Souvenirs [Search results for challenge

  • project positive...

    project positive...

    a new experience

    a new way of thinking

    a movement

    a new concept

    no, actually, none of the above...

    this is a personal choice that we are doing as a family

    our personal choice to look upon life with simplicity and positivity

    no complaining or uttering negativity

    what started as something for me, has been taken to by Jason... and now the kids

    I didn't force anything upon them... they saw the changes... they noted the difference... however slight it was

    when you are raising six children in a traditional atmosphere, while so many others are, well, 'not', one might start to think they 'should' do more

    there are so many things I do not share in my online journal... like complaints

    everyone's life is deep... mine is ever so deep and sometimes I myself get caught down in that 'abyss'

    there are times when I just need to step back and make sure I am keeping my life simple...

    and simplicity to me is keeping my eyes wide open and noticing all the political 'goo' and the world's disasters and all of that... I am not blind to the restrictions our government seems to be pushing upon us... I know all about all of that, but keeping positive as much as I possibly can

    so did Christ

    now, think of that for just a bit... when Christ was alive and his heart was beating upon this Earth within His body... His eyes saw so much that was not good... His hands helped so very many who needed help... his feet walked and led others towards only a positive way of thinking... of being...

    connecting the true person of who Christ was into our daily lives can be quite challenging... after all, it was over 2,000 years ago... but Christ was born, was walking around, preached, and lived amongst others

    the light He brought forth was exactly that... light

    not darkness and oppression

    not hatred and judgment

    but He brought light upon the darkness... and still does

    being positive at all times He was

    even when casting out the merchants in God's house; he showed them by force but to a good... not to focus on money

    Life and Money gets in the way of positivity I see

    you want to live your life free... with unabashed creativity to do what you want... free...

    our society has taught that you need to feel joy and happiness when you are successful... have money to do the things you want... and blogging is not helping with this situation...

    every blog you go to you sit at your chair behind the computer screen and choose to judge or to accept

    Christ accepted everyone for who they were... 'forgive them Father, for they know not what they do'
    seperating the sin from the sinner

    even the people who just tortured and murdered Him he forgave

    so that is exactly what will lead me... or lead you... to positivity

    forgiving yourself for any wrong doing you did... if you need to go to confession: go

    if you need to tell God sorry; do

    don't wait another moment to start this project positive

    it is a challenge... and it's up to you to think if it is a hard challenge or a fun challenge... catch yourself even to stop thinking of negativity... no matter what

    for some of you who are experiencing some very trying times... dealing with the death of someone you love... dealing with cancer... or some serious life altering situation, I know that being positive is difficult at this time... it takes small steps for some and big steps for others

    definitely make some time to thank God for the certain blessings you do have — and make sure to get on your knees in adoration and thanks every evening

    you heard me
    on your knees

    when is the last time your kids 'caught' you in prayer by your bedside on your knees? when is the last time you 'caught' them by their bedside on their knees? kneeling in adoration humbles who you are and exalts Who is worthy of adoration

    this challenge takes nothing more but the will to do it...
    free will

    if you are reading blogs that you get jealous of: stop being negative towards them... this is not healthy... you don't want to be judgmental any longer... you want to be happy for them in their success or failures whether they have 45 followers or 4,500 followers

    what is important in life is very misconstrued here on the net... or can be... if you are looking at it with negativity

    think positive

    think project positive

    I know you can do it... if I can do it...

    xo + positive blessings,

  • a quiet challenge I...

    a quiet challenge I...

    utter not a word of negativity today

    that includes yourself

    if you catch yourself even thinking something negative I want you to think of one simple image

    a heart

    from now until Saint Valentine's Day — increase this love within yourself

    (yes, let's call this a challenge)

    to love yourself more

    I've been caught in the midst of mothering these six children of ours, and truly, have not taken much time out for myself... I have this problem see, of thinking I am not worth the time, that there is something ultimately more important to do... and I'm not "a shopper"... or go to the gym... or something outside the home

    I truly am home about 90% of the time... by choice...
    I'm embracing my vocation as wife first, mother second — they both equally have their time upon me
    but I don't want to end any day for which negativity has swallowed it up... I refuse!!
    I want to increase the love within myself for myself, in order for me to give it more freely to others
    so I am challenging myself, and you can join me...

    you don't have to tell a single soul... actually... I would highly recommend not telling anyone... not even your husband/boyfriend/spouse... this is a secret challenge that will totally change the way you think of who you are and those around you... creating a tidal wive ( A TIDAL WAVE) of love
    no more negativity... try it onto every aspect of your existence: instead of: "I can't believe 'so and so' did that with her living room! so hokey" try: say nothing at all instead of: "why can't I go to New York for Vogue Knitting but so and so can" try: I am going to the store to buy myself a really great knitting book and save up for next year's Vogue Knitting instead of: "she really has to do something about those age spots on her face" try: she is such a wonderful soul instead of: "she's always so happy... it's quite ridiculous" try: what an example to become! instead of: "can you believe that way that person dressed in church?" try: focus on Our Lord — He is what matters
    quietly be submissive to the negativity and you will overcome with such joy! fill yourself with this love!!!


  • thought 3 and stop number 9...

    thought 3 and stop number 9...

    thought 3: Challenge
    Challenging myself to face the truth... that tomorrow will come more quickly than I would like...

    that no matter what others might say or I myself choose to think, I need to follow my dreams... my passions...

    to challenge myself to be myself! imagine that... to actually just pursue what my heart leads me to do

    this is a very... very... tough thing for me to do

    within this little four-square farmhouse are 8 people — six of whom I am totally and completely responsible for

    the oldest is only 14, and I tell you what, he needs just as much care as our son who is turning 4 today!

    to challenge myself to not feel guilty I am working on something (for all of you)... because it is really what my passion lies... within our farmhouse... within our family... embracing God and His nature

    I sit up straighter

    my thoughts are positive

    my heart is overwhelmed with excitement, joy, and love...

    simple thoughts = simple joy

    my thoughts today center on choosing the simplistic joy of Christmas... and going forth with a project I've been working really hard on... and so has my husband...

    tomorrow we'll be sharing what Jason and I have been working on

    I hope you all are able to come back tomorrow so that all of us here at the farm can share with you something very special...

    tomorrow we will sharing images of the inside of our simplistic farmhouse here's a sneak peek:

    see you TOMORROW!

  • what is Bohemian style?

    what is Bohemian style?

    I received an email this morning that got me thinking about my Bohemia roots...

    the rich colors of Hungarian needlework at a market... picture source unknown as 'family legend' has it: some of my ancestors were so poor that they had dirt floors and when someone would come to visit, a design was drawn into the freshly combed dirt floor with a special type of broom

    My family isn't a big family on that Hungarian/Transylvania/Bohemia side, but I do know that some of them were in fact gypsies...

    my Hungarian grandfather with his team of work horses he plowed the fields with

    my Grandfather today... he just turned 94 on Easter Sunday... and still in the garden Bohemia style to me is a free expression of the wild and rugged countryside of Europe cuddled with gentle touches from exotic travelers that passed through that region 

    my Hungarian grandmother with flowers in her hair... both are more absolute FAVORITE pictures of them (of course, the family doesn't have any pictures of the gypsies... I wish!)
    I chose Bohemian Italy — which could be hard to figure out — for the event, because to me, both Italy and Bohemia are so rich with culture and surprise and texture and intrigue... and I do like a challenge...
    Blending Italy and Bohemian style has been so much fun!! Muted colors with blasts of color here and there
    I am so excited for the event, and to see all of you again who came before and meet new people too... and in the true gypsy style, ALL bloggers are welcome to come to the new BLOGGER TENT!!

    image via tumblr (please forgive me for not knowing the source... if you know, let me know)... I love this image! It will be a special place just for all you bloggers... to meet... mingle... have some champagne...
    and have a great time meeting new BLOGGERS
    If you are coming, let me know and I'll add you to my sidebar of 'who's coming'
    for those of you not coming, I so wish you could...
    and as you can just imagine, but life is pretty much consumed with my sweet baby Daniel and this upcoming event...
    Have a great day!!