Souvenirs [Search results for ground

  • the lenten season...

    the lenten season...

    wherever you are on this journey of life, whether a believer in Christ or not, taking time to better oneself is always necessary...

    walking through these next forty days (more on that in a minute) as being a caretaker of the earth, the land beneath us, we will be able to rest within and let the power of God work within us

    There is no more time to decide on what to give up, now is the time... (back to the walking...)

    our human nature always let's us know there is more time, but when you have to plant a garden, you have to do it at just the right time, just after the frost or a bit before, depending on what you are growing, but you certainly can't plant pepper seeds in the cold hard ground in zone 4 in April, the ground is too cold and they will not even germinate. If you have forgotten to plant that pepper plant by seed, at the right time, then there is always the local nursery, where you can pick up usually a plant with a pepper already growing on it. There are plenty of times where this has happened to me, for whatever reason, but I ran instead of walked in the garden. To run into lent is like picking up that pepper plant in the store with it's fruit ready to pick. It is a lazy way to garden (unless physical ailments prevent you from starting it from seed). The cost if more, the work was not done by you, but here you are enjoying the fruit. Quite frankly, it is cheating your way through gardening. At the end of the forty days, each and every one of us, should arrive with a stronger sense of our weaknesses and strengths because we spent so much time in prayer and fasting.

    That ground we are planting in, if all we plant are peppers in there, year after year, will become unsuitable for planting. It needs crop rotation. It might even need time to lie fallow (left alone).

    Rotating crops helps not only prevent insect infestations, but also enriches the soil. So one year we'll plant peppers, the other year maybe some carrots or potatoes (something growing deep within the ground). Just as we are as humans. Sometimes we are left barren and it needs to be that way. Other time though, we need to remove what is there for a time to focus on introducing a new virtue or habit within us. Fasting helps us with this.

    We are such pleasure seeking people with our comfort of food and drink (myself included). After all, we need food and drink to sustain us, but why not live without that comfort.

    That seed we put into the ground is restraining the life within it. It is dry and brittle, and so small. When that outer skin on the seed falls off and dies within the ground, then life pushes forth.

    After this time of soil preparation, and barren land, let us all let life push us forth.

  • corner hutch...

    corner hutch...

    I needed some color in the dining room, so this corner hutch was brought into the dining room to hold my favorite collection of antique Mexican pottery...

    i love the bird motif — each one hand painted -

    the smaller dessert plates are corralled into a lined basket — along with a plate we unearthed when digging in the ground here at the farm... it has a large chunk taken out of the bottom... so that's why it's in the back

    these old blue mason jars are great for a quick flower arrangement or to hold some silver ice cream spoons and knives...

    this bowl was my grandmother's when she was alive... it's English... and so delicate...

    i dream of making pottery someday... i love how Mexican pottery is hand done... rustic... personal... and hand crafted...

    on the bottom shelf I am displaying some of my collection of antique French linens...

    overall... it's doing the trick... for now at least... and I love having the little pillow Maria gave me as a gift, sitting on my son's high chair... it really is the best smelling lavender pillow...
    (I might be tiring of the red fabric I slip covered on my dining room chairs though... if this baby doesn't come soon... maybe I should just re-do them no?)

    have a wonderful day!

  • from humus to heaven...

    from humus to heaven...

    us women are inundated with being a "self-sustaining organic only/entrepreneurial self sufficient/gourmet cooking genius/who should have their children in every activity possible/be an amazing photographer or blogger/totally fit with terrific hair/their own magnificent decorator who sews their own pillows,curtains and stencils galvanized buckets so she will have time for filling up the glass jars in the pantry lined perfectly and labeled with precision that she just about has to be perfect for this world or she feels worthless"

    for real?

    since when is is NOT okay to just be a mom?

    do you ever hear your 13 year old daughter say: "I can't wait to be a Mom!"

    well, if not, that could be because the amount of pressure that it takes to just be "totally amazing" according to what her mom might be pursuing could be the reason...

    we, as mothers, should be a little less preoccupied with being perfect for this world, and instead think about being perfect for Him

    that means, every single thing you do should be a decision of getting you to heaven

    every. single. thing.

    ask yourself before making any decision (and no, I don't mean should I wear the red sweater type of decision) "is this leading me towards being a saint?"

    I think it's about time we get over ourselves

    we aren't great

    we aren't fantastic/amazing/magnificent

    get over yourself

    we are created in His image... but we sure muck it up with all the world don't we?

    the only reason you are able to cook that amazing meal is because He gave you that gift — so thank Him

    the only reason you are able to live in your house is because He gave you that gift — so thank Him

    the only reason you are able to embrace your children is because He gave you those gifts — so thank Him

    the only reason you are suffering inside, is because you are refusing to give Him thanks in good and bad, in gifts of both sacrifice and joy

    which brings us back to being submissive... being humble... the word humility comes from the Latin word humilitas

    humilitas is derived from the word humus... which means the earth

    humility it truth... because it shows the truth about ourselves

    is it hard to just be a mom? do you see other women/moms succeeding in their own business or even just succeeding in their decorating?? blogging???

    not only is that jealousy, but it is surely not being humble

    the depth of your faith = the depth of your humility

    *oh boy*

    that one made me stop in my tracks when that came to mind... how often I fall and how often I have to get back up

    i am working from the ground up... from humus to heaven

  • simple gratitude letter...

    simple gratitude letter...

    When we were children we were grateful to those who filled our stockings at Christmas time. Why are we not grateful to God for filling our stockings with legs? ~G.K. Chesterton

    what G.K.Chesterton told me through this quote was that gratitude is simple and comes from the most basic needs of this life... how I need to remind myself of this fact daily... that the most basic needs are what we need to thank God for even legs
    or in my kitchen... peppers

    As I am stringing up the last of the peppers that we covered under our makeshift frost protector, I can't help but look at all the colors and variety now hanging down like jewels from our kitchen windows...
    out the window it certainly looks like winter with branches bare, but as the trees loose their leaves and fall to the ground to blanket and help protect the flower beds below with their natural mulch: gratitude is there
    gratitude is there in the morning with cutting boards waiting at the ready

    gratitude is there with a clean kitchen and my tea kettle whistling

    as Chesterton again had said: "Gratitude is the mother of all the virtues." from gratitude... it all starts... all other things flow... and all this week will be a self-enhancing inward journey for myself to find more and more gratitude amongst my life here on the farm...

    in order to say 'thank you' properly, we have to first slow down and figure out how we would like to thank our Creator... for our life...
    let's start with a thank you letter...
    there is too much going on in my head at most times, but if I slow down and take out some writing paper (nothing fancy), I can begin to open up my mind to take in all that is going on... start the process of gratitude
    today I will be starting that letter to Him
    advent is right around the corner and I want to be fully prepared for the feast!! a lot to plan, yes, but if I break it up into small bits (starting with a thank you letter), more grace... more joy will follow
    peace + blessings,

  • being aware...

    being aware of the truth

    embracing the truth the truth of why i am here

    i am not here to rally for one candidate or endorse his agendas

    i am not here to stick up those signs and bite my nails in anticipation

    i have never been that involved in politics... which doesn't mean i don't care

    i care deeply for six little ones and the lives they will have ahead

    i care for those unborn in their mother's womb who don't have a voice
    i care for the ability for me to worship the way i want

    being aware of my freedom couldn't be more evident than today

    my hope does not come from a man

    though i could go on and on... all of it is basically complaints at this point for those who were not aware of the truth, who decidedly kept themselves blinded to the truth, and who continue to deny the truth

    only Jesus said He was the truth

    Pontius Pilate asked the question to Jesus: “what is truth” it turned out that Pontius was staring The Truth right in the face and didn’t even know it

    i am not in the corner being attacked, but am standing up with both feet firmly on the ground


    i am aware of the dangers

    i am aware of the battle
    my hope does not come from a man, but from Him alone...

  • letting someone else take control...

    letting someone else take control...

    how often I am in a constant state of control
    my faith humbles me to the point of exhausting all resources within me and I seem to malfunction rather quickly

    shut down

    letting someone else take control... = what's for breakfast = how we garden = plans for the day = how to sort the laundry = what we'll pray on as a family
    all this responsibility (and obviously much more than what I revealed) can be heavy upon my shoulders... but never a burden... just heavy... and sometimes too heavy where I seem to be crushed
    like a dog with it's head out the window, the exhilarating feeling of being in a car, windows down, is freeing
    maybe I'm saying that because I seriously don't get out that much... but that could just be my saving grace... the more I get out, the more I want out... but the more I pray... the more I want to pray
    pushing the door open to the garden gate to go back up to the house, I looked back and my eyes saw my husband watering our newly planted asparagus patch, son was weeding, girl was swinging... big kids were at the last day of a Church retreat... the baby wiggled under my chin and the Holy Spirit rushed passed me as the wind feels with the windows down... the objects of my affection were closer than they appear
    I started walking up the gravel path, my flip flops flipping on my heels, but my feet weren't touching the ground. My spirit was soaring with amazement — not being able to fully realize what was happening -
    I parked myself upon the comfy cushy chair on the deck and held my baby close and nourished him physically. Completely letting the moment sink upon me.
    = We are letting our life here be led by something stronger than our hands = The seasons and changes in weather guide our chores, duties, responsibilities
    I am not in control, just along for the ride... and it's a gorgeous view

  • being void... and that's okay

    being void... and that's okay

    the pressure is there to constantly "be in the moment"
    { to experience everything
    { to taste it
    { to feel it
    { smell it
    { hear it
    { to see... and touch it...

    the wipers noisily squeaked right left... right left... the car eerily quiet though all but Jason was with me... no music — just the hum of the wheels upon the highway and the now annoyingly squeaking noise of the wipers...
    the wipers were turned on before the funeral... when the air was thick with dew and mist from the heat of the ground mingled with the complete chill in the air that seemed to creep through the marrow of my bones to reach the part of my soul that has been void
    parking almost 3 blocks from the entrance to the old brick cathedral for Mass... a Requiem Mass... a Mass for a woman... a Mass in honor of a woman... a Mass to connect heaven and earth... a place to connect me to God... to fill that void
    a valid word but an invalid feeling
    nothing black to mourn her loss than the boots that I have been trying to replace for the past two months and the circles under my eyes
    a crying child in the arms of a familiar face of a mother I knew before stops me as I gaze into the standing room of the Mass ive amount of people in the cathedral... thoughts of reassurance not this many people even know me crash through my head as I try to listen to her tell me "there is a few pews... in the very front"
    sending my 14 year old son to the front with instructions to look back at me with a slight nod to tell me to venture up to the front with five of his siblings... I can only think of praying to the good Lord to keep the baby quiet and my three old well behaved as I notice the pew open is right behind the pall bearers... a knot settles into my throat as I see Eileen covered in a black clothe hand embroidered by nuns and two foot candles lit and reaching towards the sky... not hearing any noises except that crying child from the familiar face in the back of the church now sounding like a mile away
    I know Mark is sitting on the left hand side... Mary's side of the church for us, but from God's perspective to the right... the right side of the church where sorrow lays still
    Gregorian chant fills the space and enters up with the incense to encompass that moment... that void starts to fill with more sights and sounds of the Mass... of knowing God is here... truly present... just like Eileen... present under the veil while she sees Him... her veil has lifted... her void is gone... all of her senses are useless... i realize so are mine and everyone else... how alike we all are...
    we search out our lives trying to find completeness... to "feel" complete... when in order to do so we must empty ourselves to be united with eachother...
    regardless of where I was Tuesday, you were somewhere else wherever I was in 1983, you were somewhere else you are somewhere else, and I am here
    here truly present wanting to join with others... the mass becoming the Mass

    flocking together and not caring for things of this world... knowing we will be provided for

    and that's more than okay

    rest in peace knowing you are not alone rest in peace seeing... hearing... tasting the M ass
    being on the right side chanting like everyone else

    it's okay
    no need to worry

    peace + blessings to all... especially to Eileen's friends and family,
    our deepest sorrow...

    to help fight the battle of cancer, please visit here

  • discernment


    there are times when we find ourselves upon unfamiliar ground

    it's not unpleasant... just different and foreign to us

    we quite possibly have been there before, but for God's reasons alone, He has placed us there

    it's a funny thing how others can see us upon it, but we are 'in our own world' just trying to figure out what to do

    we might fight it... because it is bigger than us

    to truly understand that it is bigger and stronger than we are takes discernment

    at that could very well be jumping down back where we are comfortable... but we will never look upon that time in our life the same... that we will grow from it... become acutely aware of whatever it is that the Almighty wants us to be aware of

    finding the discernment in what God is speaking to us truly means we need to remove ourselves from this world

    it doesn't take a lot of talk

    it takes a lot of prayer and understanding

    where do we get this understanding? who are we to know what is right and what is wrong?

    deep prayer yes... well, maybe... but knowledge is far greater

    come to know and understand what is most important in your life

    through reading, quiet thoughts and living a virtuous life

    we might not always land on our feet through times like these, but we heal and get toughened by it... and that's a good thing... a thing to rejoice in...

  • "meet me for a pretty picnic... "

    gathering together for no other special reason except wanting to be outdoors... and with friends

    that is what a picnic is all about

    a favorite basket... something to lay down on the ground as soft as your surroundings... a frosted cake of pretty sweetness all gathered together just down the lane or even in your backyard under the flowering pear tree...

    for an intimate party

    a picnic

    a pretty picnic...

    meet me on Monday afternoon, right here

    "meet me for a pretty picnic"

    xo + pretty picnic blessings,