utter not a word of negativity today
that includes yourself
if you catch yourself even thinking something negative I want you to think of one simple image
a heart
from now until Saint Valentine's Day — increase this love within yourself
(yes, let's call this a challenge)
to love yourself more
I've been caught in the midst of mothering these six children of ours, and truly, have not taken much time out for myself... I have this problem see, of thinking I am not worth the time, that there is something ultimately more important to do... and I'm not "a shopper"... or go to the gym... or something outside the home

I truly am home about 90% of the time... by choice...
I'm embracing my vocation as wife first, mother second — they both equally have their time upon me
but I don't want to end any day for which negativity has swallowed it up... I refuse!!
I want to increase the love within myself for myself, in order for me to give it more freely to others
so I am challenging myself, and you can join me...

you don't have to tell a single soul... actually... I would highly recommend not telling anyone... not even your husband/boyfriend/spouse... this is a secret challenge that will totally change the way you think of who you are and those around you... creating a tidal wive ( A TIDAL WAVE) of love
no more negativity... try it onto every aspect of your existence: instead of: "I can't believe 'so and so' did that with her living room! so hokey" try: say nothing at all instead of: "why can't I go to New York for Vogue Knitting but so and so can" try: I am going to the store to buy myself a really great knitting book and save up for next year's Vogue Knitting instead of: "she really has to do something about those age spots on her face" try: she is such a wonderful soul instead of: "she's always so happy... it's quite ridiculous" try: what an example to become! instead of: "can you believe that way that person dressed in church?" try: focus on Our Lord — He is what matters
quietly be submissive to the negativity and you will overcome with such joy! fill yourself with this love!!!
