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  • "3 steps... "

    "3 steps... "

    Starting Monday...
    I will be posting another Lenten series entitled "3 steps... to a better me"

    These posts entitled "3 steps... to a better me" are written with a particular purpose, a special meaning, and a deliberate spirit to help enhance who I am.

    These posts will not, by any means, create a "someone" I want to be. Why? Because I don't want to be first lady, or some famous writer, or a tv show host. Who I want to become is a better version of who I already am. There are so many faults I have. So many failings. So very many...
    so who do I want to be? just plain ol' me
    embracing who I am and using the gifts God gave me

    I have made extremely bad choices... and that is exactly what they were... choices... and what they still are
    There is this thing that I absolutely love about life: freedom.

    This freedom is within each and every one of us. This is how even Christ Himself was able to be enslaved in this flesh and blood while living here upon this Earth. He knew He had to suffer as He did... and this time during Lent I am always reminded of this... and I fight it...

    I fight this flesh and blood... sometimes I don't want it... I want to soar bodiless with Him in heaven... in only spirit

    and then I realize I can do that now... that all I have to do is let myself go of this world and soar

    Feeling a bit ill this week, and only wanting solitude because of it, I was very much grounded right where I am... all I want to do is sew that ottoman I made, but there was this totally cute, severely needed to nurse all day for some reason baby in my arms... I just wanted to be in that studio and sew and listen to the birds, and make my tea, and just well: be me. Truthfully, it was a 'fake me' that I wanted. Seriously... can you hear the whining?

    The purpose of these posts is to bring solace, healing and hope to hearts... enlightenment to minds... strength to wills.

    Yes, it will be focused on me, not individuals who read these posts... I cannot address anyone else... that's the person I know the most;)

    So what will be in these posts?? This '3 steps... to a better me'? ??

    • First we will discover how to reclaim that self respect.
    • Second, we will learn how to accept what is given to us... and call it a blessing.
    • Thirdly, we will understand what our calling is and learn how to fulfill that purpose.
    I did this last Lent as well. Now, I don't know if many of you will follow along with me... and I am not by any means asking you to do so. There may be times where I post about a pie I made... or maybe another sewing project... or this cute mug:

    I have a lot at stake making this place we call "Farm" a place to treasure
    like a tabernacle I want to empty myself and fill only Him with His love and accept
    accept me
    accept all the blessings both in sacrifice and joy
    but first... the sacrifice
    like the quickly passing days upon this Earth, I only have a short amount of time to live life to the fullest I could easily fill myself with "me" but that would be selfish
    so I'm going to fill myself with Him, through sacrificing myself completely see you Monday...
    (well, maybe Sunday too... with a b/w photo:) xo+spiritual blessings,

  • Tracy Porter...

    Tracy Porter...

    One of THE biggest influences for this upcoming May Event here at our organic farm has been

    she sent me these collages she made just for us to see!!
    A mother of four
    A successful entreprenuer
    A midwestern girl at heart, but lives sea-side now
    A true love for life... family... gardening... nature... and following her instincts

    If you are saying "who's Tracy Porter" then go HERE
    and think Macy's... Bloomingdales... HGTV... Better Homes and Gardens... E! and countelss other places
    this girl doesn't mess around... she's 100% pure "her"
    not conforming to anyone's standards, but rather setting her own

    I had the priviledge to interview my new friend...
    it seriously has got to be the one of the coolest things that has happened to me this year... getting inspired by Tracy
    her answers are in turquoise:
    1) When you moved to S.Barbara, did you bring everything? Or did you edit your items to suit your new home? a. Our move to Santa Barbara was one filled with many choices, and huge emotion…including a major crazy edit. So crazy that we hired an auction company to sell a lot of our stuff…I am the original magpie. I throw away nothing. Sick, and wonderful. I did not go to the auction, it went on once we moved, I would have been a wreck to watch it….to weird…..I had to really separate, and it was just stuff… we brought what we needed and it was a good edit, and most importantly I was moving across the country with what I treasure more than anything in my world…my family.
    2) Where is your favorite place to shop?
    a. I love old things so I get pretty amped in vintage shops, flea markets, thrift stores, goodwill anything second hand is good to me….I fill my pockets with sour patch kids, put on a backpack and off I go…I need to be free to touch and smell everything, and the candy helps me just not get too wound up …I am a really excited person when I get around old stuff. Well…I am really excited most of the time anyway.

    3) Do you gather the most inspiration from? Nature? Visiting other countries?
    a. I gather from anything and everything. I look at stuff non-stop….I am a very curious bird, always wanting to explore. I adore travel…so much. I find it to be really freeing…but I am a girl that can sit on my bed with a glass of wine late at night and a stack of books or magazines and I will write down a notebook full of thoughts in an hour. I don’t have to go across the pond to get inspired I can find it quickly and I think that helps me in my process. I work very quickly, and I move onto to new things fast, which is good based on the range of stuff we get our fingers into.

    4) How often do you rearrange your furniture? And when you do this…do you clear out the whole room and start from scratch? Or just ‘edit’?
    a. I tend not to do major overhauls, I am more of a vignetter….life gets so busy with kids and our company…but I find it really inspiring and relaxing to move stuff around. Once a week ( maybe twice) for sure I am moving things….in little ways here and there…If I repaint ( which I want to soon) then I really go all out and move stuff. Always after holidays. .big changes too….oddly.

    5) What advice can you give, on how to decorate using your passion?
    a. I get that decorating can be really intimidating. I always encourage following your gut on choices. Make a list of what you love, what makes you giddy…knuckle biters…why do you love them… tear magazines apart, look through books, or websites and look at what you’ve gathered. You really do know what you love, and what you are passionate about. Find a way to inspire yourself…movies, songs, scents, imagery, something must stir you deep inside…ask yourself questions and you are on your way…little steps, a vignette a powder room…always start small.

    6) Do you have a place of your very own in your home that you like to snuggle up to with a good book and a glass of wine?
    a. My bed. Always.

    7) Your clothing style and your home décor items blend so well together, and I can tell it’s from your heart and soul (that’s one of the reason I like your style)…timeless really…but do you ever feel like going with the trends?
    a. I look at everything that’s going on of course in stores, magazines, online, sometimes I am sucked in. Mostly not….I just do what I do….and that’s what feels right to our company, and I am pretty sure to our customers. I want everything to feel really special, very soulful, layered…I want what we create to feel timeless and unique, feel good stuff. I am grateful that we have had the good fortune of people buying our things for nearly 20 years, ….we have done our fair share of learning along the way…skinned knees, etc. You try things, and you look back and cringe, but you have to try things….I mostly look at what we have created with a full heart..that we are still here…. working harder than ever…and for sure more humbled than ever. Being in business can really be superb for perspective….it’s an endurance game…I always compare it to running cross-country back in high school.

    8) What’s next for ‘Tracy Porter’…another book perhaps? A TV show??
    a. YES!!! Working towards so many things….in this day you really have to keep a lot of irons in the fire, so we do. We don’t take anything for granted, we just keep moving along, moving forward, making new plans, setting new goals…..we are happy to be able to do what we do every day. We will always evolve and try new things, and re-try things…..that’s the interesting piece in all of really have to put yourself out there. So we do!

    9) What’s your favorite kind of food? And do you cook?
    a. Food is huge in our home. My husband is an amazing cook, and I love to cook as well. We love everything…ethnic especially. ( but we don’t cook a lot of ethnic, that’s more like date-night!) We eat a lot of fresh fish, love Sunday roasts, all veggies…yes, yes…homemade pasta….we like preparing food…we eat late (8pm-ish) which our kids are fine with. The kitchen and dinner table are so important to us and to the way we are raising our four boys. We want them to appreciate how to grow, shop for, make and appreciate good food. I want the smell of food from our home to sit deep in their souls….I am a big believer that the kitchen table is a very healing, healthy and nurturing place for families.

    10) What advice do you have for those who have children and that are trying to open up a business? Whether online or brick and mortar?
    a. If you are able to work from home, then try it. You may find it easier with children. We used to go into our studio, but since we moved we are trying a work from home situation, and for our family it works really well. Flexibility is key, because owning and running a business never stops. Even though we make it a point to not “talk shop” at night…it can sit on my brain….and I work so hard to be in the moment with my family. Online is great as you may have more options with kids and their oddball schedules. Sometimes you need to try things one way then change them, don’t get too rigid about following a perfectly created plan, as you need to know business is about change and being able to change with it. I have heard far too many people straight out of business school with brand new business’ tell me all about their plan and how it is all going to work as they have it all thought through and then they flip when something didn’t go as perfectly planned. Business is a lot like life, planning, goal setting….but more than anything flexibility will get you through anything.

    11) What kind of music do you listen to?
    a. I have Pandora on all the time and my mix is all over the board….from Feist, to Bread, to Cat Stevens, Brazilian music, Melody Gardot, Beth Orton, Bebel Gilberto, Seals and Croft…..I am a child of the 70’s so it’s deep inside of me but my French Grand’Mere lived with us…so Edith Piaf was always playing, Billie holiday was as well, Nina Simone …..I still love it all. I have an awful voice ( totally tone deaf, and never remember any words) but I love to sing….so I really crank it in the car and just go for it!

    she's goregous inside and out
    Thank you so much for your lovely thoughtful questions. Oceans full of kisses to you all!!!

    SHOP Tracy Porter HERE

    Read Tracy's SO fun blog HERE
    She has made numerous videos on everything from decorating advice... fashion... to beauty tips
    I literally spent an entire evening in awe...
    what an inspiration she is to me and to anyone! to be true to yourself and follow your heart
    If she only lived back in Wisconsin... then she'd be able to attend the events here! ~and come over for a glass of wine and a homemade dinner~
    Tracy and I have a HUGE surprise for you soon

    (yes, now I have 3 Tracy's as friends... one with and "i"... one with a "ey" and one that is just "y") hilarious

  • step 1... claiming self respect

    step 1... claiming self respect

    I will most likely stop at each step and sit... relax... take it all in... cry a little... hug a lot...
    why 3 steps? why not 7?

    I like three

    I like 'sanctus sanctus sanctus'

    I like three in One

    and who's kidding... it's not hard to get up 3 steps right?????

    Sometimes these steps will be slippery... and I will fall... and hopefully, if not damaged too much, will find the strength to get right back up...

    I don't like it when I fall

    Especially when others are around... there is this thing I do after I speak to others...
    i like to call it 'conversation remorse'

    if you know me personally, you know about this already... it's not like I'm spewing out profanity like a sailor... but I have this tendency to go deep
    sometimes the other person I'm preaching talking to about those darn green aphids invading my squash plants, or the psychology behind the bees, or how much more than 'chance' brought Keiren and Nick into our lives, or (okay, you get it) and the poor thing just stands there not knowing what to say... or worse; the nodding of the head starts occurring "right... right"...

    sometimes even the rolling of the eyes "sure: whatever" without a word spoken, but it is all there in the eyes
    so this 'conversation remorse' happens a lot... I speak passionately... and then afterwards, usually as I am about to close my eyes in slumber, it happens... the rehashing of the preaching conversation... and I think "oh my Lord, what did I do!"

    claiming self respect not only will make me fall asleep better, but will also continue on my goal each day as bettering who I am as a wife, mother, friend, sister, etc, etc...
    how is this done? how am I going to be able to do this?

    by shutting up

    yes, sometimes just keeping my mouth shut would be good... but oh man do I love to talk sometimes... (I bet you couldn't guess that could you)
    otherwise, only if I am very versed at what I am about to talk about, I will try not to speak
    there are times ( you can ask my brother in law) when I say things that were supposed to be funny, and turn out not so funny due to the other person's humor level... I tend to stay on the serious laughter... (I would love to be a belly laughter, but it just isn't me)...
    claiming my self respect means I am making a condition of my contentment... to recognize my limits... whatever is within limits is more than likely going to be quiet
    as the week continues, I will be meditating on contentment, humility, egotism and then joy...

  • Souvenirs

    always searching for more

    we climb and reach
    looking to a new horizon
    under rocks

    through the cracks... if only just for a little peak
    why is this?? why do we knock ourselves out like that??
    is it making us better? or is it just a waste of time and energy?? why are we like this???

    what it boils down to is that hard work is in our essence of life and along with this hard work is also structure... organization
    think about it in terms of 'creation'... our Creator made heaven and the earth, reflected upon it, saw it was good, and moved on... then He made light, reflected upon it, saw it was good, and moved on... and so on...

    so yes, God is the first example to us of the "how" to do this thing we are living: this life
    what projects are you working on? installing new book cases? starting a new online business? writing a novel? making dinner? sewing pillows?
    whatever the task may be remember three things: (the perfect number to me) 1) it is a gift that has been given to you 2) make the plans + stop to reflect + give thanks for this gift and your talents 3) move on
    don't dwell on whatever it is you are doing... follow the three steps above and you are sure to succeed

    keep it simple...
    if God can relate how He created the world, heaven, the universe, the light, the animals, the plants, the flowers, the seas, the air, and the human person with a soul that reproduces and grows from a tiny little embrio into what you look into the mirror at in a few simple words, I think we can too... (it's okay to stand outdoors in the park with your jaw dropped to the forest's floor in awe and wonder)

    take it from someone who over-thinks practically every breathing moment of her existence (ehem)

    keep it simple
    (trust me)

    peaceful blessings,