I take the basket my father made for me to gather the bounty

My baby starts fussing
Bringing ice packs to cool Jason's stings from a foreign hive that he helped a friend with
Thirty bites at least on his hand, through his glove
Swollen with the venom of the stings
Heart aching for his pain and discomfort, he never says a word — he offers it up — my dear companion for life
The basket easily fills to the brim
Little hands to help
Little hands to hold
Little tummies to fill

Lots of little tummies to fill
Mine is empty feeling
Always trying to search for strength in the every day,
to fill my basket to the brim
If I take all my time and effort to find, pray for, ask for strength, then all I am doing is forming a habit of finding strength rather than looking inside my basket.
To sit down and look at all I have been collecting.
Like a treasure hunt...

All the items I needed to fill my basket are right there the whole time my feet and hands were moving.
I have Him... why fret over this? I can relax and enjoy Him! No need to search. No need to worry. No need to be on a treasure hunt...
May the peace of knowing you are living your life full of bounty in your basket which you are filling by living in Him give you strength...
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