I have been wondering lately what to do with that front room... sunroom... new baby room...
I'm thinking "studio"...

{via }
keeping a hold of the dreams I had when younger... and achieving the goals that I have now as an adult and the result of the constant determination to achieve those goals... and the many many surprises that have entered my life... especially within the past 10 years of living here on the farm...
I embrace the everyday with the before the kids wake up with the enthusiasm of a warm cup of coffee and a walk outdoors... and even the thought of a new day excites me! What can I do today that will make me a better person... what can I do today that will help someone else... what can I do today to glorify Him...
it's all so amazingly exciting living a life free from all constraints of the world... being free to live the life He wants me to live
sure I would love a red flashing light surrounded by gigantic arrows to point me in the direction without doubt... but that isn't reality... I'm trying to do my best the only way I know how... and that is different from you, or my sisters, or my kids, or my husband, or my very close friends...
Basically, I am looking forward to having a place to sew and draw... write and create with my oldest daughter... and son, and other son, and other daughter, and another son, and another little boy... wherever 'mama' is — they are
and I don't mean that in a bad way... I can't imagine me sitting in a craft room all my by myself without Daniel's little pitter patter crawl over to me to pick him up... or the sounds of my middle son playing his harmonica in the family room... and even though there are times (and believe me there are) when one does something to the other and I need to step in and give them some guidance...
I. would. not. want it. any other way.
I have one life to live
peace + blessings,