so often times, we get distracted from our dreams, goals, or even just plain happiness...
I'm always telling my kids to "focus"
not just on their school work, but their morals, values, goals, aspirations
nothing is any different for me
that is why I make an inspiration board for the sales I do, or other big projects
If you are willing to join me, let's do some "focus" work of our own...
to live holistically doesn't just mean what I am feeding my kids... or what kind of music I surround myself with...
it's a caring for your whole self and all that surrounds you
~ the clothes you wear
~ the food you eat
~ the people you choose to be your friends
~ the items in your home
***************let's focus***************
fashion and food: I cannot give you much fashion advice, or what food you should eat, except I do have one motto for both: think local

my 2010 line of clothing... the "pure Elizabeth"

a picture of a typical CSA share here at Farm
thinking local when purchasing fashion and food is good to not only your community, but also for your well-being
it's fresh... and guilt free:)
friends: The people you choose to be your friends, well, that's something else I can't tell you what is right and wrong, but I can say that from experience, if those people don't support you in times of trouble, or heartache, then they aren't your friends... no one is too busy to check in on a friend... and they certainly aren't your true friends if all they want is something from you
your home: The items in your home... okay... now I can help you!

This involves both the spiritual and the practical
— go to every room of your home that 'troubles you' (I didn't say this was going to be easy) and set aside all the items in that room that aren't special to you... that don't have any meaning...
this doesn't mean the couch goes because you don't like it... that is where the practical comes into 'play'
remember, this isn't rocket science... no one is watching... don't let other's opinions sway your decorating!!!!
now that your room is edited, clean it
clean it thoroughly with a natural cleaner to freshen both your home and your peace of mind that those fur balls are gone under the couch, or your pillows are clean (yes! throw those slipcovers and pillow covers in the wash!)
The BEST thing you can do to your 'new room' is to clean it...
This weekend, I, along with you, will be editing our home... if you want to join me, you are more than welcome...
(what else do I have to do right?)