do you guys understand the seriousness of this??
we as women (sorry guys)
we have this incredible job! this is not something we should be taking lightly...
give it your all

I mean your all!!! even the sunrise does it's best to lighten up the day...
you only have one chance to do this life... who is with me??? to grab this freedom and the hems of our skirts and proclaim that we are women
women who love who care who pray
who do the chores who teach who feed the ones we love who keep traditions and sing louder than any Adele (at least in the car with the radio blasting) who keep the faith and share it through pies and tears and fears and joy

what I give to you today is all that I am... and though I feel completely overwhelmed and utterly exhausted right now, knowing that you are alive like me in this world as a woman spurs me on to make me a better person...
we are truly blessed to be women!!

God bless you all so very much for taking the time to be here with me... these past four years have been such amazing years and I can't wait to see what the next four will be like...
xo + blessings,