traci Thorson... she's our official photographer for the farm events and certain other publications...
    as well as stop #10: blondienc who has a great blog!
    I'm so excited to present to you the very special project all of us here on the farm have been working on together... especially Jason and I

    We've compiled some simple and traditional holiday recipes and easy to make gifts in this

    AVAILABLE THIS FRIDAY! December 9th!!
    it is an online e-book!!! We are so very excited to share this with you! (more on the book tomorrow)
    We also have something else to share!!

    the winter 2011 collection of hand carved spoons from NA.DA.FARM
    Jason has been hand carving spoons they are so beautiful and special each spoon is one of a kind made from his own two hands truly beautiful
    100% made by hand from reclaimed timber from the farm and other local wood
    organic in nature... organically finish
    each piece is sealed with organic olive oil... the safest sealant for wood used in the kitchen

    We are opening up shop once again for some very wonderful hand crafted items from both Jason and myself... tomorrow!!!

    From all of us here at the farm... peace + blessings,

  • hot house market here i come...

    hot house market here i come...

    photograph by Traci Thorson
    in may of 2011, Jeanne Oliver's bag was hanging on the door for sale, as well as a flower I made from brown recycled paper and newspaper...
    this image is now in the pages of Where Women Cook magazine
    those flowers were noticed by Carrie Rosen, from hot house market, who sold her wares of all sorts at that same sale... in may of 2011 

    traci thorson photography

    i am so sorry to say i didn't shop in carrie's booth, or anyone else's booth

    here's another shot of the flowers, but I put them on cattle fencing I rolled, added lace to the outside, and the flowers underneath...

    traci thorson photography

    i was so busy with a newborn and hosting that large farm to table dinner with Fifi, that there just was not any time...
    but today, I'm in Indiana on a photoshoot with Traci Thorson at Carrie's new shop!
    an amazing shop in LaFayette Indiana
    hot house market
    Carrie and Todd hired me to make those flowers and a few other things... but it's mostly a fun mini-road trip with a good friend
    we thought we'd squeeze in a photoshoot while we're at it:)

    ... on another topic...

    I'm also linking up with Jennifer Rizzo for her garden walk...


    flag bunting on the vegetablr garden fence


    the wonderful scent of privet in bloom

    lastly but not least
    a bird house my mom & dad made for us

    have a fantastic rest of your day... a wonderful weekend...
    and may you be an inspiration for others in virtue
    with grace


  • bedroom details...

    bedroom details...

    trying to marry the two ideas was getting so complicated... when, as life, it shouldn't be

    I stuck to that good ol' advice "buy what you love"

    the pink satin throw is vintage... bought at one of my most favorite stores: Cracker Jax, in DeKalb, IL.
    I was the recipient to a most generous gift certificate from a very good friend, so with that gift, I bought the satin throw and the bark cloth

    The barkcloth is a vintage piece — and when I purchased it, it was a wide valance. With a quick cut of the scissors, I sewed up the side I cut, and because it was lined, all I had to do is slip my king size pillows in it and walla: 2 pillow covers for our king size bed!

    I am not sure yet what to do over the bed... I have oil paintings... an old sign... a shelf... and old window... I just don't know yet... time will tell!
    The blue French desk and love seat was purchased at another great little shop with tremendously inexpensive prices on furniture: Sweet Blessings in Rochelle, IL. I am not one to divulge pricing... but let me just tell you that both pieces together were under $150
    the desk's flip down front was already off, but I propped it up in back, and added a collection of icons that Jason's sister has given to us over the years...

    the couch is (I'm guessing) from the 1920's and in very good shape — with vintage blue chenille fabric and heavy springs... the small little round table was just given to me by my mom and dad... it was my grandmother's... just perfect to hold an ironstone platter with two cordial glasses and a bottle of locally made brandy:)

    the mirror was bartered years ago for work Jason did at someone's house, and the dresser was bought just before Daniel was born — and had been in the girl's room up until a few days ago...
    the vintage satin bright blue little organizer was previously used in "it's day" for holding stockings, but now holds my jewelry I love to see and use daily...

    english tin from goodwill — hair pick from Cracker Jax

    yellow and full of happy memories, the vintage travel case sitting atop my dresser was purchased on that recent road trip to Indiana to a fantastic! shop: Hot House Market... Carrie is one of my favorite display artists, and she had this idea of using the travel case as a jewelry box... as do i... and now it holds my summer jewelry as well as my most treasured vintage scarves I grab to throw on my head during the summer (small bowtie necklace also from Hot House Market)... earrings on far left, the ones with the little bees in middle and far right are from Tracy... i love her jewelry!! — and her:)


  • thought 2...

    thought 2...

    getting caught up

    like the mess of lights I found up in the attic

    I stood up there in disbelief — "oh man" I said as I looked at all the wonderful decorations

    thoughts of taking all three totes downstairs and putting it all out for decorations... after all... I am on a Christmas house walk!...

    but as I stood there with the children to find their little trees to put in their rooms, to decorate all their own, I stopped... took a deep breath... and left it all up there

    This year, just like every other year, it's so easy to get caught up in the hub-bub of what this country of ours (God bless the USA) has made it into... commercial... "santa"... lights/action... competition

    to us, a lot of the commercialism is rather like "noise"... polluting this holiday with things other than what this season is truly meaning should be evaluated...

    this does not mean not celebrating the season with decorating!! like I would do that! good gravy no... what I am saying is that taking that deep breath up in the attic wasn't as hard as I thought — and there are certain things I will bring down this year for decorating... but a lot of it comes from the seasonal changes outdoors here on the prairie... the grasses are still tall... there are pine cones fallen from the trees... and taking those natural elements and leaving them how God made them in their natural beauty, instead of glittering them this year... gathering cranberries and stringing them for our tree...

    instead of... the lights are staying boxed up = candles instead
    buying new ornaments = using pine cones from our trees
    hanging silvery tinsel = pheasant feathers

    running to the store for that last minute gift = purchasing handmade items

    getting caught up = slowing down and embracing nature

    I hope you get inspired to take walks with your kids and gather what you have out your back door... look around your house and re-purpose items that you wouldn't normally use...

    Today is the FIRST DAY for Jennifer Rizzo's House Walk!! there is a lot of inspiration today over there!!
    Today I will again be working on a very special project... very special to all of us here at the farm...

  • expanding...


    I'm so thrilled to tell you that I am expanding on this conceptual journey of 'beauty'

    putting together a room, with all it's rearranging of furniture and the play of light on a certain chair, or the way the bookcase it now highlighted by your side lamp all invokes a story of how you visual your space

    yes, I am rearranging again

    this room is awesome with the archway... and I keep trying to incorporate that space into the living room space (as you see, it's the living room again:) however, the coziness keeps telling me to embrace that beauty of coziness!!

    it's high time that the blue floral couch from 1940 gets moved out... it just doesn't fit my decor anymore

    and the hutch... it has housed crafts, silver, everyday dishes, bowls, and now is in the living room waiting...
    poor thing

    baby Daniel is thoroughly confused and delighted to have a plethora of crawling space (notice the 'moving men' under the couch)
    my current (material) desires are to achieve an earthy easy elegance into this farmhouse with softness

    here's some of my inspiration:

    I've always been a great 'lover' of things black and white, and would love to add some more of that into the house... 

    this photo has it (almost) all of what I'm thinking: natural wood, black, white, texture, a bit of industrial, clean + simple (what it is lacking is more color) 

    skema this entry has the red I really like, the antique piece, the natural wood around doorway, the pops of color... and though paisley might be "out" I still think this looks great 

    Canadian house to home
    as soon as I saw this, I instantly wanted to put up some more of my oil paintings... good thing I didn't put them out to sell them at the barn sale!

    country living
    the open shelving idea is really striking a chord with me, there's talk of using remaining wood from the sunroom remodel (douglas fir) for the shelves 



    ~have a great rest of the day~
    peace + blessings,

  • Friday inspiration from a few friends...

    Friday inspiration from a few friends...

    Want a few fresh touches to your kitchen without spending anything?

    thought so

    I'm all about "using what you have" and being HAPPY with what you have... and I'm not a frivolous shopper... on the contrary... I'm so very picky with what I buy for our home... a lot of what we have was given to us from either gifts or they are hand me downs... just like Francesca (but I call her Fra:)

    so when I saw my good friend Fra's (who lives in Italy) kitchen window the other day, I had to share it here... because just a simple window treatment brought a totally understated yet feminine look to her home

    but I love her home — it's not filled with new items, but well loved pieces from family — even her house was her grandmothers! (I do hope you take a look into her beautiful world)
    We both had our babies around the same time... hers being the first, mine was the sixth... but now we share a common bond of motherhood beyond our friendship of womanhood...

    and then there's my friend Stacey... she also posted her kitchen recently and like Fra, it's filled with her own style... and the colors and fun touches are just perfectly placed... she and her adorable little family just moved into this new house and she has big plans... I know how difficult it is to find the money to do the things you want, but in time it all works out... but I say she is doing a fabulous job with what she has (just the way I like it!) I had the privilege to meet Stacey at the past May sale and that meeting wasn't surely long enough!!! We're hoping to meet up and do some vintage shopping soon...

    I write a lot like I'm just writing in my journal... for which I am... this is my online journal... but may I just say a big hello to all my readers... you are so welcome here on my farm... here in my journal...

    I often get emails that ask me so many personal questions... and though I may not divulge in that too often, most of my posts are actually hand written with a pen in my bedside journal and then re-typed the next morning onto this journal... sometimes with revisions but most often times it's from that leather bound book and black pen that await me in the evenings... so my blog is really an "open book"

    and though I may not respond to every comment, I do read every one

    you are all so unique... thanks for stopping

    enjoy your day!!

  • all i want to throw away are chicken bones...

    all i want to throw away are chicken bones...

    spending the weekend at my grandparent's home, he at 95 and her at 92, we recorded stories with our video camera of his time in the war... how he started a car with a blow torch...
    hilarious, inspiring, humbling...

    they laugh A LOT and i love them for that and all they taught me and still do...
    here our society thinks we are so progressive with 'eco-friendly' this and that

    no way
    after listening to my grandma talk to me about her life on the farm, the only thing they threw away were chicken bones
    even at that, throwing away meant burying them
    they would dig trenches in their garden (my mom does this still) and throw away the chicken bones or fish bones... buried in the garden to decompose and add nutrients to the soil


    they would go to the store for only flour, sugar, coffee and salt

    it really made me think if i could do that — it would literally be a life changing endeavour
    Jason can't live without peanut butter or coffee, so I could just keep using my organic co-op in DeKalb for my peanut butter ( you use the same container — fill up, go home)

    • i'd utilize my farmer's markets a whole lot more
    • cook only fresh
    • no more store bought anything in a package except the flour/sugar/coffee/salt
    can you imagine the amount of work I would be doing for myself??

    humbling yes, inspiring: most definitely

    i keep asking myself "if she can do it, why can't i?"
    Jason and I talked of this all the way home, and here's what we have decided...
    that I need to start small and gradually work my way to only throwing away chicken bones in the trench in the garden

    getting a few hogs = yes

    getting a hoop house = yes

    getting a milking goat or cow = yes

    we have big plans, which means we most likely will either do all three or nothing... Jason is an 'all or nothing' type of guy (and i love him for that)

    (they even plant where they usually plant annuals... they are no dummies!)
    please note: if anyone in my area has pasture raised hogs for sale now, a hoop house (or know of where to get a very nice one), or a milking Nubian goat or jersey cow, please relax.

    xo+self sustainable blessings,

  • from scratch...

    from scratch...

    how often we run to the store to get pre-packaged items
    back just 70 years ago, you didn't do that
    you didn't even have that option, except eating at a restaurant
    things were from scratch... fresh... and that was 'the every day', not just because your girlfriends are coming over and you want to serve them some homemade muffins with coffee...
    how very lazy we have become as a society
    I said lazy

    there is nothing wrong with using a food processor, or Bosch mixer, but there is something wrong with pre-packaged food from the store...
    think of this:
    when you are walking through the grocery store, stay to the perimeter of the store — that is where all the fresh vegetables, meats, dairy, bakery, etc, is...
    if you need to, head into the dry goods area for flour/beans/rice... but try not to get that oozy goozy stuff that they are selling from tubes that you squeeze into your mouth because you are too lazy to put it into a glass jar and use a utensil

    does this sound harsh? saying that we are lazy??
    I'm right along side you with the big fat "L" on my head
    I don't grow my wheat, then grind it to make flour, then bake bread with it every day...
    I do know of woman who actually do this... and my apron strings are off to you... and someday, I would love to do that... in between raising my sheep in pasture to spin my wool, to knit my sweaters while I wait for my goat's milk to simmer to the right temperature for my goats milk soap, as I pull out my bread from the oven, after I just finished graduating my son from homeschooled high school, and taught my daughter how to Irish dance stronger and steeped my tea from the chamomile plants I grow in the garden...
    we aren't all able to do those things... quite frankly... I don't know anyone who does all of that in one day
    we pick and choose what we want... like a great oatmeal muffin recipe...
    whip up the egg whites, add them gently into the mixture already in the bowl
    then you sit back and watch it puff in the oven and give the whole house a breathe of homemade goodness

    and if that's all this woman can accomplish in one day, then go ahead, slap that "L" on my forehead, I deserve it, but before you look at me and judge me and think that everything smells delicious like these muffins, know this: a lot of hard work goes into my kids first, not my appearance... not my house... not my farm...
    my kids

    there is way too much "look what I did" out here in cyberland, and quite frankly, it's making me nauseated
    I have so much I'd like to share with you, that I am working on, or that I have worked on, but truthfully, it is all a bunch of vanity... telling you what I've done or doing or going to do (I will, in time, share when and what I want)
    reading the written word, especially on the computer screen, you can read someone's words and take it the wrong way — I do hope you all understand that I do not ever want you to feel like I'm rubbing it in
    I can't stand that
    I share what I do here, because it is my space — my journal
    and I love all of you who come to visit, and I enjoy getting to know some of you even more through emails — and your comments -
    There was a friend of mine very recently who told me that all she can get done is a load of laundry, and here I am doing this and that and the other — I know she is not bitter about it, but if she only knew how special she is by doing what she does... I am a very organized person — and can get a lot accomplished in the day because of two very important reasons: 1) I do not watch TV, we don't have one and 2) I plan meals with six children and a husband to feed, these meals and baked goods I do are planned at least a week in advance — minus the sporadic baked goods my daughter or son like to do (or me:)
    negativity, doubt, and vanity all lead to one thing: depression
    stop thinking of yourself and do something for someone else — break the cycle of "me"
    create something good today by not talking bad about anyone look at everyone you come in contact with today (everyone) and know that God loves them just as much as you... you aren't the cat's meow... you are one of very very many in this world
    what can you do today? for someone else?? go bake something from scratch for your kids, neighbor, friend, priest, aunt, mom, husband... they'll love it
    peace + blessings,

  • back on the farm...

    thinking of waiting to share with you until tomorrow...


    i couldn't

    Jason and I got back at 3am last night from a nearly 2 1/2 week tent camping journey with all of the children

    i know what some of you might be thinking... all 6 kids? in tents? were there bears? wild animals?


    and yes some more

    to share with you all my thoughts in a few lines here is impossible

    i am experiencing severe head rushes of euphoria while my hands are under warm running water... heck, with running water... i am finding myself any excuse to do something under that running water

    as we pulled up to our little farm house here in Illinois after journeying across country... destination: the mountains of Idaho... i stood looking up at the house and remarked to all of us "it's a palace"

    our tent home consisted of a 12' x 8' space (the boys had there own)

    i think the only thing i can share at this moment, truly, is that i am having the most unbelievable sensation that doors seem not natural

    i don't know how to describe it... but i haven't closed any doors to leave things behind or go forward except when we had to jump in the car to get to our next "mountain location"

    that, and i had no idea how much stuff i don't need until now

    here i thought i had stripped myself of most of it before the trip, but the mountains have gotten into my soul... the valleys are running deep

    it will take some time to record all my thoughts... recipes... personal journey

    peace + fresh air blessings,

  • Merry Christmas! come on in...

    Merry Christmas! come on in...

    Hello!! I hope you all had a very blessed day with your family and friends

    A special thank you for everyone who takes the time to stop here and say hello, leave comments, and read... thank you

    We were unexpectedly blessed with having our Christmas here at the farm... alone... so peaceful and quiet

    it was wonderful

    here's an inside look all around the house... and a bit outdoors too

    the mudroom...

    the kitchen...

    the three oldest when they were little in front of our old barn as "the nativity" scene... a treasure for us

    can you tell I love the shelves Jason made for that wall?

    my little snowman that our 11 yr. old son hand carved and made for me... i love him so so much! he even made the little mittens out of felt!
    the tree...

    the living room...

    I set up a little wine bar on the bookshelves in the living room

    we added shutters in the bathroom, and i hung a jar my younger sister made with some lavender and spruce

    upstairs in the kids rooms...

    the boys' tree and decorations (they love to do it themselves)

    and the girls' room... much different than the boys:)

    and in the master...

    a very special birthday gift from some good friends:)

    my dresser was temporarily a wrapping station

    made in Germany... these little angels lull me to sleep with their beauty

    a view out the master... the first snow...

    little Daniel's blue woolen coat hanging in his room

    going back indoors, we are baking and feasting and loving this wonderful life...

    Hope you are all celebrating all 12 days of Christmas...

    with love and blessings,

    Jason, Anne Marie, and all of the children

  • from humus to heaven...

    from humus to heaven...

    us women are inundated with being a "self-sustaining organic only/entrepreneurial self sufficient/gourmet cooking genius/who should have their children in every activity possible/be an amazing photographer or blogger/totally fit with terrific hair/their own magnificent decorator who sews their own pillows,curtains and stencils galvanized buckets so she will have time for filling up the glass jars in the pantry lined perfectly and labeled with precision that she just about has to be perfect for this world or she feels worthless"

    for real?

    since when is is NOT okay to just be a mom?

    do you ever hear your 13 year old daughter say: "I can't wait to be a Mom!"

    well, if not, that could be because the amount of pressure that it takes to just be "totally amazing" according to what her mom might be pursuing could be the reason...

    we, as mothers, should be a little less preoccupied with being perfect for this world, and instead think about being perfect for Him

    that means, every single thing you do should be a decision of getting you to heaven

    every. single. thing.

    ask yourself before making any decision (and no, I don't mean should I wear the red sweater type of decision) "is this leading me towards being a saint?"

    I think it's about time we get over ourselves

    we aren't great

    we aren't fantastic/amazing/magnificent

    get over yourself

    we are created in His image... but we sure muck it up with all the world don't we?

    the only reason you are able to cook that amazing meal is because He gave you that gift — so thank Him

    the only reason you are able to live in your house is because He gave you that gift — so thank Him

    the only reason you are able to embrace your children is because He gave you those gifts — so thank Him

    the only reason you are suffering inside, is because you are refusing to give Him thanks in good and bad, in gifts of both sacrifice and joy

    which brings us back to being submissive... being humble... the word humility comes from the Latin word humilitas

    humilitas is derived from the word humus... which means the earth

    humility it truth... because it shows the truth about ourselves

    is it hard to just be a mom? do you see other women/moms succeeding in their own business or even just succeeding in their decorating?? blogging???

    not only is that jealousy, but it is surely not being humble

    the depth of your faith = the depth of your humility

    *oh boy*

    that one made me stop in my tracks when that came to mind... how often I fall and how often I have to get back up

    i am working from the ground up... from humus to heaven

  • a colorful b&w sunday... & Fifi...

    a colorful b&w sunday... & Fifi...

    my world is full of color...

    the perennial gardens are just starting to pop

    recently I went out shopping & found a turquoise table that I had EVERY intention of putting in our "Sweet Life" display at the event

    but after I cleaned it up inside I noticed how much it reminded me of the gardens just steps away from my living room...

    it's created a whole new look in here now!


    i love Jenn's pillow i purchased from her new line
    (she's bringing similar pieces to the sale)
    adding some apple blossomed branches and the feel of the house is so much more of an extension of our gardens... our farm...


    I have never seen my French linen look so complementary

    adding more branches to the other rooms helps connect them

    i brought out items i had tucked away...
    there was something missing...
    so I added my sail boat oil painting collection... it gave me just the right amount of color & texture i was inspired by

    now my home is a true reflection of the outdoors... the natural wood trim and dark lines of the furniture are like the tree branches... colors are the flowers... lace is the rugged fence surrounding the potager & gravel paths
    nature inspired me once again... but in a totally colorful way!!
    Fifi has put together the coolest outfit for the Boho-Ball... hope you are coming to meet her & dressing up yourself!!!
    click on picture to go see a "Fifi-styleBoho-outfit"

    xo+colorful farm blessings,

  • color!


    I am so very pleased with this color entering my life...
    I do have to say, I think it is from a recent friendship developing... this woman is so very cheerful and vibrant...
    when Jason and I first met, he remarked to me one day "I have never met anyone so positive... how are you like that?"
    I will never forget how he said that... but I am just not like that anymore yes, some could say it's motherhood... caring for the six children...
    but truly, it's me... all me
    there are those days (and trust me when i tell you that there are many) when all seems so heavy to carry upon my own cross, that weight pushes me down face first into the earth... but truly, no one does it to me
    i do it to myself
    no one puts me in those situations
    i do it to myself, for myself, by myself
    every single day though, there are those sparks of joy... happiness... and sometimes yes, it comes from seeing an image that is amazing — inspiring — beautiful — online, or in a magazine
    but most often those times are when I least expect it — like when Daniel put that orange slice in his mouth — that was hilarious — or when my daughter looses her tooth and then talks with a lisp — or in church, when I tell the four year old son to 'sit still' rather sternly and he most piously kneels down with hands folded like an angel and looks up and tells God he loves Him and 'I pray for my Mama'... those moments are both so joyful and reassuring that the cross is my fault
    for the most part that is...
    I do understand how we are given certain burdens in life we didn't ask for... but we still have to look at the joy in it all 

    picture drawn by my seven year old daughter of me and baby Daniel;) 
    like that drawing my daughter drew for me... colorful, full of life, full of love... you don't see pictures draw in black and white by children... granted, they don't have the heavy cross like us adults, but they see the joy!

    which brings me to my current topic of color

    that is exactly why the color is showing up in my kitchen again... not only am I a little tired of all the white decor and tans, etc, in this house, but that joy is all around me thanks to good friends but mostly because I love this man... my very best friend... who honestly saved my soul from the forever abyss of not truly knowing Him

    whomever you know that brings joy in their life... let them know... do not delay...

    joyful blessings,

  • around the house...

    around the house...

    tulips from the garden and a new pillow in fun colorful stripes

    I just don't know which I like more... the tulips with the leaves or just stems... ( I recently read they last longer in vases when stripped of their leaves)

    Easter preparations are now in full swing
    for some basket inspiration, you can see what I've done here & here & here
    have a blessed and Holy Thursday and a very Good Friday
    peace + blessings,

  • more inspiration...

    more inspiration...

    i am cleaning out the house, rearranging furniture, helping a friend with her computer 'stuff', hosting a young man's get together and creating a simple pot of chili today

    the sun rose beautiful, all your prayers are so welcomed for my dad

    he's doing so much better...

    thank you so so much

    i was listening to someone speak about our connection with each other... how when Christ said 'love they neighbor' what did he mean besides smiling at them, helping them out when they need it, donating to a good cause, helping in a disaster... it went deeper than that

    isn't it beautiful how when Christ was preaching he rarely 'said it like it is' but rather made us think... a deeper sense of neighbor for example

    this speaker was explaining how our souls are connected to one another because of Him, and because of this, we have the ability to embrace them even after they pass from this world...

    so last night, i laid in bed, read some soulful inspirations, closed my eyes and imagined something i have never imagined...

    that God is here with me, my Dad, and all that I see... but it's like having it completely dark, and when someone turned on a strong light you'd see God... that the veil was lifted from this life... that heaven is not up in the clouds, but rather, all around us... we just aren't able to see it because our souls are not completely to Him...

    well, mine isn't

    i unfortunately hold myself back from completeness into 'that realm of heaven'... i love my kids, my husband, my farm, my life, and all these material possessions...

    slowly, He is making me realize this and I am able to embrace this life in joys and sorrows while at the same time (trying to be) completely His

    when the sun comes up so strong and brilliant and the day is filled with so much, i am completely thankful i can still help others and enjoy this life... and learn more each day or night about who i am... who He made me

    peace + soulful blessings,

  • A front porch for me and baby...

    A front porch for me and baby...

    This front room used to be the old front porch of this house (to read more about it's history — and some divine intervention — go here)
    Since Jill is doing a Porch Party every Monday, I thought I'd join in on the fun with pictures of my thrown together front room/porch/baby and I room...

    only things that were bought was a dresser and the two glass lamps
    everything else was literally thrown together to make a comfortable and feminine room for me and the baby to cuddle... dream... and enjoy our first few months together

    the couch is vintage (our first purchase as a married couple)
    my collection of mirrors I used in here as well as some of my favorite trim to add some texture and interest to some pretty boring lampshades...

    my grandmother's antique egg cup adds a bit of color

    this bed was a gift for my daughter a number of years ago...
    I really like the dark wood tones against the pink! This pink fabric was originally purchased for the Patisserie I designed...
    and never... NEVER thought it would be made into a coverlet for a bed I would sleep in... (didn't I tell you I was totally into pink lately?)

    the fabric is taffeta... and feels like I am slipping into a ball gown when I get into bed...


    when I first started this room it was minimal bare... and I just couldn't help putting some of my favorite items in our home in that room
    there is no 'rhyme or reason'... golds... metal... dark wood... painted items...
    I let my gypsy soul go

    a crocheted caplet my sweet grandmother made for me!

    this is one of the items I purchased for the room...
    a $60 dresser bought locally — and all it needed was a scrubbing
    now it is perfect for a changing area

    As the weather warms up... I'm looking forward to opening all of these wonderful casement windows and hearing the birds awaken in the morning and smell the flowers outdoors
    it has a terrifc view of the potager as well

    Do you have an area of your home you want just for you?
    Just start bringing some of your favorite items into that space and you'll be surprised at how much you love it...

    To see what this room has looked like before go: HERE or HERE or HERE or what until you see Romantic Prairie Style (book by Fifi O'Neill)

  • a passenger...

    a passenger...

    yes indeed... put my hands up from the wheel a bit ago, and I have been enjoying the ride in the passenger's seat...

    sometimes that just needs to be done

    letting the Lord drive... letting Him take the wheel and showing me the way... I seem to doze off from time to time, but He never sleeps, but there is one day of the week that He reminded me that He takes a rest... so who am I to argue?!

    since I looked completely exhausted and worn out from the bumpy road lately, He was more than willing to sacrifice some of His time for me

    He's dropped me off at a friends' house... which was so nice and "cozy", and He knew I would be taken good care of there while He went to fuel back up for the long road ahead

    He also has been allowing me to use His camper and take a bunch of others with us

    He's so awesome... the best friend I could ever have/need/want

    He rarely says anything to me, but lets me whine talk about my life

    He really is rather quiet with me... but I know He has a lot going on... He is in love with every single person on this planet

    what astounds me the most, is that while looking out the window and enjoying the ride, I notice so much more... I'm relaxed... I can focus... i see more of what He sees

  • vintage... blossom... bunting... market

    vintage... blossom... bunting... market

    vintage fabrics are stirring my creative energy lately... and when a friend and I went shopping the other day at Salvation Army, a vintage pinched pleat taffeta floral drape was the first step to what became this:

    it wasn't like that in the store... oh no... but with a good friend with me, and our minds working together, we picked out the polka dot fabric that matched the vintage fabric at the fabric shop, and of course, pom-pom trim was a must (it was so weird how everything came together like it did)
    here's the $10 before... 

    "eeew to the double eeew"
     everything is better with pom pom fringe!!

    when I got home, I started immediately on this project and was done in no time... (I couldn't stand looking at that 3' in diameter 'ew' much more than 10 minutes after I got home)
    I just stuck to the pattern that was on the original — with 8 triangles adjoined like a quilt top, cut the sides of the vintage drape to make the bottom (there was no measuring involved... and believe me when I tell you that it all worked out because of the grace of God)... added what I had left of the polka dot fabric and then the pom-pom fringe

    I kept the top of the drape as is... I have plans to set that up for the sale in May in the bakery... to tell you that I am excited is an understatement
    the other bits of scraps I used for a super cute scalloped bunting...

    HOW TO MAKE: large scallop bunting (as seen in top of above photo) 1) use an embroidery hoop to make a desired shape of half circle, cut it out of paper for template (I used a small bunting piece on each end as well) 2) cut out as many as you can from your fabric using that template 3) along your now half-circle fabric pieces, sew a zig zag stitch around the raw edges 4) using a 1" or more seam binding, pin your scalloped edged pieces into seam binding, meeting edge up to the inside of the binding 5) using a decorative stitch (or a zig zag), sew the scalloped edges onto seam binding 6) add a button hole on each end for easy hanging 7) press and enjoy!!
    small scallop bunting the small one (as seen in the middle of above photo) is made like this: 1) use a small circle to make desired half circle shape, cut it out of paper for template 2) along raw edge of semi-circle, use a zig zag stitch around raw edges 3) press + press down a 1/4" on straight edge 4) nestle string inside that folded edge of the scallops, and sew a zig zag stitch as you go along (I used a contrasted stitching — top thread green, bottom thread teal — fun) make sure you leave enough string on both ends to hand your new garland!
    I am seeing vintage sheets used in such creative ways... I love it!!!
    Jennifer Rizzo used vintage sheets in some really cool ways in her new look book too.
    I love this one:

    the flower pin was hand crocheted by Jenn... so super cute
    she made these journals that I am thinking would be perfect for a personal garden journal (or maybe an inspiration journal for how to use vintage sheets in creative ways!!)

    go HERE to see the whole lookbook & a chance to win $500 worth of merchandise from her new Spring line!! That is so generous I think... very very!
    If you live near Rockford, Illinois, Jennifer and so many other talented women will be at Polly Hood's house this weekend... To find our more about Polly's sale that she is clearing her whole 1st floor out for, go here.

    (I am listed to sell, but unexpectant hazards may be preventing me from doing it)

  • what fuels you...

    what fuels you...

    the amount of gasoline that was purchased for me to ride my beloved ol' mountain bike down (that i've had since i was 20... 18 years to be exact) into the hills of South Dakota could most likely keep a small continent running on oil for years

    the 'woman power' that it took for my little labas (Hungarian for legs) to reach the top after easily gliding down to the lake was like i was pulling a load of fallen timber up from pasture to the cabin

    it's no surprise then why we chose tent camping
    miles after miles of sucking down the gas just by pulling a trailer full of bikes, tents, produce from the garden, cast iron skillets and pj's, (why wear anything else while camping? why not stay in those sweat pants and t-shirt for the entire trip? — i would like to add it took two washings using my homemade laundry soap to get the smell out of my 11 year old son's camouflage t-shirt he insisted was his camping uniform) we would watch these houses with 6 wheels go traveling down the highway teetering in the wind while driving through the Badlands while the driver sat in a lazy boy driver's seat steering his traveling home most likely as his wife was making him supper in the oven while watching something pleasurable on the television

    that is a much different scene than was happening along side this man's pleasure machine/house/bus/vacation home

    a teething one year old at any given moment would hurdle crying obscenities that resonated like the caverns we went spelunking in Montana as we were all sandwiched between our now fit and trim bodies we worked into shape while mountain biking, kayaking and holding each other tightly during the coldest morning of our lives thus far
    i started resenting the seat belt

    wondering how it is humane

    why is my baby having to be strapped into this man made torture contraption? why cannot i not hold him in the back seat like my mom used to hold me in our station wagon wearing the coolest denim bell bottoms while listening to soft rock

    again... doors... being within the confines of doors i am coming to think is definitely not natural


    $$guzzle$$ guzzle

    it could almost be a swear word: gas = $!*

    even to the hills of South Dakota

    but we need it to get to church, the restaurant to meet friends, through 17 hours in a 12' x 5' four wheel drive vehicle towing a trailer through South Dakota and Minnesota, and to the emergency room to stitch up daring daughter's forearm after mountain biking down said mountain...

    thoughts of using Jordan as my horsepower pulling a wagon while fighting off hostile Indians sounded more appealing that having to stay in the car for 17 hours... but we all got through it... and we are stronger and more resilient from it

    at 7,815 feet above sea level... the Black Hills, South Dakota
    spending time like that was worth any amount of sore labas or scar on a girl's forearm

    peace + fueled blessings,

  • and even more...

    and even more...

    decorating that is... or I should really say: rearranging
    lace is so amazing to me... hand done lace that is, not mass-produced items I love the thought of a woman sitting and creating her signature piece..and this is one of my favorites
    I don't care if lace is in or out: it's in here at farm

    can you believe we got snow?? this picture is so much better looking now with snow!!!!
    so if you remember my post a few days ago, you remember the bird cages hanging? well, that's exactly what I did!! with a very unique piece of art by Dore, from Burlap Luxe she has some amazing pieces of art — and I especially like the stages she has created puppets, marionettes, finger plays, paper plays... I love it all thank you again Dore

    I don't care if things don't match this is a bowl from my late grandmother and a shepherdess picture of a girl that reminds me of my young daughter... surround yourself with things you like!! forget about trying to fit in...

    pears = organic & safe decorating:)

    absolutely now the best place in the house — we were all here in this room last night decorating the tree, eating a treat or two and enjoying chai tea (the kids' favorite)

    Christie Carter, from Carter's Cottage, generously gave me a hostess gift of some Annie Sloan paint, in a creamy white, and I am so tempted to paint this cabinet...

    Christie has a very generous giveaway going on right now with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and accessories!! go here to enter! giveaway ends December 31st!!!

    and from "some" of us here on the farm...
    have a jollyFULL day!

    sale ends this next week in the shop!! order this weekend for you to get your package by Christmas!!!!
    thank you again to all of you who love Jason's spoons... they have gone to a chef, a mother of six, and gift wrapped for people all over the country... btw... we just added a few more yesterday!! here's the link to the shop:

    peace + blessings,