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  • raising our girls like a princess...

    raising our girls like a princess...

    the fancy pomp and aire isn't "us"

    picture courtesy of the boys... and Jason's vintage G.I. Joe collection from childhood I have tried wearing silky type clothes, but end up wearing the cotton and linen... the more handmade the better... and I generally do not wear purple with black combat boots

    Looking back at this post, I'm so glad I had the lace hanging by hemp twine (now I can take it down with no problems)

    heck, I didn't even want a diamond ring for our wedding... just a simple turquoise on silver...
    my husband's wedding band was something I had a artisan jeweler create with silver and white gold blended to create a one of a kind artistic sentiment of my love (which fell off his blessed finger while skiing the Illinois river... so if anyone ever finds it, let me know)... I would have settled with him tying a piece of hemp twine around my finger...

    ~Those "things" just aren't important to us~

    we don't get caught up or over anxious about being self-sustainable... but strive to be (it is HARD work)... what is more important right now is that we focus on raising our children with us... not separate... they are an intregal part of who we are (there is a saying that 'you are who your kids are')

    Our marriage is sometimes rough, but mostly smooth... and I truly attest that to Jason's patience... and though I chose an understated white gold band with a tiny diamond (it wasn't about the money) for my wedding ring (a vintage 1927 Vintage ring we both found the week before the wedding), we are pretty simplistic people.

    no tv... we have one to watch the occasional movie... the kids (and there are 6 of them) only watch a movie maybe once a week if that...

    no video games... which includes hand held objects of complete wastes of time

    we work... we work alot... but to us, work is prayer

    We are entering into our 16th year of marriage and only just beginning to get to know each other...

    but we both have always been nature lovers... outdoors hiking and mountain biking (Jason used to race mountain bikes — but that is a whole other story in itself)... I used to repel and introduced him to the sport as well... (going to college for a degree in Environmental Science back when only two schools even offered it helped finding the best outdoor spots)

    Our love has grown from nature... with nature... and now we raise our children that way... a seasonal way of raising our children...

    Our meals are based on the seasons for the most part... Our lives are definitely shaped by the seasons with chores changing monthly by the change in climates here in the midwest (and they sure do change here in the midwest)

    unplug yourself... just for a day

    There are no princesses here... or princes for that matter...

    no pomp... no aires... just a bit of dirt, sunshine, rain and always a breeze
    Life is dirty... but the bright light of faith shines upon us every day regardless if it's hidden behind an obstacle... there even are tears somedays but they cleanse us and keep us honest... and the breeze seems to always blow something else into our lives here on the farm

    Our two girls' are precious to us, just as much as the boys are... but there is no way we are raising them to believe that they aren't going to be getting their hands dirty in life... that work is the way to grace... that working hard at whatever you want to achieve in life is THE only way you reach your goals

    Sewing dresses and skirt with them... even embroidering details upon their clothing... this is my opportunity to comfort them with something I have worked at just for them... from my hands to them...

    It's the same with cooking... we comfort those around us by preparing a good healthy meal that will help support them through the day... as is for anything we do with our children...
    life is messy, and we certainly aren't raising any princesses here

    all the love and support for this day, xo+blessings,

  • all i can think of...

    is how to simplify

    how to give more to my family in the garden and less from the store and even farmer's market

    how to make a wood fired pizza oven and start cooking by fire more

    how to congeal my thoughts into something substantial for you...

    how to simplify

    being happy with who I am = simplifying
    staying home and making do = simplifying
    not being swayed by what the world find to be valuable = simplifying
    not worrying about the future = simplifying
    eating out of my garden = simplifying

    many people who I talk to about simplifying their lives start with something organic, like eating or supporting local farmer's markets

    truthfully, the only way we, as individuals, can live simply is an individual decision... find out what is clouding your mind...

    is it from the television? the computer? the shopping at "big box" stores??

    Television is a waste of time for us... kids included

    when looking out the window the other day, I noticed my oldest son walking around the grounds... alone...

    not discontent or melancholy, but rather, just walking... he is a big thinker
    (I have no idea where he gets that...)

    so I asked him what he'd like to do this week, now that we are done with studies... a bike ride... camping... bowling...

    I was all ears and rather eager to grab my keys and his water bottle and take him wherever he wanted to go...

    'Mama... that all sounds like fun... but I like it here... (insert brother's name here) and I are planning on making a movie today in the woods... '

    okay I thought... he'll change his mind... now that I planted this seed of inspiration and fun thoughts, he'll want me to take him later


    not one word

    all i can think of is how to simplify

    my thoughts

    my life


    xo+simple blessings,

  • a time to be quiet... a time to play

    a time to be quiet... a time to play

    how often we catch ourselves within the daily work routine... five weeks have gone by like a blur {{ our unexpected guests traveling from Colorado to Maine just left today {{ booties were crocheted + cloth diapers + and there is talk from the three year old he wants crocheted pants (how hilarious is that!) {{ pizza night and movie night and a card game that lasts 4 hours
    whatever we might be doing... there is always time to slow it down...

    the kids move move move... and thus, so do I and Jason... but the more you slow down... the more you realize how much more you can live without from the world... and how the hand made items your friends made for you, or that diaper your baby is wearing that you sewed together is so worth those few hours of being in the quiet...
    embrace the time that God has given to you
    I see it all too often
    if you work or stay at home with the kids, there is always time to cuddle... laugh... be with your family
    step away from the television, take this time... and do what you know you should... be with them...

    be goofy once and awhile... it does the soul good... and God knows we need to be goofy sometimes!! p.s. that's me being goofy... (i know... i have to work on it)
    peace + blessings,

  • Sale Information (and a cutie)

    Sale Information (and a cutie)

    The event this year is coming together so nicely... meant to be on so many levels...

    totally random photo... he's just too cute not to post today...

    There is so much more I wanted to include in the flyer, but there simply wasn't enough room!!

    the entry fee on Friday night is waived when you bring your ticket (handed to you Friday night) back Saturday (if you plan on attending the event both days)

    part of the proceeds both days benefit a local charity — Hope Haven -

    there are more and more homeless individuals... but not enough room at their building... but we can help them
    (to make a more substantial donation, visit their website here)

    Making a difference in other people's lives is so important on so many levels... and community needs to stick together

    that's the primary reason why Jason and I host this event on our farm

    to help support many different local artists, antique dealers, musicians, etc.

    My focus for the sale is baking from scratch and selling those yummies in my little 'farm bakery' in the barn...

    ART on the Farm classes have begun registration and you can see more about those classes here (or on my sidebar)... seats are limited, so please register soon

    If coming from out of town, I am so thrilled that the Holiday Inn Express has created a room block and ALL rooms are the same price for you!! even the King Executive Suites!! to see more go here

    This is a lot of information I know, but so much needs to be said when it comes to this event... there is much more to it than just stuff on tables or haystacks... it's all our creative efforts joined together to both inspire you and to give you the opportunity to purchase all HANDMADE and USA made items crafted by our hands — all of us involved...

    Here's an idea: Gather a few of your friends that you haven't seen in awhile, or that you see all the time and love being around... create a closer connection to them by planning a trip to the farm... here's even a little something for you to send them in your e-mail...

    If you gathered the "three of you"... split the hotel room ($97.50) three ways... it's only: $32.50 per person!
    This is an event I don't want you to miss!
    Take Jill's jewelry class Friday night, go shopping afterwards, go back to your plush hotel room, have a few cocktails, laugh and giggle, tell stories and eat some snacks while watching a movie... the next morning, grab a cup of coffee (and their famous cinnamon rolls at the hotel) and head back to the farm just after the sun rises to walk the prairie (rain or shine) to Jen's class to learn how to create a unique art under glass creation with the inspiration you will find on our farm and in the back 3 acre prairie... shop some more and enjoy a class by the famous artists Jeanne Oliver from Colorado... she is teaching two classes that are both unique and beautiful to create under the skylights in the horse barn...
    don't forget to grab a few cupcakes and sit under the trees and enjoy the farm!!
    (that sounds like a great weekend if you ask me)
    bringing your blankets to picnic or relax out in the prairie is highly encouraged:)

  • expression

    how do we find inner expression?

    not smiles or frowns, but how do you show others what's inside of you?

    sometimes it's food... or writing... or photographs... or blogs

    I used to express myself through dance

    I used to love to dance -

    I took ballet, tap, jazz, and modern

    my favorite being modern

    modern dance can be risky to watch sometimes — as all theatre or performance art is — (not all suitable for young ones)
    performance art is just that... performing an expression of the meaning behind the dance

    if you have ever been in a play, or sang in public, or danced for others, then you know that sometimes when life is throwing you a curve ball (feeling ill... experiencing heartache... wallet bone dry) it may be hard to express that joyful dance or song when you don't feel so joyful

    and that is where true talent lies... being able to express the feeling behind the piece... regardless of what you are doing in your personal life... however... your personal life is exactly what is driving that performance out of you... it's up to you to express yourself the best way you know how

    but giving up is the easy way... so when you are feeling lousy... think of a better time in order for you to enjoy that moment, or day, or week, or month or year

    the same for life... when it gets messy, don't forget your blessing

    this movie is due out in the UK, but I'm sure it will be playing in the states too... someday

    here's a contrast in expression, but how I love it so...

    Both artists have recently passed this world into the next, and it just got me thinking (and reafirming) how I need to keep being authentic and let whatever is me shine too... to try to express myself the best way I know how

    how do you express yourself?