vintage leather is THE best... already softened and the quality... you can't beat it (for the most part)
I have had this jacket for years — and when I saw these cowboy boots made in Kansas at the local thrift store, I couldn't believe they were only $4 and matched my coat perfect. (looks like it matches the congas in the background too)
I think I am finally done with preparation for the May event...
These mini-journals have been so fun to create and hand sew... I love sitting in this old farmhouse, and listening to an old record, with my feet up and a cup of tea and creating these for you, at the sale...

hope you had a great weekend... our son liked his gift... the survival kit... he came down this morning with it all decked out, filled, and slung over his shoulder... ready for the day
— are YOU ready for the day? -
I am!