Portfolio of Passions

  • all i want to throw away are chicken bones...

    all i want to throw away are chicken bones...

    spending the weekend at my grandparent's home, he at 95 and her at 92, we recorded stories with our video camera of his time in the war... how he started a car with a blow torch...
    hilarious, inspiring, humbling...

    they laugh A LOT and i love them for that and all they taught me and still do...
    here our society thinks we are so progressive with 'eco-friendly' this and that

    no way
    after listening to my grandma talk to me about her life on the farm, the only thing they threw away were chicken bones
    even at that, throwing away meant burying them
    they would dig trenches in their garden (my mom does this still) and throw away the chicken bones or fish bones... buried in the garden to decompose and add nutrients to the soil


    they would go to the store for only flour, sugar, coffee and salt

    it really made me think if i could do that — it would literally be a life changing endeavour
    Jason can't live without peanut butter or coffee, so I could just keep using my organic co-op in DeKalb for my peanut butter ( you use the same container — fill up, go home)

    • i'd utilize my farmer's markets a whole lot more
    • cook only fresh
    • no more store bought anything in a package except the flour/sugar/coffee/salt
    can you imagine the amount of work I would be doing for myself??

    humbling yes, inspiring: most definitely

    i keep asking myself "if she can do it, why can't i?"
    Jason and I talked of this all the way home, and here's what we have decided...
    that I need to start small and gradually work my way to only throwing away chicken bones in the trench in the garden

    getting a few hogs = yes

    getting a hoop house = yes

    getting a milking goat or cow = yes

    we have big plans, which means we most likely will either do all three or nothing... Jason is an 'all or nothing' type of guy (and i love him for that)

    (they even plant where they usually plant annuals... they are no dummies!)
    please note: if anyone in my area has pasture raised hogs for sale now, a hoop house (or know of where to get a very nice one), or a milking Nubian goat or jersey cow, please relax.

    xo+self sustainable blessings,

  • what is Anne Marie thinking...

    what is Anne Marie thinking...

    yes, about the baby due in a few short weeks... but honestly, this May Event is really the best thing that could be for me right now... a blessing if you will...

    My Hungarian roots are colorized by the true gypsy blood that runs through my veins...

    photo credit: gypsy purplestories of dirt floor huts, and brushing the dirt with a special rake to make patterns in the floor when company comes to visit... seriously...
    no joke!! I am from Gypsy Blood (I know what you are thinking... "oooohhhh... that explains it!) lol
    you have no idea how badly I want to make a gypsy hut of my own...
    or at least bring in more textures and colors into my home decor...
    so I'm trying...
    I just bought 2 pink chairs for my living room — PINK! (do you think my gypsy soul is telling me it's a girl?) 
    Our home is pretty 'prairie farmhouse', but I came up with a new one that I really like: "PRAIRIE GYPSY"
    that's me!

    photo credit: Tobias Harvey

    but I tend to crave solitude colors as well... and would love to spruce up the corn crib like this: 

    photo credit: Virginia McDonald see? didn't I tell you I was random?
    thoughts are like that when you just had a braxton/hicks contraction and some sugared treats with milk (craving)
    I tend to dress the same way... sometimes pure linen with simple drop earrings... or a classic long denim skirt with a t-shirt top and funky hat or head scarf
    it never is the same
    and neither should my "decorating"
    I am no decorator... not one bit do I think so, but I do like expressing myself around my home with sometimes new furniture, new drapes I made, or a simple throw

    and don't you worry! I am still focused on that master bedroom!!
    inspiration via linenandlavender.blogspot


    just on about 20 different things right now


Random for work: