When baby Daniel sees our dog Bella, she doesn't know that Bella won't talk back to him this struck me (as does every single thing I encounter in my life) and it really made me think He was sitting on my lap, tummy down on my chubby thighs (yes, I did say MY chubby thighs) and was talking to the dog... cooing away... inflections here and there trying to get her attention! she was looking at him, which he giggles at, and their communication was complete he doesn't know the dog doesn't talk it doesn't matter to him Baby Daniel accepts the dog the way she is... non talking and all
random picture of what I did Saturday morning... came up with 2 new yummy cupcakes!! = lemon cupcake with fresh blueberry butter cream frosting = chocolate and lavender cupcake with blueberry butter cream frosting both will be available at the farm this October with the blueberries the family picked so graciously for me and for you... as well as the lavender from my garden... organically grown The Homesteading Series here at NA.DA.FARM will be up and running soon! Jason and I can't wait to share some more NA.DA.FARM with you
I needed some color in the dining room, so this corner hutch was brought into the dining room to hold my favorite collection of antique Mexican pottery...
i love the bird motif — each one hand painted -
the smaller dessert plates are corralled into a lined basket — along with a plate we unearthed when digging in the ground here at the farm... it has a large chunk taken out of the bottom... so that's why it's in the back
these old blue mason jars are great for a quick flower arrangement or to hold some silver ice cream spoons and knives...
this bowl was my grandmother's when she was alive... it's English... and so delicate...
i dream of making pottery someday... i love how Mexican pottery is hand done... rustic... personal... and hand crafted...
on the bottom shelf I am displaying some of my collection of antique French linens...
overall... it's doing the trick... for now at least... and I love having the little pillow Maria gave me as a gift, sitting on my son's high chair... it really is the best smelling lavender pillow... (I might be tiring of the red fabric I slip covered on my dining room chairs though... if this baby doesn't come soon... maybe I should just re-do them no?)
Hello!! I hope you all had a very blessed day with your family and friends
A special thank you for everyone who takes the time to stop here and say hello, leave comments, and read... thank you
We were unexpectedly blessed with having our Christmas here at the farm... alone... so peaceful and quiet
it was wonderful
here's an inside look all around the house... and a bit outdoors too
the mudroom...
the kitchen...
the three oldest when they were little in front of our old barn as "the nativity" scene... a treasure for us
can you tell I love the shelves Jason made for that wall?
my little snowman that our 11 yr. old son hand carved and made for me... i love him so so much! he even made the little mittens out of felt! the tree...
the living room...
I set up a little wine bar on the bookshelves in the living room
we added shutters in the bathroom, and i hung a jar my younger sister made with some lavender and spruce
upstairs in the kids rooms...
the boys' tree and decorations (they love to do it themselves)
and the girls' room... much different than the boys:)
and in the master...
a very special birthday gift from some good friends:)
my dresser was temporarily a wrapping station
made in Germany... these little angels lull me to sleep with their beauty
a view out the master... the first snow...
little Daniel's blue woolen coat hanging in his room
going back indoors, we are baking and feasting and loving this wonderful life...
Hope you are all celebrating all 12 days of Christmas...
Hi! I hope this Christmas house walk finds you all well!! come on in to our little farm house on the prairie...
more than half my day is spent in this little corner of the world... the kitchen my kitchen = my expression = my love for my family = and oh such good and tasty dishes... we ALL get involved in the kitchen! it's my favorite room of the house
these little candy canes are being bagged up for sale in the shop today! check back later!!!
collecting those little tins, I have made a lot of little treats for the kids cakes and tiny pies one of the things I really have enjoyed, is collecting small things like that — after all... I AM surrounded by six little sets of feet scampering about the farmhouse all day:) totally not complaining
thos candy canes are vintage wire ones and the coolest quick decorating thus far this year
this may not look like a Christmas kitchen... but simmering on the stove is some raw milk I'm heating up for baby Daniel, with my cup of tea steaping in the background, and the chalkboard proclaiming I need to slow down and enjoy these last few days of Advent
nature inspires this family of mine... this farmhouse... this soul
yes, that is the mini-conservatory Jason made for me to use in the potager... it's sitting next to and apple ladder... which is all resting peacefully on top of a table Jason also made using reclaimed barn wood
we've "freaked" out a few people with letting our Percheron horse Jordan roam the property free and eat the cool grass... and this picture simbolizes so much to me freedom
instead of taking all the pine trimmings and making thick swags, I am leaving them raw extending their life from outdoors right into our home unpolluted
a bunch of lavender grens as well as pine branches surround Mary especially since it's the feast day of the Immaculate Conception! Dear blessed Mother... so gentle and kind... may I always give my all to others through sacrificeMary... help me to be closer to your Son
the girl's room... all vintagey turquoise + red and simply so fun & cute!
this house most certainly is never 'totally tidy'... especially when you give your daughter the freedom to create in her 'vintage horse room'
back downstairs, in our once dining room (now turned living room) pinecones, dried oranges and an eskewed lamp;)... things are not perfect here
Daniel even got some new stuffed toys I hand stitched this holiday season... I couldn't resist letting him have them before Christmas day! he also loves playing with my yarn balls like a little kitty
he sure does love his sister... what a blessing a big family is!!
that's the end of the house tour for me... in case you missed stop #8, it is my very good personal friend, who literally lives just 30 minutes from the farm: Traci Thorson... she's our official photographer for the farm events and certain other publications... as well as stop #10: blondienc who has a great blog! --------------------------------- I'm so excited to present to you the very special project all of us here on the farm have been working on together... especially Jason and I
We've compiled some simple and traditional holiday recipes and easy to make gifts in this E-BOOK
AVAILABLE THIS FRIDAY!December 9th!! it is an online e-book!!! We are so very excited to share this with you! (more on the book tomorrow) We also have something else to share!!
the winter 2011 collection of hand carved spoons from NA.DA.FARM Jason has been hand carving spoons they are so beautiful and special each spoon is one of a kind made from his own two hands truly beautiful 100% made by hand from reclaimed timber from the farm and other local wood organic in nature... organically finish each piece is sealed with organic olive oil... the safest sealant for wood used in the kitchen
We are opening up shop once again for some very wonderful hand crafted items from both Jason and myself... tomorrow!!!
From all of us here at the farm... peace + blessings,
the warmer months here in Illinois have brought so many flowers in bloom — even though they fade as fast as the moisture after a rain storm
we have had a very interesting last few weeks :: a bee swarm :: a new hive :: thistle control
on a calm day you can hear the relief from the heat when the bees zoom around up and under the cucumber plants, inside the lettuce plants or taking refuge beneath the large towers of broccoli
when my fingers around the tomato plants pinching off the suckers, i keep hearing the bees just happy as can be walking around the blooms... busy busy...
they are never lonely while they are in the garden
as i am out there tending the plants, i wonder how it is gathering the pollen from warm plants — rather than cool and wet from a morning dew... are they more content? do they get agitated with the heat?
after countless days now living amongst these amazing creatures, I would have to come to the unscientific conclusion that yes indeed they get agitated with the heat... they are protecting the hive even more (I can vouch for this, for I am the recipient of their eagerness to protect their hives from 'danger' — my sore neck is testimony)... the prairie clover was not in as full abundant glory as it was last year (most likely because of the heat and the timing of the burn we did)... we even have foreign bees — visitors mind you — that struggle between the many zooms from our bees
it sounds as though we are out there amongst a swarm of bees doesn't it?
honey frame waiting to be uncapped well, at times it is like that... talking a stroll from the back door to the potager is a journey (albeit a short one) that is surrounded by blooming catmint, roses, primroses, hydrangeas, foxgloves, snapdragons, iris, peonies, daylilys, monarda, daisy, lavender (yes, we sure do cram it all in a small space!) these little black bottom 'visitors' (not our bees) compete for the pollen, but ours win in the end... they have a home here — even though the 'visitors' are welcome (they are pollinating) — however, our bees are well loved and cared for... there is so much to learn... I don't think anyone will ever truly understand and figure out the bees' life, even though many have tried, and I would love to count myself as one of those individuals some day... I would love it someday for Jason and I to have more hives, and study them, grow more flowers for them, and aid in the development and awareness of the honey bee... how fragile they are!
shaving off the caps...
we are so happy to share our 'pure prairie honey' once again... it will be ready for purchase soon, and I will make sure to post on it when the bees' honey is bottled and ready to ship
thank you all for your support from last year's harvest... it is vital for our planet Earth to have the honey bee thrive...
xo+pure prairie blessings,
all photographs taken 2 days ago during our honey harvest
Improving the garden lately with some brick and an old potting bench my minlaw Karen gave me
she owns an antiques shop in Geneva, IL and gets the coolest stuff come by her door sometimes... there was a picker who came to her shop recently, and brought this bench... there are stenciled sunflowers that I tried to sand off, but I am going to paint over them with all this time I have this week... ha!
it compliments the area great, and holds my pots and some tender lavender plants
a great place for me to make a mess and just sweep it off
i used some reclaimed bricks...
Jason also made a gate using our neighbor's corn crib doors she let us have. Since the fence is made out of her corn crib siding, it is very happy as our potager's gate now. They are the greatest color on the other side too... a blueish gray.
i really like how she's framed now
I'm hoping to post all the preparations and such about the sale this weekend... I will be embracing this time to create/bake/set up...
I can't wait to see you guys again!! Today is the last day to get your discount at the Holiday Inn Express in Rochelle, IL... make sure you call today!!! and say you are coming to Farm to get your deal.