Souvenirs [Search results for 2011

  • Souvenirs

    I'll be looking back on 2010... learning from my mistakes and cherishing the memories made...

    but I'm focused on some exciting things in 2011

    2011 here I am... take me as I am...

  • hot house market here i come...

    hot house market here i come...

    photograph by Traci Thorson
    in may of 2011, Jeanne Oliver's bag was hanging on the door for sale, as well as a flower I made from brown recycled paper and newspaper...
    this image is now in the pages of Where Women Cook magazine
    those flowers were noticed by Carrie Rosen, from hot house market, who sold her wares of all sorts at that same sale... in may of 2011 

    traci thorson photography

    i am so sorry to say i didn't shop in carrie's booth, or anyone else's booth

    here's another shot of the flowers, but I put them on cattle fencing I rolled, added lace to the outside, and the flowers underneath...

    traci thorson photography

    i was so busy with a newborn and hosting that large farm to table dinner with Fifi, that there just was not any time...
    but today, I'm in Indiana on a photoshoot with Traci Thorson at Carrie's new shop!
    an amazing shop in LaFayette Indiana
    hot house market
    Carrie and Todd hired me to make those flowers and a few other things... but it's mostly a fun mini-road trip with a good friend
    we thought we'd squeeze in a photoshoot while we're at it:)

    ... on another topic...

    I'm also linking up with Jennifer Rizzo for her garden walk...


    flag bunting on the vegetablr garden fence


    the wonderful scent of privet in bloom

    lastly but not least
    a bird house my mom & dad made for us

    have a fantastic rest of your day... a wonderful weekend...
    and may you be an inspiration for others in virtue
    with grace


  • 7 Days to a better Me... DAY 1

    7 Days to a better Me... DAY 1

    DAY 1: Pride

    How do you battle pride? with humility... so let's take a look...

    Looking upon people with my heart, and not my mind…

    The one thing I really cannot fathom is ridiculing others for their appearance…whether it is clothing, facial hair, tattoos, hair style, etc…
    This has nothing to do with race or nationality…seriously…can we get pass that racism already? It’s 2011…….

    At times, it is awfully difficult to look past this fault in others. Some people (always women – never my male friends) tend to do this ridicule of appearance…like they are perfect or something? That is something we should all keep in mind: they aren’t perfect either…NONE of us are….
    (and personally... I learn more from my husband, or men sometimes, than women-
    when's the last time you heard your husband or male friend ridicule
    others about appearance? or downgrade someone?) So instead of looking upon someone who might be “out of style” or has age spots on her face (heaven forbid) look at them with your heart…all of us are special in God’s eyes…no matter what we look like on the outside… Pride is the biggest drawback to becoming a better person…it’s the hardest to get over…
    You aren’t so special Anne Marie…no matter who tells you this
    *you aren’t so special... not yet*

    Today’s society has really drilled this into us when someone is good looking, successful, creative, or even a good baker: that when you are successful at something you are so special

    Do you really think that you are so special because you can do these things?
    then everyone else who doesn't have your good of a talent... what are they??
    If you consider yourself special because you have these talents/gifts, then you might possibly be looking upon others as ‘not special’ and will put them down, even mentally this will not be a good thing…..we should always look upon others for who they are — regardless of talent or creativity
    Yes, this talent you have, or worked at enhancing is unique, but who gave you this gift?
    but beware...
    "A man is never so proud as when striking an attitude of humility" — C.S. Lewis
    this means that you can't just act like you are humble... you have to actually live it
    Until you start thanking the One who gave it to you, you aren’t special….

    Take 5 minutes today and tell God ‘thank you’ a deep sincere thank you for life... for this opportunity to grow... for me to let go of pride...

    *now you are special* in the One's eyes that really matters

    that's one step closer to true happiness


    (picture via Beth Quinn designs... I love wearing those earrings)
    (fun tidbit on the peacock... it's both a symbol of pride & God's eye)

  • potential...

    Can you feel it?
    2011... new year... brings SO much potential doesn't it?? the "to-do" list is growing and I DON'T CARE! I keep adding onto it... and already know I won't be doing it all, but man do I love feeling the potential of this new year...
    Lots of the snow has melted, so it kind of 'looks like spring', and with my nesting instincts kicking into overdrive almost all of the areas of our home are being reworked...
    and the sale! OH MAN the sale!!! Have I got some exciting news to share with you...
    for now... enjoy the potential and just know that it doesn't mean you have to change yourself and become skinnier or faster at posting (lol) but rather it means to enliven yourself within who you already are...


  • getting back into the kitchen...

    getting back into the kitchen...

    how will we ever be able to attend to the spiritual enhancement of ourselves when there is so much to do of this world ?? There are meals, laundry, work, kids...

    to be organized within these tasks we can then find time to devote in prayer and /or meditation

    meal planning...
    a huge responsibility in our lives, no matter how many children you have at home — and besides breathing, meal planning is the most often misused area of organization (hence fast food chains)

    It may take some time, but trust me when I tell you it is worth it

    So, we are going to start today... what do you have planned for supper? you should know... if you do not know, then let's find out... let's plan

    On the net, there are so many wonderful places to find recipes, but let's start in your recipe box... you know, those good, great or delicious recipes tucked away in that cute box you have in the pantry from Grandma or Mom, or a good friend, or a neighbor down the road... and don't forget those cookbooks and magazines

    Where Women Cook is a magazine you can find online or in the bookstore... and is really more like a cookbook than a magazine... very well put together. This past Spring, 2011, right after Daniel was born, I had the privilege to cook and style and write for Where Women Cook...

    I also had the honor to work together again with my very good friend and amazing food photographer, Traci Thorson.

    it was a 'Family Pizza Night'...

    Gathering together for meals is certainly nothing new... and pizza is such a fun and easy way to bring the whole family together with ingredients fresh from the market, your pantry, or a quick trip to the store if it's winter...

    You can find 'Family Pizza Night' on the farm in the March issue... I grabbed this from the website...

    To see more about Where Women Cook, and the issue my family and I are in, you can visit their website here: WWCook

    So let's get a pen... print out these below documents I put together to share with you, and make some great family meals... get organized... and have some more time! imagine that!! more time to devote to your spirit

    here's an easy to follow Menu Planner... (and later this week I will put up a grocery list)... let's start this Sunday... you have the whole week to think of all those great recipes you want to share with your family...

    Here's a quick recipe:
    Chicken and Peaches with Sweet Potatoes...
    Take one package of hormone free + organic chicken thighs... put them in your crock pot with a can of (home-preserved preferably) peaches with the juice... slice 3 sweet potatoes and put them on top... then slice 1 small onion and put that on top of the sweet potatoes... let simmer 7 hours and it's time to ring that dinner bell

    peace + blessings,

  • "thing spring" Giveaway Winner

    "thing spring" Giveaway Winner

    YOU WON JoLynn!!!
    (winner taken by using Send me your address at: in order to receive your signed copy of Romantic Prairie Style, by the one and only Fifi O'Neill!!

    Here's JoLynn's comment: ____________________________ JoLynn said...

    Oh, how I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this style!! I feel like I have just "figured out" what my style is {actually a mix of things}, but I would be so thrilled to win this book!!! Thanks for the generous giveaway!:)
    Wednesday, February 02, 2011 ____________________________

    Congratulations JoLynn! Fif and I have loved reading your comments... and if you aren't JoLynn, then both Fifi and I would love to extend the invitation to come to the Farm Event this May 20th and 21st, here in Illinois, where she and the photographer Mark Lohman, will be selling and signing the book... hope to see you!

    Fifi &

  • stop number 9... an e-book from the farm and hand carved spoons from Jason's hands

    stop number 9... an e-book from the farm and hand carved spoons from Jason's hands

    Hi! I hope this Christmas house walk finds you all well!! come on in to our little farm house on the prairie...

    more than half my day is spent in this little corner of the world... the kitchen
    my kitchen = my expression = my love for my family = and oh such good and tasty dishes...
    we ALL get involved in the kitchen! it's my favorite room of the house


    these little candy canes are being bagged up for sale in the shop today! check back later!!!

    collecting those little tins, I have made a lot of little treats for the kids
    cakes and tiny pies
    one of the things I really have enjoyed, is collecting small things like that — after all... I AM surrounded by six little sets of feet scampering about the farmhouse all day:)
    totally not complaining

    thos candy canes are vintage wire ones and the coolest quick decorating thus far this year

    this may not look like a Christmas kitchen... but simmering on the stove is some raw milk I'm heating up for baby Daniel, with my cup of tea steaping in the background, and the chalkboard proclaiming I need to slow down and enjoy these last few days of Advent

    nature inspires this family of mine... this farmhouse... this soul

    yes, that is the mini-conservatory Jason made for me to use in the potager... it's sitting next to and apple ladder... which is all resting peacefully on top of a table Jason also made using reclaimed barn wood

    we've "freaked" out a few people with letting our Percheron horse Jordan roam the property free and eat the cool grass... and this picture simbolizes so much to me

    instead of taking all the pine trimmings and making thick swags, I am leaving them raw
    extending their life from outdoors right into our home

    a bunch of lavender grens as well as pine branches surround Mary especially since it's the feast day of the Immaculate Conception! Dear blessed Mother... so gentle and kind... may I always give my all to others through sacrifice Mary... help me to be closer to your Son

    the girl's room...
    all vintagey turquoise + red and simply so fun & cute!

    this house most certainly is never 'totally tidy'... especially when you give your daughter the freedom to create in her 'vintage horse room'

    back downstairs, in our once dining room (now turned living room) pinecones, dried oranges and an eskewed lamp;)... things are not perfect here

    Daniel even got some new stuffed toys I hand stitched this holiday season... I couldn't resist letting him have them before Christmas day! he also loves playing with my yarn balls like a little kitty

    he sure does love his sister... what a blessing a big family is!!

    that's the end of the house tour for me...
    in case you missed stop #8, it is my very good personal friend, who literally lives just 30 minutes from the farm: Traci Thorson... she's our official photographer for the farm events and certain other publications...
    as well as stop #10: blondienc who has a great blog!
    I'm so excited to present to you the very special project all of us here on the farm have been working on together... especially Jason and I

    We've compiled some simple and traditional holiday recipes and easy to make gifts in this

    AVAILABLE THIS FRIDAY! December 9th!!
    it is an online e-book!!! We are so very excited to share this with you! (more on the book tomorrow)
    We also have something else to share!!

    the winter 2011 collection of hand carved spoons from NA.DA.FARM
    Jason has been hand carving spoons they are so beautiful and special each spoon is one of a kind made from his own two hands truly beautiful
    100% made by hand from reclaimed timber from the farm and other local wood
    organic in nature... organically finish
    each piece is sealed with organic olive oil... the safest sealant for wood used in the kitchen

    We are opening up shop once again for some very wonderful hand crafted items from both Jason and myself... tomorrow!!!

    From all of us here at the farm... peace + blessings,

  • Pictures of the Sale/Event...

    Pictures of the Sale/Event...

    Here's just a few places you can see some photography of this past weekend... 

    1) Click on image to see Traci Thorson's beautiful photography

    2) click ibn boots to see Jeanne Oliver's photographs

    3) click on birdcage to see Tracey from French Larkspur's photographs

    4) click on the "paparazzi" to see Jennifer Rizzo's photographs of the event

    5) click on bags to see Polly Hood of Counting your Blessings photographs

    click on Jordan and Lady the pony to see the lovely Suzanne's photographs + read a beautiful story of friendship that they celebrated here at the farm

    click on vintage bottles to see Rebecca's pictures... from Vintage Living  
    NEXT EVENT Oct. 7th & 8th, 2011


  • think spring GIVEAWAY!

    think spring GIVEAWAY!


    I have to admit, that when Fifi contacted me, I thought it wouldn't go right...
    that she wouldn't like it...
    I was out in the garden, nails full of dirt, and hot and tired from working out in the garden when my husband called to me "Fifi's on the phone"
    I started laughing... it just didn't even sound right!... but it was for real...
    she started talking to me and her voice was so sweet... and she was so genuine... and she put me at ease immediately asking me questions about our farm
    I answered the best I could, but it all didn't sound worth it for being in a book... so I asked Fifi if I was going to be in the 'decorating no-no section' or the 'romantic faux pauxs'
    but she laughed and said "i don't think so sweetheart"
    afterall, I knew the other women who were going to be featured in the book... and I knew that their talent and creativity and decorating skills far excel mine
    but here we are... she did like our home, and actually did put it in the book...

    after a day of photography shoots in and out of the farmhouse, we gathered some elements from inside and actually brought them outside to our prairie we have in the back 3 acres, for a fantastic candlelit dinner shot
    ... it really was so romantic... so Romantic Prairie Style

    we then enjoyed dinner on our deck with both Fifi and Mark... and the next day, our little 5 year old daughter asked when "Uncle Mark" was coming back (she missed him already... and seriously thought he was her uncle... so cute!)
    both Mark and Fifi are a part of our family now... part of our memories here on our prairie, and I hope when you see our home in Fifi's book, that you feel a part of our life here too...
    no amount of money could buy the gifts I have received by knowing this sweet lady...


    A SIGNED COPY OF HER NEW BOOK! enter the giveaway by: * taking the giveaway button and placing it on your sidebar, and linking it back to this post * leave a comment here sharing with Fifi and I what you love (if you wish) Deadline is: February 11th, 2011... 12/midnight Winner announced: February 14th (Saint Valentines Day)

    PLEASE NOTE: that the book will not be published until the end of April, and the winner of this giveaway will be mailed a signed copy shortly after the release date...
    and remember, that Fifi and Mark will both be here at the farm May 20th and 21st for the Farm Event! They will be selling and signing copies here both days... if you want to book your stay for the event, then go HERE ROOMS ARE GOING FAST! (limited rooms available)
    All the best... xo+blessings, Fifi and

    AND BY THE WAY... I'm linking this post to my friend Jenn's fantastic party!! go HERE to join in on the fun!

  • GIVEAWAY at the farm!

    GIVEAWAY at the farm!

    The new Spring 2011 issue (the one on stands now) of Romantic Country Magazine, features the Farm Barn Sale from this past October!!!
    Actually, this issue is really great! So much so, I'd like to giveaway a copy to you! (along with a few other surprise goodies)
    Just leave me a comment on this post.
    DEADLINE WAS DECEMBER 22nd, midnight

    WINNER!!! from is...
    comment #34:

    Laurie said...
    Congratulations! I'll have to get a copy if I don't win:)

    CONGRATS LAURIE!! email me your address!! Merry Christmas!!

  • Souvenirs

    Wishing you all a beautiful White Wednesday and a peaceful 2011...

    the front and rear entrances to my potager (kitchen garden)

    and no, none of these pictures were altered... this was a gift one morning...
    and this is why I chose that spot for the Cake:

    I turned the bend, and saw footsteps (of whose I don't know, because they stopped where I wanted the table set up)
    and in case you didn't get to see my cake and setting, you can just scroll down my blog to the previous post and see more of what I did in our woods for Christmas...


    see you in a few days!

  • Souvenirs

    there is nothing like it
    time moves so quickly...

    taken a few days after Daniel's birth April 2011

    i may be busy
    i may be stressed at times
    i may have a mess to clean up or a mess to make

    there is nothing else in this world that I would rather be than a mother to our six children

    and though there is so much more i can do to improve myself and the way i mother, they forgive me they don't know what more i want to do

    they love me
    I love them more than I possibly can express
    more than words more than flowers

    but I know He loves them more than I do now... or ever will
    i know He loves me the same way
    and He loves you too

    more than you know more than i know
    no one has ever been able to express His love
    except through His Mother

    there is nothing like it

    a very blessed day i pray you have...

    with many blessings from my heart and soul to all mothers,

  • Good morning! Winner!!!

    Good morning! Winner!!!

    Congratulations Amy!!! you won the ART on the Farm Giveaway!!

    here's Amy's comment: {Amy} said...
    This sounds like the coolest thing ever, what a generous give-away. And I am in Illinois... I could actually do this. This is just what my creative soul is looking for right about now!

    -visit Amy's totally cute blog by clicking on the above picture-

    (I love meeting new people!)

    Here's what you'll be getting... ~ 2 seats (so bring a friend!) to all the art classes here on the farm + a ~ FREE night's stay in the 4star Holiday Inn Express just minutes from the farm!! (and you'll get some little goodies from me too) ~Greg Wheaton (palying here Friday night at 5-8pm) wanted to participate in this giveaway as well, and he is giving you one of his CD's Amy!!! This man is playing at the Hard Rock Cafe this next week in Chicago... he's no ordinary guitar player — he's extraordinary -

    This was so much fun hosting this giveaway — and it was all from the generosity of Jeanne, Jill, and Jennifer
    there are a few seats available still in all classes (at least, last time I checked!) so please make sure you sign up today if you are thinking of coming... and OH! good news!! The hotel is allowing the special pricing of $97.75 still apply up until next Friday!

    What's so amazing about these art classes, is that you are amongst nature when you are here
    it's so peaceful, and it allows your creative side to flourish under the direction of your teacher
    All three of those women teaching are amazing artists! and are so willing to open up this opportunity for you to come and create/shop/listen/eat:)
    If you are 'on the fence' for coming to take a class, just remember how important it is to allow God's gifts to you come through... and sometimes that might just mean learning a new technique... it might just be exactly what you need to get you going in a new artistic direction,
    You could be like me, and pick up a paintbrush and draw giant feathers on the wall, to which I don't paint, don't draw, just sketch garden plans and hog houses or a simple skirt or dress on paper... but it was the most unexplainable time being in "that mode"
    Jill is making that weekend even MORE special! take a look:

    click on image to sign up for one of Jill's classes  we all have a busy life, let's take some time out of that life to enjoy it

    peace + blessings,

    I so wish I could give you all a giveaway like this... thanks to everyone who entered...

  • Laugh the New Year in...

    Let's bring in the New Year with some laughs!! Brian Regan is hilarious... (and clean)

    Tonight... there's sparkling (non-alcoholic) wine, snacks, cookies, and lots and lots of games and music with the kids... just us... just the way we want it this year...
    Happy New Year!! Cheers to a GREAT 2011!!!!!