Souvenirs [Search results for basically amazing

  • first aid in the wilderness...

    after shopping for moccasins when i returned home and plans to erect a tepee in the prairie are emerging, it is no wonder to me

    nothing shocking

    it's like a natural progression for someone who just lived inside (basically a tepee) tent for nearly 3 weeks in the wild amongst bears

    and that is not an exaggeration

    funny thing about telling people about my journey across America

    they want to know things like "how was it with all those kids?" "didn't you go insane?" "were you afraid of bears?" "I bet you were glad you got home"

    the bear 'thing' did scare me a bit... i would be lying if i said it didn't...

    when you pull up to a campsite, hike your gear into the woods to erect your tent near streams and a lake with no one else around and signs on the outhouse and entrance to that area saying "bear sightings are frequent" and it states you can't even have water or lip balm in your possession you bet the tingles up and down my spine are jittery

    when you survive the first night there without being malled and you arise to see no one else in your family has been attacked, you get this inner strength from God saying "fear not" and then like an native American healer the overwhelming sense of the woods surrounding you speaking in tree and stream whispering "i come in peace"

    peace was found in those woods... and if more people would take the time to listen to themselves they would realize they could learn a thing or two about nature's God's calling saying "i come in peace"

    and this amazing journey it could not have been so profound if it wasn't for jason

    our love grew on this journey


    he drove and i listened to every bit of what was around me, in me, out of me and surrounded me

    this trip across America was like that great paul simon vinyl record i have

    if you know me, or take the time to know me, you will already know i have a passion and respect for native american history and music... and hearing one of my favorites, first aid kit, sing America is super special and deeply sentimental of jason and my time together journeying ourselves across this amazing country

    all of us are looking for our america... our freedom... our peace...

    enjoy the journey to find your america

    peace + blessings,

    a special and most sincere thank you to bryanne

  • the other part of the room switch...

    the other part of the room switch...

    when I recently switched the dining and living rooms, the 'new' dining room had been sorely forgotten with creating a space to reflect the season/farm/us

    friends of ours were having a garage sale... a nearby farm... and this little $35 table was just what this room needed

    she even gave the kids and me free pumpkins... thanks Mary!
    {{ a bit of country

    {{ nests and gathered feathers from years on the farm

    (here's a funny tidbit of a story involving the non-coincidence of our "campers": our friends John and Mary came by about a week ago to drop off the flyer of their garage sale they were having because Jason forgot to tell me the details — and that very day, the male "camper" that is here found out that he needed to get a new crankshaft... their engine is literally out of their truck... the whole thing... and John is a mechanist... he has a barn dedicated to this purpose... he fixes up vintage cars for a living... a shop to make any car lover drool... so their engine is now residing on another farm while they live in our barn in their camper — where it is warm and he can clean his tools and parts of the engine... basically... if John and Mary hadn't come over to give me that flyer, we might have totally forgot that he would be able to re-work the engine for the campers and order the necessary parts... isn't that just so amazing??)

    truth be told... it's been a rough few weeks... (nothing to do with our new camper friends here)

    gone are the warm sunny mornings with busy hands in the garden... I am running on this lonely habit of preparing... preparing meals and more food in the potager... putting up swags and hay couches

    having the 'campers' here from Colorado for the past few weeks, with her being a spry 26 year old, I understand even more these miles and years that have separated me from my youth... oh good gravy... like I'm old or something? no, i know that i am not old... but i can't help but feel my bones more... the shape of my hands — the wrinkles on my face — the heart hurting from a recent blow of betrayal... all of these things have shaped the last two weeks since the sale and by gosh did i need to decorate and make things fresh

    here's two of my pumpkins now...

    changing up my surroundings makes me forget second guessing myself + my strength + my loves

    family... friends... feathers... finds from the farm
    (that's a lot of 'f''s)

    here's to a fabulous fall weekend... and enjoying that hot cup of coffee in the chilly mornings
    and another big thank you to all of you who have given me your sentiments about the farms through emails, letters in the mail and sharing your photographs... we had such a great time with you all here!!

    peace + blessings,