I am my own worst critic
when someone needs my forgiveness, it is much more easily given to others than to myself

forgiveness in others... how are we to do this over and over again...
like when your voice is off key while singing in the choir... or you took the liberty to add something in when not specified by the other... it's humility... and it's hard to choke down... like a sprig of basil instead of it chiffonade
when I 'mess up' doing whatever it might be, I always feel so terrible — I stop playing music, sit in silence and try to figure out how I can make things right... whether it's a small little something or a big mistake
how does one get out of this? grovel

not bowing down in front of the person with your face in submission, but to yourself... knowing that yup, you did something wrong, accept it... learn from it... move on
peace + blessings,