Souvenirs [Search results for gratitude

  • simple gratitude letter...

    simple gratitude letter...

    When we were children we were grateful to those who filled our stockings at Christmas time. Why are we not grateful to God for filling our stockings with legs? ~G.K. Chesterton

    what G.K.Chesterton told me through this quote was that gratitude is simple and comes from the most basic needs of this life... how I need to remind myself of this fact daily... that the most basic needs are what we need to thank God for even legs
    or in my kitchen... peppers

    As I am stringing up the last of the peppers that we covered under our makeshift frost protector, I can't help but look at all the colors and variety now hanging down like jewels from our kitchen windows...
    out the window it certainly looks like winter with branches bare, but as the trees loose their leaves and fall to the ground to blanket and help protect the flower beds below with their natural mulch: gratitude is there
    gratitude is there in the morning with cutting boards waiting at the ready

    gratitude is there with a clean kitchen and my tea kettle whistling

    as Chesterton again had said: "Gratitude is the mother of all the virtues." from gratitude... it all starts... all other things flow... and all this week will be a self-enhancing inward journey for myself to find more and more gratitude amongst my life here on the farm...

    in order to say 'thank you' properly, we have to first slow down and figure out how we would like to thank our Creator... for our life...
    let's start with a thank you letter...
    there is too much going on in my head at most times, but if I slow down and take out some writing paper (nothing fancy), I can begin to open up my mind to take in all that is going on... start the process of gratitude
    today I will be starting that letter to Him
    advent is right around the corner and I want to be fully prepared for the feast!! a lot to plan, yes, but if I break it up into small bits (starting with a thank you letter), more grace... more joy will follow
    peace + blessings,

  • family...


    this experience during the sale would not be meaningful at all if it wasn't for friends and family supporting and encouraging me 

    photo taken by Traci Thorson
    there is so much work that goes into bringing so many people together
    and feeling of selfishness crept in last night...
    thinking like I made demands on my husband do this and that...
    & the kids eat frozen pizza and cereal (we don't get those items usually, and truth be told - they loved every bite:)
    Jason last night said something so very special after I told him my thoughts... "you didn't make me do anything... this is something we do together... because we like doing it"
    then he goes on to say: "you have had six of our children... 9months of them growing in your womb and nearly two years of nursing them... that is over 12 years you have given to us... it's time to give back to you"

    it was like God was telling me this
    and I cannot express my gratitude and humility

    it really is quite the experience putting all of this together... but such a pleasure
    having you all here, and enjoying yourselves, and sharing your experiences with me
    thank you
    before another moment goes on, I do have to give a special shout out to some very dear people...

    thank you so so very much!!!
    so much

    may God bless you all who were a part of this event
    you all made it very special


  • a walk...

    a walk...

    walking through our lives, it is rather different to understand the "why" of our daily struggles and pursuits and seeing what comes and what goes...

    if we stand long enough during this walk, we can see how much our influence on others truly is

    waiting for my husband to be out of surgery, I could have waited with my crochet hook and yarn quietly in the corner... but rather chose to engage in a conversation with an elderly woman... we both had two things in common... crochet and our husbands in surgery

    we with our lives ahead of us... theirs with much more wisdom and knowledge and experience... and gratitude

    keeping my hands busy in the waiting area, I made a hat and made a friend

    her telling me of a yarn shop nearby that I didn't even know was there...
    peace + thankful blessings,

    (pants on Daniel were made by me as well...)

  • faith, family, friends

    faith, family, friends

    probably the 3 greatest words
    all together they are an amazing combination of gratitude

    we hope you are all enjoying your day...
    if not, the day is certainly not over... leave all the negativity behind and start having a great day!!!
    xo + blessings,