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  • simple gratitude letter...

    simple gratitude letter...

    When we were children we were grateful to those who filled our stockings at Christmas time. Why are we not grateful to God for filling our stockings with legs? ~G.K. Chesterton

    what G.K.Chesterton told me through this quote was that gratitude is simple and comes from the most basic needs of this life... how I need to remind myself of this fact daily... that the most basic needs are what we need to thank God for even legs
    or in my kitchen... peppers

    As I am stringing up the last of the peppers that we covered under our makeshift frost protector, I can't help but look at all the colors and variety now hanging down like jewels from our kitchen windows...
    out the window it certainly looks like winter with branches bare, but as the trees loose their leaves and fall to the ground to blanket and help protect the flower beds below with their natural mulch: gratitude is there
    gratitude is there in the morning with cutting boards waiting at the ready

    gratitude is there with a clean kitchen and my tea kettle whistling

    as Chesterton again had said: "Gratitude is the mother of all the virtues." from gratitude... it all starts... all other things flow... and all this week will be a self-enhancing inward journey for myself to find more and more gratitude amongst my life here on the farm...

    in order to say 'thank you' properly, we have to first slow down and figure out how we would like to thank our Creator... for our life...
    let's start with a thank you letter...
    there is too much going on in my head at most times, but if I slow down and take out some writing paper (nothing fancy), I can begin to open up my mind to take in all that is going on... start the process of gratitude
    today I will be starting that letter to Him
    advent is right around the corner and I want to be fully prepared for the feast!! a lot to plan, yes, but if I break it up into small bits (starting with a thank you letter), more grace... more joy will follow
    peace + blessings,

  • art for his grandpa

    art for his grandpa

    we were getting ready to go visit my dad in the hospital

    "little W" was drawing, and i couldn't resist capturing that moment

    he said "mama... how do you spell grandpa?"

    i said "g... "
    waited until he asked the next letter, only nothing came...

    he is only four, so he was following his older siblings sometimes when they ask me how to spell things...

    it was just so cute, i wanted to share it...

    and i love how it says 'grapu' (which i am assuming means 'grandpa')

    i asked him what he was drawing and he says "i am flying into space with grandpa... look at my wings!"

    of course, that's what you need to fly into space...

    peace + family blessings,

  • dear soul,

    dear soul,

    indecision can overwhelm you like a swarm of bees you can say your fine, like reading a newspaper (does anyone do that anymore?)
    pack up your things and get ready to go somewhere do something with this life of yours
    all these 37 years I have been using my mind when I now am ready to use my soul see through my soul be forever connected with the Maker of my soul
    I am ready to fly
    in anticipation going to the mailbox to find a sweet letter of thanks from a friend across the miles the anticipation grows
    my eyes notice the details and heart that went into the packaging the creativeness from one soul to another ready to go (you know who you are sweet Texas)

    told myself that what is practical is fine ordinary is what is normal
    when my world shakes a bit all from my instability it's not a place where I will fall

    I am ready to fly
    what I thought was shaking knees, is just preparation to get up and go
    more strength for each passing day it happens quickly for others, but this timid soul hasn't been ready until now
    here I go

    do you want to join me?

    xo+blessings to you,