that is our hope for all of you at the upcoming show we are hosting for all of these fabulous people
HERE'S A LIST OF OUR INSPIRING VENDORS that will be joining us for October 2012 Barn Sale/Flea Market in no particular order... ANTIQUES, VINTAGE, RE PURPOSED, RUSTY AND COOL... Cracker Jax Counting your Blessings Eclectique Boutique A Sort of Fairytale A Beautiful Party Gray Graniteware Farmhouse Lis Dunn Designs Simple but Different Lemon Grass Designs Whimsical Perspective Red Bird Vintage Rachel Polly 'bags by Margaret' Carter's Cottage Nikki Sisk and Nancy Bratcher A Ruffled Nest Fabbychic All My Musings Fine Line Antiques Francie Skoflanc Peg Feltes FOOD LIST:
Steve from Farm Food (serving locally raised all beef hot dogs)
Anne Marie from Farm (serving coffee, hot cider, gluten free cupcakes, regular cupcakes, cakes, pies, pie pops, etc)
Christina from Simple but Different (working along side Anne Marie... because she's my sister and we love her baking!!)
there will also be warm apple cider and coffee
I'll be sharing pictures here and on this blog for the next 2 weeks
Greg Wheaton is gracing us with his soulful music for both days this October!! you can check him out here (his CD's will be for sale... but they do sell out quickly)
WOW! 300 people entered this giveaway... we loved reading all your comments!! however... per #80 IS THE WINNER!! Kerry said... love TRACY... love your site... hope to win! Kerry... give me your contact information HAPPY SHOPPING KERRY!! and in case you still don't know about Tracy's generosity, if you sign up to be on her emailing list, sometimes you get up to 75% off coupon to use online! I highly recommend joining the email list I did! have a great weekend everyone!! From both Tracy and I: xo+blessings,
Can you feel it? 2011... new year... brings SO much potential doesn't it?? the "to-do" list is growing and I DON'T CARE! I keep adding onto it... and already know I won't be doing it all, but man do I love feeling the potential of this new year... Lots of the snow has melted, so it kind of 'looks like spring', and with my nesting instincts kicking into overdrive almost all of the areas of our home are being reworked... and the sale! OH MAN the sale!!! Have I got some exciting news to share with you... soon for now... enjoy the potential and just know that it doesn't mean you have to change yourself and become skinnier or faster at posting (lol) but rather it means to enliven yourself within who you already are...
how will we ever be able to attend to the spiritual enhancement of ourselves when there is so much to do of this world ?? There are meals, laundry, work, kids...
to be organized within these tasks we can then find time to devote in prayer and /or meditation
meal planning... a huge responsibility in our lives, no matter how many children you have at home — and besides breathing, meal planning is the most often misused area of organization (hence fast food chains)
It may take some time, but trust me when I tell you it is worth it
So, we are going to start today... what do you have planned for supper? you should know... if you do not know, then let's find out... let's plan
On the net, there are so many wonderful places to find recipes, but let's start in your recipe box... you know, those good, great or delicious recipes tucked away in that cute box you have in the pantry from Grandma or Mom, or a good friend, or a neighbor down the road... and don't forget those cookbooks and magazines
Where Women Cook is a magazine you can find online or in the bookstore... and is really more like a cookbook than a magazine... very well put together. This past Spring, 2011, right after Daniel was born, I had the privilege to cook and style and write for Where Women Cook...
I also had the honor to work together again with my very good friend and amazing food photographer, Traci Thorson.
it was a 'Family Pizza Night'...
Gathering together for meals is certainly nothing new... and pizza is such a fun and easy way to bring the whole family together with ingredients fresh from the market, your pantry, or a quick trip to the store if it's winter...
You can find 'Family Pizza Night' on the farm in the March issue... I grabbed this from the website...
To see more about Where Women Cook, and the issue my family and I are in, you can visit their website here: WWCook
So let's get a pen... print out these below documents I put together to share with you, and make some great family meals... get organized... and have some more time! imagine that!! more time to devote to your spirit
here's an easy to follow Menu Planner... (and later this week I will put up a grocery list)... let's start this Sunday... you have the whole week to think of all those great recipes you want to share with your family...
Here's a quick recipe: Chicken and Peaches with Sweet Potatoes... Take one package of hormone free + organic chicken thighs... put them in your crock pot with a can of (home-preserved preferably) peaches with the juice... slice 3 sweet potatoes and put them on top... then slice 1 small onion and put that on top of the sweet potatoes... let simmer 7 hours and it's time to ring that dinner bell
Working within a small space, our master bedroom is just that: small (or cozy depending on how I feel that day) Here's my question (which I don't ask for very often): "Is it okay to put a sleigh bed in front of the window?" this is what my bedroom looks like now...
We enjoy our views of the barns and prairie through our master bedroom window on one side, and on the other side is a view of the ancient oak tree — another great view -
so we have tucked our bed in a sort of alcove... which is okay, but I'm up for some change, and moving furniture is #1 on my list to do, unless I think of some other way to decorate that "alcove" it is where I do a lot of reading and writing... so it needs to be soothing... serene... relaxing (input other relaxing words here)
I know I'm probably nuts to do this project now (with the holidays here and all) but the funny thing is, this is the time I go out shopping at retail stores the most!! I RARELY go shopping... so why not use some birthday money and do it right? right i thought so
My inspiration is coming from two LOVELY ladies that I adore here on the net, and am very happy to call them my friends as well... Lulu (from Dusty Lu) and Jo (from Secret Garden Cottage)
I'll be posting some Q&A with both Lulu and Jo in the upcoming week, so stay tuned for the progress!! xo+blessings,
the great thing about this May Barn Sale is that I am doing all these things 'solo' well, my daughter (who's now 13) is crafting/sewing/throwing ideas along with me
but how fun it has been gathering vintage fabrics/sheets/linens and re-purposing them I made the sign above for over my bakery I am giving myself the whole section where the feathers are drawn — lots and lots of space - — lots and lots of delicious cupcakes/pies/pie pops/cakes/cookies - tested and tried on friends and family, these sweet treats are yum yum
so are these pom poms! and the garland I made with them
I am doing what I please with this sale my sister and good friend will be helping me in the bakery too... I couldn't be more excited really excited I'm heading out there now (to the barn) to measure up something and get things ready it's all so relaxed this time... what a blessing that has been... I'm working on a post, that will show a list of all the dealers — nearly 20 people selling here this time - 20
speaking of items... I went into Hobby Lobby yesterday with my oldest son — he looking for modeling brushes, and me looking for a certain frosting tip that has mysteriously disappeared all I have to say is that yes, you can purchase a $12 pillow that is all cute... but made in China — massed produced — not original in this day and age with so much of that everywhere... it's easy to just plunk down your debit card and purchase that pillow — it even will be cute on your sofa — but what about supporting our country supporting our women and men who are trying to be at home with their kids what about the amount of petroleum spent on hauling that mass produced stuff here? it seems awfully strange that anyone would purchase that stuff still would you rather have a burger that is locally grown meat with a homemade fresh bun? or would you like a frozen pattie made with 'pink slime' slapped on a mushy bun with unripened tomatoes and ketchup with artificial dyes, that was all imported from another country I say the first option sounds not only tastier, but more fulfilling don't you agree?? don't we want to help others locally?? don't we want to show our children quality items? that helping others is one of this great nation's qualities? yes we do {and beware of those who have sales with neat looking stuff} {{reproductions are really hard to spot these days}} what looks like something from France may not be and unfortunately, I do think some people are pulling the wool over your eyes... they have pulled it up over mine too... (and did you know it is perfectly acceptable to ask the seller "is this made in China") anyone with a tax id can purchase wholesale from many different companies who sell neat looking stuff but that is all it is "neat looking" meanwhile, you have that mom down the street from you who wants to be home with her kids, is super creative, but her items are not selling because you already bought something similar from China because it was a bit cheaper (do you know why it was cheaper? because the men and women making those items are getting paid practically nothing) why? why are people still doing this?? Jason and I have requested to all dealers not to sell things like that here what is the creativeness in that? how is that art? how is that unique? I don't have a problem with some items made in China, but if you can get the same thing from someone local then it is a no brainer to me don't you agree???
God bless Hobby Lobby for staying a Christian company, and showing that they are thank you for that (I appreciate it so much, and that is exactly why I shopped there yesterday)
One of THE biggest influences for this upcoming May Event here at our organic farm has been TRACY PORTER
she sent me these collages she made just for us to see!! A mother of four A successful entreprenuer A midwestern girl at heart, but lives sea-side now A true love for life... family... gardening... nature... and following her instincts
If you are saying "who's Tracy Porter" then go HERE and think Macy's... Bloomingdales... HGTV... Better Homes and Gardens... E! and countelss other places this girl doesn't mess around... she's 100% pure "her" not conforming to anyone's standards, but rather setting her own
I had the priviledge to interview my new friend... it seriously has got to be the one of the coolest things that has happened to me this year... getting inspired by Tracy her answers are in turquoise: 1) When you moved to S.Barbara, did you bring everything? Or did you edit your items to suit your new home? a. Our move to Santa Barbara was one filled with many choices, and huge emotion…including a major crazy edit. So crazy that we hired an auction company to sell a lot of our stuff…I am the original magpie. I throw away nothing. Sick, and wonderful. I did not go to the auction, it went on once we moved, I would have been a wreck to watch it….to weird…..I had to really separate, and it was just stuff… we brought what we needed and it was a good edit, and most importantly I was moving across the country with what I treasure more than anything in my world…my family. 2) Where is your favorite place to shop? a. I love old things so I get pretty amped in vintage shops, flea markets, thrift stores, goodwill anything second hand is good to me….I fill my pockets with sour patch kids, put on a backpack and off I go…I need to be free to touch and smell everything, and the candy helps me just not get too wound up …I am a really excited person when I get around old stuff. Well…I am really excited most of the time anyway.
3) Do you gather the most inspiration from? Nature? Visiting other countries? a. I gather from anything and everything. I look at stuff non-stop….I am a very curious bird, always wanting to explore. I adore travel…so much. I find it to be really freeing…but I am a girl that can sit on my bed with a glass of wine late at night and a stack of books or magazines and I will write down a notebook full of thoughts in an hour. I don’t have to go across the pond to get inspired I can find it quickly and I think that helps me in my process. I work very quickly, and I move onto to new things fast, which is good based on the range of stuff we get our fingers into.
4) How often do you rearrange your furniture? And when you do this…do you clear out the whole room and start from scratch? Or just ‘edit’? a. I tend not to do major overhauls, I am more of a vignetter….life gets so busy with kids and our company…but I find it really inspiring and relaxing to move stuff around. Once a week ( maybe twice) for sure I am moving things….in little ways here and there…If I repaint ( which I want to soon) then I really go all out and move stuff. Always after holidays. .big changes too….oddly.
5) What advice can you give, on how to decorate using your passion? a. I get that decorating can be really intimidating. I always encourage following your gut on choices. Make a list of what you love, what makes you giddy…knuckle biters…why do you love them… tear magazines apart, look through books, or websites and look at what you’ve gathered. You really do know what you love, and what you are passionate about. Find a way to inspire yourself…movies, songs, scents, imagery, something must stir you deep inside…ask yourself questions and you are on your way…little steps, a vignette a powder room…always start small.
6) Do you have a place of your very own in your home that you like to snuggle up to with a good book and a glass of wine? a. My bed. Always.
7) Your clothing style and your home décor items blend so well together, and I can tell it’s from your heart and soul (that’s one of the reason I like your style)…timeless really…but do you ever feel like going with the trends? a. I look at everything that’s going on of course in stores, magazines, online, sometimes I am sucked in. Mostly not….I just do what I do….and that’s what feels right to our company, and I am pretty sure to our customers. I want everything to feel really special, very soulful, layered…I want what we create to feel timeless and unique, feel good stuff. I am grateful that we have had the good fortune of people buying our things for nearly 20 years, ….we have done our fair share of learning along the way…skinned knees, etc. You try things, and you look back and cringe, but you have to try things….I mostly look at what we have created with a full heart..that we are still here…. working harder than ever…and for sure more humbled than ever. Being in business can really be superb for perspective….it’s an endurance game…I always compare it to running cross-country back in high school.
8) What’s next for ‘Tracy Porter’…another book perhaps? A TV show?? a. YES!!! Working towards so many things….in this day you really have to keep a lot of irons in the fire, so we do. We don’t take anything for granted, we just keep moving along, moving forward, making new plans, setting new goals…..we are happy to be able to do what we do every day. We will always evolve and try new things, and re-try things…..that’s the interesting piece in all of really have to put yourself out there. So we do!
9) What’s your favorite kind of food? And do you cook? a. Food is huge in our home. My husband is an amazing cook, and I love to cook as well. We love everything…ethnic especially. ( but we don’t cook a lot of ethnic, that’s more like date-night!) We eat a lot of fresh fish, love Sunday roasts, all veggies…yes, yes…homemade pasta….we like preparing food…we eat late (8pm-ish) which our kids are fine with. The kitchen and dinner table are so important to us and to the way we are raising our four boys. We want them to appreciate how to grow, shop for, make and appreciate good food. I want the smell of food from our home to sit deep in their souls….I am a big believer that the kitchen table is a very healing, healthy and nurturing place for families.
10) What advice do you have for those who have children and that are trying to open up a business? Whether online or brick and mortar? a. If you are able to work from home, then try it. You may find it easier with children. We used to go into our studio, but since we moved we are trying a work from home situation, and for our family it works really well. Flexibility is key, because owning and running a business never stops. Even though we make it a point to not “talk shop” at night…it can sit on my brain….and I work so hard to be in the moment with my family. Online is great as you may have more options with kids and their oddball schedules. Sometimes you need to try things one way then change them, don’t get too rigid about following a perfectly created plan, as you need to know business is about change and being able to change with it. I have heard far too many people straight out of business school with brand new business’ tell me all about their plan and how it is all going to work as they have it all thought through and then they flip when something didn’t go as perfectly planned. Business is a lot like life, planning, goal setting….but more than anything flexibility will get you through anything.
11) What kind of music do you listen to? a. I have Pandora on all the time and my mix is all over the board….from Feist, to Bread, to Cat Stevens, Brazilian music, Melody Gardot, Beth Orton, Bebel Gilberto, Seals and Croft…..I am a child of the 70’s so it’s deep inside of me but my French Grand’Mere lived with us…so Edith Piaf was always playing, Billie holiday was as well, Nina Simone …..I still love it all. I have an awful voice ( totally tone deaf, and never remember any words) but I love to sing….so I really crank it in the car and just go for it!
she's goregous inside and out Thank you so much for your lovely thoughtful questions. Oceans full of kisses to you all!!! xxx Tracy
SHOP Tracy Porter HERE
Read Tracy's SO fun blog HERE She has made numerous videos on everything from decorating advice... fashion... to beauty tips I literally spent an entire evening in awe... what an inspiration she is to me and to anyone! to be true to yourself and follow your heart If she only lived back in Wisconsin... then she'd be able to attend the events here! ~and come over for a glass of wine and a homemade dinner~ Tracy and I have a HUGE surprise for you soon HUGE xo+blessings,
(yes, now I have 3 Tracy's as friends... one with and "i"... one with a "ey" and one that is just "y") hilarious
you all know how I am getting ready for the sale tomorrow but no stress this time busy — yes — very but with my husband's support and everyone in the family helping, it is such a blessing
that doesn't mean I have time during the day to sit and relax however I do take the time early in the morning with Jason and my coffee and water the gardens and make my list
on mother's day, our daughter wanted a picture of her and I together... (it was her birthday the day before mother's day)
and then she took the camera to catch me... I am not one to take my picture she has a way of getting her mother in a photo... which I am not fond of... being behind the camera
getting ready yes, but also so very excited to see you as soon as I open my eyes tomorrow morning, dealers will be setting up, cupcakes will be frosted, a few last sales tags will be put on some of my items, and bouquets made if you are coming from far off, I will have a white dresser inside the entrance, where Greg Wheaton will be playing his acoustic guitar there will be flyers from all the wonderful shops in the area here's a sampling of Greg's music an honor for him to play here Friday night 5-8pm
I take the basket my father made for me to gather the bounty
My baby starts fussing
Bringing ice packs to cool Jason's stings from a foreign hive that he helped a friend with Thirty bites at least on his hand, through his glove Swollen with the venom of the stings
Heart aching for his pain and discomfort, he never says a word — he offers it up — my dear companion for life
The basket easily fills to the brim
Little hands to help Little hands to hold Little tummies to fill
Lots of little tummies to fill
Mine is empty feeling
Always trying to search for strength in the every day, to fill my basket to the brim
If I take all my time and effort to find, pray for, ask for strength, then all I am doing is forming a habit of finding strength rather than looking inside my basket. To sit down and look at all I have been collecting. Like a treasure hunt...
All the items I needed to fill my basket are right there the whole time my feet and hands were moving. I have Him... why fret over this? I can relax and enjoy Him! No need to search. No need to worry. No need to be on a treasure hunt...
May the peace of knowing you are living your life full of bounty in your basket which you are filling by living in Him give you strength...
A very special thanks for making me the 21st most popular Catholic blog under Google Subscribers... what a blessing! Thank you!! (I have gained 352 more since that list was made-thanks!)