YOU WON JoLynn!!!
(winner taken by using Send me your address at: in order to receive your signed copy of Romantic Prairie Style, by the one and only Fifi O'Neill!!

Here's JoLynn's comment: ____________________________ JoLynn said...
Oh, how I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this style!! I feel like I have just "figured out" what my style is {actually a mix of things}, but I would be so thrilled to win this book!!! Thanks for the generous giveaway!:)
Wednesday, February 02, 2011 ____________________________
Congratulations JoLynn! Fif and I have loved reading your comments... and if you aren't JoLynn, then both Fifi and I would love to extend the invitation to come to the Farm Event this May 20th and 21st, here in Illinois, where she and the photographer Mark Lohman, will be selling and signing the book... hope to see you!
Fifi &