Souvenirs [Search results for Friends of the Farm

  • the other part of the room switch...

    the other part of the room switch...

    when I recently switched the dining and living rooms, the 'new' dining room had been sorely forgotten with creating a space to reflect the season/farm/us

    friends of ours were having a garage sale... a nearby farm... and this little $35 table was just what this room needed

    she even gave the kids and me free pumpkins... thanks Mary!
    {{ a bit of country

    {{ nests and gathered feathers from years on the farm

    (here's a funny tidbit of a story involving the non-coincidence of our "campers": our friends John and Mary came by about a week ago to drop off the flyer of their garage sale they were having because Jason forgot to tell me the details — and that very day, the male "camper" that is here found out that he needed to get a new crankshaft... their engine is literally out of their truck... the whole thing... and John is a mechanist... he has a barn dedicated to this purpose... he fixes up vintage cars for a living... a shop to make any car lover drool... so their engine is now residing on another farm while they live in our barn in their camper — where it is warm and he can clean his tools and parts of the engine... basically... if John and Mary hadn't come over to give me that flyer, we might have totally forgot that he would be able to re-work the engine for the campers and order the necessary parts... isn't that just so amazing??)

    truth be told... it's been a rough few weeks... (nothing to do with our new camper friends here)

    gone are the warm sunny mornings with busy hands in the garden... I am running on this lonely habit of preparing... preparing meals and more food in the potager... putting up swags and hay couches

    having the 'campers' here from Colorado for the past few weeks, with her being a spry 26 year old, I understand even more these miles and years that have separated me from my youth... oh good gravy... like I'm old or something? no, i know that i am not old... but i can't help but feel my bones more... the shape of my hands — the wrinkles on my face — the heart hurting from a recent blow of betrayal... all of these things have shaped the last two weeks since the sale and by gosh did i need to decorate and make things fresh

    here's two of my pumpkins now...

    changing up my surroundings makes me forget second guessing myself + my strength + my loves

    family... friends... feathers... finds from the farm
    (that's a lot of 'f''s)

    here's to a fabulous fall weekend... and enjoying that hot cup of coffee in the chilly mornings
    and another big thank you to all of you who have given me your sentiments about the farms through emails, letters in the mail and sharing your photographs... we had such a great time with you all here!!

    peace + blessings,

  • Sale Information (and a cutie)

    Sale Information (and a cutie)

    The event this year is coming together so nicely... meant to be on so many levels...

    totally random photo... he's just too cute not to post today...

    There is so much more I wanted to include in the flyer, but there simply wasn't enough room!!

    the entry fee on Friday night is waived when you bring your ticket (handed to you Friday night) back Saturday (if you plan on attending the event both days)

    part of the proceeds both days benefit a local charity — Hope Haven -

    there are more and more homeless individuals... but not enough room at their building... but we can help them
    (to make a more substantial donation, visit their website here)

    Making a difference in other people's lives is so important on so many levels... and community needs to stick together

    that's the primary reason why Jason and I host this event on our farm

    to help support many different local artists, antique dealers, musicians, etc.

    My focus for the sale is baking from scratch and selling those yummies in my little 'farm bakery' in the barn...

    ART on the Farm classes have begun registration and you can see more about those classes here (or on my sidebar)... seats are limited, so please register soon

    If coming from out of town, I am so thrilled that the Holiday Inn Express has created a room block and ALL rooms are the same price for you!! even the King Executive Suites!! to see more go here

    This is a lot of information I know, but so much needs to be said when it comes to this event... there is much more to it than just stuff on tables or haystacks... it's all our creative efforts joined together to both inspire you and to give you the opportunity to purchase all HANDMADE and USA made items crafted by our hands — all of us involved...

    Here's an idea: Gather a few of your friends that you haven't seen in awhile, or that you see all the time and love being around... create a closer connection to them by planning a trip to the farm... here's even a little something for you to send them in your e-mail...

    If you gathered the "three of you"... split the hotel room ($97.50) three ways... it's only: $32.50 per person!
    This is an event I don't want you to miss!
    Take Jill's jewelry class Friday night, go shopping afterwards, go back to your plush hotel room, have a few cocktails, laugh and giggle, tell stories and eat some snacks while watching a movie... the next morning, grab a cup of coffee (and their famous cinnamon rolls at the hotel) and head back to the farm just after the sun rises to walk the prairie (rain or shine) to Jen's class to learn how to create a unique art under glass creation with the inspiration you will find on our farm and in the back 3 acre prairie... shop some more and enjoy a class by the famous artists Jeanne Oliver from Colorado... she is teaching two classes that are both unique and beautiful to create under the skylights in the horse barn...
    don't forget to grab a few cupcakes and sit under the trees and enjoy the farm!!
    (that sounds like a great weekend if you ask me)
    bringing your blankets to picnic or relax out in the prairie is highly encouraged:)

  • Our Farm/Italian/Boho Market...

    Our Farm/Italian/Boho Market...

    My parents recently took a trip to Italy...
    they "forgot" to bring me
    but they did take lots of pictures, which aren't digital, so I can't share them, but let's just say my Mom's photography skills are rather close to a professional..and some of what she has shown me were almost hard to believe! Visiting Tuscany... Venice... having a coffee on the balcony overlooking Venice
    like I said... they "forgot" to bring me... and the children... and even my husband

    the above picture is not my Mom's painting, however, she paints rather well and I don't know the source of that painting above, but it did spark the idea behind the sale's theme

    source unknown
    the rich colors of Italy's flowers and buildings are so amazing! who said you can't mix orange and blue?? nature sure didn't say you can't... and Italy screams it at you in such an iconic way

    As soon as Mom and Dad returned and showed me their 1,465 photos on a warm summer day on the deck, the inspiration ignited like those colors I have always admired in rich Italian oil paintings (as you know, I collect colorful oil paintings)
    Being that I have a historically traveling family heritage, there sure isn't an ounce of Italian in me, but I'm sure my gypsy aunts and uncles stopped by the roadside grotto and had a cuppa on their travels

    when Jenn and I were shopping at a local vintage clothing shop right after the October sale, I saw the coolest boho-dress (which I really hope fits me still) and I said I was going to buy it for the May ball, and our two heads combined to come up with the Boho-Ball!
    It's all about creativity... color... inspiration...
    and not caring what the styles are but being yourself... HAVING FUN!!
    That's what this May event is all about... HAVING FUN... and enjoying buying local... shopping... eating... while enjoying the fresh air
    kind of what I suppose my Mom and Dad experienced when they shopped the Italian markets without me

    Half of the space that my husband Jason and I have designated the sale area of the barn, is what we like to call the "Market" 

    a dream market... photo by Finn Lyngensen
    in the market you will find these AWESOME dealers... and just like the gypsies they are, they are traveling from all over!!
    ~ Traci and Mark (from Morris, IL and Geneva, IL)
    ~ Denise and Janice (from Geneva, IL)
    ~ Jeanine Burkhardt... CHippY ShaBbY!! (from Wisconsin)
    ~ Laura... Verbena Tested Treasures (from Florida)
    These dealers will be selling their wares in the "Market" area of the barn and will be separate from the other space designated as "the Shop" (but that's for another post... soon!)

    ever since last October, I have been planning this "Market"... with flowers, herbs, & baked goods made by me... and we'll be serving lunch as well for a nominal fee...
    and no, I won't be selling my cured hams from the barn rafters... not this year at least...

    market in san lorenzo
    if the weather is nice, there will be blankets available for you to borrow and take out to the prairie for a picnic... anywhere you want in the prairie... to soak up the sunshine... time with friends and enjoy your afternoon out at the farm... (sir Charles the rooster won't mind a bit if you share your crackers with him and his gal)...

    My Mom is out here today and she has the best ideas... and we are going out to the "Market" and "the Shop" so she can help me feel left out she went to Italy with my Dad and "forgot" to bring me

    and to help decorate

    Hope you can make it to the "Market" to see the amazing finds they are bringing!! Jason and I won't buy all of the awesomeness
    we'll save some for you:)
    enjoy the day!
    xo+farm blessings,

  • such inspiration!

    such inspiration!

    After the event/sale is over... yes, I'm tired, no doubt about that, but during this down time it gives me a chance to think, be calm, and dream
    during this whole process, I was surrounded by amazingly talented women that came from New Jersey, Arizona, Colorado, and local towns in Illinois... I am truly inspired!!
    What was inspiring??
    Their focus
    and passion for what they do
    their confidence in that fact
    I dabble in just about everything from covering candles in burlap and sewing linen dresses to hand embroidering tea towels and setting up this whole event
    I can already see my focus changing... defining... and it is all because of those men and women that took the time to come to our farm and be a part here's just a few of the pictures that I took... (if you came to the event and are posting pictures, let me know... I'd love to see them!! and I'll post your link on my sidebar) 

    checkout counter... with a linen dress/jacket combo I made and one of Jill Harris' bags that rock my world 


    again... 'the rock my world' bag that sold before I could get it, and an original art piece by Jeanne Oliver

    a barn wood bench with a metal base that Jason made for the event, and items from both Jennifer Rizzo and Polly Hood

    My daughter's and I new line "The Sweet Life"... it was a success for her!! I'm so happy for my sweet daughter!!!!

    'the peasant dress' from Jeanne Oliver and hand made crochet tops from Jill Harris — just gorgeously made things
    I'm hoping to see more pictures from a few friends that came... I didn't get to take many photographs...
    Midwest Living Magazine came out to the event, wrote a story on it, took some fantastic pictures of both the sale and the Art on the Farm with Jeanne Oliver that was taking place in the horse barn... they were so nice and Jason & I are honored they came to our farm...

    I took some video with our new video camera during the event... but am having difficulty getting it uploaded — as soon as that is smoothed out I can't wait to share it with you who weren't able to come...
    I was asked by a SUPER sweetie named Lauren (hi girl!) what my favorite part of this whole process of the event/barn sale was...

    truly it was the togetherness that is felt in the barn

    it is the common interests and desires all of us have

    how we are all connected

    (insert kumbyah here)

    so I asked myself when everyone was asleep after braving (and photographing) tornado clouds while sipping red wine and eating a chocolate... okay... so maybe 3 chocolates...
    "what can I do to help others be inspired??"

    continue my journey in life with my heart

    my passion

    my faith

    so many of you came up to me and said "thank you for doing this"... and honestly... I don't know how to respond to that...

    'thank you' would be obvious — and I did say that — but this is just my life, my way of thinking and doing... and you all have no idea how very very special it is for all of us at the event that you came and met us and was a part of this togetherness...

    we really are here to help support one another

    to encourage

    to grow in happiness and holiness

    not to be favored, but accepted for who we are, and striving to always be better people

    okay, so I got caught up in theology of "Anne's mind on the farm" and all, but it is from my heart that I tell you

    it was a wonderful experience having you come here
    either in person, or via blog

    with much love and blessings,

  • spirit... souls... boys...

    spirit... souls... boys...

    living within the seasons doesn't require anyone to celebrate a made up holiday
    surely you aren't surprised that we don't "celebrate" Halloween
    yes... the pressure is there from family... friends... loved ones to include the children in activities that are in essence... fun

    we'd rather gather together to celebrate all the people who gave their life for Someone... Something... more important than a bag full of candy... the day after is much more spiritually enhancing

    it seems today's "holiday" has overshadowed the essence of this time of harvest + saints + souls
    even though racing around a neighborhood and getting all six of your children in and out of the car to run up to beg for candy from strangers while inundating them with sights and sounds of the demonic may sound like fun to some... it doesn't to us...
    dressing up and enjoying the seasons does... as does raising our children to always think of what He wants from us... what we can do for Him... to be strong... to be faithful

    raising four boys, we do so in the spirit of this idea, being open to their ideas and activities they want to do on the farm with their friends
    it is not uncommon to see at any given day an "army man" ducking down into his man-made foxhole (seriously... the oldest two boys dug a 3' deep x 12' foxhole in the back prairie)
    recently the two oldest boys had a few friends over (as did our oldest daughter last year at this time) to play
    be free
    be boys

    a surprise meal of "mush" and a slice of bread for the soldiers (the mush was browned sausage with a homemade white sauce) the meal was served from a cast iron pot and an old ladle that was used to plop it onto the tin plates

    it was hilarious... when I came out of the house and rang the bell... they all came running as I yelled "chow time!!"
    an order of "line up!" was issued as a plate and metal spoon was thrust into their chests
    the dish was plopped on and one kid just stood there... so I said "move along soldier!!" he looked at our son and said "what is this? " I responded "slop!... now move along... "
    the grin on my face told him I was not feeding him something rotten:)
    that boy's brother then said... "I don't care what it is... I'm starving"
    our kids... our boys are starving for their imaginations to be fed... they need the necessary food to help them grow in strength upon temptations... there is no denying that the world can influence your thinking and try to coerce you to do things you don't really want to do ("but everyone else is doing it")
    grow together as a family... starts by praying together as a family... and listening to their hopes and dreams
    whether you choose to celebrate this day or not: stay safe in both spirit and self
    peace + blessings,

  • heavy... yet fragile and beautiful

    heavy... yet fragile and beautiful

    burdened with life's cares cripples not only your mind but your soul

    I'm sure you have seen pictures of and art (especially recently) of birds being released from a cage, or your hands cupping something sacred or fragile

    that is because life is so very fragile

    the more I "Get Back into Life" the more fragile it seems...
    more special...
    more sacred...
    more beautiful...

    beneath the piles of "to-do's" there is a joy... I don't always have the best way of showing that towards others the way I perceive it would be shown

    I have this pre-conceived idea of frolicking in the field while jumping... the sun's rays streaming through and hitting and capturing the moment as I am suspended in time of complete and utter joy with no thoughts of anything bad

    yes, fairy tale like... or I should say, heaven like

    I think this is why so many of us can relate to the current trend of creativity being shown by so many creative women across the world... with their linens hooped tight in their wooden embroidery circle as the needle punches through and makes that satisfying "pop" to their centuries old embellishment technique or modern day free form applique...

    relating to the artist with her music of Adele playing just loud enough to hear the kids if need be, her coffee steaming in her favorite mug on that rustic art table she picked up at the flea as her desk is strewn with mixed media... creating

    finding the relationship between the beautiful blossoms of the pear grove near their home and capturing a surreal and pretty moment in time by styling a pretty picnic to share with others by publishing a post on their blog...

    even if we don't possess these qualities of creativity, we appreciate them

    even when we don't have a lick of talent except how to order a 'cafe mocha' and peruse the flea with friends, we appreciate them

    appreciating others talents and seeing that brief moment of spark and exclaiming to ourselves or the good friend we're with "oh! I love that!"

    that's why

    we "love that" because it resonates with something we all share... beauty...

    instead of letting this become heavy upon our shoulders that we don't have that person's talent, we snatch their creativity up, and enjoy setting in our home or give it as a gift

    this is absolutely the reason why I love doing what I am doing at present...

    I may not possess much talent, but I have this ability here on our farm to allow others to bring their beauty to you

    this all sounds like a big info-mercial now, and go ahead and take it that way if you are cynical or jealous

    but I love this sale and bringing joy to you through inspiration and beauty

    I am so very pleased to tell you all that over 20 different people will be here at the sale in May selling their beauty and creativity...

    what started as something out of my garage with one neighbor and a few family members the week after the barn burned, to a talked about event from coast to coast in magazines and on the net is a living testimony of the power of positivity, creativity, and the overall community support for local art and products

    Wherever you live, visit a local barn sale or flea market... grab that friend or sister or loved one and enjoy the inspiration, beauty and love for amazing local talent.

    *part of the proceeds benefits a local charity*

    xo+ blessings,

  • "meet me for a pretty picnic"

    "meet me for a pretty picnic"

    I'm so glad you got to come!

    this pretty picnic was set up on a glorious day within a pear grove...
    just a short bike ride away from the farm

    inspired by a beautiful lace dress I found at Cracker Jax in DeKalb and by the delicate blooms of the pear tree, I invited a few close friends, got my picnic basket down from the eaves, and started filling it with special pretty touches...

    it was such a pretty afternoon

    listening to our bees humming within the blossoms... slicing into the white cake with buttercream frosting... drinking a cold glass of farm fresh milk...
    we put blossoms in our hair and soaked up the time together and the beauty around us

    after i returned from our pretty picnic under the pear grove, i put together a whole line of products
    they will all be available at the sale here at the farm (in just less than two weeks...)
    — postcards to invite your friends for a pretty picnic
    — lace bunting to hang under your trees or between branches at a nearby park for your pretty picnic
    — soft yellow paper straws
    — little vintage napkins
    — sweet patterned little cake plates
    — my organic white cake mix
    — lace tablecloth to lay down for your friends... your pretty picnic

    all available at the sale... in the Farm area of the barn (when you first walk in to your left)
    these beautiful photographs were all taken by my good friend and beautiful photographer, Traci Thorson. (these above images are just a few of them)
    ~thank you so much for coming~

    xo + pretty picnic blessings,

  • comfortable and delicious... in Italian of course!!

    comfortable and delicious... in Italian of course!!

    An honor to be chosen from Fifi O'Neill's new cookbook for an Italian publication...

    From the Italian magazine "COUNTRY & COUNTRY"...

    Conforto per corpo e anima it reads "Comfort for body and soul... "
    3 out of the 6 photos are of me and Farm... all I can say is thank you!!!
    there I am drizzling locally raised lamb shanks with olive oil and my rosemary from the garden above me are my kids and a few friends playing on the ancient oak tree swing on the south side of our grounds
    and the farm to table style dinner in the bottom photograph, taken by Mark Lohman, under the pergola and table strewn with fresh food I made for our large party of friends, including Fifi herself at the head of the table... it was her birthday, and though I wanted to make her, her favorite dessert, bread pudding, my oven stopped working and so became another favorite, rhubarb compote with bourbon dressing served with slow churned vanilla ice cream
    The recipes in the book are so very delicious, as Marylout Tapp and Jennifer Rizzo (bottom right photo above) will agree.
    The settings are inspirational and the recipes fresh and delicious.
    No wonder it is in Italian!!
    My recipes for the farm to table dinner are all in the book, pictures of our farm and me preparing it as well...
    a wonderful book
    such a complete blessing to be a part of that!!

    saying it in Italian is so much more beautiful... Conforto per corpo e anima!!

    (almost as beautiful as Latin)
    xo+delicious blessings,

  • for all i care...

    for all i care...

    my heart is completely strong and beating within me for you all visiting this weekend

    if i could show you my heart, it would be cracking my rib bones from the swelling of love for this event

    i love it

    i love the excitement, the stress, the organization, the emails, the phone calls...

    i seriously (seriously) can say i do not care if it rains, snows, hails, or if the sun shines bright

    all i care is that i make this a place for you to take time to enjoy

    enjoy this gift of life that God has given you...

    to hear the symphony of blessings amongst the prickly thorns

    to look upon the land and see the glorious nature and feel the softness of the grass as it sways

    that the time here you spend is not for you, but to glorify

    glorify the One who gave it to you

    a thankful embrace of the autumn splendor which our (oh so needs work) farmette has

    you will never find grandeur here

    don't expect a marvelously weeded bed with clean stalls and immaculately clean children

    we live a real life and within that real life is a chorus of praise for what we have no matter how much work it
    is, or the amount of dirt that gets under our fingernails

    no matter how much we try, it never (ever) is the way we dream it will be

    not one thing in this life is perfect
    not one
    but it's ours...
    it's our home... a place we have settled down

    all i care is that i make this a place for you to take time to enjoy... somewhere to come with friends or your mom...

    to come say hi in the bakery where i will be with my sister, daughter, and dear friend...

    to pick out something special i baked with you in mind

    to get a cup of coffee and sit beneath the branches in my 'natural bakery' and listen to the live music and chat... dream... relax...

    this takes a lot of work

    a lot of effort on all our parts — all the dealers sitting in their creative spaces and making one of a kind creations that they love and want to share... the hours of painting and refinishing the furniture... the excitement of finding vintage flannels all around the Midwest to compliment your favorite tall boots and leggings...

    work within the families coordinating time for their mom to go out with her friends

    effort to save up money to enjoy some shopping to ruffle your nest

    the drive out to our farm

    it means more than you all know having you here and helping support those men and women who are amazing creators and artists

    for all i care...

    peace + blessings,

  • Tracy Porter...

    Tracy Porter...

    One of THE biggest influences for this upcoming May Event here at our organic farm has been

    she sent me these collages she made just for us to see!!
    A mother of four
    A successful entreprenuer
    A midwestern girl at heart, but lives sea-side now
    A true love for life... family... gardening... nature... and following her instincts

    If you are saying "who's Tracy Porter" then go HERE
    and think Macy's... Bloomingdales... HGTV... Better Homes and Gardens... E! and countelss other places
    this girl doesn't mess around... she's 100% pure "her"
    not conforming to anyone's standards, but rather setting her own

    I had the priviledge to interview my new friend...
    it seriously has got to be the one of the coolest things that has happened to me this year... getting inspired by Tracy
    her answers are in turquoise:
    1) When you moved to S.Barbara, did you bring everything? Or did you edit your items to suit your new home? a. Our move to Santa Barbara was one filled with many choices, and huge emotion…including a major crazy edit. So crazy that we hired an auction company to sell a lot of our stuff…I am the original magpie. I throw away nothing. Sick, and wonderful. I did not go to the auction, it went on once we moved, I would have been a wreck to watch it….to weird…..I had to really separate, and it was just stuff… we brought what we needed and it was a good edit, and most importantly I was moving across the country with what I treasure more than anything in my world…my family.
    2) Where is your favorite place to shop?
    a. I love old things so I get pretty amped in vintage shops, flea markets, thrift stores, goodwill anything second hand is good to me….I fill my pockets with sour patch kids, put on a backpack and off I go…I need to be free to touch and smell everything, and the candy helps me just not get too wound up …I am a really excited person when I get around old stuff. Well…I am really excited most of the time anyway.

    3) Do you gather the most inspiration from? Nature? Visiting other countries?
    a. I gather from anything and everything. I look at stuff non-stop….I am a very curious bird, always wanting to explore. I adore travel…so much. I find it to be really freeing…but I am a girl that can sit on my bed with a glass of wine late at night and a stack of books or magazines and I will write down a notebook full of thoughts in an hour. I don’t have to go across the pond to get inspired I can find it quickly and I think that helps me in my process. I work very quickly, and I move onto to new things fast, which is good based on the range of stuff we get our fingers into.

    4) How often do you rearrange your furniture? And when you do this…do you clear out the whole room and start from scratch? Or just ‘edit’?
    a. I tend not to do major overhauls, I am more of a vignetter….life gets so busy with kids and our company…but I find it really inspiring and relaxing to move stuff around. Once a week ( maybe twice) for sure I am moving things….in little ways here and there…If I repaint ( which I want to soon) then I really go all out and move stuff. Always after holidays. .big changes too….oddly.

    5) What advice can you give, on how to decorate using your passion?
    a. I get that decorating can be really intimidating. I always encourage following your gut on choices. Make a list of what you love, what makes you giddy…knuckle biters…why do you love them… tear magazines apart, look through books, or websites and look at what you’ve gathered. You really do know what you love, and what you are passionate about. Find a way to inspire yourself…movies, songs, scents, imagery, something must stir you deep inside…ask yourself questions and you are on your way…little steps, a vignette a powder room…always start small.

    6) Do you have a place of your very own in your home that you like to snuggle up to with a good book and a glass of wine?
    a. My bed. Always.

    7) Your clothing style and your home décor items blend so well together, and I can tell it’s from your heart and soul (that’s one of the reason I like your style)…timeless really…but do you ever feel like going with the trends?
    a. I look at everything that’s going on of course in stores, magazines, online, sometimes I am sucked in. Mostly not….I just do what I do….and that’s what feels right to our company, and I am pretty sure to our customers. I want everything to feel really special, very soulful, layered…I want what we create to feel timeless and unique, feel good stuff. I am grateful that we have had the good fortune of people buying our things for nearly 20 years, ….we have done our fair share of learning along the way…skinned knees, etc. You try things, and you look back and cringe, but you have to try things….I mostly look at what we have created with a full heart..that we are still here…. working harder than ever…and for sure more humbled than ever. Being in business can really be superb for perspective….it’s an endurance game…I always compare it to running cross-country back in high school.

    8) What’s next for ‘Tracy Porter’…another book perhaps? A TV show??
    a. YES!!! Working towards so many things….in this day you really have to keep a lot of irons in the fire, so we do. We don’t take anything for granted, we just keep moving along, moving forward, making new plans, setting new goals…..we are happy to be able to do what we do every day. We will always evolve and try new things, and re-try things…..that’s the interesting piece in all of really have to put yourself out there. So we do!

    9) What’s your favorite kind of food? And do you cook?
    a. Food is huge in our home. My husband is an amazing cook, and I love to cook as well. We love everything…ethnic especially. ( but we don’t cook a lot of ethnic, that’s more like date-night!) We eat a lot of fresh fish, love Sunday roasts, all veggies…yes, yes…homemade pasta….we like preparing food…we eat late (8pm-ish) which our kids are fine with. The kitchen and dinner table are so important to us and to the way we are raising our four boys. We want them to appreciate how to grow, shop for, make and appreciate good food. I want the smell of food from our home to sit deep in their souls….I am a big believer that the kitchen table is a very healing, healthy and nurturing place for families.

    10) What advice do you have for those who have children and that are trying to open up a business? Whether online or brick and mortar?
    a. If you are able to work from home, then try it. You may find it easier with children. We used to go into our studio, but since we moved we are trying a work from home situation, and for our family it works really well. Flexibility is key, because owning and running a business never stops. Even though we make it a point to not “talk shop” at night…it can sit on my brain….and I work so hard to be in the moment with my family. Online is great as you may have more options with kids and their oddball schedules. Sometimes you need to try things one way then change them, don’t get too rigid about following a perfectly created plan, as you need to know business is about change and being able to change with it. I have heard far too many people straight out of business school with brand new business’ tell me all about their plan and how it is all going to work as they have it all thought through and then they flip when something didn’t go as perfectly planned. Business is a lot like life, planning, goal setting….but more than anything flexibility will get you through anything.

    11) What kind of music do you listen to?
    a. I have Pandora on all the time and my mix is all over the board….from Feist, to Bread, to Cat Stevens, Brazilian music, Melody Gardot, Beth Orton, Bebel Gilberto, Seals and Croft…..I am a child of the 70’s so it’s deep inside of me but my French Grand’Mere lived with us…so Edith Piaf was always playing, Billie holiday was as well, Nina Simone …..I still love it all. I have an awful voice ( totally tone deaf, and never remember any words) but I love to sing….so I really crank it in the car and just go for it!

    she's goregous inside and out
    Thank you so much for your lovely thoughtful questions. Oceans full of kisses to you all!!!

    SHOP Tracy Porter HERE

    Read Tracy's SO fun blog HERE
    She has made numerous videos on everything from decorating advice... fashion... to beauty tips
    I literally spent an entire evening in awe...
    what an inspiration she is to me and to anyone! to be true to yourself and follow your heart
    If she only lived back in Wisconsin... then she'd be able to attend the events here! ~and come over for a glass of wine and a homemade dinner~
    Tracy and I have a HUGE surprise for you soon

    (yes, now I have 3 Tracy's as friends... one with and "i"... one with a "ey" and one that is just "y") hilarious

  • Cupcakes & Cocktails...

    Cupcakes & Cocktails...

    I recently had some girl friends over... I encourage them to bring a friend... and I'm so glad some of them did... it's so nice to meet new people...

    the night of Cupcakes & Cocktails was so nice...

    I got to showcase some new recipes for some cupcakes I want to sell in October here at the event...
    = lemon and lavendar with a white chocolate/buttercream frosting
    = apple pie cupcake with buttercream frosting
    = gluten free chocolate cupcake with whipped cream mint frosting (the total favorite with the ladies)
    = carrot cupcake with classic cream cheese frosting
    = my classic (favorite) chocolate cupcake with white buttercream frosting (the other favorite)

    i made these simple flags and inserted them into the cupcakes to let the ladies know what was what

    I rearranged the rooms (more on this new look later this week) which was so fun to decorate for the get together

    the table Jason made is perfect in the corner of the room for a buffet...

    and of course... the cocktail...

    when I have the 'hub' in the kitchen, I put my large cutting board on top of my stove, and use it for extra counter space... it works out great...
    here's the cocktail I made up (yumoramma... but after 4 o'clock only:) -for one drink — 2 oz. gin 2 T. pure prairie honey 4 oz. freshly squeezed orange juice 4 oz. freshly squeezed lemon juice
    -put all together in your cocktail shaker and shake it up good... serve over ice-

    A hit with old and new friends alike!
    I would like to thank Midwest Living Magazine for such a nice article on me and the event/barn sale my husband and I do twice a year... thank you!! (there was a 'typo'... we are 80 miles WEST of Chicago, not East:)

    The article is in the Out and About Section...

    there really was no need for my picture!! 
    for more information on the upcoming events, you can follow our homestead website:
    What to expect this October here? -ART on the Farm is back again... so very excited about the diversity we are presenting to you — BARN SALE... theme this October?? Prairie Holiday Jason and I are presenting a new area to the event... I'm working hard in the kitchen to offer my very best cupcakes and baked items for sale...
    enjoy the day!

  • truly.


    If you have been here long enough to read some of my posts, you totally understand that I absolutely love being here on the farm

    in the house

    in the garden


    walking the prairie

    being with all six of the kids

    truly. truly. truly. i would not have it any other way — God's will be done! -

    my human instinct tells me to kick off my shoes and run through the rain... do a cartwheel at whim... eat pie for breakfast

    I do the pie thing, and have done the rain dance, but I seriously think I would break something if I attempted a cartwheel (which I will attempt after I do some more turbojam videos — trust me -)

    the joy is there

    I can see it like looking through binoculars

    almost touch it it's so close

    but the joy is a struggle when you are nursing an almost 4 month old who still nurses like a newborn
    trying to write articles for different publications only to change it a dozen times
    go out to the beet patch to find the rabbit has been rather hungry
    and sacrifice the day at home with the baby so the rest of the family can take the boat out


    that is it


    jealous that I couldn't go
    jealous that I don't have more time to pick every single cucumber
    jealous that other women wear a size 7 and only have two children at home while they sip champagne on the veranda with their friends in the afternoon (I know of someone who does that)
    jealous that I am not someone else??


    jealous that I am not more joyous?


    bringing more joy into my life is a daily sacrifice finding it in laundry and this Africa hotness
    bringing more joy into my life through more prayer and devotion
    bringing more joy into my life with more sacrifice

    this is what He wants me to do

    funny note... I seriously didn't even want to mention God... and yet, here I do it...

    bringing more joy into my life with accepting this vocation, silencing my fears


    Fear that I might someday be that women with only two children left at home. Fear that I might pick every cucumber that is in the garden and then have to do something with them. Fear that there will be no more chubby hands handing me a perfect blueberry Fear that I will have to be living life solo
    Fear is holding back my silence -

    I crave the silence yet want to hear the noise. Of my husband's laughter and the children talk of their adventures with him on the canoe, the boat, by foot or in the air...

    So in the end, I am joyous... so joyful to come into the mudroom and see flower colored flip flops and worn-toed cowboy boots
    So overjoyed to see that little onesie hanging out to dry in the warm sun

    Tearfully joyful to know that my family is enjoying this sunshine at the lake, eating the sandwiches they packed and the granola bars I made
    the ache in my chest is not sadness but joy

  • edit...


    so often times, we get distracted from our dreams, goals, or even just plain happiness...
    I'm always telling my kids to "focus"
    not just on their school work, but their morals, values, goals, aspirations
    nothing is any different for me
    that is why I make an inspiration board for the sales I do, or other big projects
    If you are willing to join me, let's do some "focus" work of our own...
    to live holistically doesn't just mean what I am feeding my kids... or what kind of music I surround myself with...
    it's a caring for your whole self and all that surrounds you
    ~ the clothes you wear
    ~ the food you eat
    ~ the people you choose to be your friends
    ~ the items in your home

    ***************let's focus***************
    fashion and food: I cannot give you much fashion advice, or what food you should eat, except I do have one motto for both: think local 

    my 2010 line of clothing... the "pure Elizabeth"


    a picture of a typical CSA share here at Farm
    thinking local when purchasing fashion and food is good to not only your community, but also for your well-being
    it's fresh... and guilt free:)

    friends: The people you choose to be your friends, well, that's something else I can't tell you what is right and wrong, but I can say that from experience, if those people don't support you in times of trouble, or heartache, then they aren't your friends... no one is too busy to check in on a friend... and they certainly aren't your true friends if all they want is something from you

    your home: The items in your home... okay... now I can help you!

    This involves both the spiritual and the practical
    — go to every room of your home that 'troubles you' (I didn't say this was going to be easy) and set aside all the items in that room that aren't special to you... that don't have any meaning...
    this doesn't mean the couch goes because you don't like it... that is where the practical comes into 'play'
    remember, this isn't rocket science... no one is watching... don't let other's opinions sway your decorating!!!!
    now that your room is edited, clean it
    clean it thoroughly with a natural cleaner to freshen both your home and your peace of mind that those fur balls are gone under the couch, or your pillows are clean (yes! throw those slipcovers and pillow covers in the wash!)
    The BEST thing you can do to your 'new room' is to clean it...

    This weekend, I, along with you, will be editing our home... if you want to join me, you are more than welcome...
    (what else do I have to do right?)

  • My Christmas farm kitchen...

    My Christmas farm kitchen...

    the more and more time I spend on this farm, the more I realize how we become who we are by simply just working with what we have, and listening to our surroundings... opening our eyes

    that is the great thing about life
    it is constantly changing... with new ideas... and right now, with advent season upon me and the farm, a new perspective on quite a few things have entered into my life here
    and yes, even in my farm kitchen...

    this cabinet was in my craft room... it's a small nook off the living room which I use to sew and create in
    but when Fifi was here, she made a comment that this white hutch, was out of place... that it didn't fit into the rest of the house except for the kitchen (where we have white cabinets)

    I didn't get upset... not in the slightest!... but it got me thinking on that ever since she brought it to my attention
    I just thought it looked good where it was... but who am I? certainly no decorator!!
    so this past week, I moved that hutch into the kitchen, where the chippy paint/jelly cupboard was... 

    make sure you stop and smell the roses wherever you are... these are still from my birthday! 
    within the hutch, I tucked a few treasures...

    a few ornaments here and there...

    it brightened up this space even more... in all areas of the kitchen

    sometimes friends and family make fun of me moving furniture around like this, but call me silly, but doing so, changes the physical and mental atmosphere here... decorating therapy so to speak possibly
    *************** i know my little "Christmas Cowboy" is in this photo... he had a birthday this past week... and he looooves being a cowboy (i love it too)

    have a wonderful weekend!

  • Souvenirs

    I have been wondering lately what to do with that front room... sunroom... new baby room...

    I'm thinking "studio"...

    {via }

    keeping a hold of the dreams I had when younger... and achieving the goals that I have now as an adult and the result of the constant determination to achieve those goals... and the many many surprises that have entered my life... especially within the past 10 years of living here on the farm...

    I embrace the everyday with the before the kids wake up with the enthusiasm of a warm cup of coffee and a walk outdoors... and even the thought of a new day excites me! What can I do today that will make me a better person... what can I do today that will help someone else... what can I do today to glorify Him...

    it's all so amazingly exciting living a life free from all constraints of the world... being free to live the life He wants me to live

    sure I would love a red flashing light surrounded by gigantic arrows to point me in the direction without doubt... but that isn't reality... I'm trying to do my best the only way I know how... and that is different from you, or my sisters, or my kids, or my husband, or my very close friends...

    Basically, I am looking forward to having a place to sew and draw... write and create with my oldest daughter... and son, and other son, and other daughter, and another son, and another little boy... wherever 'mama' is — they are

    and I don't mean that in a bad way... I can't imagine me sitting in a craft room all my by myself without Daniel's little pitter patter crawl over to me to pick him up... or the sounds of my middle son playing his harmonica in the family room... and even though there are times (and believe me there are) when one does something to the other and I need to step in and give them some guidance...

    I. would. not. want it. any other way.

    I have one life to live

    peace + blessings,

  • dreamcatcher...


    I walked down to the barn this morning — coffee in hand — like I have for the past two months...

    the same calmness was there... it's as though it was a dream... as though Friday and Saturday's sale was being lived out in my mind not in my reality

    I tried not to have expectations — keeping myself blended into the event like an extension of the prairie — I walked about both days... meeting new people... seeing old friends... embracing family members and my sweet little baby...

    looking in the barn just now — the branches are still up — the hay couches are gathered in the prairie lounge, the winter prairie room still sparkles with the crystal chandelier and bare white branches...

    I am not here to say that "i'm glad it's all over"... or "i can finally get back to my life"...

    like the dreamcatcher, I wove my life like a web, catching and blanketing everything that touched this weekend... giving me sustenance within, then letting go of the unwanted elements that were tangled up
    dreams are not all good... in fact, most of my dreams are so strange i try not to even bother figuring them out

    there were most certainly things that happened this weekend that weren't all 'heart warming', but each and every moment this weekend (and in my life lately) was accepted

    trying to accept each moment in my life has opened my heart to beat even stronger within the connection with other people... and doing what i love... being on our little farm, baking, cooking, decorating, supporting others... all of this creates a very deep awareness of the complete cycle and connection between the earth and God

    i like to think of me being caught in His web... His dreamcatcher... for He will take from me to give to Him...

    picture taken Saturday morning, the second day of the sale/event

  • dissapointment...


    dealing with it
    it's not something anyone of us like
    we are told by our friends and family (if they have any compassion at all) that 'it'll work out' or 'try not to stew over it'
    like a hard workout when you wake up the next day and your muscles are sore, but it feels so good... it takes a lot of hard work to see the results
    sometimes you even get burned...

    but God willing, you have someone who is there watching and protecting... making sure the fire doesn't get out of hand... and will be there to put it out... but the fire sometimes needs to happen

    the right time for the prairie burn is when the birds are not here yet (these images were taken over a week ago now)
    before they settle down and make their nests in the thick grass and the trees
    before the weather is warm enough to stir the bees from their hives

    in our own lives... we can't control when the burn happens
    it just happens
    it's out of our control and so all we can do is let it burn

    since our historic barn burned (a number of years ago... you can read more about that here & a short video here) fire to me is not as scary... but has brought more of an understanding that after the fire, even though it's hot and wild and destructive, it also brings new life

    we thought that barn would be our organic co-op store... the hay loft was going to be a very cool place to play the drums and strum my guitar and have really amazing gatherings...
    but there were different plans out of our control
    now I look out to the prairie

    though I do miss that barn terribly at times... the disappointment of not fulfilling my dreams inside it... the burn brought new life
    an unexpected life to this farm... to me... to my life
    I would not have thought I would be where I am today a year ago.
    would you?
    we can't plan that... but sometimes it's getting burned and then healing from it... noticing the new life instead of dwelling on the ashes

    I hope this Lent is bringing you a renewed sense of self.
    I hope this time of reflection is making you lift your hearts in admiration of what you do have.
    I hope this Lent is truly making you a better person.

  • Merry Christmas! come on in...

    Merry Christmas! come on in...

    Hello!! I hope you all had a very blessed day with your family and friends

    A special thank you for everyone who takes the time to stop here and say hello, leave comments, and read... thank you

    We were unexpectedly blessed with having our Christmas here at the farm... alone... so peaceful and quiet

    it was wonderful

    here's an inside look all around the house... and a bit outdoors too

    the mudroom...

    the kitchen...

    the three oldest when they were little in front of our old barn as "the nativity" scene... a treasure for us

    can you tell I love the shelves Jason made for that wall?

    my little snowman that our 11 yr. old son hand carved and made for me... i love him so so much! he even made the little mittens out of felt!
    the tree...

    the living room...

    I set up a little wine bar on the bookshelves in the living room

    we added shutters in the bathroom, and i hung a jar my younger sister made with some lavender and spruce

    upstairs in the kids rooms...

    the boys' tree and decorations (they love to do it themselves)

    and the girls' room... much different than the boys:)

    and in the master...

    a very special birthday gift from some good friends:)

    my dresser was temporarily a wrapping station

    made in Germany... these little angels lull me to sleep with their beauty

    a view out the master... the first snow...

    little Daniel's blue woolen coat hanging in his room

    going back indoors, we are baking and feasting and loving this wonderful life...

    Hope you are all celebrating all 12 days of Christmas...

    with love and blessings,

    Jason, Anne Marie, and all of the children

  • stay with other bloggers/friends!

    stay with other bloggers/friends!

    Good Monday morning to you all!!
    Just a quick note for all of you who are traveling here to the farm for the May event...

    Make sure you say that you are attending the "Farm Event" when you book your hotel room with the Holiday Inn Express it's where most of the out of town visitors are staying (and if you come and stay there, you get a special gift from me:)
    You also get the advantage of receiving a great discount... and rooms are filling up! so make sure you book your room soon if you would like to stay there
    to see how the hotel looks — and for more information — go HERE
    xo+farm blessings,

  • Beth Quinn at the farm...

    Beth Quinn at the farm...

    I am so happy to tell you all that Beth Quinn, of Beth Quinn Designs is coming all the way from Arizona to be here on the farm to
    be with her friends
    meet new ones
    and sell her beautifully made jewelry... 

    her new children's line of jewelry... so darling

    I definitely think that my favorite pieces are these "happy" ones...

    yes, I bought these earrings and LOVE them...

    She has been featured in such publications as: *Belle Amour* *Somerset Magazine* *Artful Blogging* *Haute Handbags* and many many more... Beth is making a whole new line just for the Farm Event...
    one of a kind pieces! (it's a secret as of now... I haven't even seen any of her new line yet!!)

    Beth Quinn and her husband What a blessing it is to know that Beth will be here... I'm truly overwhelmed... she's quite the artist...
    you can shop for Beth's jewelry HERE
    and visit her blog HERE
