Souvenirs [Search results for quality

  • looking back...

    looking back...

    I think a lot of us can agree, that when looking back upon something you are passionate about, you learn from your mistakes, and if you still have that passion, you strive to perfect it...

    So recently when I looked back in my 'sewing' files on my computer, I have realized something...

    (a dress made with an antique dresser scarf front and buttoned shoulders)

    that I love creating things... unique items to wear...

    (pillow case dress)

    ~this outfit for when she was 3 is one of my favorites~

    I also love taking pictures of the girls after making them these creations...

    (... these below are some of my favorite photos with her in this dress)

    Over time... my designs spun to more hand sewing... in the quiet of the outdoors...
    under the oak tree or ancient white pine
    Sewing to me, is like how I view food... taking things slow... paying attention to details...

    (ruffled pants)

    Prices of fabric used to be around $3 — $7 when I first started sewing independently...
    patterns were around $2.75 (generally)

    ~Prices have gone triple that now~

    Linen for example (like the pictures below here) is $14.99 per yard

    and patterns are up in the $10 — $13 range for good patterns

    (this purple dress here was without a pattern)

    for the good stuff — made in USA — high quality


    I started not using patterns because of the prices... but could NOT sacrifice the fabric quality...

    and when not using a pattern, my creativity seems much freer to express the mood of the dress with such things as French seams... mini pleats... more puff... less poof... a gather here... and a gather there...

    (see this dress in it's entirety here)

    When my daughter started competing in Irish dance, the dresses are literally over $1,000
    yes, you read that right... thousands... we saw one at a competition and the mother proudly explained it was made in Ireland and was over $3,500.

    good heavens.

    "I can do that" was my first thought

    and this is what I came up with — an almost replica of that $3,000 dress

    however, mine is made out of an old red sparkly (cheap looking) dress I cut up for the red, but the rest is all hand done to my daughter's exact measurements with new fabrics (just in case you were wondering... she won 1st place medals with this dress)
    Due to prices increasing with linen, I did have to raise my price of "Elizabeth" and her "companions" (that all sold out right away)

    go here to see what Elizabeth is all about

    go here for the full post on "pure miss E":

    ~have a wonderful Tuesday!!~

  • catching a glimpse...

    catching a glimpse...

    I recently read an article about homeschooling that I thought was pertinent... The writer said that she would love to remove her kids from public school due to the quality of education... and she went on to say 'but I don't want to end up in a denim jumper'... laughter was not what followed after I read that, but a true sense of understanding... (and I personally don't think there is anything wrong with a denim jumper... they hide many bodily flaws and are very modest)... Contrary to the "stereotype" this lady was trying to get a point across that the face of homeschooling is changing... more and more parents are removing their children from the public schools to educate at home for many reasons... We are very happy with the educational material we use with our children, however, I plan on taking even more time for more fun... more creative fun I love me a schedule, and I'm not changing that, but I also love spontaneity... When our son comes up to me during lunch break while I'm crocheting and wants to learn how to do the treble crochet, I do it When my youngest daughter starts singing, I set my guitar down to listen to her open up her lungs and heart to song When my oldest daughter has questions on life/friends/horses, I set down my own crochet and listen carefully and we talk 

    my new little favorite corner of the world when you are going with the groove of homeschooling, that means you embrace the day and thus will embrace your children... their dreams...
    embrace the day peace + blessings,

  • summer nook...

    summer nook...

    this table was noticed by me the moment it came out of Amy's car for the barn sale here...

    I have to admit, it's kind of nice having a flea market come right to the farm...

    the natural wax she put on it prevents it from chipping anymore, and the French hand towel made from flax is what i am using like a little table runner

    the "curtain" is just fabric I strung up on a birch branch... just temporarily, to keep the heat out
    if it was up to me, I wouldn't have any curtains

    but our big windows face the south... the heat pours in... good in winter... not so good in summer

    we don't have air conditioning by choice, so everything is oriented in the rooms now for best light/views/heat control

    this nook is so nice and cool in the crisp mornings, and watching the sunsets at night...

    here's a closeup of the fabric... a nubby linen with a faded turquoise stripe

    i grew up sailing with my Dad, and those memories are treasured and seem to be creeping out more and more in my sort of red, white, blue decor
    you might already know how much I like Ralph Lauren's style, and seeing he's producing more of his quality goods right her in the USA, makes me like him even more
    if only more of the big names did that... think of the jobs!

    one of our old corn crib doors fell off awhile ago, and I recently used it for some food styling I was hired for by Jo Packham for a new book she hired me for (more on that later)
    after bringing that in for a few shots, i really enjoyed it inside, and it is now very happy being in our nook

    I am adding that same stripe fabric in my living room... not done yet sewing those

    shopping at JoAnn Fabrics, at a 50% home decor is not so easy finding USA made fabric, but you can still find made in USA fabric, such as Waverly

    it is a classic rose pattern I have always liked... and am very happy to work with it finally in our farmhouse

    there is nothing like classic pattern and texture

    there is a road trip I have planned with a good friend this weekend... if you follow me on Pinterest, you can see what's inspiring me in my pinboard entitled "road trip"
    I'll be helping decorate a new shop in Indiana, and doing a photoshoot... but more on that later too

  • a look into my studio...

    a look into my studio...

    the great thing about this May Barn Sale is that I am doing all these things 'solo'
    well, my daughter (who's now 13) is crafting/sewing/throwing ideas along with me

    but how fun it has been gathering vintage fabrics/sheets/linens and re-purposing them
    I made the sign above for over my bakery
    I am giving myself the whole section where the feathers are drawn
    — lots and lots of space -
    — lots and lots of delicious cupcakes/pies/pie pops/cakes/cookies -
    tested and tried on friends and family, these sweet treats are yum yum

    so are these pom poms! and the garland I made with them

    I am doing what I please with this sale
    my sister and good friend will be helping me in the bakery too... I couldn't be more excited
    really excited
    I'm heading out there now (to the barn) to measure up something and get things ready
    it's all so relaxed this time... what a blessing that has been...
    I'm working on a post, that will show a list of all the dealers — nearly 20 people selling here this time -

    speaking of items... I went into Hobby Lobby yesterday with my oldest son — he looking for modeling brushes, and me looking for a certain frosting tip that has mysteriously disappeared
    all I have to say is that yes, you can purchase a $12 pillow that is all cute... but made in China — massed produced — not original
    in this day and age with so much of that everywhere... it's easy to just plunk down your debit card and purchase that pillow — it even will be cute on your sofa — but what about supporting our country supporting our women and men who are trying to be at home with their kids what about the amount of petroleum spent on hauling that mass produced stuff here?
    it seems awfully strange that anyone would purchase that stuff still
    would you rather have a burger that is locally grown meat with a homemade fresh bun? or would you like a frozen pattie made with 'pink slime' slapped on a mushy bun with unripened tomatoes and ketchup with artificial dyes, that was all imported from another country
    I say the first option sounds not only tastier, but more fulfilling
    don't you agree??
    don't we want to help others locally?? don't we want to show our children quality items? that helping others is one of this great nation's qualities?
    yes we do
    {and beware of those who have sales with neat looking stuff} {{reproductions are really hard to spot these days}} what looks like something from France may not be
    and unfortunately, I do think some people are pulling the wool over your eyes ... they have pulled it up over mine too... (and did you know it is perfectly acceptable to ask the seller "is this made in China")
    anyone with a tax id can purchase wholesale from many different companies who sell neat looking stuff but that is all it is "neat looking"
    meanwhile, you have that mom down the street from you who wants to be home with her kids, is super creative, but her items are not selling because you already bought something similar from China because it was a bit cheaper (do you know why it was cheaper? because the men and women making those items are getting paid practically nothing)
    why are people still doing this??
    Jason and I have requested to all dealers not to sell things like that here what is the creativeness in that? how is that art? how is that unique?
    I don't have a problem with some items made in China, but if you can get the same thing from someone local then it is a no brainer to me
    don't you agree???

    God bless Hobby Lobby for staying a Christian company, and showing that they are thank you for that (I appreciate it so much, and that is exactly why I shopped there yesterday)

  • vintage leather and mini journals...

    vintage leather and mini journals...

    vintage leather is THE best... already softened and the quality... you can't beat it (for the most part)
    I have had this jacket for years — and when I saw these cowboy boots made in Kansas at the local thrift store, I couldn't believe they were only $4 and matched my coat perfect. (looks like it matches the congas in the background too)

    I think I am finally done with preparation for the May event...
    These mini-journals have been so fun to create and hand sew... I love sitting in this old farmhouse, and listening to an old record, with my feet up and a cup of tea and creating these for you, at the sale...

    hope you had a great weekend... our son liked his gift... the survival kit... he came down this morning with it all decked out, filled, and slung over his shoulder... ready for the day
    — are YOU ready for the day? -

    I am!

  • thank you... sincerely

    from all of us here (including the chickens)...

    we had such a wonderful time seeing you all, meeting new faces, catching up, making new friends, and being with close friends and family

    we could not have had such a wonderful sale if it was not for all of the quality dealers, devoted friends, happy visitors, and extremely sacrificial family members...

    there definitely is a wonderful vibe Jason and I received the whole time... and could feel "it" as soon as we opened our gates and our little farm to you all...





    thank you so very much for making this weekend a treasure in itself

    we are so glad you had a good time...

    if you took photographs, I will be posting on the sale, with pictures, on Monday... we can all share them at that time...

    have a very blessed day,

    Jason &