we first stand with our feet firmly planted
we master that... get good at just standing... firm... strong... confident...
we get comfortable with just standing and know others will help us when we fall
or encourage us to get back up
all of a sudden
we take that first step...
it surprises even us
balancing the rest of our self to just keep moving
a bit shaky, the excitement and encouragement from others helps us move
no matter where we are, there is always Someone who is helping us
even if we can't see Him, and no one else is there helping us get up
He shines His love upon each and everyone one of us and encourages us just with that light... to keep going... don't give up now... keep focused... love the steps along the way... enjoy the scenery amongst us... keep strong... do not for any reason give up
being there to for someone else
letting them know you understand
you've been there
we have all been there
none of us knows what it is like to exactly be that other person, but all of us know the struggles of life in our own unique ways and how we can do it
do it together through love and understanding patience and strength
our little Daniel now walks on his own
a very very emotional time for his mama...
the safety within my arms is now reaching out to him
it was him reaching out to me
i now follow him and watch him and shine my light for his path in life as he walks on his own
the rest of my living days and then thereafter
xo + blessings,