Jason and I have been wanting to share with you something very special here on the farm...

The bees are actually Jason's babies He's been out in that prairie every day taking care of them — making sure they are busy enough, happy and healthy

they sure are!
This past weekend we extracted honey from two of the hives we have.
The bees have graced us with over a 6lb. bucket of honey the first extraction!!!
They are getting bottled up and ready for the shop.
Organic, from our Prairie:
na.da.farm Pure Prairie Honey ---------------------------------------- — here's a bit of the label... If interested in pre-ordering, you can email me at: ndfmama@gmail.com Ilimited quantities of this super sweet honey!!
There is so much to talk about with these amazing humming little wonders — ~more on that soon & more pictures soon!!~
For right now, we have so much work to do! and it's sweet!!
A special thanks to our good friend Traci Thorson for photographing Jason with the bees!! Thank you Traci!!!
Have a great weekend!