Souvenirs [Search results for story

  • expanding...


    I'm so thrilled to tell you that I am expanding on this conceptual journey of 'beauty'

    putting together a room, with all it's rearranging of furniture and the play of light on a certain chair, or the way the bookcase it now highlighted by your side lamp all invokes a story of how you visual your space

    yes, I am rearranging again

    this room is awesome with the archway... and I keep trying to incorporate that space into the living room space (as you see, it's the living room again:) however, the coziness keeps telling me to embrace that beauty of coziness!!

    it's high time that the blue floral couch from 1940 gets moved out... it just doesn't fit my decor anymore

    and the hutch... it has housed crafts, silver, everyday dishes, bowls, and now is in the living room waiting...
    poor thing

    baby Daniel is thoroughly confused and delighted to have a plethora of crawling space (notice the 'moving men' under the couch)
    my current (material) desires are to achieve an earthy easy elegance into this farmhouse with softness

    here's some of my inspiration:

    I've always been a great 'lover' of things black and white, and would love to add some more of that into the house... 

    this photo has it (almost) all of what I'm thinking: natural wood, black, white, texture, a bit of industrial, clean + simple (what it is lacking is more color) 

    skema this entry has the red I really like, the antique piece, the natural wood around doorway, the pops of color... and though paisley might be "out" I still think this looks great 

    Canadian house to home
    as soon as I saw this, I instantly wanted to put up some more of my oil paintings... good thing I didn't put them out to sell them at the barn sale!

    country living
    the open shelving idea is really striking a chord with me, there's talk of using remaining wood from the sunroom remodel (douglas fir) for the shelves 



    ~have a great rest of the day~
    peace + blessings,

  • on guard...

    on guard...

    Being completely able to load, hold, aim and shoot accurately at anything in life takes discipline

    and the willingness to not be afraid of trying new things
    but always being on guard, from not only evil, but allowing yourself to stop caring... of even the little things...

    what I'm guarding...
    = my individuality (making sure I'm not becoming too familiar with myself)
    = my children
    = the last of the tomatoes from the chickens (who btw, are still not laying eggs)
    = baby Daniel from getting any bigger (at six months of age, there is seriously nothing cuter than his chubby thighs and little giggles)
    = my sanity (due to the impounding ideas surging through my brain for the upcoming event... I have to keep calm!! — emphasizing even more of the need to relax due to the double exclamation marks)
    = my oldest son's desires
    = my oldest daughter's modesty
    = my sewing needles (my oldest son is sewing patches onto his clothing — and in which, has sewn his arm closed twice, and knotted the thread so tightly we could zip line from it)
    = my sugar (the bees need to fed some of my coveted raw sugar... they have been bred with another queen... it's a long story... but let's say, there was a mighty battle and the queen is dead!

    don't become too familiar with yourself... but be on guard it's for His glory, not your own

  • really the end

    really the end

    the Christmas season is truly ending tomorrow evening...

    until then, I am relishing in
    {the warmth of the unseasonably warm sun
    {my husband home and making coffee and letting me sleep in (well, just sleep)
    {knitting needles Jason gave me with thoughts of sweaters, socks and scarves
    {a plan to make 'the three wise men cake' tomorrow
    {new reading by our seven year old and her writing to great grandmother
    {watching 'miss potter' and loving everything about that story
    {plans for the future garden (bigger... bigger...)
    {the sounds of Jason carving spoons
    {shouts from the children they are heading outdoors to run with Bella (the dog)
    {holding my Daniel... these days are the closest I will be to him in this life
    {sleep (did I mention that already? — worth noting again)
    {the scratch of newly sharpened pencils for which I am doodling lately
    {flipping through new cookbooks from the library and a gift from Jason

    peaceful new year blessings,

  • such inspiration!

    such inspiration!

    After the event/sale is over... yes, I'm tired, no doubt about that, but during this down time it gives me a chance to think, be calm, and dream
    during this whole process, I was surrounded by amazingly talented women that came from New Jersey, Arizona, Colorado, and local towns in Illinois... I am truly inspired!!
    What was inspiring??
    Their focus
    and passion for what they do
    their confidence in that fact
    I dabble in just about everything from covering candles in burlap and sewing linen dresses to hand embroidering tea towels and setting up this whole event
    I can already see my focus changing... defining... and it is all because of those men and women that took the time to come to our farm and be a part here's just a few of the pictures that I took... (if you came to the event and are posting pictures, let me know... I'd love to see them!! and I'll post your link on my sidebar) 

    checkout counter... with a linen dress/jacket combo I made and one of Jill Harris' bags that rock my world 


    again... 'the rock my world' bag that sold before I could get it, and an original art piece by Jeanne Oliver

    a barn wood bench with a metal base that Jason made for the event, and items from both Jennifer Rizzo and Polly Hood

    My daughter's and I new line "The Sweet Life"... it was a success for her!! I'm so happy for my sweet daughter!!!!

    'the peasant dress' from Jeanne Oliver and hand made crochet tops from Jill Harris — just gorgeously made things
    I'm hoping to see more pictures from a few friends that came... I didn't get to take many photographs...
    Midwest Living Magazine came out to the event, wrote a story on it, took some fantastic pictures of both the sale and the Art on the Farm with Jeanne Oliver that was taking place in the horse barn... they were so nice and Jason & I are honored they came to our farm...

    I took some video with our new video camera during the event... but am having difficulty getting it uploaded — as soon as that is smoothed out I can't wait to share it with you who weren't able to come...
    I was asked by a SUPER sweetie named Lauren (hi girl!) what my favorite part of this whole process of the event/barn sale was...

    truly it was the togetherness that is felt in the barn

    it is the common interests and desires all of us have

    how we are all connected

    (insert kumbyah here)

    so I asked myself when everyone was asleep after braving (and photographing) tornado clouds while sipping red wine and eating a chocolate... okay... so maybe 3 chocolates...
    "what can I do to help others be inspired??"

    continue my journey in life with my heart

    my passion

    my faith

    so many of you came up to me and said "thank you for doing this"... and honestly... I don't know how to respond to that...

    'thank you' would be obvious — and I did say that — but this is just my life, my way of thinking and doing... and you all have no idea how very very special it is for all of us at the event that you came and met us and was a part of this togetherness...

    we really are here to help support one another

    to encourage

    to grow in happiness and holiness

    not to be favored, but accepted for who we are, and striving to always be better people

    okay, so I got caught up in theology of "Anne's mind on the farm" and all, but it is from my heart that I tell you

    it was a wonderful experience having you come here
    either in person, or via blog

    with much love and blessings,

  • Pictures of the Sale/Event...

    Pictures of the Sale/Event...

    Here's just a few places you can see some photography of this past weekend... 

    1) Click on image to see Traci Thorson's beautiful photography

    2) click ibn boots to see Jeanne Oliver's photographs

    3) click on birdcage to see Tracey from French Larkspur's photographs

    4) click on the "paparazzi" to see Jennifer Rizzo's photographs of the event

    5) click on bags to see Polly Hood of Counting your Blessings photographs

    click on Jordan and Lady the pony to see the lovely Suzanne's photographs + read a beautiful story of friendship that they celebrated here at the farm

    click on vintage bottles to see Rebecca's pictures... from Vintage Living  
    NEXT EVENT Oct. 7th & 8th, 2011


  • A great photographer... and a friend

    A great photographer... and a friend

    the sweet Zaira posted this today, and I had to share it with you too... (she has such a beautiful blog too!!)

    I'm a huge fan of Loretta's work because of Zaira, (and a blog follower as well), and this photo shoot has my mind into a whole other world right now... everything about this photograph styling is conjuring up a great story...

    click on picture to see more of Loretta's photography:
    this is my favorite one... I have spent many a morning with my babushka on making pastry of some kind (not this beautiful to look at, but I "feel" this picture)

    AND HER ABSOLUTELY WARMING LIVING ROOM!! (click on image to visit her fireside!)

    isn't it lovely??? she's expecting in Febuary, and I would love nothing more than to be by the fire with her and drink our hot cocoa together!!!

  • pressure...


    When I was proposed to by Jason (that's a whole other story) and we went looking for rings, I didn't want any diamond... I just wanted that union... that bond... and a simple turquoise vintage ring was what I thought I would get

    His mother owns an antiques store in Geneva, IL (it is rated the #1 antiques store in the Fox Valley area) — it really is quite a nice store! (I even do the window displays) — and Karen — Jason's mom — has a beautiful selection of turquoise... nothing was quite what I was thinking... and while shopping with her and Jason, she said "Oh Anne Marie... just look at a diamond... just for fun... "

    so I did

    through a special eyeglass (forgot the name)...

    I was blown away at this rock... so amazingly beautiful... from the 1920's and in perfect condition... set in white gold — almost like silver...

    She went on to explain to me how diamonds of this beauty are so rare and... well... she said a lot and I'm sorry to say that I don't remember everything she said... my heart was swelling inside thinking of why this ring was in the store... why someone brought it in and sold it... or was it found... was it someones grandmother's and they needed the money... a family heirloom... was it a ring that was given back to a man who loved that woman and was rejected by her love and she thrust the ring back at him never to speak to him again...
    the inscription says 1920 and has the couple's initials...

    of course, I envisioned her with her cloche hate and smart skirt suit on and him dapper with a fedora and trench coat and pinstripe suit... they were out to dinner and he proposed — she threw her arms around him and... well, you get the idea... this ring was more to me than a diamond — it is like making a new life to this rock... giving it that sparkle that was lost sitting there in the store...

    we are so much like a diamond... we start out in life so raw and rugged... and with the constant pressures to do good to ourselves and others we are crushed on all sides... sometimes so stressed we just want to hide away with a lemon meringue pie and a pot of coffee (hypothetically speaking of course;)

    let those pressures crush us — it will make us spectacular in the eyes of others and God...

    to me, there is nothing in this life more important than being beautiful in the eyes of God

    but immediately, we show our beauty to others by our acts towards them...

    when things don't go smoothly, on whatever project you are working on, know that is just part of this life process of crushing you further and further until that pressure makes you beautiful in the eyes of God, to others, and yourself...

    it's all part of this process... just have patience... we all go through pressure...

    many of you have emailed me about diamonds since I posted this... and I wanted to share with you more on how a diamond is made... you can go here.

    peaceful Lenten blessings,

    btw: you can find an amazingly clear diamond for a fraction of the cost in antique stores!!

  • the theme...

    the theme...

    *it's been such a pleasure reading all of your comments on the GIVEAWAY* (you still have time to enter if you haven't yet!) go HERE
    The past year of the sales/events here at our farm, I have decided to make that transition from just 'barn sale' to an event
    it gives me the opportunity to really get creative with the events...
    May 2010 was the Patisserie (to see more pictures visit my good friend Tracey)
    October 2010 was all about the story of Bridgette (she encapsulated my spirit, and I'm still working on the ending to the book)
    This May, has been in the works ever since last fall, and I'm so excited to share it with you...

    __________________________________________________________________ (further this February, I will be feauturing each of the amazing/creative men and women participating in this event)

    I know a lot of you cannot make it to the event... and I so wish you could...
    so I came up with an idea!
    One of the displays I'm erecting for the event is a huge inspiration board

    photo credit: Canadian House and Home
    So I thought it would be fun if you want to be a part of the event, that you could send me your business card... no bigger than a 5"x8", to the farm, and I'll put it up on the board... the more the merrier!!
    and when people come to visit the event, they'll see "so and so" from "that blog I love!" up there on the board...
    If you are interested in participating in this idea, then take the flyer picture and put it up on your blog's sidebar, and feel free to tell people YOU are a part of the Farm Event!
    I do hope to meet some of you... and if you do come... make sure that you introduce yourself okay? I'll be the one with the newborn snugly wrapped around me...
    email me at: in order for you to get the address to send your business card to add to the inspiration board!

  • bedroom...


    just one of my inspiration picture (via country living)

    not so much "clutter", and I am working on my daughter to create an oil painting of our dog Samson who passed a few years ago (a black Tibetan Mastiff)
    someday Jason will build us something like this on either side of the bed... I just know it:)
    to see more of my inspiration, see my pinterest board: "current project"
    our master bedroom (you will see why this is a project)
    it's a place... sorely neglected... it was painted a deep orange on the one wall behind our bed — a sleigh bed that is espresso (but you could also say 'black')
    the bed came with two nightstands and even though I like the King size (to squeeze a number of children with us at any given time) I really have never cared for it... or the night stands...
    it was from a customer of Jason's for a job he was doing... the man was moving to Hong Kong and needed to sell his furniture... so a deal we didn't want to pass up...
    but, it is modern... not bad... but just not what I have in mind for this 'undecorated' look
    here's the 'before'

    our style isn't a "style" really... so we jokingly call it "Farm Style" it's a blend of anything we have on hand really natural woods and found objects
    pieces that tell a story

    the hallway's built in linen closet... will never paint this... love it

    a peek into our bedroom...

    the armoire is gone it was from our original small little farmhouse in a small town where we started raising our family so I moved it into the little boys room...

    this shot of the bed was taken in '09 — tried to disguise the orange wall... to no avail...

    (can anyone say "a sorry attempt to decorate"??)

    but I think it was a few years ago now that my friend Lulu and I were on the phone and she was urging me to: — get rid of the armoire... check! — paint... check!! — chandelier... I'm working on that...
    (to check out more about how this master bedroom has slowly being done, go here)
    I'm approaching this room with a romantic softness that will naturally infuse our farm and prairie life
    no 'decorating' or such
    I'm totally flying by the seat of my pants (per usual)
    and wanting to finish this project by Saturday
    a very special reason... that I will indulge you in on a later day

    xo+master blessings,

  • storybook cake...

    storybook cake...

    I don't normally repost, but I miss my very dear niece and her family... and this cake I made, entirely from scratch just for her last birthday here before they moved, is something I wanted to share with all of you, and her (again)...

    hope you enjoy... (the music I added and snowfall goes with the 'storybook cake')

    She has lived through the bitter winter before, but this year, the temperatures were much colder, after a heavy snowfall, ice showered the countryside... it was one of the most unpleasant winters she could remember... and even though it was Christmas, there was no sign or even a whisper of His blessed name...

    she was determined to tend to those who needed her most, for they had no one... no wood for their stoves... no food for their bellies... and she knew, if she didn't help them... that no one else would...

    Of course, leaving your home, to visit others, was forbidden in this gloomy and bemired land...

    The evil ruler did not want anyone in his path to one day overpower all of humanity, even the smallest of children, and thus, sent a decree throughout the land "keep to yourself, and help no one, you must do what I say, or death"... Balmala rules cruelly over the land... without mercy... without regard to others... the most selfish person to have lived thus far... and Balmala especially has no mercy upon those who call themselves "believers"...

    putting all fear aside, and bundled in her woolen cape, Elisabeth did what she was taught by her dear Grammy... she sometimes can still hear Grammy's words on such a cold, still day such as this; "do His will, no matter what the obstacles, and always give glory to the Father, and the Son, and to the... " "what was that?" Elisabeth was startled by a scraping sort of noise, and then the earth below her shook...

    sometimes, after such a thing would happen, Elisabeth would feel, as though someone much bigger than her was watching her every move... not always an uncomfortable feeling, but rather, like a warm whisper within the trees...

    and felt eyes were upon her back... but she wasted no time... she had one last stop... or as she thought.

    Elisabeth was almost there... to a home no one has ever lived in...

    and legend says, that the only way out, is through the basement... for if one traveled around back, they would surely peril from the cliffs below... but knowing this, and with strength from all the faithfully departed surrounding her heart, Elisabeth was guided forward, to hopefully... finally... find what she has been searching for, for the last 17 years...

    *end of story... thank you for reading *

    this is the way the cake looked all lit up with her birthday candles...

  • raising our girls like a princess...

    raising our girls like a princess...

    the fancy pomp and aire isn't "us"

    picture courtesy of the boys... and Jason's vintage G.I. Joe collection from childhood I have tried wearing silky type clothes, but end up wearing the cotton and linen... the more handmade the better... and I generally do not wear purple with black combat boots

    Looking back at this post, I'm so glad I had the lace hanging by hemp twine (now I can take it down with no problems)

    heck, I didn't even want a diamond ring for our wedding... just a simple turquoise on silver...
    my husband's wedding band was something I had a artisan jeweler create with silver and white gold blended to create a one of a kind artistic sentiment of my love (which fell off his blessed finger while skiing the Illinois river... so if anyone ever finds it, let me know)... I would have settled with him tying a piece of hemp twine around my finger...

    ~Those "things" just aren't important to us~

    we don't get caught up or over anxious about being self-sustainable... but strive to be (it is HARD work)... what is more important right now is that we focus on raising our children with us... not separate... they are an intregal part of who we are (there is a saying that 'you are who your kids are')

    Our marriage is sometimes rough, but mostly smooth... and I truly attest that to Jason's patience... and though I chose an understated white gold band with a tiny diamond (it wasn't about the money) for my wedding ring (a vintage 1927 Vintage ring we both found the week before the wedding), we are pretty simplistic people.

    no tv... we have one to watch the occasional movie... the kids (and there are 6 of them) only watch a movie maybe once a week if that...

    no video games... which includes hand held objects of complete wastes of time

    we work... we work alot... but to us, work is prayer

    We are entering into our 16th year of marriage and only just beginning to get to know each other...

    but we both have always been nature lovers... outdoors hiking and mountain biking (Jason used to race mountain bikes — but that is a whole other story in itself)... I used to repel and introduced him to the sport as well... (going to college for a degree in Environmental Science back when only two schools even offered it helped finding the best outdoor spots)

    Our love has grown from nature... with nature... and now we raise our children that way... a seasonal way of raising our children...

    Our meals are based on the seasons for the most part... Our lives are definitely shaped by the seasons with chores changing monthly by the change in climates here in the midwest (and they sure do change here in the midwest)

    unplug yourself... just for a day

    There are no princesses here... or princes for that matter...

    no pomp... no aires... just a bit of dirt, sunshine, rain and always a breeze
    Life is dirty... but the bright light of faith shines upon us every day regardless if it's hidden behind an obstacle... there even are tears somedays but they cleanse us and keep us honest... and the breeze seems to always blow something else into our lives here on the farm

    Our two girls' are precious to us, just as much as the boys are... but there is no way we are raising them to believe that they aren't going to be getting their hands dirty in life... that work is the way to grace... that working hard at whatever you want to achieve in life is THE only way you reach your goals

    Sewing dresses and skirt with them... even embroidering details upon their clothing... this is my opportunity to comfort them with something I have worked at just for them... from my hands to them...

    It's the same with cooking... we comfort those around us by preparing a good healthy meal that will help support them through the day... as is for anything we do with our children...
    life is messy, and we certainly aren't raising any princesses here

    all the love and support for this day, xo+blessings,

  • the other part of the room switch...

    the other part of the room switch...

    when I recently switched the dining and living rooms, the 'new' dining room had been sorely forgotten with creating a space to reflect the season/farm/us

    friends of ours were having a garage sale... a nearby farm... and this little $35 table was just what this room needed

    she even gave the kids and me free pumpkins... thanks Mary!
    {{ a bit of country

    {{ nests and gathered feathers from years on the farm

    (here's a funny tidbit of a story involving the non-coincidence of our "campers": our friends John and Mary came by about a week ago to drop off the flyer of their garage sale they were having because Jason forgot to tell me the details — and that very day, the male "camper" that is here found out that he needed to get a new crankshaft... their engine is literally out of their truck... the whole thing... and John is a mechanist... he has a barn dedicated to this purpose... he fixes up vintage cars for a living... a shop to make any car lover drool... so their engine is now residing on another farm while they live in our barn in their camper — where it is warm and he can clean his tools and parts of the engine... basically... if John and Mary hadn't come over to give me that flyer, we might have totally forgot that he would be able to re-work the engine for the campers and order the necessary parts... isn't that just so amazing??)

    truth be told... it's been a rough few weeks... (nothing to do with our new camper friends here)

    gone are the warm sunny mornings with busy hands in the garden... I am running on this lonely habit of preparing... preparing meals and more food in the potager... putting up swags and hay couches

    having the 'campers' here from Colorado for the past few weeks, with her being a spry 26 year old, I understand even more these miles and years that have separated me from my youth... oh good gravy... like I'm old or something? no, i know that i am not old... but i can't help but feel my bones more... the shape of my hands — the wrinkles on my face — the heart hurting from a recent blow of betrayal... all of these things have shaped the last two weeks since the sale and by gosh did i need to decorate and make things fresh

    here's two of my pumpkins now...

    changing up my surroundings makes me forget second guessing myself + my strength + my loves

    family... friends... feathers... finds from the farm
    (that's a lot of 'f''s)

    here's to a fabulous fall weekend... and enjoying that hot cup of coffee in the chilly mornings
    and another big thank you to all of you who have given me your sentiments about the farms through emails, letters in the mail and sharing your photographs... we had such a great time with you all here!!

    peace + blessings,

  • only boring people are bored...

    only boring people are bored...

    The weight of life is not set upon a child's fragile shoulders — their burdens are noticed by the all of a sudden long legs, crooked smiles and voice changes...

    They may not be ready for marriage, but they are ready for life, and it will be upon them in a few long steps — their bodies are almost completely ready, but their minds are wondering, learning... being a teenager
    I was surprised to see these young adults engage in Camp of the Setting Sun...

    I wasn't going to be upset or convince (at least my son) them to go if they didn't want to...

    yet — they participated in all the games I came up with, wore the silly t-shirts I made, and were a part of the group of 13 children that were in camp...
    The history of this camp started when the oldest cousin was 5... I happened to be at "grammy's" when she was watching him for an overnight stay... he was with a play bow and arrow walking around outdoors... and a talk from his "Aunt Anne" explained how Native Americans used to hunt for food upon this land near the 'great river' (etc etc)
    We talked all about being outdoors — the moment is captured forever in my mind

    I ran indoors, grabbed a few hot dogs, wrapped them in aluminum foil tightly, placed them in the tall grass prairie and the little hunter of 5 years old went into the wild of the land and the wild imagination of his creative mind, and hunted for his food... he found them all, unwrapped them and relished in his mighty victory

    He asked us if this was camp... "yes... it sure is"

    He now sits behind a desk in the Navy studying to be on a nuclear submarine — still holding protection — and learning... a gentleman at 20

    Seeing the eyes of his ten month old brother, in his mother's arms, this week brought back memories of those carefree days of no children — just dating Jason — and so many memories of camp

    I relayed this story of Camp of the Setting Sun, to another brother of his, 5 years old, to his delight, while his eyes opened wide and listened to this true tale -

    I don't know this little 5 year old brother well — since they live in South Carolina and were only visiting for two weeks... plans for camp emerged... per Grammy's request... it was time again... after a 5 year break for this camp leader,Aunt Anne, it was almost a necessity

    =gone for the day hiking
    =a jaunt to the park
    =tents and sleepy children the next morning
    =hot dogs

    3 teenage boys were dubbed camp counselors this year... instead of holding hand held games they embraced life and left the nearby steps to manhood behind and captured their childhood one last time

    tears upon this journal

    one day I will be able to talk to the teenage boy of mine... not today... tears prevent my clarity of speech

    did I help them upon their journey? to embrace their connection with eachother... embrace the love that out pours from their Grammy?? heaven only knows how much she loves them
    no amount of smores could express this... but the sweetness of camp was anything but boring

    "the alumni"

    these young women are now officially out of camp, but hiked down to 'the great river' with all the kids =the perfect ending= (p.s... thanks girls)

    the word boring never came up
    like Grammy says... "only boring people are bored"